def trialbytrial_drive( mouse, trace_type='zscore_day', method='ncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, word='tray', group_by='all2', nan_thresh=0.85, score_threshold=0.8, drive_type='visual'): """ Create a cells x trials array that contains the log inverse p-values of each trial compared to the distributions of the baseline response for each cell. Stats us a two tailed KS test. This is a wrapped function so that a flow Mouse object is correctly passed to the memoizer and MongoDB database. """ drive_mat = trialbytrial_drive_sub( flow.Mouse(mouse=mouse), trace_type=trace_type, method=method, cs=cs, warp=warp, word=word, group_by=group_by, nan_thresh=nan_thresh, score_threshold=score_threshold, drive_type=drive_type) return drive_mat
def run_psytrack(mouse, pars=pars_simp_th, include_pavlovian=False): """ Simple function for running psytrack behavioral model on a single mouse """ # upadate parameters to reflect pavlovian kwarg pars['include_pavlovian'] = include_pavlovian psy = flow.Mouse(mouse=mi).psytracker(verbose=True, force=force, pars=pars) return psy
def groupmouse_fit_disengaged_sated_mean_per_comp( mice=['OA27', 'OA26', 'OA67', 'VF226', 'CC175'], trace_type='zscore_day', method='mncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, words=['orlando', 'already', 'already', 'already', 'already'], group_by='all', nan_thresh=0.85, score_threshold=None, random_state=None, init='rand', rank=18, verbose=False): """ Wrapper function for fit_disengaged_sated_mean_per_comp. Gets a dataframe of all mice. """ mouse_list = [] for m, w in zip(mice, words): mouse = flow.Mouse(mouse=m) mouse_list.append( fit_disengaged_sated_mean_per_comp(mouse, word=w, rank=rank, nan_thresh=nan_thresh, score_threshold=score_threshold, method=method, cs=cs, warp=warp, group_by=group_by, trace_type=trace_type, random_state=random_state, init=init, verbose=verbose)) dfmouse = pd.concat(mouse_list, axis=0) return dfmouse
def is_center_of_mass_visual(mouse, trace_type='zscore_day', method='mncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, word='restaurant', group_by='all', nan_thresh=0.85, score_threshold=0.8, rank_num=15): """ Check if the center of mass of your temporal factors is beyond the offset of the visual stimulus. """ # load your data cm_kwargs = { 'mouse': flow.Mouse(mouse=mouse), 'method': method, 'cs': cs, 'warp': warp, 'word': word, 'group_by': group_by, 'nan_thresh': nan_thresh, 'score_threshold': score_threshold, 'rank_num': rank_num } cm_df = center_of_mass_tempofac(**cm_kwargs) # set the stimulus offset time (stimulus length + baseline length) if mouse in ['OA32', 'OA34', 'OA37', 'OA36', 'CB173', 'AS20', 'AS41']: off_time = 2 + 1 # add 1 for the second before stimulus onset else: off_time = 3 + 1 return cm_df['center_of_mass'].values <= 15 * off_time
def varex_norm_bycomp_byday(mouse, trace_type='zscore_day', method='mncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, word='orlando', group_by='all', nan_thresh=0.85, rank_num=18, rectified=True, verbose=False): # necessary parameters for determining type of analysis pars = {'trace_type': trace_type, 'cs': cs, 'warp': warp} group_pars = {'group_by': group_by} # save dir # if cells were removed with too many nan trials if nan_thresh: nt_tag = '_nantrial' + str(nan_thresh) nt_save_tag = ' nantrial ' + str(nan_thresh) else: nt_tag = '' nt_save_tag = '' # save tag for rectification if rectified: r_tag = ' rectified' r_save_tag = '_rectified' else: r_tag = '' r_save_tag = '' save_dir = paths.tca_plots(mouse, 'group', pars=pars, word=word, group_pars=group_pars) save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'varex' + nt_save_tag + r_tag) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'byday_bycomp') if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) var_path = os.path.join( save_dir, str(mouse) + '_rank' + str(rank_num) + '_norm_varex_by_day' + r_save_tag + nt_save_tag + '.pdf') # load dir load_dir = paths.tca_path(mouse, 'group', pars=pars, word=word, group_pars=group_pars) tensor_path = os.path.join( load_dir, str(mouse) + '_' + str(group_by) + nt_tag + '_group_decomp_' + str(trace_type) + '.npy') input_tensor_path = os.path.join( load_dir, str(mouse) + '_' + str(group_by) + nt_tag + '_group_tensor_' + str(trace_type) + '.npy') ids_tensor_path = os.path.join( load_dir, str(mouse) + '_' + str(group_by) + nt_tag + '_group_ids_' + str(trace_type) + '.npy') meta_path = os.path.join( load_dir, str(mouse) + '_' + str(group_by) + nt_tag + '_df_group_meta.pkl') # load your data # ensemble = np.load(tensor_path) # ensemble = ensemble.item() # # re-balance your factors () # print('Re-balancing factors.') # for r in ensemble[method].results: # for i in range(len(ensemble[method].results[r])): # ensemble[method].results[r][i].factors.rebalance() # V = ensemble[method] # X = np.load(input_tensor_path) # meta = pd.read_pickle(meta_path) # meta = utils.update_naive_cs(meta) # orientation = meta.reset_index()['orientation'] # condition = meta.reset_index()['condition'] # speed = meta.reset_index()['speed'] # dates = meta.reset_index()['date'] # # time_in_trial = meta.reset_index()['trial_idx'] # # total_time = pd.DataFrame(data={'total_time': np.arange(len(time_in_trial))}, index=time_in_trial.index) # learning_state = meta['learning_state'] # trialerror = meta['trialerror'] # ids = np.load(ids_tensor_path) # create dataframe of dprime values # dprime_vec = [] # for date in dates: # date_obj = flow.Date(mouse, date=date) # dprime_vec.append(pool.calc.performance.dprime(date_obj)) # data = {'dprime': dprime_vec} # dprime = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=speed.index) # dprime = dprime['dprime'] # make indices match to meta test = calc.var.groupday_varex_byday_bycomp(flow.Mouse( mouse=mouse, exclude_tags=['bad']), word=word) test3 = calc.var.groupday_varex_byday(flow.Mouse(mouse=mouse, exclude_tags=['bad']), word=word) # test = cas.calc.var.groupday_varex_byday_bycomp(flow.Mouse(mouse='VF226'), word='already') # test3 = cas.calc.var.groupday_varex_byday(flow.Mouse(mouse='VF226'), word='already') R = rank_num comp_var_df = test.loc[test['rank'] == R, :] col_var = deepcopy(comp_var_df['variance_explained_tcamodel'].values) new_col_var = deepcopy(comp_var_df['variance_explained_tcamodel'].values) new_col_dates = deepcopy(comp_var_df['date'].values) daily_var_df = test3.loc[test3['rank'] == R, :] daily_var_lookup = deepcopy( daily_var_df['variance_explained_tcamodel'].values) for c, day in enumerate(np.unique(new_col_dates)): new_col_dates[new_col_dates == day] = c new_col_var[comp_var_df['date'].values == day] = ( col_var[comp_var_df['date'].values == day] / daily_var_lookup[daily_var_df['date'].values == day]) comp_var_df['norm_varex'] = new_col_var comp_var_df['day_num'] = new_col_dates g = sns.relplot(x="day_num", y="norm_varex", hue="component", data=comp_var_df.loc[(comp_var_df['day_num'] >= 0) & (comp_var_df['day_num'] <= 100), :], legend='full', kind='line', alpha=0.8, palette=sns.color_palette('muted', R), marker='o') plt.title(mouse + ': Fraction of total daily variance explained per component') plt.savefig(var_path, bbox_inches='tight')
