Beispiel #1
    async def test_get(self):
        s = Service.register("StorageService", "Storage", "localhost", 8881, 1888)
        c = Service.register("CoreService", "Core", "localhost", 7771, 1777)
        d = Service.register("SouthService", "Southbound", "", 9991, 1999, "https")

        l = Service.get()
        assert 3 == len(l)

        assert s == l[0]._id
        assert "StorageService" == l[0]._name
        assert "Storage" == l[0]._type
        assert "localhost" == l[0]._address
        assert 8881 == int(l[0]._port)
        assert 1888 == int(l[0]._management_port)
        # validates default set to HTTP
        assert "http" == l[0]._protocol

        assert c == l[1]._id
        assert "CoreService" == l[1]._name
        assert "Core" == l[1]._type
        assert "localhost" == l[1]._address
        assert 7771 == int(l[1]._port)
        assert 1777 == int(l[1]._management_port)
        # validates default set to HTTP
        assert "http" == l[1]._protocol

        assert d == l[2]._id
        assert "SouthService" == l[2]._name
        assert "Southbound" == l[2]._type
        assert "" == l[2]._address
        assert 9991 == int(l[2]._port)
        assert 1999 == int(l[2]._management_port)
        assert "https" == l[2]._protocol
Beispiel #2
 async def test_duplicate_address_port_registration(self):
     idx1 = Service.register("StorageService1", "Storage", "",
                             9999, 1999)
     assert str(uuid.UUID(idx1, version=4)) == idx1
     with pytest.raises(AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndPort) as excinfo:
         Service.register("StorageService2", "Storage", "", 9999,
     assert str(excinfo).endswith('AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndPort')
Beispiel #3
    async def test_run_missing_service_record(self, reset_state):
        storage_client_mock = MagicMock(spec=StorageClient)
        cfg_mgr = ConfigurationManager(storage_client_mock)

        s_id_1 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname1', 'Storage', 'saddress1', 1,
                                          1, 'http')
        s_id_2 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname2', 'Southbound', 'saddress2',
                                          2, 2, 'http')
        s_id_3 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname3', 'Southbound', 'saddress3',
                                          3, 3, 'http')
        i_reg = InterestRegistry(cfg_mgr)
        id_fake_1 = i_reg.register('fakeid', 'catname1')
        id_1_1 = i_reg.register(s_id_1, 'catname1')
        id_1_2 = i_reg.register(s_id_1, 'catname2')
        id_2_1 = i_reg.register(s_id_2, 'catname1')
        id_2_2 = i_reg.register(s_id_2, 'catname2')
        id_3_3 = i_reg.register(s_id_3, 'catname3')

        # used to mock client session context manager
        async def async_mock(return_value):
            return return_value

        class AsyncSessionContextManagerMock(MagicMock):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            async def __aenter__(self):
                client_response_mock = MagicMock(spec=aiohttp.ClientResponse)
                client_response_mock.text.side_effect = [async_mock(None)]
                status_mock = Mock()
                status_mock.side_effect = [200]
                client_response_mock.status = status_mock()
                return client_response_mock

