Beispiel #1
 def folding():
     #print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
     #if cursor.end < cursor.start:raise ValueError
     peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
     period = xdata[peak]
     label.period = period
     print 'candidate period: ', period
     #binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
     peak = {}
     binvalue, binerr = fold(ix,
     ax4.step(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin) + 0.5 / nbin, binvalue, color='b')
     ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin),
         [kic, bper, peak['offset'], (list(binvalue), list(binerr))])
Beispiel #2
def folding():
    print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
    peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
    period = xdata[peak]
    print peak, period
    binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    ax3.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    ax3.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')
Beispiel #3
def folding():
    #print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
    peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
    period = xdata[peak]
    print 'candidate period: ', period
    #binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')
Beispiel #4
def folding():
    print cursor.end, cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
    peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
    period = xdata[peak]
    print peak, period
    binvalue, binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    ax3.step(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin) + 0.5 / nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    ax3.errorbar(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin),
Beispiel #5
def recoHW_a1(bjets,jets0,lepton,MET):
    """ Reconstruction of HWW, requiring at least two b-tags.
        The two leading bjets are taken out the jets, and the
        next leading jets with
        are used to form HWW. """

    jets = jets0[:]
    jets = [ jet for jet in jets if fold(abs(lepton.Phi-jet.Phi)) < 1.8 ]

    if len(jets)<2 or fold(abs(bjets[0].Phi-bjets[1].Phi)) > 2.2: # TODO: extend for cases with more than 2 bjets
        return [ ]
    #if abs(lepton.Eta-jets[0].Eta)>1 and abs(lepton.Eta-jets[1].Eta)>1:
        #return [ ]
    # 1) Make TLorentzVectors.
    p_l = TLorentzVector()
    p_l.SetPtEtaPhiM(lepton.PT, lepton.Eta, lepton.Phi, lepton.Mass)
    p_bjets = [ TLorentzVector(), TLorentzVector() ]
    p_bjets[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(bjets[0].PT, bjets[0].Eta, bjets[0].Phi, bjets[0].Mass)
    p_bjets[1].SetPtEtaPhiM(bjets[1].PT, bjets[1].Eta, bjets[1].Phi, bjets[1].Mass)
    p_jets = [ TLorentzVector(), TLorentzVector() ]
    p_jets[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(jets[0].PT, jets[0].Eta, jets[0].Phi, jets[0].Mass)
    p_jets[1].SetPtEtaPhiM(jets[1].PT, jets[1].Eta, jets[1].Phi, jets[1].Mass)
    # 2) Make Hbb and Wjj LorentzVector.
    q_Hbb = p_bjets[0] + p_bjets[1]
    q_Wjj = p_jets[0] + p_jets[1]

#    # 3) TODO: Find Wlnu via boost to HWW restframe.
#    beta = q.BoostVector()
#    q_Wjj.Boost(beta)

    return [ q_Hbb, q_Wjj ]
Beispiel #6
 def folding():
     #print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
         #if cursor.end < cursor.start:raise ValueError
     peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
     period = xdata[peak]
     label.period = period
     print 'candidate period: ', period
     #binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
     peak = {}
     binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin, peak=peak)
     ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
     ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')
     folding_results.append([kic, bper, peak['offset'], (list(binvalue), list(binerr))])
Beispiel #7
def max_b2b(vectors):
    """ 1) Loop over all vector-vector combinations from vectors
        2) Boost back to rest frame of sum
        3) Return combination with DeltaPhi closest to pi: back-to-back """
    p_12_b2b = None
    DeltaPhi_b2b = 0 # > pi
    for p1,p2 in combinations(vectors,2):
        p_12 = p1 + p2
        q1 = copy(p1)
        q2 = copy(p2)
        beta = p_12.BoostVector()
        DeltaPhi = fold(abs(q1.Phi()-q2.Phi()))
        if DeltaPhi > DeltaPhi_b2b:
            p_12_b2b = copy(p_12)
            DeltaPhi_b2b = DeltaPhi

    return p_12_b2b
Beispiel #8
def processdata(files):
    ix,iy,ie = readfs(files)

    ax1.errorbar(ix, iy, yerr=ie, color='b', alpha=0.5)

    smoothedy = fftsmooth(iy)

    ax2.plot(ix[:len(smoothedy)], smoothedy, color='r')

    ix = ix[:len(smoothedy)]
    T = ix.max() - ix.min()
    nf = min(10000, ix.size * 2)
    minperiod, maxperiod = 0.5, T-1 #min([100., T-1])
    fmin, df = 1./maxperiod, (1./minperiod - 1./maxperiod)/nf
    freqs = np.arange(fmin, fmin+df*nf, df)[:nf]
    p, bper, bpow, depth, qtran, in1, in2 = bls(ix, smoothedy, nf=nf, fmin=fmin, df=df)

    a = 1./freqs
    b = p 
    coeff = np.polyfit(a,b,3)
    polys = np.poly1d(coeff)
    ys = polys(a)

    ax3.plot(a, np.exp(p-ys))
    #ax3.plot(a, ys, 'r-')
    ax3.set_xlim([minperiod, maxperiod])
    ax3.axvline(x=bper, color='r', linewidth=1)

    nbin = 100
    binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, bper, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    foldedcurve = ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')