def _splice_data_inputs(psydata, mouse, trace_type='zscore_day', method='mncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, word=None, group_by='all', nan_thresh=0.85, score_threshold=0.8, rank_num=18, verbose=True): """ Create dict used for fitting Pillow model. Main purpose of function is to align indices from Pillow and TCA since they often sub-select different trials. This forces Pillow 'y' and 'answer' to have same trials as TCA and uses TCA trial factors as 'inputs'. """ # default TCA params to use if not word: if mouse == 'OA27': word = 'tray' else: word = 'obligations' # should be updated to 'obligations' if verbose: print('Creating dataframe for ' + mouse + '-' + word) ms = flow.Mouse(mouse) psy = ms.psytracker(verbose=True) dateRuns =['dateRuns'] trialRuns =['runLength'] # create your trial indices per day and run trial_idx = [] for i in trialRuns: trial_idx.extend(range(i)) # get date and run vectors date_vec = [] run_vec = [] for c, i in enumerate(dateRuns): date_vec.extend([i[0]] * trialRuns[c]) run_vec.extend([i[1]] * trialRuns[c]) # create your data dict, transform from log odds to odds ratio data = {} for c, i in enumerate(psy.weight_labels): # adding multiplication step here with binary vector !!!!!! data[i] = np.exp(psy.fits[c, :]) * psy.inputs[:, c].T ori_0_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_0']] ori_135_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_135']] ori_270_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_270']] blank_in = [ 0 if i == 1 else 1 for i in np.sum((ori_0_in, ori_135_in, ori_270_in), axis=0) ] # loop through psy data create a binary vectors for trial history binary_cat = ['ori_0', 'ori_135', 'ori_270', 'prev_reward', 'prev_punish'] for cat in binary_cat: data[cat + '_th'] = [i[0] for i in['inputs'][cat]] data[cat + '_th_prev'] = [i[1] for i in['inputs'][cat]] # create a single list of orientations to match format of meta ori_order = [0, 135, 270, -1] data['orientation'] = [ ori_order[np.where(np.isin(i, 1))[0][0]] for i in zip(ori_0_in, ori_135_in, ori_270_in, blank_in) ] # create your index out of relevant variables index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [[mouse] * len(trial_idx), date_vec, run_vec, trial_idx], names=['mouse', 'date', 'run', 'trial_idx']) # make master dataframe dfr = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index) # load TCA data load_kwargs = { 'mouse': mouse, 'method': method, 'cs': cs, 'warp': warp, 'word': word, 'group_by': group_by, 'nan_thresh': nan_thresh, 'score_threshold': score_threshold, 'rank': rank_num } tensor, _, _ = load.groupday_tca_model(**load_kwargs) meta = load.groupday_tca_meta(**load_kwargs) # add in continuous dprime so psytracker data frame dp = pool.calc.psytrack.dprime(flow.Mouse(mouse)) dfr['dprime'] = dp # add in non continuous dprime to meta dataframe meta = utils.add_dprime_to_meta(meta) # filter out blank trials blank_trials_bool = (dfr['orientation'] >= 0) psy_df = dfr.loc[blank_trials_bool, :] # check that all runs have matched trial orientations new_psy_df_list = [] new_meta_df_list = [] drop_trials_bin = np.zeros((len(psy_df))) dates = meta.reset_index()['date'].unique() for d in dates: psy_day_bool = psy_df.reset_index()['date'].isin([d]).values meta_day_bool = meta.reset_index()['date'].isin([d]).values psy_day_df = psy_df.iloc[psy_day_bool, :] meta_day_df = meta.iloc[meta_day_bool, :] runs = meta_day_df.reset_index()['run'].unique() drop_pos_day = np.where(psy_day_bool)[0] for r in runs: psy_run_bool = psy_day_df.reset_index()['run'].isin([r]).values meta_run_bool = meta_day_df.reset_index()['run'].isin([r]).values psy_run_df = psy_day_df.iloc[psy_run_bool, :] meta_run_df = meta_day_df.iloc[meta_run_bool, :] psy_run_idx = psy_run_df.reset_index()['trial_idx'].values meta_run_idx = meta_run_df.reset_index()['trial_idx'].values # drop extra trials from trace2P that don't have associated imaging max_trials = np.min([len(psy_run_idx), len(meta_run_idx)]) # get just your orientations for checking that trials are matched meta_ori = meta_run_df['orientation'].iloc[:max_trials] psy_ori = psy_run_df['orientation'].iloc[:max_trials] # make sure all oris match between vectors of the same length each day assert np.all(psy_ori.values == meta_ori.values) # check which trials are dropped drop_pos_run = drop_pos_day[psy_run_bool][:max_trials] drop_trials_bin[drop_pos_run] = 1 # if everything looks good, copy meta index into psy meta_new = meta_run_df.iloc[:max_trials] psy_new = psy_run_df.iloc[:max_trials] data = {} for i in psy_new.columns: data[i] = psy_new[i].values new_psy_df_list.append( pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=meta_new.index)) new_meta_df_list.append(meta_new) meta1 = pd.concat(new_meta_df_list, axis=0) psy1 = pd.concat(new_psy_df_list, axis=0) tca_data = {} for comp_num in range(1, rank_num + 1): fac = tensor.results[rank_num][0].factors[2][:, comp_num - 1] tca_data['factor_' + str(comp_num)] = fac[:, None] # which values were dropped from the psydata. Use this to update psydata blank_trials_bool[blank_trials_bool] = (drop_trials_bin == 1) keep_bool = blank_trials_bool # you don't have any blank trials so drop them. psydata['y'] = psydata['y'][keep_bool] # 1-2 binary not 0-1 psydata['answer'] = psydata['answer'][keep_bool] psydata['correct'] = psydata['correct'][keep_bool] psydata['dateRunTrials'] = psydata['dateRunTrials'][keep_bool] # recalculate dayLength and runLength and dateRuns new_runLength = [] new_dayLength = [] new_dateRuns = [] for di in np.unique(psydata['dateRunTrials'][:, 0]): day_bool = psydata['dateRunTrials'][:, 0] == di new_dayLength.append(np.sum(day_bool)) day_runs = psydata['dateRunTrials'][day_bool, 1] for ri in np.unique(day_runs): run_bool = day_runs == ri new_runLength.append(np.sum(run_bool)) new_dateRuns.append([di, ri]) psydata['dayLength'] = new_dayLength psydata['runLength'] = new_runLength psydata['dateRuns'] = np.array(new_dateRuns) # update days clean_days = np.unique(psydata['dateRunTrials'][:, 0]) clean_day_bool = np.isin(psydata['days'], clean_days) psydata['days'] = psydata['days'][clean_day_bool] # ensure that you still have the same number of runs assert len(psydata['runLength']) == len(psydata['dateRuns']) # ensure that you still have the same number of days assert len(psydata['dayLength']) == len(psydata['days']) # reset inputs psydata['inputs'] = tca_data if verbose: print('Successful sync of psytracker and TCA data :)') print(' Fitting {} days'.format(len(psydata['days']))) print(' Fitting {} runs'.format(len(psydata['dateRuns']))) print(' Fitting {} trials'.format(len(psydata['dateRunTrials']))) print(' Fitting {} total hyper-parameters'.format(rank_num)) return psydata
def _splice_data_y(psydata, mouse, trace_type='zscore_day', method='mncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, word=None, group_by='all', nan_thresh=0.85, score_threshold=0.8, rank_num=18, comp_num=1, verbose=True): """ Create a pandas dataframe of trial history modulation indices for one mouse. Only looks at initial learning stage. """ # default TCA params to use if not word: if mouse == 'OA27': word = 'tray' else: word = 'obligations' # should be updated to 'obligations' if verbose: print('Creating dataframe for ' + mouse + '-' + word) ms = flow.Mouse(mouse) psy = ms.psytracker(verbose=True) dateRuns =['dateRuns'] trialRuns =['runLength'] # create your trial indices per day and run trial_idx = [] for i in trialRuns: trial_idx.extend(range(i)) # get date and run vectors date_vec = [] run_vec = [] for c, i in enumerate(dateRuns): date_vec.extend([i[0]] * trialRuns[c]) run_vec.extend([i[1]] * trialRuns[c]) # create your data dict, transform from log odds to odds ratio data = {} for c, i in enumerate(psy.weight_labels): # adding multiplication step here with binary vector !!!!!! data[i] = np.exp(psy.fits[c, :]) * psy.inputs[:, c].T ori_0_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_0']] ori_135_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_135']] ori_270_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_270']] blank_in = [ 0 if i == 1 else 1 for i in np.sum((ori_0_in, ori_135_in, ori_270_in), axis=0) ] # loop through psy data create a binary vectors for trial history binary_cat = ['ori_0', 'ori_135', 'ori_270', 'prev_reward', 'prev_punish'] for cat in binary_cat: data[cat + '_th'] = [i[0] for i in['inputs'][cat]] data[cat + '_th_prev'] = [i[1] for i in['inputs'][cat]] # create a single list of orientations to match format of meta ori_order = [0, 135, 270, -1] data['orientation'] = [ ori_order[np.where(np.isin(i, 1))[0][0]] for i in zip(ori_0_in, ori_135_in, ori_270_in, blank_in) ] # create your index out of relevant variables index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [[mouse] * len(trial_idx), date_vec, run_vec, trial_idx], names=['mouse', 'date', 'run', 'trial_idx']) # make master dataframe dfr = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index) # load TCA data load_kwargs = { 'mouse': mouse, 'method': method, 'cs': cs, 'warp': warp, 'word': word, 'group_by': group_by, 'nan_thresh': nan_thresh, 'score_threshold': score_threshold, 'rank': rank_num } tensor, _, _ = load.groupday_tca_model(**load_kwargs) meta = load.groupday_tca_meta(**load_kwargs) # add in continuous dprime so psytracker data frame dp = pool.calc.psytrack.dprime(flow.Mouse(mouse)) dfr['dprime'] = dp # add in non continuous dprime to meta dataframe meta = utils.add_dprime_to_meta(meta) # filter out blank trials blank_trials_bool = (dfr['orientation'] >= 0) psy_df = dfr.loc[blank_trials_bool, :] # check that all runs have matched trial orientations new_psy_df_list = [] new_meta_df_list = [] drop_trials_bin = np.zeros((len(psy_df))) dates = meta.reset_index()['date'].unique() for d in dates: psy_day_bool = psy_df.reset_index()['date'].isin([d]).values meta_day_bool = meta.reset_index()['date'].isin([d]).values psy_day_df = psy_df.iloc[psy_day_bool, :] meta_day_df = meta.iloc[meta_day_bool, :] runs = meta_day_df.reset_index()['run'].unique() drop_pos_day = np.where(psy_day_bool)[0] for r in runs: psy_run_bool = psy_day_df.reset_index()['run'].isin([r]).values meta_run_bool = meta_day_df.reset_index()['run'].isin([r]).values psy_run_df = psy_day_df.iloc[psy_run_bool, :] meta_run_df = meta_day_df.iloc[meta_run_bool, :] psy_run_idx = psy_run_df.reset_index()['trial_idx'].values meta_run_idx = meta_run_df.reset_index()['trial_idx'].values # drop extra trials from trace2P that don't have associated imaging max_trials = np.min([len(psy_run_idx), len(meta_run_idx)]) # get just your orientations for checking that trials are matched meta_ori = meta_run_df['orientation'].iloc[:max_trials] psy_ori = psy_run_df['orientation'].iloc[:max_trials] # make sure all oris match between vectors of the same length each day assert np.all(psy_ori.values == meta_ori.values) # check which trials are dropped drop_pos_run = drop_pos_day[psy_run_bool][:max_trials] drop_trials_bin[drop_pos_run] = 1 # if everything looks good, copy meta index into psy meta_new = meta_run_df.iloc[:max_trials] psy_new = psy_run_df.iloc[:max_trials] data = {} for i in psy_new.columns: data[i] = psy_new[i].values new_psy_df_list.append( pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=meta_new.index)) new_meta_df_list.append(meta_new) meta1 = pd.concat(new_meta_df_list, axis=0) psy1 = pd.concat(new_psy_df_list, axis=0) tca_data = {} fac = tensor.results[rank_num][0].factors[2][:, comp_num - 1] tca_data['factor_' + str(comp_num)] = fac fac_df = pd.DataFrame(data=tca_data, index=meta1.index) # threshold your data in a clever way so that you are not only # looking at orientation trials clever_binary = np.ones((len(fac))) thresh = np.nanstd(fac) * 1 clever_binary[fac > thresh] = 2 # which values were dropped from the psydata. Use this to update psydata blank_trials_bool[blank_trials_bool] = (drop_trials_bin == 1) keep_bool = blank_trials_bool drop_bool = blank_trials_bool == False # keep_bool = np.logical_and( # drop_trials_bin == 0, blank_trials_bool.values == True) # drop_bool = np.logical_or( # drop_trials_bin == 1, blank_trials_bool.values == False) # you don't have any blank trials to avoid using them. psydata['y'][drop_bool] = 1 psydata['answer'][drop_bool] = 1 # 1-2 binary not 0-1 psydata['y'][keep_bool] = clever_binary psydata['answer'][keep_bool] = clever_binary print('cleared :)') return psydata
