Beispiel #1
 def get_most_recent_single_fly_data(self):
     superpacket_bufs = self.get_list_of_bufs()
     if len(superpacket_bufs)==0:
         # no new data
     buf = superpacket_bufs[-1] # most recent superpacket
     packets = data_packets.decode_super_packet( buf )
     packet = packets[-1] # most recent packet
     tmp = data_packets.decode_data_packet(packet)
     #(corrected_framenumber, timestamp, obj_ids, state_vecs, meanPs) = tmp
     return tmp
def talker(connect_to_mainbrain=True, server=None):

    ###################### variables that should be function inputs ###########
    loginfo = 0

    ###################### initialize #########################################

    # flydra publishers
    pub_flydra = rospy.Publisher('flydra_data', flydra_packet)

    # set up connection to mainbrain
    if connect_to_mainbrain:
	    # make connection to flydra mainbrain
	    my_host = '' # get fully qualified hostname
	    my_port = 8320 # arbitrary number
	    # create UDP socket object, grab the port
	    sockobj = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
	    print 'binding',( my_host, my_port)
	    sockobj.bind(( my_host, my_port))
	    print 'bound to: ', my_host, my_port

	    # connect to mainbrain
	    mainbrain_hostname = server
	    mainbrain_port = flydra.common_variables.mainbrain_port
	    mainbrain_name = 'main_brain'
	    print 'connecting to mainbrain...'
	    print 'using port: ', mainbrain_port
	    print 'using name: ', mainbrain_name
	    print 'connecting to server: ', server
	    remote_URI = "PYROLOC://%s:%d/%s" % (mainbrain_hostname,
	    mainbrain = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(remote_URI)
	    my_host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(my_host)
	    print 'connection established with ', mainbrain

    # create a dummy mainbrain
    if not connect_to_mainbrain:
        dummy_mainbrain = DummyFlydra.DummyMainbrain()
        print 'connected to dummy_mainbrain'

    ###################### while running #########################################
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # use flydra
        if connect_to_mainbrain: 
            print 'waiting for packet'
            buf, addr = sockobj.recvfrom(4096)
            print 'packet recieved'
            packets = data_packets.decode_super_packet( buf )
            for packet in packets:
                tmp = data_packets.decode_data_packet(packet)
                # obj_ids: order from one that's been around the longest first
                # state_vecs = [x,y,z,xvel,yvel,zvel]
                # meanPs = error for each object
                corrected_framenumber, timestamp_i, timestamp_f, obj_ids, state_vecs, meanPs = tmp
                latency = timestamp_f - timestamp_i
                print latency

        # use dummy flydra
        if not connect_to_mainbrain:
            latency, obj_ids, state_vecs = dummy_mainbrain.get_flies()
        # print list of obj_ids just to make sure things are happening        
        if loginfo:

        # package and publish flydra data
        flies_tmp = []
        for i in range(len(obj_ids)):
            fly = flydra_fly(obj_ids[i], state_vecs[i,:]) # package individual fly info into the flydra_fly msg packet
        flies = flydra_packet(flies_tmp, latency) # package all the flies and global flydra data into the flydra_packet msg packet
    def run(self):
        while 1:
            #print 'running'
            # get data when available, put into buffer
            # process data
            # stick data into the gui

            #print 'listening for packet on',self.s       
            if not self.dummy:
                buf, addr = self.s.recvfrom(4096)
                time.sleep(0.05) # pause 50 msec
            #print 'got packet:',buf
            #self.q.put( buf )

            if self.fly_pos is not None:
                if self.dummy:
                    theta = time.time() % (2*pi)
                    x = 0.3*np.cos( theta )
                    y = 0.05*np.sin( theta )
                    z = 0.05*np.sin( theta/2.3 )    
                    voitest = 3    
                else: # actually use flydra
                    #print('using flydra!')
                    packets = data_packets.decode_super_packet( buf )
                    for packet in packets:
                        tmp = data_packets.decode_data_packet(packet)
                        # obj_ids: order from one that's been around the longest first
                        # state_vecs = [x,y,z,xvel,yvel,zvel]
                        # meanPs = error for each object
                        corrected_framenumber, timestamp_i, timestamp_f, obj_ids, state_vecs, meanPs = tmp
                    if self.preferred_objid is None:
                        self.choose_pref_objid(obj_ids, state_vecs, meanPs)
                    # get the preferred object id, use that
                        pref_objid_index = obj_ids.index(self.preferred_objid)
                    except ValueError:
                        #print "That fly doesn't exist anymore... finding a new fly"
                        self.choose_pref_objid(obj_ids, state_vecs, meanPs)
                        #print("Found a new fly with object ID: ", self.preferred_objid)
                        #print("Fly list: ", obj_ids)
                    if self.preferred_objid is None:
                    pref_objid_index = obj_ids.index(self.preferred_objid)
                    latency = timestamp_f - timestamp_i
                    #if latency >= 0.1:
                    #    raise ValueError, 'Flydra latency > 100ms, something is probably wrong!'
                    x,y,z,xvel,yvel,zvel= state_vecs[pref_objid_index]