    return binvalue
Beispiel #9
    def process(self, event):
        result = { }
        jets = event.cleanedJets20[:] # remove closest b-jets pair down below
        alljets = [ j for j in event.jets if j.PT > 20 and abs(j.Eta) < 2.5 ]
        bjets = event.bjets30[:]
        result["Njets20"] = len(event.cleanedJets20)
        result["Njets30"] = len(event.cleanedJets30)
        result["Nbjets30"] = len(event.bjets30)
        if len(jets) > 3 and len(event.leadingLeptons) == 1 and event.met[0].MET > 20: 
            result["Nbjets30_cut_PUPPI"] = len(event.bjets30) 
            result["Nbjets30_cut_all"] = len([ j for j in alljets if j.BTag and j.PT > 30 ])
        NPU = event.npu[0]
#         result["NVerticesNJets"] = [[ NPU.HT, len(alljets) ]]
#         result["NVerticesNPUPPIJets"] = [[ NPU.HT, len(jets) ]]

        lepton = None
        p_neutrino = None
        MET = event.met[0]
        if len(event.leadingLeptons):
            lepton = event.leadingLeptons[0]
            p_neutrino = recoNeutrino(lepton.TLV,MET)

        # bjet - bjet
        bl = [ ]
        p_bl = None
        if lepton and bjets:
            bl = sorted( bjets, key=lambda j: TLV.DeltaR(j.TLV,lepton.TLV), reverse=True ) # farthest->closest
            DeltaPhi = fold(abs(lepton.Phi - bl[0].Phi))
            DeltaEta = abs(lepton.Eta - bl[0].Eta)
            p_bl = lepton.TLV+bl[-1].TLV
            result["M_bl"] = p_bl.M() # closest b-jet with lepton
            result["Pt_bl"] = p_bl.Pt()
            result["DeltaR_b1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(lepton.TLV,bl[0].TLV)
            result["DeltaPhi_b1l"] = DeltaPhi
            result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b1l"] = [[ DeltaEta, DeltaPhi ]]
            if len(bl)>1:
                DeltaPhi = fold(abs(lepton.Phi - bl[1].Phi))
                DeltaEta = abs(lepton.Eta - bl[1].Eta)
                result["M_bb_farthest"] = (bl[0].TLV+bl[1].TLV).M()
                result["DeltaR_b2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(lepton.TLV,bl[1].TLV)
                result["DeltaPhi_b2l"] = DeltaPhi
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b2l"] = [[ DeltaEta, DeltaPhi ]]
        # bjet comb
        DeltaR_bb_closest = 1000 # >> pi
        bjet_closest = [ ]
        p_bb1 = None
        for j1, j2 in combinations(bjets,2):
            p_bb = j1.TLV + j2.TLV
            DeltaR = TLV.DeltaR(j1.TLV, j2.TLV)

            if DeltaR < DeltaR_bb_closest:
                bjet_closest = [j1,j2]
                p_bb1 = p_bb
                result["M_bb_closest"] = p_bb.M()
                result["Pt_bb"] = p_bb.Pt()
                result["DeltaR_bb1"] = TLV.DeltaR(j1.TLV,j2.TLV)
                result["DeltaPhi_bb1"] = fold(abs(j1.Phi - j2.Phi))
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_bb1"] = [[ abs(j1.Eta - j2.Eta),
                                                    result["DeltaPhi_bb1"] ]]
                DeltaR_bb_closest = DeltaR
        if len(bjets)>1:
            result["M_bb_leading"] = (bjets[0].TLV+bjets[1].TLV).M()

        # leading non-b-jets
        for bjet in bjet_closest: # remove closest bjet pair from jet list
        if len(jets)>0:
            result["jet1Pt"] = jets[0].PT
            if len(jets)>1:
                result["jet2Pt"] = jets[1].PT
        # leading bjets
        if len(bjets)>1:
            result["bjet1Pt"] = bjet_closest[0].PT
            result["bjet2Pt"] = bjet_closest[1].PT
        elif len(bjets):
            result["bjet1Pt"] = bjets[0].PT

