def test_join_to_location_column_names(exemplar_level_param):
    """ Test that JoinToLocation's column_names property is accurate."""
    if "cell" == exemplar_level_param["level"]:
        pytest.skip("Cell level not valid for JoinToLocation"
                    )  # cell level not valid for JoinToLocation
    table = subscriber_locations("2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", level="cell")
    joined = JoinToLocation(table, **exemplar_level_param)
    assert joined.head(0).columns.tolist() == joined.column_names
def test_join_to_location_column_names(exemplar_spatial_unit_param):
    """ Test that JoinToLocation's column_names property is accurate."""
    if not exemplar_spatial_unit_param.has_geography:
        pytest.skip("JoinToLocation does not accept CellSpatialUnit objects")
    table = SubscriberLocations("2016-01-05",
    joined = JoinToLocation(table, spatial_unit=exemplar_spatial_unit_param)
    assert joined.head(0).columns.tolist() == joined.column_names
def test_join_to_grid(get_dataframe, get_length):
    Test that we can join to a grid square
    ul = subscriber_locations("2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", level="cell")
    df = get_dataframe(JoinToLocation(ul, level="grid", size=50))
    assert len(df) == get_length(ul)
Beispiel #4
    def test_join_to_grid(self):
        Test that we can join to a grid square

        df = JoinToLocation(self.ul, level="grid", size=50).get_dataframe()
        self.assertEqual(len(df), len(self.ul))
def test_join_with_versioned_cells(get_dataframe, get_length):
    Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can fetch the cell version.
    ul = SubscriberLocations(
        "2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", spatial_unit=make_spatial_unit("cell")
    df = get_dataframe(
        JoinToLocation(ul, spatial_unit=make_spatial_unit("versioned-cell"))
    # As our database is complete we should not drop any rows
    assert len(df) == get_length(ul)
    # These should all be version zero, these are the towers before the changeover date, or those that
    # have not moved.
    should_be_version_zero = df[
        (df.time <= move_date) | (~df.location_id.isin(moving_sites))

    # These should all be one, they are the ones after the change over time that have moved.
    should_be_version_one = df[
        (df.time > move_date) & (df.location_id.isin(moving_sites))

    assert (should_be_version_zero.version == 0).all()
    assert (should_be_version_one.version == 1).all()
def test_join_to_admin(get_dataframe, get_length):
    Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can join to a admin region.
    ul = subscriber_locations("2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", level="cell")
    df = get_dataframe(JoinToLocation(ul, level="admin3"))
    assert len(df) == get_length(ul)
    expected_cols = sorted(["subscriber", "time", "location_id", "pcod"])
    assert sorted(df.columns) == expected_cols
Beispiel #7
    def test_join_to_admin(self):
        Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can join to a admin region.

        df = JoinToLocation(self.ul, level="admin3").get_dataframe()
        self.assertEqual(len(df), len(self.ul))
        expected_cols = sorted(["subscriber", "time", "location_id", "name"])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(df.columns), expected_cols)
def test_join_to_location_raises_value_error():
    Test that JoinToLocation raises an InvalidSpatialUnitError if spatial_unit
    does not have geography information.
    with pytest.raises(InvalidSpatialUnitError):
        table = SubscriberLocations("2016-01-05",
        joined = JoinToLocation(table, spatial_unit=make_spatial_unit("cell"))
def test_join_to_location_no_cache_if_joinee_no_cache():
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        table = SubscriberLocations("2016-01-05",
        joined = JoinToLocation(table,
def test_join_to_grid(get_dataframe, get_length):
    Test that we can join to a grid square
    ul = SubscriberLocations("2016-01-05",
    df = get_dataframe(
        JoinToLocation(ul, spatial_unit=make_spatial_unit("grid", size=50)))
    assert len(df) == get_length(ul)
Beispiel #11
    def test_join_with_polygon(self):
        Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can get the (arbitrary) polygon
        of each cell.

