Beispiel #1
def compile_home_system_list(num_home_systems, systems):
    Compiles a list with a requested number of home systems.

    # if the list of systems to choose home systems from is empty, report an error and return empty list
    if not systems:
        util.report_error("Python generate_home_system_list: no systems to choose from")
        return []

    # calculate an initial minimal number of jumps that the home systems should be apart,
    # based on the total number of systems to choose from and the requested number of home systems
    min_jumps = max(int(float(len(systems)) / float(num_home_systems * 2)), 5)
    # try to find the home systems, decrease the min jumps until enough systems can be found, or the min jump distance
    # gets reduced to 0 (meaning we don't have enough systems to choose from at all)
    while min_jumps > 0:
        print "Trying to find", num_home_systems, "home systems that are at least", min_jumps, "jumps apart"
        # try to find home systems...
        home_systems = find_systems_with_min_jumps_between(num_home_systems, systems, min_jumps)
        # ...check if we got enough...
        if len(home_systems) >= num_home_systems:
            # ...yes, we got what we need, so let's break out of the loop
        print "Home system min jump conflict: %d systems and %d empires, tried %d min jump and failed"\
              % (len(systems), num_home_systems, min_jumps)
        #, decrease the min jump distance and try again
        min_jumps -= 1

    # check if the loop above delivered a list with enough home systems, or if it exited because the min jump distance
    # has been decreased to 0 without finding enough systems
    # in that case, our galaxy obviously is too crowded, report an error and return an empty list
    if len(home_systems) < num_home_systems:
        util.report_error("Python generate_home_system_list: requested %d homeworlds in a galaxy with %d systems"
                          % (num_home_systems, len(systems)))
        return []

    # make sure all our home systems have a "real" star (that is, a star that is not a neutron star, black hole,
    # or even no star at all) and at least one planet in it
    for home_system in home_systems:
        # if this home system has no "real" star, change star type to a randomly selected "real" star
        if fo.sys_get_star_type(home_system) not in starsystems.star_types_real:
            star_type = random.choice(starsystems.star_types_real)
            print "Home system", home_system, "has star type", fo.sys_get_star_type(home_system),\
                  ", changing that to", star_type
            fo.sys_set_star_type(home_system, star_type)

        # if this home system has no planets, create one in a random orbit
        # we take random values for type and size, as these will be set to suitable values later
        if not fo.sys_get_planets(home_system):
            print "Home system", home_system, "has no planets, adding one"
            planet = fo.create_planet(random.choice(planets.planet_sizes_real),
                                      home_system, random.randint(0, fo.sys_get_num_orbits(home_system) - 1), "")
            # if we couldn't create the planet, report an error and return an empty list
            if planet == fo.invalid_object():
                util.report_error("Python generate_home_system_list: couldn't create planet in home system")
                return []

    return home_systems
Beispiel #2
def generate_systems(pos_list, gsd):
    Generates and populates star systems at all positions in specified list.
    sys_list = []
    for position in pos_list:
        star_type = pick_star_type(gsd.age)
        system = fo.create_system(star_type, "", position.x, position.y)
        if system == fo.invalid_object():
            # create system failed, report an error and try to continue with next position
            util.report_error("Python generate_systems: create system at position (%f, %f) failed"
                              % (position.x, position.y))
        for orbit in range(0, fo.sys_get_num_orbits(system) - 1):
            # check for each orbit if a planet shall be created by determining planet size
            planet_size = planets.calc_planet_size(star_type, orbit, gsd.planetDensity, gsd.shape)
            if planet_size in planets.planet_sizes:
                # ok, we want a planet, determine planet type and generate the planet
                planet_type = planets.calc_planet_type(star_type, orbit, planet_size)
                if fo.create_planet(planet_size, planet_type, system, orbit, "") == fo.invalid_object():
                    # create planet failed, report an error and try to continue with next orbit
                    util.report_error("Python generate_systems: create planet in system %d failed" % system)
    return sys_list