        # jet comb
        if len(jets)>1:
            # 120 GeV upper mass limit
#             jets120 = [ js for js in combinations(jets[:4],2) if (js[0].TLV+js[1].TLV).M() < 120 ]
#             if len(jets120):
#                 jets = max( jets120, key = lambda js: (js[0].TLV+js[1].TLV).Pt())
            p_jj = jets[0].TLV + jets[1].TLV
            result["M_jj"] = p_jj.M()
            result["DeltaR_jj"] = TLV.DeltaR(jets[0].TLV, jets[1].TLV)
            result["DeltaPhi_jj"] = fold(abs(jets[0].Phi - jets[1].Phi))
            result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_jj"] = [[ abs(jets[0].Eta - jets[1].Eta),
                                                       result["DeltaPhi_jj"] ]]
            result["M_jj_NPU"] = [[ p_jj.M(), NPU.HT ]]
            # jjl
            if lepton:
                p_jjl = p_jj + lepton.TLV
                result["M_jjl"] = p_jjl.M()
                result["Pt_jjl"] = p_jjl.Pt()
                result["M_jjlnu"] = (p_jj + lepton.TLV + p_neutrino).M()
                result["DeltaR_jjl"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_jj,lepton.TLV)
                result["DeltaPhi_jjl"] = fold(abs(p_jj.Phi()-lepton.Phi))
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_jjl"] = [[ abs(p_jj.Eta() - lepton.Eta),
                                                            result["DeltaPhi_jjl"] ]]
                result["DeltaPhi_jjlnu"] = fold(abs(p_jjl.Phi()-MET.Phi))
                result["MT_jjlnu"] = sqrt(2 * MET.MET * p_jjl.Pt() * (1-cos( p_jjl.Phi() - MET.Phi)) )
                if len(bl)>1:
                    p_blnu = bl[-2].TLV + lepton.TLV + p_neutrino
                    p_b2lnu = bl[-1].TLV + lepton.TLV + p_neutrino
                    result["M_b1lnu"] = p_blnu.M()
                    result["M_b2lnu"] = p_b2lnu.M() # take bjet closest
                    result["M_blnu_2D"] = [[ result["M_b1lnu"], result["M_b2lnu"] ]]
                    result["Pt_b1lnu"] = p_blnu.Pt()
                    result["Pt_b2lnu"] = p_b2lnu.Pt()
                    if len(event.cleanedJets20)>3: # take bjet second closest to lepton
                        jets_tt = event.cleanedJets20[:]
                        # 120 GeV upper mass limit
#                         jets120 = [ js for js in combinations(jets_tt[:4],2) if (js[0].TLV+js[1].TLV).M() < 120 ]
#                         if len(jets120):
#                             jets_tt = max( jets120, key = lambda js: (js[0].TLV+js[1].TLV).Pt())
                        p_jj = jets_tt[0].TLV + jets_tt[1].TLV
                        p_jjb = p_jj + bl[-2].TLV
                        p_jjb2 = p_jj + bl[-1].TLV
                        result["M_jjl"] = p_jjl.M()
                        result["M_jjb1"] = p_jjb.M()
                        result["M_jjb2"] = p_jjb2.M()
                        result["M_jjb_2D"] = [[ result["M_jjb1"], result["M_jjb2"] ]]
                        result["Pt_jjb1"] = p_jjb.Pt()
                        result["Pt_jjb2"] = p_jjb2.Pt()
                        result["DeltaR_jjb"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_jj,bl[-2].TLV)
                        result["DeltaPhi_jjb"] = fold(abs(p_jj.Phi()-bl[-2].Phi))
                        result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_jjb"] = [[ abs(p_jj.Eta() - bl[-2].Eta),
                                                                    result["DeltaPhi_jjb"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_jjlbb"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_jjl,p_bb1)
                        result["DeltaPhi_jjlbb"] = fold(abs(p_jjl.Phi()-p_bb1.Phi()))
                        result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_jjlbb"] = [[ abs(p_jjl.Eta() - p_bb1.Eta()),
                                                              result["DeltaPhi_jjlbb"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_jjbbl"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_jjb,p_bl)
                        result["DeltaPhi_jjbbl"] = fold(abs(p_jjb.Phi()-p_bl.Phi()))
                        result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_jjbbl"] = [[ abs(p_jjb.Eta() - p_bl.Eta()),
                                                              result["DeltaPhi_jjbbl"] ]]
        if lepton:
            # MET - lepton
            result["leptonPt"] = lepton.PT
            result["MET"] = MET.MET
            result["DeltaPhi_lMET"] = abs(MET.Phi-lepton.Phi)
            result["MT_lnu"] = recoWlnu2Mt(lepton,MET)
            # jet i - lepton
            ji = sorted(jets, key=lambda j: TLV.DeltaR(j.TLV,lepton.TLV))[:3] # closest jets
            if len(ji)>0 and p_bb1:
                p_j1l = lepton.TLV+ji[0].TLV
                result["M_j1l"] = p_j1l.M()
                result["Pt_j1l"] = p_j1l.Pt()
                result["DeltaR_j1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(lepton.TLV,ji[0].TLV)
                result["DeltaPhi_j1l"] = fold(abs(lepton.Phi - ji[0].Phi))
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_j1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - ji[0].Eta),
                                                    result["DeltaPhi_j1l"] ]]
                result["DeltaR_j1lbb"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_j1l,p_bb1)
                result["DeltaPhi_j1lbb"] = fold(abs(p_j1l.Phi()-p_bb1.Phi()))
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_j1lbb"] = [[ abs(p_j1l.Eta() - p_bb1.Eta()),
                                                      result["DeltaPhi_j1lbb"] ]]
                if len(ji)>1:
#                    result["M_j2l"] = (lepton.TLV+ji[1].TLV).M()
                    result["DeltaR_j2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(lepton.TLV,ji[1].TLV)
                    result["DeltaPhi_j2l"] = fold(abs(lepton.Phi - ji[1].Phi))
                    result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_j2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - ji[1].Eta),
                                                        result["DeltaPhi_j2l"] ]]
                    if len(ji)>2:
                        result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_j3l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - ji[2].Eta),
                                                            fold(abs(lepton.Phi - ji[2].Phi)) ]]
        # respect the order of branches when adding variables
#        result["cleanup"] = [ result[var] for var in result if var in tree_vars ]
        result["cleanup"] = [ ]
        for var in tree_vars:
            if var in result:
            else: # if one variable does not exist for this event, no tree
                del result["cleanup"]

