Beispiel #1
 def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
     namepotential = filterOnExtensions(["odt"], filenames)
     if not self.parent.batchModeCheckbox.GetValue() or not self.parent.digest:
         #normal mode
         if namepotential:
         #batch mode
         for fname in namepotential:
             interp, outDir = self.parent._lightImportFile(fname)
             outfname = fname.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[1].split(".")[0] + ".txt"
             print outDir, outfname
             write(outDir + os.path.sep + outfname, interp, self.parent.delim, self.parent.watching)
Beispiel #2
 def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
     namepotential = filterOnExtensions(["odt"], filenames)
     if not self.parent.batchModeCheckbox.GetValue(
     ) or not self.parent.digest:
         #normal mode
         if namepotential:
         return 0
         #batch mode
         for fname in namepotential:
             interp, outDir = self.parent._lightImportFile(fname)
             outfname = fname.rsplit(os.path.sep,
                                     1)[1].split(".")[0] + ".txt"
             print(outDir, outfname)
             odtchomp.write(outDir + os.path.sep + outfname, interp,
                            self.parent.delim, self.parent.watching)
         return 1
Beispiel #3
    def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
        oommf = filterOnExtensions(["omf","ovf","oef","ohf"], filenames)
        if not oommf or not (self.parent.doNumpy.GetValue() or self.parent.doMATLAB.GetValue()):
            return #You got dropped some bad files!
        global LASTPATH
        LASTPATH = os.path.dirname(oommf[0])
        arrays, headers, extra = groupUnpack(oommf, SupportDialog("Decode in Progress", "Decoding...", maximum=len(oommf)))

        #One final step before we're done - let's try to sort based on the sim time
        #using a standard decorate-sort-undecorate, with a twist for the variable number of keys

        #Let's start by finding the original indices - making a copy is key
        originalTimeIndex = list(extra["SimTime"])
        if len(set(extra["MIFSource"])) == 1:
	        if not -1 in extra["SimTime"]:
	        	extra["SimTime"], arrays = zip(*sorted(zip(originalTimeIndex, arrays)))
	        	#Sadly, the cleverness ends here - the rest must be bruteforced.
		        for key in extra:
		        	if not key == "SimTime": #We did that one.
		        		junk, extra[key] = zip(*sorted(zip(originalTimeIndex, extra[key])))

        self.parent.gatherData(arrays, headers, extra)
    def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
        oommf = filterOnExtensions(["omf","ovf","oef","ohf"], filenames)
        if not oommf or not (self.parent.doNumpy.GetValue() or self.parent.doMATLAB.GetValue()):
            return #You got dropped some bad files!
        global LASTPATH
        LASTPATH = os.path.dirname(oommf[0])
        arrays, headers, extra = groupUnpack(oommf, SupportDialog("Decode in Progress", "Decoding...", maximum=len(oommf)))

        #One final step before we're done - let's try to sort based on the sim time
        #using a standard decorate-sort-undecorate, with a twist for the variable number of keys

        #Let's start by finding the original indices - making a copy is key
        originalTimeIndex = list(extra["SimTime"])
        if len(set(extra["MIFSource"])) == 1:
	        if not -1 in extra["SimTime"]:
	        	extra["SimTime"], arrays = zip(*sorted(zip(originalTimeIndex, arrays)))
	        	#Sadly, the cleverness ends here - the rest must be bruteforced.
		        for key in extra:
		        	if not key == "SimTime": #We did that one.
		        		junk, extra[key] = zip(*sorted(zip(originalTimeIndex, extra[key])))

        self.parent.gatherData(arrays, headers, extra)
Beispiel #5
    def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
        oommf = filterOnExtensions(["omf", "ovf", "oef", "ohf"], filenames)
        if not oommf or not (self.parent.doNumpy.GetValue()
                             or self.parent.doMATLAB.GetValue()):
            return 0  #You got dropped some bad files!
        global LASTPATH
        LASTPATH = os.path.dirname(oommf[0])
        arrays, headers, extra = self.groupUnpack(
            SupportDialog("Decode in Progress",

        #One final step before we're done - let's try to sort based on the sim time
        #using a standard decorate-sort-undecorate, with a twist for the variable number of keys

        #Let's start by finding the original indices - making a copy is key

        arrays, extra = oommfdecode.sortBySimTime(extra, arrays)

        self.parent.gatherData(arrays, headers, extra)
        return 1
Beispiel #6
    def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
        #Find OOMMF, then a config, then files
        oommf = filterOnExtensions(["tcl"], filenames)
        if oommf:
            #What did you DO? Only the last one counts!
        config = filterOnExtensions(["conf", "config", "cnf"], filenames)
        if config:
            #Again, only the last conf file dropped counts.