            j = JoinToLocation(
            df = j.get_dataframe()

        self.assertIs(type(df), DataFrame)
        expected_cols = sorted(["subscriber", "time", "location_id", "naame"])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(df.columns), expected_cols)
        self.assertEqual(len(df), len(self.ul))
def test_join_with_polygon(get_dataframe, get_length):
    Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can get the (arbitrary) polygon
    of each cell.
    ul = subscriber_locations("2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", level="cell")
    j = JoinToLocation(
    df = get_dataframe(j)

    expected_cols = sorted(["admin3pcod", "location_id", "subscriber", "time"])
    assert sorted(df.columns) == expected_cols
    assert len(df) == get_length(ul)
Beispiel #13
    def test_join_with_versioned_cells(self):
        Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can fetch the cell version.

        df = JoinToLocation(self.ul, level="versioned-cell").get_dataframe()
        # As our database is complete we should not drop any rows
        self.assertEqual(len(df), len(self.ul))
        # These should all be version zero, these are the towers before the changeover date, or those that
        # have not moved.
        should_be_version_zero = df[(df.time <= self.move_date) |

        # These should all be one, they are the ones after the change over time that have moved.
        should_be_version_one = df[(df.time > self.move_date)
                                   & (df.location_id.isin(self.moving_sites))]

        self.assertTrue((should_be_version_zero.version == 0).all())
        self.assertTrue((should_be_version_one.version == 1).all())
def test_join_with_lat_lon(get_dataframe):
    Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can get the lat-lon values of the cell
    ul = subscriber_locations("2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", level="cell")
    df = get_dataframe(JoinToLocation(ul, level="lat-lon"))

    expected_cols = sorted(["subscriber", "time", "location_id", "lat", "lon"])
    assert sorted(df.columns) == expected_cols
    # Pick out one cell that moves location and assert that the
    # lat-lons are right
    focal_cell = "dJb0Wd"
    lat1, long1 = (27.648837800000003, 83.09284486)
    lat2, long2 = (27.661443318109132, 83.25769074752517)
    post_move = df[(df.time > move_date) & (df["location_id"] == focal_cell)]
    pre_move = df[(df.time < move_date) & (df["location_id"] == focal_cell)]
    # And check them all one-by-one
    np.isclose(, lat1).all()
    np.isclose(pre_move.lon, long1).all()
    np.isclose(, lat2).all()
    np.isclose(post_move.lon, long2).all()
def test_join_with_lon_lat(get_dataframe):
    Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can get the lon-lat values of the cell
    ul = SubscriberLocations(
        "2016-01-05", "2016-01-07", spatial_unit=make_spatial_unit("cell")
    df = get_dataframe(JoinToLocation(ul, spatial_unit=make_spatial_unit("lon-lat")))

    expected_cols = sorted(["subscriber", "time", "location_id", "lon", "lat"])
    assert sorted(df.columns) == expected_cols
    # Pick out one cell that moves location and assert that the
    # lon-lats are right
    focal_cell = "dJb0Wd"
    lon1, lat1 = (83.09284486, 27.648837800000003)
    lon2, lat2 = (83.25769074752517, 27.661443318109132)
    post_move = df[(df.time > move_date) & (df["location_id"] == focal_cell)]
    pre_move = df[(df.time < move_date) & (df["location_id"] == focal_cell)]
    # And check them all one-by-one
    np.isclose(pre_move.lon, lon1).all()
    np.isclose(, lat1).all()
    np.isclose(post_move.lon, lon2).all()
    np.isclose(, lat2).all()
Beispiel #16
    def test_join_with_lat_lon(self):
        Test that flowmachine.JoinToLocation can get the lat-lon values of the cell

        df = JoinToLocation(self.ul, level="lat-lon").get_dataframe()
        self.assertIs(type(df), DataFrame)
        expected_cols = sorted(
            ["subscriber", "time", "location_id", "lat", "lon"])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(df.columns), expected_cols)
        # Pick out one cell that moves location and assert that the
        # lat-lons are right
        focal_cell = "dJb0Wd"
        lat1, long1 = (27.648837800000003, 83.09284486)
        lat2, long2 = (27.661443318109132, 83.25769074752517)
        post_move = df[(df.time > self.move_date)
                       & (df["location_id"] == focal_cell)]
        pre_move = df[(df.time < self.move_date)
                      & (df["location_id"] == focal_cell)]
        # And check them all one-by-one
        np.isclose(, lat1).all()
        np.isclose(pre_move.lon, long1).all()
        np.isclose(, lat2).all()
        np.isclose(post_move.lon, long2).all()