        return result
Beispiel #10
ax2 = subplot(312)
ax3 = subplot(313)
ax1.errorbar(ix, iy, yerr=ie, color='b', alpha=0.5)
#ax2.errorbar(1./freq[1:len(trans)-1], trans[1:-1], yerr=etrans[1:-1])
ax2.plot(1./freq[1:len(trans)-1], trans[1:-1])
xdata = copy.deepcopy(1./freq[1:len(trans)-1])
ydata = copy.deepcopy(trans[1:-1])
cursor = Cursor(ax2, xdata, ydata)
connect('motion_notify_event', cursor.mouse_move)

peak = np.argmax(trans[1:len(trans)-1])
period = xdata[peak]
print peak, period
nbin = 300
binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
ax3.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
ax3.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')

def folding():
    print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
    peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
    period = xdata[peak]
    print peak, period
    binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    ax3.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    ax3.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')

    def process(self, event):
        result = { }
        result["WlnuM"] = [ ]
        result["WqqM"] = [ ]
        result["qEta"] = [ ]
        result["MatchLJets_20"] = [ ]
        result["MatchLJets_40"] = [ ]
        result["MatchBJets_20"] = [ ]
        result["MatchBJets_40"] = [ ]
        higgs = [ ]
        leptons = [ ]
        neutrinos = [ ]
        quarks = [ ]
        bquarks = [ ]
        bquark_had = None
        bquark_lep = None
        for particle in event.particles:
            PID = abs(particle.PID)
            D1 = particle.D1
            D2 = particle.D2
            # __top__
            if PID == 6 and 0 <= D1 < len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1] and D1!=D2:
                if abs(event.particles[D2].PID) == 5: # b
                elif abs(event.particles[D1].PID) == 5: # b
                    print "Warning in GenControlPlots: b is D1!"
                if abs(event.particles[D1].PID) == 24: # look for daughter particle
					D1 = event.particles[D1].D1
					if abs(event.particles[D1].PID) in [11,13,15]:
						bquark_lep = event.particles[D2] # bquark with leptonic W
						higgs[-1].ljets = False
					elif abs(event.particles[D1].PID) in [1,2,3,4,5]:
						bquark_had = event.particles[D2] # bquark with hadronic W
						higgs[-1].ljets = True
						print "ERROR: abs(event.particles[D1].PID) not in [1,2,3,4,5,11,13,15]"
#                     looking = True
#                     while looking:
#                         D1 = event.particles[D1].D1
#                         if abs(event.particles[D1].PID) in [11,13,15]:
#                             bquark_lep = event.particles[D2] # bquark with leptonic W
#                             looking = False
#                             higgs[-1].ljets = False
#                         elif abs(event.particles[D1].PID) in [1,2,3,4,5]:
#                             bquark_had = event.particles[D2] # bquark with hadronic W
#                             looking = False
#                             higgs[-1].ljets = True

            # __W__
            elif PID == 24 and 0 <= D1 < len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1] and D1!=D2: # W
                PID_D1 = abs( event.particles[D1].PID )
                PID_D2 = abs( event.particles[D2].PID )
                if PID_D1 in [11,13,15]: # e, mu, tau
                    result["WlnuM"].append( particle.Mass )
                elif PID_D1 in [1,2,3,4,5]: # d, u, s, c, b
                    result["WqqM"].append( particle.Mass )
                elif PID_D1 in [12,14,16]: print "Warning: in GenControlPlots: PID_D1 of W is a neutrino!"
            # __Higgs__
            elif PID == 25 and 0 <= D1 < len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1] and D1!=D2: # Higgs
                PID_D1 = abs( event.particles[D1].PID )
                if PID_D1 == 5: # b
                    bquarks.extend([ event.particles[D1], event.particles[D2] ])
                    higgs[-1].ljets = False
                    higgs[-1].ljets = True
        p_q = [ ]
        if len(quarks) == 2:
            for q in quarks:
                p_q[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(q.PT, q.Eta, q.Phi, q.Mass)
            result["QuarkEta"]  = [[ quarks[0].Eta, quarks[1].Eta ]]
            if len(event.bjets30[:])>1 and len(event.cleanedJets20[:])>3:
                jets = event.cleanedJets20[:] # remove closest b-jets pair down below
                bjets = event.bjets30[:]
                for bjet in min( combinations(bjets,2), key=lambda bj: TLV.DeltaR(bj[0].TLV,bj[1].TLV) ) : # remove closest bjet pair from jet list
                    if bjet in jets:
                result["Match_Jet1_q"] = 0
                result["Match_Jet2_q"] = 0
                for p in p_q:
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p,jets[0].TLV) < 0.4:
                        result["Match_Jet1_q"] += 1
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p,jets[1].TLV) < 0.4:
                        result["Match_Jet2_q"] += 1
                result["Match_Jets_q"] = [[ result["Match_Jet1_q"], result["Match_Jet2_q"] ]]

        else: return { } # make code faster by ignoring uninteresting events            
        p_b = [ ]
        if len(bquarks) == 2:
            for b in bquarks:
                p_b[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(b.PT, b.Eta, b.Phi, b.Mass)
        else: return { } # make code faster by ignoring uninteresting events