            async def __aexit__(self, *args):
                return None

        with patch.object(ConfigurationManager,
                          return_value=async_mock(None)) as cm_get_patch:
            with patch.object(aiohttp.ClientSession,
                              ) as post_patch:
                with patch.object(cb._LOGGER, 'exception') as exception_patch:
            'Unable to notify microservice with uuid %s as it is not found in the service registry',
                 data='{"category": "catname1", "items": null}',
                 headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}),
                 data='{"category": "catname1", "items": null}',
                 headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
 def test_register_with_bad_management_port(self):
     """raise NonNumericPortError"""
     with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
         with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
             ServiceRegistry.register("B name", "Storage", "",
                                      1234, "m01", 'http')
             assert 0 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
         assert 0 == log_info.call_count
     assert excinfo.type is NonNumericPortError
Beispiel #5
 def test_get_storage(self):
     with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
         ServiceRegistry.register("FogLAMP Storage", "Storage", "", 37449, 37843)
         storage_client = connect.get_storage_async()
         assert isinstance(storage_client, StorageClientAsync)
     assert 1 == log_info.call_count
     args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
     assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
     assert args[0].endswith(': <FogLAMP Storage, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=37449,'
                             ' management port=37843, status=1>')
Beispiel #6
    def test_register_with_same_address_and_mgt_port(self):
        """raise AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndManagementPort"""
        ServiceRegistry.register("A name", "Storage", "", 1, 1234,
        assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
            with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_i:
                ServiceRegistry.register("B name", "Storage", "", 2,
                                         1234, 'http')
        assert 0 == log_i.call_count
        assert excinfo.type is AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndManagementPort
        assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
Beispiel #7
 async def test_get_fail(self):
     with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist) as excinfo:
         with patch.object(Service._logger, 'info') as log_info:
             Service.register("StorageService", "Storage", "",
                              8888, 9999)
         assert 1 == log_info.call_count
         args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
         assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
         assert args[0].endswith(
             ': <StorageService1, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=8888,'
             ' management port=9999, status=1>')
     assert str(excinfo).endswith('DoesNotExist')
Beispiel #8
    def test_exception_when_non_foglamp_storage(self, mock_logger):
        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            ServiceRegistry.register("foo", "Storage", "", 1, 2)
        assert 1 == log_info.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(': <foo, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=1, '
                                'management port=2, status=1>')

        with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo).endswith('DoesNotExist')
Beispiel #9
    def test_register_with_same_name(self):
        """raise AlreadyExistsWithTheSameName"""

        ServiceRegistry.register("A name", "Storage", "", 1, 2,
        assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
            with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_i:
                ServiceRegistry.register("A name", "Storage", "", 3,
                                         4, 'http')
        assert 0 == log_i.call_count
        assert excinfo.type is AlreadyExistsWithTheSameName
        assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
    def test_unregister(self, mocker):
        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, '__init__', return_value=None)
        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, 'get', return_value=list())

        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info1:
            reg_id = ServiceRegistry.register("A name", "Storage", "",
                                              1234, 4321, 'http')
            assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
        assert 1 == log_info1.call_count
        arg, kwarg = log_info1.call_args
        assert arg[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert arg[0].endswith(
            ': <A name, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=1234,'
            ' management port=4321, status=1>')

        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info2:
            s_id = ServiceRegistry.unregister(reg_id)
            assert 36 == len(s_id)  # uuid version 4 len
            assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
            s = ServiceRegistry.get(idx=s_id)
            assert s[0]._status == 2
        assert 1 == log_info2.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info2.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Stopped service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(
            ': <A name, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=1234,'
            ' management port=4321, status=2>')
Beispiel #11
    async def test_duplicate_address_port_registration(self):
        with patch.object(Service._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            idx1 = Service.register("StorageService1", "Storage", "",
                                    9999, 1999)
            assert str(uuid.UUID(idx1, version=4)) == idx1
        assert 1 == log_info.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(
            ': <StorageService1, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=9999,'
            ' management port=1999, status=1>')

        with pytest.raises(AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndPort) as excinfo:
            Service.register("StorageService2", "Storage", "", 9999,
        assert str(excinfo).endswith('AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndPort')
Beispiel #12
    async def test_unregister(self, mocker):
        # register a service
        with patch.object(Service._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            idx = Service.register("StorageService2", "Storage", "",
                                   8888, 1888)
            assert str(uuid.UUID(idx, version=4)) == idx
        assert 1 == log_info.call_count
        arg, kwarg = log_info.call_args
        assert arg[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert arg[0].endswith(
            ': <StorageService2, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=8888,'
            ' management port=1888, status=1>')

        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, '__init__', return_value=None)
        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, 'get', return_value=list())

        # deregister the same
        with patch.object(Service._logger, 'info') as log_info2:
            t = Service.unregister(idx)
            assert idx == t
        assert 1 == log_info2.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info2.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Stopped service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(
            ': <StorageService2, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, '
            'service port=8888, management port=1888, status=2>')

        s = Service.get(idx)
        assert s[0]._status == 2  # Unregistered
Beispiel #13
    def _register_core(cls, host, mgt_port, service_port):
        core_service_id = ServiceRegistry.register(name="FogLAMP Core",

        return core_service_id
    async def test_run_no_interests_in_cat(self):
        storage_client_mock = MagicMock(spec=StorageClientAsync)
        cfg_mgr = ConfigurationManager(storage_client_mock)

