Beispiel #1
Optional integration with django-any-Imagefield
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.db import models

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

if is_installed('any_imagefield'):
    from any_imagefield.models import AnyFileField as BaseFileField, AnyImageField as BaseImageField
    BaseFileField = models.FileField
    BaseImageField = models.ImageField

# subclassing here so South or Django migrations detect a single class.
class AnyFileField(BaseFileField):
    A FileField that can refer to an uploaded file.

    If *django-any-imagefield* is not installed, the filebrowser link will not be displayed.

    def south_field_triple(self):
        # Masquerade as normal FileField, so the soft-dependency also exists in the migrations.
        from south.modelsinspector import introspector
        path = "{0}.{1}".format(models.FileField.__module__, models.FileField.__name__)
        args, kwargs = introspector(self)
        return (path, args, kwargs)
Optional integration with django-taggit.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Field

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

__all__ = (

if is_installed('taggit_selectize'):
    from taggit_selectize.managers import TaggableManager as BaseTaggableManager
elif is_installed('taggit_autosuggest'):
    from taggit_autosuggest.managers import TaggableManager as BaseTaggableManager
elif is_installed('taggit_autocomplete_modified'):
    from taggit_autocomplete_modified.managers import TaggableManagerAutocomplete as BaseTaggableManager
elif is_installed('taggit'):
    from taggit.managers import TaggableManager as BaseTaggableManager
    BaseTaggableManager = None

# Make sure the 'tags' field is ignored by old versions of South
    from south.modelsinspector import add_ignored_fields
except ImportError:
Beispiel #3
Optional integration with fluent-pages features
from __future__ import absolute_import
from django.utils.functional import lazy
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

__all__ = (

if is_installed('fluent_pages'):
    # Use the real code.
    from fluent_pages.views import CurrentPageMixin
    from fluent_pages.urlresolvers import mixed_reverse  # app_reverse == hard dependency, no need to import here.

        from fluent_pages.urlresolvers import mixed_reverse_lazy  # added after v1.0b4
    except ImportError:
        mixed_reverse_lazy = lazy(mixed_reverse, str)

    HAS_APP_URLS = True
    # Use the stubs
    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
    from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed
    from parler.views import ViewUrlMixin
Beispiel #4
A simple wrapper library, that makes sure that the template
``fluent_blogs/entry_detail/comments.html`` can still be rendered
when ``django.contrib.comments`` is not included in the site.

This way, project authors can easily use an online commenting system
(such as DISQUS or Facebook comments) instead.
from django.template import Library
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

# Expose the tag library in the site.
# If `django.contrib.comments` is not used, this library can provide stubs instead.
# Currently, the real tags are exposed as the template already checks for `object.comments_are_open`.
# When a custom template is used, authors likely choose the desired commenting library instead.

if is_installed('django.contrib.comments'):
    from django.contrib.comments.templatetags.comments import register
elif is_installed('django_comments'):
    from django_comments.templatetags.comments import register
    register = Library()
Beispiel #5
Optional integration with django-taggit.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Field

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

__all__ = (

if is_installed('taggit_selectize'):
    from taggit_selectize.managers import TaggableManager as BaseTaggableManager
elif is_installed('taggit_autosuggest'):
    from taggit_autosuggest.managers import TaggableManager as BaseTaggableManager
elif is_installed('taggit_autocomplete_modified'):
    from taggit_autocomplete_modified.managers import TaggableManagerAutocomplete as BaseTaggableManager
elif is_installed('taggit'):
    from taggit.managers import TaggableManager as BaseTaggableManager
    BaseTaggableManager = None

# Make sure the 'tags' field is ignored by old versions of South
    from south.modelsinspector import add_ignored_fields
except ImportError:
A proxy to automatically switch to the right comments app that is available.
import warnings

from django.template import Library
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

from fluent_contents.plugins.commentsarea import appsettings

if is_installed("threadedcomments"
                ) and appsettings.FLUENT_COMMENTSAREA_THREADEDCOMMENTS:
    from threadedcomments.templatetags.threadedcomments_tags import register
elif is_installed("django.contrib.comments"):
    from django.contrib.comments.templatetags.comments import register
elif is_installed("django_comments"):
    from django_comments.templatetags.comments import register
    register = Library()

    def render_comment_list(for_, object):
            "Can't render comments list: no comment app installed!\n"
            "Make sure either 'django.contrib.comments' or 'django_comments' is in INSTALLED_APPS"
        return mark_safe(
            "<!-- Can't render comments list: no comment plugin installed! -->"
This way, project authors can easily use an online commenting system
(such as DISQUS or Facebook comments) instead.
import warnings

from django.conf import settings
from django.template import Library
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

# Expose the tag library in the site.
# If `django.contrib.comments` is not used, this library can provide stubs instead.
# Currently, the real tags are exposed as the template already checks for `object.comments_are_open`.
# When a custom template is used, authors likely choose the desired commenting library instead.