        if len(leptons) == 1 and len(neutrinos) == 1:
            lepton = leptons[0]
            neutrino = neutrinos[0]
            p_l = TLV()
            p_nu = TLV()
            p_l.SetPtEtaPhiM(lepton.PT, lepton.Eta, lepton.Phi, lepton.Mass)
            p_nu.SetPtEtaPhiM(neutrino.PT, neutrino.Eta, neutrino.Phi, neutrino.Mass)
#             result["Pt_l"] = lepton.PT
#             result["Pt_nu"] = neutrino.PT
            result["MET_res"] = abs(event.met[0].MET-neutrino.PT)/neutrino.PT
            result["MET_res_ang"] = fold(abs( event.met[0].Phi-neutrino.Phi ))
            result["MT_lnu_gen"] = sqrt(2 * neutrino.PT * lepton.PT * (1-cos( lepton.Phi - neutrino.Phi)) )
            if len(higgs)==2: # higgs or top
            	higgs[0].P = sqrt(higgs[0].PT*higgs[0].PT + higgs[0].Pz*higgs[0].Pz)
            	higgs[1].P = sqrt(higgs[1].PT*higgs[1].PT + higgs[1].Pz*higgs[1].Pz)
            	higgs = sorted(higgs, key = lambda h: h.P,reverse=True)
            	[ result["H1P"],  result["H2P"]  ] = [ higgs[0].P  , higgs[1].P  ]
            	[ result["H1Pt"], result["H2Pt"] ] = [ higgs[0].PT , higgs[1].PT ]
            	[ result["H1Pz"], result["H2Pz"] ] = [ higgs[0].Pz , higgs[1].Pz ]
                result["H1PH2P"]   = [[ result["H1P"],  result["H2P"]  ]]
                result["H1PtH2Pt"] = [[ result["H1Pt"], result["H2Pt"] ]]
                result["H1PzH2Pz"] = [[ result["H1Pz"], result["H2Pz"] ]]
            if p_q and p_b:

                [p_q1,p_q2] = sorted(p_q, key = lambda p: TLV.DeltaR(p,p_l))[:2]
                [p_b1,p_b2] = sorted(p_b, key = lambda p: TLV.DeltaR(p,p_l), reverse=True)[:2] # farthest
                p_qq = p_q1+p_q2
                p_bb = p_b1+p_b2

#                 result["Pt_q1"]  = p_q1.Pt()
#                 result["Pt_q2"]  = p_q2.Pt()
#                 result["Pt_b1"]  = p_b1.Pt()
#                 result["Pt_b2"]  = p_b2.Pt()
#                 result["Pt_bb"]  = p_bb.Pt()
#                 result["Pt_q1l"] = (p_q1+p_l).Pt()
#                 result["Pt_bl"]  = (p_b2+p_l).Pt()

#                 result["M_qq"]    =  p_qq.M()
#                 result["M_q1l"]   = (p_q1+p_l).M()
#                 result["M_bb"]    =  p_bb.M()
#                 result["M_qqlnu"] = (p_qq+p_l+p_nu).M()
#                 result["M_qql"]   = (p_qq+p_l).M()
#                 result["M_qqb1"]   = (p_qq+p_b1).M()
#                 result["M_qqb2"]   = (p_qq+p_b2).M()
#                 result["M_bl"]    = (p_b2+p_l).M()
#                 result["M_b1lnu"]  = (p_b1+p_l+p_nu).M()
#                 result["M_b2lnu"]  = (p_b2+p_l+p_nu).M()

#                 q = copy(p_b1)
#                 beta = p_bb.BoostVector()
#                 q.Boost(-beta) # boost b-jet four-momentum back to restframe
#                 q3 = q.Vect()
#                 p_bb3 = p_bb.Vect()
#                 result["CosTheta0_bb"] = p_bb3.Dot(q3) / p_bb3.Mag() / q3.Mag() # cos(theta)
                #result["theta0_bb"] = q.Angle(p_bb.Vect())
                #pz = TLV(0,0,1,0)
                #result["theta0_b_z"] = q.Angle(pz.Vect())
                #result["theta0_bb_z"] = p_bb.Angle(pz.Vect())

                result["DeltaR_q1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_q1,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_q2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_q2,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_b1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_b1,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_b2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_b2,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_bb"]  = TLV.DeltaR(p_b1,p_b2)
                result["DeltaR_qq"]  = TLV.DeltaR(p_q1,p_q2)
                result["DeltaR_qql"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_qq,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_qqb"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_qq,p_b1)

                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_b1.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_b1.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_b2.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_b2.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_bb"] = [[ abs(bquarks[0].Eta - bquarks[1].Eta),
                                              fold(abs(bquarks[0].Phi - bquarks[1].Phi)) ]]