        if not (self.parent.config and self.parent.OOMMFPath):
            return 0

        #Try to save a lot of work - only do magic if OMF-type files were dropped.
        targets = filterOnExtensions(["omf","ovf","oef","ohf"], filenames)
        if not targets: return 0

        #Save more work by verifying that the user actually wants to make some sort of thing.
        if not self.parent.doImages.GetValue() and not self.parent.doMovie.GetValue():
            #Er... you don't want to do anything?
            return 0

        #Convince user that everything is OK, and provide me with entertainment.
        #Set up a dialog box that will track progress.

        dial = self.initializeProgressBar(targets)

        #To avoid some Py2EXE funkiness, we may need to redirect stdin.
        #Figure out where it needs to go, and catch that.

        childstd = self.findStandardIn()

        #We are now in the danger zone where the progress bar can get locked, and we
        #are going to shield that with some top-level exception handling


            dial.workDone(SETUP_LOAD, "Checking for Movies")

            #The first thing to do is try to make movies - in some cases, this process will leave behind
            #the images we need, and we can skip the image step entirely.

            print("Entering movie mode.")
            if self.parent.doMovie.GetValue():
                #Make some movies. This also hands off the progressDialog, so it can be updated.
                self.doMovies(targets, childstd, dial)
                #Finish making some movies.
                dial.workDone(CLEANUP_LOAD, "Doing Images")

            #Awkward short-circuit - If you made movies and they have the same magnification as the images, you get to keep the images!
            if self.parent.doMovie.GetValue() and self.parent.movieMagnifierSpin.GetValue() == self.parent.magnifierSpin.GetValue():
                return 1

            if self.parent.doImages.GetValue():
                #Oh well, I guess you're stuck making images. Make them!
                self.doImages(targets, childstd, dial)

            dial.workDone(CLEANUP_LOAD, "All Done!")
        except Exception as e:
            wx.MessageBox('Unpacking error: ' + repr(e), "Error")
            return 1
Beispiel #7
    def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
        #Find OOMMF, then a config, then files
        oommf = filterOnExtensions(["tcl"], filenames)
        if oommf:
            #What did you DO? Only the last one counts!
        config = filterOnExtensions(["conf", "config", "cnf"], filenames)
        if config:
            #Again, only the last conf file dropped counts.

        if not (self.parent.config and self.parent.OOMMFPath):

        #Try to save a lot of work - only do magic if OMF-type files were dropped.
        targets = filterOnExtensions(["omf","ovf","oef","ohf"], filenames)
        if not targets: return

        #Save more work by verifying that the user actually wants to make some sort of thing.
        if not self.parent.doImages.GetValue() and not self.parent.doMovie.GetValue():
            #Er... you don't want to do anything?

        #Convince user that everything is OK, and provide me with entertainment.
        #Set up a dialog box that will track progress.

        dial = self.initializeProgressBar(targets)

        #To avoid some Py2EXE funkiness, we may need to redirect stdin.
        #Figure out where it needs to go, and catch that.

        childstd = self.findStandardIn()

	#We are now in the danger zone where the progress bar can get locked, and we
	#are going to shield that with some top-level exception handling


		dial.workDone(SETUP_LOAD, "Checking for Movies")

		#The first thing to do is try to make movies - in some cases, this process will leave behind
		#the images we need, and we can skip the image step entirely.

		print "Entering movie mode."
		if self.parent.doMovie.GetValue():
		    #Make some movies. This also hands off the progressDialog, so it can be updated.
		    self.doMovies(targets, childstd, dial)
		    #Finish making some movies.
		    dial.workDone(CLEANUP_LOAD, "Doing Images")

		#Awkward short-circuit - If you made movies and they have the same magnification as the images, you get to keep the images!
		if self.parent.doMovie.GetValue() and self.parent.movieMagnifierSpin.GetValue() == self.parent.magnifierSpin.GetValue():

		if self.parent.doImages.GetValue():
		   #Oh well, I guess you're stuck making images. Make them!
		   self.doImages(targets, childstd, dial)

		dial.workDone(CLEANUP_LOAD, "All Done!")
	except Exception as e:
		wx.MessageBox('Unpacking error: ' + repr(e), "Error")
		print e