Beispiel #1
        # Look at end results:
        out_fields  = Fdat.fn_check_out_bin(bindir)
        arrays[j]    = out_fields

    elif OPT==3:

        # Plot progress files (if they exist)
        # - as colormaps
        prog_files  = os.listdir(bindir+'/prog')
        steps         = []
        for pf in prog_files:
            if '.a'==pf[-2:]:
                stepno    = pf.strip('wim_prog').strip('.a')

        print('Available time steps:')

        stepno    = steps[n_prog]
        print("Checking results at time step "+stepno+" ...")
        prog_fields = Fdat.fn_check_prog(outdir,stepno)
        arrays[j]    = prog_fields

keys  = arrays[0].keys()
for key in keys:
    print('Comparing field: '+key)
    diff  = abs(arrays[0][key]-arrays[1][key])
    print('Maximum difference = '+str(np.max(diff))+'\n')
Beispiel #2
   cols     = ['k','b','r','g','m','c']
   lstil    = ['-','--','-.',':']
   Nc       = len(cols)
   loop_c   = -1
   loop_s   = 0

   figdir3     = figdir+'/prog'
   prog_files  = os.listdir(bindir+'/prog')
   steps       = []
   for pf in prog_files:
      if '.a'==pf[-2:]:
         stepno   = pf.strip('wim_prog').strip('.a')

   for step in steps:
      out_fields  = Fdat.fn_check_prog(outdir,step) # load ice/wave conditions from binaries
      Hs_n        = out_fields['Hs']
      if loop_c==Nc-1:
         loop_c   = 0
         loop_s   = loop_s+1
         loop_c   = loop_c+1

      fig      = Fplt.plot_1d(xx,Hs_n,labs=labs,f=fig,color=cols[loop_c],linestyle=lstil[loop_s])
   figname  = figdir+'/convergence2steady.png'
   print('saving to '+figname+'...')
Beispiel #3
def plot_simulation(outdir=".", infile_grid=None, PLOT_INIT=0, PLOT_PROG_OPT=0):
    import numpy as np
    import os
    import sys
    import shutil
    import struct

    # import matplotlib.rcsetup as rc

    ## NB run from 'run' directory !!
    w2d = os.getenv("WIM2D_PATH")
    dd = w2d + "/fortran"
    sys.path.append(dd + "/bin")
    sys.path.append(dd + "/py_funs")

    import fns_get_data as Fdat
    import fns_plot_data as Fplt

    # Make plots
    bindir = outdir + "/binaries"  # wim_init.[ab],wim_out.[ab],"prog" directory with wim_prog???.[ab]
    figdir = outdir + "/figs"  # where to save files

    if infile_grid is None:
        grid_prams = Fdat.fn_check_grid(bindir)  # load grid from binaries
        # dictionary with X,Y,...
        import fns_grid_setup as gs

        # TODO read in infile_grid.txt
        x0 = 0.0
        y0 = 0.0
        nx = 150
        ny = 4
        dx = 4.0e3
        dy = 40.0e3
        LAND_OPT = 0  # no land
        grid_arrays, grid_prams = gs.get_grid_arrays(x0=x0, y0=y0, nx=nx, ny=ny, dx=dx, dy=dy, LAND_OPT=LAND_OPT)

    if PLOT_INIT == 1:
        # Look at initial fields:
        print("Plotting initial conditions...")
        ice_fields, wave_fields = Fdat.fn_check_init(bindir)  # load initial conditions from binaries
        figdir1 = figdir + "/init/"
        Fplt.fn_plot_init(grid_prams, ice_fields, wave_fields, figdir1)  # plot initial conditions
        print("Plots in " + figdir + "/init")
        print(" ")

    # Look at end results:
    out_fields = Fdat.fn_check_out_bin(bindir)

    print("Plotting results...")
    figdir2 = figdir + "/final/"
    Fplt.fn_plot_final(grid_prams, out_fields, figdir2)
    print("Plots in " + figdir2 + "\n")
    print(" ")

    if PLOT_PROG_OPT == 1:
        # Plot progress files (if they exist)
        # - as colormaps
        figdir3 = figdir + "/prog"
        prog_files = os.listdir(bindir + "/prog")
        steps = []
        for pf in prog_files:
            if ".a" == pf[-2:]:
                stepno = pf[-5:-2]

        # make dir for progress plots
        if (not os.path.exists(figdir3)) and len(steps) > 0:

        # clear old progress plots
        old_dirs = os.listdir(figdir3)
        for od in old_dirs:
            # need this for macs
            if od != ".DS_Store":
                # os.rmdir(figdir3+'/'+od)
                shutil.rmtree(figdir3 + "/" + od)

        for stepno in steps:
            print("Plotting results at time step " + stepno + " ...")
            prog_fields = Fdat.fn_check_prog(outdir, int(stepno))
            figdir3_0 = figdir3 + "/" + stepno
            Fplt.fn_plot_final(grid_prams, prog_fields, figdir3_0)
            print("Plots in " + figdir3_0 + "\n")

        print(" ")
        print("To make a movie of progress images:")
        print("cd " + figdir + "/prog")
        print(dd + "/tools/ Hs (or Dmax,taux,tauy)")

    elif PLOT_PROG_OPT == 2:
        # Plot progress files (if they exist)
        # - as profiles
        steps2plot = range(0, 600, 40)
        # steps2plot  = range(0,140,40)
        cols = ["k", "b", "r", "g", "m", "c"]
        lstil = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
        Nc = len(cols)
        loop_c = -1
        loop_s = 0

        for nstep in steps2plot:
            out_fields = Fdat.fn_check_prog(outdir, nstep)  # load ice/wave conditions from binaries
            Hs_n = out_fields["Hs"]
            if loop_c == Nc - 1:
                loop_c = 0
                loop_s = loop_s + 1
                loop_c = loop_c + 1

            fig = Fplt.plot_1d(xx, Hs_n, labs=labs, f=fig, color=cols[loop_c], linestyle=lstil[loop_s])
        figname = figdir + "/convergence2steady.png"
        print("saving to " + figname + "...")
        plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.05)
Beispiel #4
        # make dir for progress plots
        if (not os.path.exists(figdir3)) and len(steps)>0:

        # clear old progress plots
        old_dirs = os.listdir(figdir3)
        for od in old_dirs:
            # need this for macs
            if od!='.DS_Store':
                # os.rmdir(figdir3+'/'+od)

        for stepno in steps:
            print("Plotting results at time step "+stepno+" ...")
            prog_fields = Fdat.fn_check_prog(outdir,int(stepno))
            figdir3_0   = figdir3+'/'+stepno
            print("Plots in "+figdir3_0+'\n')

        print(' ')
        print("To make a movie of progress images:")
        print("cd "+figdir+'/prog')
        print(dd+'/tools/ Hs (or Dmax,taux,tauy)')

    elif PLOT_PROG_OPT==2:
        # Plot progress files (if they exist)
        # - as profiles
        steps2plot  = range(0,600,40)
        # steps2plot  = range(0,140,40)
        cols   = ['k','b','r','g','m','c']