                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_q1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_q1.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_q1.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_q2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_q2.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_q2.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_qq"] = [[ abs(quarks[0].Eta - quarks[1].Eta),
                                              fold(abs(quarks[0].Phi - quarks[1].Phi)) ]]		

                if abs(higgs[0].PID) == 25:
                    if higgs[0].ljets:
                        result["DeltaR_bb_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_bb"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qql_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qql"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_bb_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_bb"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qql_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qql"] ]]
                elif bquark_had and bquark_lep:
                    p_had = TLV()
                    p_lep = TLV()
                    p_lep.SetPtEtaPhiM(bquark_lep.PT, bquark_lep.Eta, bquark_lep.Phi, bquark_lep.Mass)
                    p_had.SetPtEtaPhiM(bquark_had.PT, bquark_had.Eta, bquark_had.Phi, bquark_had.Mass)
                    result["DeltaR_bl_had"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_had,p_l)
                    result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lep,p_l)
                    result["DeltaR_bl_lep_had"] = [[ result["DeltaR_bl_had"], result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] ]]
                    if result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] < result["DeltaR_bl_had"]:
                        result["DeltaR_bl_count"] = 1
                        result["DeltaR_bl_count"] = 0
                    result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_had,p_qq)
                    result["DeltaR_qqb_lep"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lep,p_qq)
                    result["DeltaR_qqb_lep_had"] = [[ result["DeltaR_qqb_had"], result["DeltaR_qqb_lep"] ]]
                    if result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] < result["DeltaR_qqb_lep"]:
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_count"] = 1
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_count"] = 0
                    if higgs[0].ljets:
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_bl_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_bl_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] ]]
        else: return { } # make code faster by ignoring uninteresting events
        # __WW_2D-plots__
        if len( result["WlnuM"] ) == 1 and len( result["WqqM"] ) == 1: # semileptonic
            result["WWM"]  = [[ result["WqqM"][0], result["WlnuM"][0] ]]
        else: print "Warning! No WW 2D-plot!"

        # __Matching__    
        for jet in event.jets:
            NMatch_lq_20 = 0
            NMatch_bq_20 = 0
            NMatch_lq_40 = 0
            NMatch_bq_40 = 0
            p_j = TLV()
            p_j.SetPtEtaPhiM(jet.PT, jet.Eta, jet.Phi, jet.Mass)
            for p in p_q: # quarks from W
                if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.4:
                    NMatch_lq_40 += 1
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.2:
                        NMatch_lq_20 += 1 
            for p in p_b: # b quarks
                if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.4:
                    NMatch_bq_40 += 1
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.2:
                        NMatch_bq_20 += 1 
            if jet.BTag:

#         result["gen"] = [ ]
#         for var in tree_vars:
#             if var in result:
#                 result["gen"].append(result[var])
#             else: # if one variable does not exist for this event, no tree
#                 del result["gen"]
#                 break
        return result
def eventCategory(event):
    """Check analysis requirements for various steps
     and return a tuple of data used to decide 
     to what category an event belong"""
    categoryData = [ ]
    # preparation for event selection
    muons20 = [ m for m in event.muons if m.PT>20 and abs(m.Eta) < 2.5 ]
    electrons25 = [ e for e in event.electrons if e.PT>25 and abs(e.Eta) < 2.5 ]
    leps = sorted(muons20+electrons25, key=lambda x: x.PT, reverse=True)
    event.leadingLeptons = leps[:5]
    event.jets20 = [ j for j in event.jets if j.PT > 20 and abs(j.Eta) < 2.5 ]
    event.bjets30 = [ j for j in event.jets if j.PT > 30 and abs(j.Eta) < 2.5 and j.BTag ]
    for m in muons20:
        m.Mass = 0.1057
    for e in electrons25:
        e.Mass = 0.000511
    for l1, l2 in combinations(leps[:3],2): # take opposite charge
        if l1.Charge*l2.Charge < 0:
            leps = [l1,l2]
    # preparation for clean-up
    event.M_ll = 100
    event.M_bb = 0
    event.DeltaR_ll = 100 # >>> pi
    event.DeltaR_bb = 100 # >>> pi
    event.DeltaPhi_bbll = 100 # >>> pi
    p_ll = None
    if len(leps)>1:
        p_l1 = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p_l2 = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p_ll = p_l1 + p_l2
        event.M_ll = p_ll.M()
        event.DeltaR_ll = TLV.DeltaR(p_l1,p_l2)
    if len(event.bjets30)>1:
        p_b1 = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p_b2 = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p_bb = p_b1 + p_b2
        event.M_bb = p_bb.M()
        event.DeltaR_bb = TLV.DeltaR(p_b1,p_b2)
        if p_ll:
            event.DeltaPhi_bbll = fold( abs(p_ll.Phi() - (p_bb).Phi()) )

    # preparation for gen level selection
    nLeptons = 0
    nBquarks = 0
    gen_leptons15 = [ ]
    gen_quarks15 = [ ]
    nBquarks15 = 0
    for particle in event.particles:
        D1 = particle.D1
        # W, Z -> e, mu, tau
        if abs(particle.PID) == 24 and 0 <= D1 < len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1]:
            for D in [ event.particles[particle.D1], event.particles[particle.D2] ]:
                if abs(D.PID) in [11,13]:#,15]: # e, mu, tau
                    if D.PT > 15 and abs(D.Eta) < 2.5:
                if abs(D.PID) in [1,2,3,4,5]: # e, mu, tau
                    if D.PT > 15 and abs(D.Eta) < 2.5:
        # t -> bW
        if abs(particle.PID) == 6 and 0 <= D1 < len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1]:
            for D in [ event.particles[particle.D1], event.particles[particle.D2] ]:
                if abs(D.PID) == 5: # b-quark
                    if D.PT > 15: #and abs(D.Eta) < 2.5:

    # preparation for gen level cuts
    DeltaR_ll_gen = 100
#    DeltaR_ql_gen = 100
    if len(gen_leptons15)==2:
        p1 = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p2 = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        DeltaR_ll_gen = TLV.DeltaR(p1,p2)
#    if len(gen_leptons15)==1 and len(gen_quarks15)==2:
#        pl = TLV(0,0,0,0)
#        pqs = [ TLV(0,0,0,0), TLV(0,0,0,0) ]
#        pl.SetPtEtaPhiM(gen_leptons15[0].PT,gen_leptons15[0].Eta,gen_leptons15[0].Phi,gen_leptons15[0].Mass)
#        pqs[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(gen_quarks15[0].PT,gen_quarks15[0].Eta,gen_quarks15[0].Phi,gen_quarks15[0].Mass)
#        pqs[1].SetPtEtaPhiM(gen_quarks15[1].PT,gen_quarks15[1].Eta,gen_quarks15[1].Phi,gen_quarks15[1].Mass)
#        DeltaR_ql_gen = min(TLV.DeltaR(pq,pl) for pq in pqs) 

    # 0-1: generator level: double Wlnu and Hbb
    categoryData.append((nLeptons==2 and nBquarks==2)) #or event.particles.GetEntries()==0)
    categoryData.append((len(gen_leptons15)==2 and nBquarks15==2 and DeltaR_ll_gen<2.5)) #or event.particles.GetEntries()==0)

    # 2: two leptons: muons, electrons with PT > 20, 25 GeV
    #    MET > 20 GeV
    #    at least 2 b-jets with PT > 30 GeV
    categoryData.append( len(leps)>1 and \
                         event.met[0].MET>20 and \
                         len(event.bjets30)>1 )
    # 3: two leptons: muons, electrons with PT > 20, 25 GeV
    #    MET > 20 GeV
    #    2 b-jets with PT > 30 GeV
    categoryData.append( len(leps)==2 and \
                         event.met[0].MET>20 and \
                         # require no other jets?
                         len(event.bjets30)==2 )

    # 4: clean-up cuts
    categoryData.append( event.M_ll<85 and 60<event.M_bb<160 and \
                         event.DeltaR_ll<2 and event.DeltaR_bb<3.1 and event.DeltaPhi_bbll>1.7 )
    # 5-6: generator level: single Wlnu, Wjj and Hbb
    categoryData.append((nLeptons==1 and nBquarks==2)) # or event.particles.GetEntries()==0)
#    categoryData.append((nLeptons==1 and nBquarks==2)) # or event.particles.GetEntries()==0)
    categoryData.append((len(gen_leptons15)==1 and nBquarks15==2)) #or event.particles.GetEntries()==0)
#    categoryData.append((len(gen_leptons15)==1 and nBquarks15==2 and DeltaR_ql_gen<2.5) or event.particles.GetEntries()==0)

    # 7: one muon or electron with PT > 20, 25 GeV
    #    MET > 20 GeV
    #    at least 2 jets
    #    at least 2 b-jets with PT > 30 GeV
    categoryData.append( len(leps)==1 and \
                         event.met[0].MET>20 and \
                         len(event.jets20)>3 and \
                         len(event.bjets30)>1 )

    # 8: one muon or electron with PT > 20, 25 GeV
    #    MET > 20 GeV
    #    2 jets
    #    2 b-jets with PT > 30 GeV
    categoryData.append( len(leps)==1 and \
                         event.met[0].MET>20 and \
                         len(event.jets20)>3 and \
                         len(event.bjets30)==2 )

    # 9: clean-up cuts
    categoryData.append( 60<event.M_bb<160 and \
                         event.DeltaR_bb<3 )
    return categoryData
Beispiel #13
    def process(self, event):
        result = { }
        result["WlnuM"] = [ ]
        result["WqqM"] = [ ]
        result["qEta"] = [ ]
        result["NMatchLJets_20"] = [ ]
        result["NMatchLJets_40"] = [ ]
        result["NMatchBJets_20"] = [ ]
        result["NMatchBJets_40"] = [ ]
        dict = event.particle_dict
#         bquarks = dict['b quarks']
        quarks = dict['W quarks']
        bquark_had = None
        bquark_lep = None

        # __ LEPTONIC / HADRONIC W __
        for W in dict['W bosons']:
            if abs(event.particles[W.D1].PID) in [11,13]:
                result["WlnuM"].append( W.Mass )
            elif abs(event.particles[W.D1].PID) in [1,2,3,4,5]:
                result["WqqM"].append( W.Mass )
        # __ HIGGS __
        for H in dict["H bosons"]:
            if abs(event.particles[H.D1].PID) == 5:
                H.ljets = False
                H.ljets = True
        # __ TOP QUARKS __
        for t in dict["t quarks"]:
            if abs(event.particles[t.D1].PID) == 24:
                if abs(event.particles[event.particles[t.D1].D1].PID) in [11,13,15]: # LEPTONIC
                    bquark_lep = event.particles[t.D2]
                    t.ljets = False
                elif abs(event.particles[event.particles[t.D1].D1].PID) in [1,2,3,4,5]: # HADRONIC
                    bquark_had = event.particles[t.D2]
                    t.ljets = True
            elif abs(event.particles[t.D2].PID) == 24:
                print "Warning! t.D2 is W"
        # __ QUARK TLV __
        p_q = [ ]
        if len(quarks) == 2:
            for q in quarks:
                p_q[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(q.PT, q.Eta, q.Phi, q.Mass)
            result["QuarkEta"]  = [[ quarks[0].Eta, quarks[1].Eta ]]
        else: return { } # make code faster           
        # __ B QUARK TLV __
        p_b = [ ]
        if len(dict['b quarks']) == 2:
            for b in dict['b quarks']:
                p_b[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(b.PT, b.Eta, b.Phi, b.Mass)
        else: return { } # make code faster