if is_installed('threadedcomments') and getattr(settings, 'COMMENTS_APP',
    from threadedcomments.templatetags.threadedcomments_tags import register
elif is_installed('django.contrib.comments'):
    from django.contrib.comments.templatetags.comments import register
elif is_installed('django_comments'):
    from django_comments.templatetags.comments import register
    register = Library()

    def render_comment_list(for_, object):
            "Can't render comments list: no comment app installed!\n"
            "Make sure either 'django.contrib.comments' or 'django_comments' is in INSTALLED_APPS"
A proxy to automatically switch to the right comments app that is available.
import warnings

from django.template import Library
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

from fluent_contents.plugins.commentsarea import appsettings

if (
    from threadedcomments.templatetags.threadedcomments_tags import register
elif is_installed("django.contrib.comments"):
    from django.contrib.comments.templatetags.comments import register
elif is_installed("django_comments"):
    from django_comments.templatetags.comments import register
    register = Library()

    def render_comment_list(for_, object):
            "Can't render comments list: no comment app installed!\n"
            "Make sure either 'django.contrib.comments' or 'django_comments' is in INSTALLED_APPS"
        return mark_safe(
            "<!-- Can't render comments list: no comment plugin installed! -->"
Optional integration with django-any-urlfield
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.db import models

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

if is_installed('any_urlfield'):
    from any_urlfield.models import AnyUrlField as BaseUrlField
    BaseUrlField = models.URLField

# subclassing here so South or Django migrations detect a single class.
class AnyUrlField(BaseUrlField):
    A CharField that can either refer to a CMS page ID, or external URL.

    If *django-any-urlfield* is not installed, only regular URLs can be used.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'max_length' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['max_length'] = 300  # Standardize
        super(AnyUrlField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def south_field_triple(self):
        # Masquerade as normal URLField, so the soft-dependency also exists in the migrations.
        from south.modelsinspector import introspector
        path = "{0}.{1}".format(models.URLField.__module__,
This way, project authors can easily use an online commenting system
(such as DISQUS or Facebook comments) instead.
import warnings

from django.conf import settings
from django.template import Library
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

# Expose the tag library in the site.
# If `django.contrib.comments` is not used, this library can provide stubs instead.
# Currently, the real tags are exposed as the template already checks for `object.comments_are_open`.
# When a custom template is used, authors likely choose the desired commenting library instead.

if is_installed('threadedcomments') and getattr(settings, 'COMMENTS_APP', None):
    from threadedcomments.templatetags.threadedcomments_tags import register
elif is_installed('django.contrib.comments'):
    from django.contrib.comments.templatetags.comments import register
elif is_installed('django_comments'):
    from django_comments.templatetags.comments import register
    register = Library()

    def render_comment_list(for_, object):
            "Can't render comments list: no comment app installed!\n"
            "Make sure either 'django.contrib.comments' or 'django_comments' is in INSTALLED_APPS"
        return mark_safe("<!-- Can't render comments list: no comment plugin installed! -->")
Optional integration with fluent-pages features
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.utils.functional import lazy

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

__all__ = (

if is_installed('fluent_pages'):
    # Use the real code.
    from fluent_pages.views import CurrentPageMixin
    from fluent_pages.urlresolvers import mixed_reverse  # app_reverse == hard dependency, no need to import here.

        from fluent_pages.urlresolvers import mixed_reverse_lazy  # added after v1.0b4
    except ImportError:
        mixed_reverse_lazy = lazy(mixed_reverse, str)

    HAS_APP_URLS = True
    # Use the stubs
    from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed, reverse

A proxy to automatically switch to the right comments app that is available.
import warnings

from django.template import Library
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from fluent_contents.plugins.commentsarea import appsettings
from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

if is_installed('threadedcomments') and appsettings.FLUENT_COMMENTSAREA_THREADEDCOMMENTS:
    from threadedcomments.templatetags.threadedcomments_tags import register
elif is_installed('django.contrib.comments'):
    from django.contrib.comments.templatetags.comments import register
elif is_installed('django_comments'):
    from django_comments.templatetags.comments import register
    register = Library()

    def render_comment_list(for_, object):
            "Can't render comments list: no comment app installed!\n"
            "Make sure either 'django.contrib.comments' or 'django_comments' is in INSTALLED_APPS"
        return mark_safe("<!-- Can't render comments list: no comment plugin installed! -->")

    def render_comment_form(for_, object):
Optional integration with django-any-Imagefield
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.db import models

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

if is_installed('any_imagefield'):
    from any_imagefield.models import AnyFileField as BaseFileField, AnyImageField as BaseImageField
    BaseFileField = models.FileField
    BaseImageField = models.ImageField

# subclassing here so South or Django migrations detect a single class.
class AnyFileField(BaseFileField):
    A FileField that can refer to an uploaded file.

    If *django-any-imagefield* is not installed, the filebrowser link will not be displayed.

    def deconstruct(self):
        # For Django migrations, masquerade as normal FileField too
        name, path, args, kwargs = super(AnyFileField, self).deconstruct()

        # FileField behavior
        if kwargs.get("max_length") == 100:
            del kwargs["max_length"]
Optional integration with django-any-urlfield
from __future__ import absolute_import

from django.db import models

from fluent_utils.django_compat import is_installed

if is_installed('any_urlfield'):
    from any_urlfield.models import AnyUrlField as BaseUrlField
    BaseUrlField = models.URLField

# subclassing here so South or Django migrations detect a single class.
class AnyUrlField(BaseUrlField):
    A CharField that can either refer to a CMS page ID, or external URL.

    If *django-any-urlfield* is not installed, only regular URLs can be used.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'max_length' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['max_length'] = 300  # Standardize
        super(AnyUrlField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def south_field_triple(self):
        # Masquerade as normal URLField, so the soft-dependency also exists in the migrations.
        from south.modelsinspector import introspector