def groupmouse_correlate_pillow_tca(mice=[ 'OA27', 'OA32', 'OA34', 'CC175', 'OA36', 'OA26', 'OA67', 'VF226' ], words=[ 'orlando', 'already', 'already', 'already', 'already', 'already', 'already', 'already' ], trace_type='zscore_day', method='mncp_hals', cs='', warp=False, group_by='all', nan_thresh=0.85, score_threshold=None): # preallocate corr_list = [] pmat_list = [] x_labels = [] # LOADING for mouse, word in zip(mice, words): # Load or run your psytracker behavioral model ms = flow.Mouse(mouse) psy = ms.psytracker(verbose=True) dateRuns =['dateRuns'] trialRuns =['runLength'] # create your trial indices per day and run trial_idx = [] for i in trialRuns: trial_idx.extend(range(i)) # get date and run vectors date_vec = [] run_vec = [] for c, i in enumerate(dateRuns): date_vec.extend([i[0]] * trialRuns[c]) run_vec.extend([i[1]] * trialRuns[c]) # create your data dict, transform from log odds to odds ratio data = {} for c, i in enumerate(psy.weight_labels): # adding multiplication step here with binary vector data[i] = np.exp(psy.fits[c, :]) * psy.inputs[:, c].T ori_0_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_0']] ori_135_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_135']] ori_270_in = [i[0] for i in['inputs']['ori_270']] blank_in = [ 0 if i == 1 else 1 for i in np.sum((ori_0_in, ori_135_in, ori_270_in), axis=0) ] # create a single list of orientations to match format of meta ori_order = [0, 135, 270, -1] data['orientation'] = [ ori_order[np.where(np.isin(i, 1))[0][0]] for i in zip(ori_0_in, ori_135_in, ori_270_in, blank_in) ] # create your index out of relevant variables index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [[mouse] * len(trial_idx), date_vec, run_vec, trial_idx], names=['mouse', 'date', 'run', 'trial_idx']) dfr = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index) # Load TCA results load_kwargs = { 'mouse': mouse, 'method': method, 'cs': cs, 'warp': warp, 'word': word, 'group_by': group_by, 'nan_thresh': nan_thresh, 'score_threshold': score_threshold } tensor, _, _ = load.groupday_tca_model(**load_kwargs) meta = load.groupday_tca_meta(**load_kwargs) savepath = paths.tca_plots(mouse, 'group', word=word, group_pars={'group_by': group_by}) savepath = os.path.join(savepath, 'psytrack-vs-tca') if not os.path.isdir(savepath): os.mkdir(savepath) # Load smooth dprime dfr['dprime'] = pool.calc.psytrack.dprime(flow.Mouse(mouse)) # CHECK THAT TRIAL INDICES ARE MATCHED AND HAVE MATCHED ORIS # filter out blank trials psy_df = dfr.loc[(dfr['orientation'] >= 0), :] # check that all runs have matched trial orienations new_psy_df_list = [] new_meta_df_list = [] dates = meta.reset_index()['date'].unique() for d in dates: psy_day_bool = psy_df.reset_index()['date'].isin([d]).values meta_day_bool = meta.reset_index()['date'].isin([d]).values psy_day_df = psy_df.iloc[psy_day_bool, :] meta_day_df = meta.iloc[meta_day_bool, :] runs = meta_day_df.reset_index()['run'].unique() for r in runs: psy_run_bool = psy_day_df.reset_index()['run'].isin([r]).values meta_run_bool = meta_day_df.reset_index()['run'].isin( [r]).values psy_run_df = psy_day_df.iloc[psy_run_bool, :] meta_run_df = meta_day_df.iloc[meta_run_bool, :] psy_run_idx = psy_run_df.reset_index()['trial_idx'].values meta_run_idx = meta_run_df.reset_index()['trial_idx'].values # drop extra trials from trace2P that don't have associated imaging max_trials = np.min([len(psy_run_idx), len(meta_run_idx)]) # get just your orientations for checking that trials are matched meta_ori = meta_run_df['orientation'].iloc[:max_trials] psy_ori = psy_run_df['orientation'].iloc[:max_trials] # make sure all oris match between vectors of the same length each day assert np.all(psy_ori.values == meta_ori.values) # if everything looks good, copy meta index into psy meta_new = meta_run_df.iloc[:max_trials] psy_new = psy_run_df.iloc[:max_trials] data = {} for i in psy_new.columns: data[i] = psy_new[i].values new_psy_df_list.append( pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=meta_new.index)) new_meta_df_list.append(meta_new) meta1 = pd.concat(new_meta_df_list, axis=0) psy1 = pd.concat(new_psy_df_list, axis=0) # NOW TAKE TCA TRIAL FACTORS AND TRY CORRELATING FOR WITH PILLOW # put factors for a given rank into a dataframe ori = 'all' save_pls = False iteration = 0 for rank in [18]: # tensor.results data = {} for i in range(rank): fac = tensor.results[rank][iteration].factors[2][:, i] data['factor_' + str(i + 1)] = fac fac_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=meta1.index) # loop over single oris single_ori = pd.concat([psy1, fac_df], axis=1).drop(columns='orientation') corr = np.corrcoef(single_ori.values.T) single_data = {} for c, i in enumerate(single_ori.columns): single_data[i] = corr[:, c] corr_plt = pd.DataFrame(data=single_data, index=single_ori.columns) num_corr = np.shape(single_ori)[1] corrmat = np.zeros((num_corr, num_corr)) pmat = np.zeros((num_corr, num_corr)) for i in range(num_corr): for k in range(num_corr): corA, corP = pearsonr(single_ori.values[:, i], single_ori.values[:, k]) corrmat[i, k] = corA pmat[i, k] = corP if mouse == mice[0]: y_label = single_ori.columns # stick chunks of corr matrix together x_labels.extend([mouse + ' ' + s for s in single_ori.columns[0:8]]) corr_list.append(corrmat[:, 0:8]) pmat_list.append(pmat[:, 0:8]) # concatenate final matrix together corrmat = np.concatenate(corr_list, axis=1) pmat = np.concatenate(pmat_list, axis=1) annot = True figsize = (80, 20) # create your path for saving rankpath = os.path.join(savepath, 'rank ' + str(rank)) if not os.path.isdir(rankpath): os.mkdir(rankpath) var_path_prefix = os.path.join( rankpath, mouse + '_psytrack-vs-tca_ori-' + str(ori) + '_rank-' + str(rank)) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # plt.figure() sns.heatmap(corrmat, annot=annot, xticklabels=x_labels, yticklabels=y_label, square=False, cbar_kws={'label': 'correlation (R)'}) plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right') plt.title('Pearson-R corrcoef: rank ' + str(rank)) if save_pls: plt.savefig(var_path_prefix + '_corr.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # plt.figure() sns.heatmap(pmat, annot=annot, xticklabels=x_labels, yticklabels=y_label, square=False, cbar_kws={'label': 'p-value'}) plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right') plt.title('Pearson-R p-values: rank ' + str(rank)) if save_pls: plt.savefig(var_path_prefix + '_pvals.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # plt.figure() logger = np.log10(pmat).flatten() vmin = np.nanmin(logger[np.isfinite(logger)]) vmax = 0 sns.heatmap(np.log10(pmat), annot=annot, xticklabels=x_labels, yticklabels=y_label, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, square=False, cbar_kws={'label': 'log$_{10}$(p-value)'}) plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right') plt.title('Pearson-R log$_{10}$(p-values): rank ' + str(rank)) if save_pls: plt.savefig(var_path_prefix + '_log10pvals.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # close plots after saving to save memory if save_pls: plt.close('all')