        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            s_id_1 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname1', 'Storage', 'saddress1',
                                              1, 1, 'http')
            s_id_2 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname2', 'Southbound',
                                              'saddress2', 2, 2, 'http')
            s_id_3 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname3', 'Southbound',
                                              'saddress3', 3, 3, 'http')
        assert 3 == log_info.call_count
        i_reg = InterestRegistry(cfg_mgr)
        i_reg.register(s_id_1, 'catname2')
        i_reg.register(s_id_2, 'catname2')
        i_reg.register(s_id_3, 'catname3')

        # used to mock client session context manager
        async def async_mock(return_value):
            return return_value

        class AsyncSessionContextManagerMock(MagicMock):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            async def __aenter__(self):
                client_response_mock = MagicMock(spec=aiohttp.ClientResponse)
                client_response_mock.text.side_effect = [async_mock(None)]
                status_mock = Mock()
                status_mock.side_effect = [200]
                client_response_mock.status = status_mock()
                return client_response_mock

            async def __aexit__(self, *args):
                return None

        with patch.object(ConfigurationManager,
                          'get_category_all_items') as cm_get_patch:
            with patch.object(aiohttp.ClientSession, 'post') as post_patch:
    def test_register_with_same_address_and_mgt_port(self):
        """raise AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndManagementPort"""
        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info1:
            ServiceRegistry.register("A name", "Storage", "", 1, 1234,
            assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
        assert 1 == log_info1.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info1.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(
            ': <A name, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=1,'
            ' management port=1234, status=1>')

        with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
            with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info2:
                ServiceRegistry.register("B name", "Storage", "", 2,
                                         1234, 'http')
                assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
            assert 0 == log_info2.call_count
        assert excinfo.type is AlreadyExistsWithTheSameAddressAndManagementPort
Beispiel #16
 async def test_register(self):
     with patch.object(Service._logger, 'info') as log_info:
         idx = Service.register("StorageService1", "Storage", "",
                                9999, 1999)
         assert str(uuid.UUID(idx, version=4)) == idx
     assert 1 == log_info.call_count
     args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
     assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
     assert args[0].endswith(
         ': <StorageService1, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=, service port=9999,'
         ' management port=1999, status=1>')
Beispiel #17
    async def test__monitor_good_uptime(self):
        async def async_mock(return_value):
            return return_value

        # used to mock client session context manager

        class AsyncSessionContextManagerMock(MagicMock):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            async def __aenter__(self):
                client_response_mock = MagicMock(spec=aiohttp.ClientResponse)
                # mock response (good)
                client_response_mock.text.side_effect = [
                    async_mock('{"uptime": "bla"}')
                return client_response_mock

            async def __aexit__(self, *args):
                return None

        # as monitor loop is as infinite loop, this exception is thrown when we need to exit the loop

        class TestMonitorException(Exception):

        # register a service
        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            s_id_1 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname1', 'Storage', 'saddress1',
                                              1, 1, 'protocol1')
        assert 1 == log_info.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(
            ': <sname1, type=Storage, protocol=protocol1, address=saddress1, service port=1, '
            'management port=1, status=1>')
        monitor = Monitor()
        monitor._sleep_interval = Monitor._DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL
        monitor._max_attempts = Monitor._DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS

        # throw the TestMonitorException when sleep is called (end of infinite loop)
        with patch.object(Monitor,
            with patch.object(aiohttp.ClientSession,
                with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
                    await monitor._monitor_loop()
                assert excinfo.type is TestMonitorException
        # service is good, so it should remain in the service registry
        assert len(ServiceRegistry.get(idx=s_id_1)) is 1
        assert ServiceRegistry.get(
            idx=s_id_1)[0]._status is ServiceRecord.Status.Running
 def test_register_with_service_port_none(self):
     with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
         s_id = ServiceRegistry.register("A name", "Southbound",
                                         "", None, 4321, 'http')
         assert 36 == len(s_id)  # uuid version 4 len
         assert 1 == len(ServiceRegistry._registry)
     assert 1 == log_info.call_count
     args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
     assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
     assert args[0].endswith(
         ': <A name, type=Southbound, protocol=http, address=, service port=None,'
         ' management port=4321, status=1>')
Beispiel #19
    async def test_unregister(self):
        # register a service
        idx = Service.register("StorageService2", "Storage", "", 8888,
        assert str(uuid.UUID(idx, version=4)) == idx

