def test_complex_regex():
    regex = re.compile(r'(\d[.-])?\d{3,}[.-]\d{3,}[.-]\d{4,}')
    s = """
    never call the number 1-800-666-1337.
    instead, you sould call the number 333-3737-13
    but actually, that number sucks, so call "9-373-185-7242"
    or really just hit me up at777.777.7777
    matches = list(find_regex_in_string(regex=regex, s=s))
    assert len(matches) == 3
    for m in matches:
        assert == regex.pattern
        assert == regex.flags
        assert m.string == s
    assert matches[0].group() == '1-800-666-1337'
    assert matches[1].group() == '9-373-185-7242'
    assert matches[2].group() == '777.777.7777'
def test_regex_only():
    regex = re.compile('test')
    assert list(find_regex_in_string(regex=regex)) == []
def test_no_arguments():
    assert find_regex_in_string() == []
def test_string_only():
    assert find_regex_in_string(s='test') == []