        # deregister the same
        t = Service.unregister(idx)
        assert idx == t

        with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo).endswith('DoesNotExist')
Beispiel #20
    async def test_get(self):
        with patch.object(Service._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            s = Service.register("StorageService", "Storage", "localhost",
                                 8881, 1888)
            c = Service.register("CoreService", "Core", "localhost", 7771,
            d = Service.register("SouthService", "Southbound", "",
                                 9991, 1999, "https")
        assert 3 == log_info.call_count

        _service = Service.get()
        assert 3 == len(_service)

        assert s == _service[0]._id
        assert "StorageService" == _service[0]._name
        assert "Storage" == _service[0]._type
        assert "localhost" == _service[0]._address
        assert 8881 == int(_service[0]._port)
        assert 1888 == int(_service[0]._management_port)
        # validates default set to HTTP
        assert "http" == _service[0]._protocol

        assert c == _service[1]._id
        assert "CoreService" == _service[1]._name
        assert "Core" == _service[1]._type
        assert "localhost" == _service[1]._address
        assert 7771 == int(_service[1]._port)
        assert 1777 == int(_service[1]._management_port)
        # validates default set to HTTP
        assert "http" == _service[1]._protocol

        assert d == _service[2]._id
        assert "SouthService" == _service[2]._name
        assert "Southbound" == _service[2]._type
        assert "" == _service[2]._address
        assert 9991 == int(_service[2]._port)
        assert 1999 == int(_service[2]._management_port)
        assert "https" == _service[2]._protocol
Beispiel #21
    async def test_unregister(self, mocker):
        # register a service
        idx = Service.register("StorageService2", "Storage", "", 8888, 1888)
        assert str(uuid.UUID(idx, version=4)) == idx

        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, '__init__', return_value=None)
        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, 'get', return_value=list())

        # deregister the same
        t = Service.unregister(idx)
        assert idx == t

        s = Service.get(idx)
        assert s[0]._status == 2  # Unregistered
    async def test_run_general_exception(self):
        storage_client_mock = MagicMock(spec=StorageClientAsync)
        cfg_mgr = ConfigurationManager(storage_client_mock)

        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_info:
            s_id_1 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname1', 'Storage', 'saddress1',
                                              1, 1, 'http')
        assert 1 == log_info.call_count
        args, kwargs = log_info.call_args
        assert args[0].startswith('Registered service instance id=')
        assert args[0].endswith(
            ': <sname1, type=Storage, protocol=http, address=saddress1, service port=1, management port=1, status=1>'

        i_reg = InterestRegistry(cfg_mgr)
        i_reg.register(s_id_1, 'catname1')

        # used to mock client session context manager
        async def async_mock(return_value):
            return return_value

        class AsyncSessionContextManagerMock(MagicMock):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            async def __aenter__(self):
                raise Exception

            async def __aexit__(self, *args):
                return None

        with patch.object(ConfigurationManager,
                          return_value=async_mock(None)) as cm_get_patch:
            with patch.object(aiohttp.ClientSession,
                              ) as post_patch:
                with patch.object(cb._LOGGER, 'exception') as exception_patch:
                    'Unable to notify microservice with uuid %s due to exception: %s',
                    s_id_1, '')
                     data='{"category": "catname1", "items": null}',
                     headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
Beispiel #23
    async def test__monitor_exceed_attempts(self, reset_service_registry):
        async def async_mock(return_value):
            return return_value

        # used to mock client session context manager

        class AsyncSessionContextManagerMock(MagicMock):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            async def __aenter__(self):
                # mock response (error- exception)
                raise Exception()

            async def __aexit__(self, *args):
                return None

        # as monitor loop is as infinite loop, this exception is thrown when we need to exit the loop

        class TestMonitorException(Exception):

        # register a service
        s_id_1 = ServiceRegistry.register('sname1', 'Storage', 'saddress1', 1,
                                          1, 'protocol1')
        monitor = Monitor()
        monitor._sleep_interval = Monitor._DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL
        monitor._max_attempts = Monitor._DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS

        sleep_side_effect_list = list()
        # _MAX_ATTEMPTS is 15
        # throw exception on the 16th time sleep is called - the first 15 sleeps are used during retries
        for i in range(0, 15):
        with patch.object(Monitor,
            with patch.object(aiohttp.ClientSession,
                with pytest.raises(TestMonitorException) as excinfo:
                    await monitor._monitor_loop()

        assert ServiceRegistry.get(
            idx=s_id_1)[0]._status is ServiceRecord.Status.Failed
Beispiel #24
 def test_exception_when_non_foglamp_storage(self, mock_logger):
     ServiceRegistry.register("foo", "Storage", "", 1, 2)
     with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist) as excinfo:
     assert str(excinfo).endswith('DoesNotExist')
Beispiel #25
    async def test_get_health(self, mocker, client):
        # empty service registry
        resp = await client.get('/foglamp/service')
        assert 200 == resp.status
        result = await resp.text()
        json_response = json.loads(result)
        assert {'services': []} == json_response

        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, "__init__", return_value=None)
        mocker.patch.object(InterestRegistry, "get", return_value=list())

        with patch.object(ServiceRegistry._logger, 'info') as log_patch_info:
            # populated service registry
            ServiceRegistry.register('name1', 'Storage', 'address1', 1, 1,
            ServiceRegistry.register('name2', 'Southbound', 'address2', 2, 2,
            s_id_3 = ServiceRegistry.register('name3', 'Southbound',
                                              'address3', 3, 3, 'protocol3')
            s_id_4 = ServiceRegistry.register('name4', 'Southbound',
                                              'address4', 4, 4, 'protocol4')


            resp = await client.get('/foglamp/service')
            assert 200 == resp.status
            result = await resp.text()
            json_response = json.loads(result)
            assert json_response == {
                'services': [{
                    'type': 'Storage',
                    'service_port': 1,
                    'address': 'address1',
                    'protocol': 'protocol1',
                    'status': 'running',
                    'name': 'name1',
                    'management_port': 1
                }, {
                    'type': 'Southbound',
                    'service_port': 2,
                    'address': 'address2',
                    'protocol': 'protocol2',
                    'status': 'running',
                    'name': 'name2',
                    'management_port': 2
                }, {
                    'type': 'Southbound',
                    'service_port': 3,
                    'address': 'address3',
                    'protocol': 'protocol3',
                    'status': 'shutdown',
                    'name': 'name3',
                    'management_port': 3
                }, {
                    'type': 'Southbound',
                    'service_port': 4,
                    'address': 'address4',
                    'protocol': 'protocol4',
                    'status': 'failed',
                    'name': 'name4',
                    'management_port': 4
        assert 6 == log_patch_info.call_count
Beispiel #26
 async def test_register_invalid_mgt_port(self):
     with pytest.raises(NonNumericPortError) as excinfo:
         Service.register("StorageService2", "Core", "", 8888, "199a")
     assert str(excinfo).endswith('NonNumericPortError')
Beispiel #27
 async def test_register_wrong_type(self):
     with pytest.raises(ServiceRecord.InvalidServiceType) as excinfo:
         Service.register("StorageService1", "WrongType", "", 9999, 1999)
     assert str(excinfo).endswith('InvalidServiceType')
Beispiel #28
 async def test_register(self):
     idx = Service.register("StorageService1", "Storage", "", 9999, 1999)
     assert str(uuid.UUID(idx, version=4)) == idx
Beispiel #29
 async def test_get_fail(self):
     with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist) as excinfo:
         Service.register("StorageService", "Storage", "", 8888, 9999)
     assert str(excinfo).endswith('DoesNotExist')
Beispiel #30
 def test_get_storage(self):
     ServiceRegistry.register("FogLAMP Storage", "Storage", "",
                              37449, 37843)
     storage_client = connect.get_storage()
     assert isinstance(storage_client, StorageClient)