        if len(dict['leptons']) == 1 and len(dict['neutrinos']) == 1:
            # __ LEPTON & NEUTRINO __
            lepton = dict['leptons'][0]
            neutrino = dict['neutrinos'][0]
            p_l = TLV()
            p_nu = TLV()
            p_l.SetPtEtaPhiM(lepton.PT, lepton.Eta, lepton.Phi, lepton.Mass)
            p_nu.SetPtEtaPhiM(neutrino.PT, neutrino.Eta, neutrino.Phi, neutrino.Mass)
            result["MET_res"] = abs(event.met[0].MET-neutrino.PT)/neutrino.PT
            result["MET_res_ang"] = fold(abs( event.met[0].Phi-neutrino.Phi ))
            result["MT_lnu_gen"] = sqrt(2 * neutrino.PT * lepton.PT * (1-cos( lepton.Phi - neutrino.Phi)) )
            # __ HIGGS / TOP MOMENTA __
            higgs = dict['H bosons'] + dict['t quarks']
            if len(higgs) == 2:
            	higgs[0].P = sqrt(higgs[0].PT*higgs[0].PT + higgs[0].Pz*higgs[0].Pz)
            	higgs[1].P = sqrt(higgs[1].PT*higgs[1].PT + higgs[1].Pz*higgs[1].Pz)
            	higgs = sorted(higgs, key = lambda h: h.P,reverse=True)
            	[ result["H1P"],  result["H2P"]  ] = [ higgs[0].P  , higgs[1].P  ]
            	[ result["H1Pt"], result["H2Pt"] ] = [ higgs[0].PT , higgs[1].PT ]
            	[ result["H1Pz"], result["H2Pz"] ] = [ higgs[0].Pz , higgs[1].Pz ]
                result["H1PH2P"]   = [[ result["H1P"],  result["H2P"]  ]]
                result["H1PtH2Pt"] = [[ result["H1Pt"], result["H2Pt"] ]]
                result["H1PzH2Pz"] = [[ result["H1Pz"], result["H2Pz"] ]]
            if p_q and p_b:

                [p_q1,p_q2] = sorted(p_q, key = lambda p: TLV.DeltaR(p,p_l))[:2]
                [p_b1,p_b2] = sorted(p_b, key = lambda p: TLV.DeltaR(p,p_l), reverse=True)[:2] # farthest
                p_qq = p_q1+p_q2
                p_bb = p_b1+p_b2

                result["DeltaR_q1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_q1,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_q2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_q2,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_b1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_b1,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_b2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_b2,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_bb"]  = TLV.DeltaR(p_b1,p_b2)
                result["DeltaR_qq"]  = TLV.DeltaR(p_q1,p_q2)
                result["DeltaR_qql"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_qq,p_l)
                result["DeltaR_qqb"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_qq,p_b1)

                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_b1.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_b1.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_b2.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_b2.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_bb"] = [[ abs(dict['b quarks'][0].Eta - dict['b quarks'][1].Eta),
                                              fold(abs(dict['b quarks'][0].Phi - dict['b quarks'][1].Phi)) ]]

                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_q1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_q1.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_q1.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_q2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_q2.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_q2.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_qq"] = [[ abs(quarks[0].Eta - quarks[1].Eta),
                                              fold(abs(quarks[0].Phi - quarks[1].Phi)) ]]		

                if abs(higgs[0].PID) == 25:
                    if higgs[0].ljets:
                        result["DeltaR_bb_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_bb"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qql_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qql"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_bb_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_bb"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qql_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qql"] ]]
                elif bquark_had and bquark_lep:
                    p_had = TLV()
                    p_lep = TLV()
                    p_lep.SetPtEtaPhiM(bquark_lep.PT, bquark_lep.Eta, bquark_lep.Phi, bquark_lep.Mass)
                    p_had.SetPtEtaPhiM(bquark_had.PT, bquark_had.Eta, bquark_had.Phi, bquark_had.Mass)
                    result["DeltaR_bl_had"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_had,p_l)
                    result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lep,p_l)
                    result["DeltaR_bl_lep_had"] = [[ result["DeltaR_bl_had"], result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] ]]
                    if result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] < result["DeltaR_bl_had"]:
                        result["DeltaR_bl_count"] = 1
                        result["DeltaR_bl_count"] = 0
                    result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_had,p_qq)
                    result["DeltaR_qqb_lep"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lep,p_qq)
                    result["DeltaR_qqb_lep_had"] = [[ result["DeltaR_qqb_had"], result["DeltaR_qqb_lep"] ]]
                    if result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] < result["DeltaR_qqb_lep"]:
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_count"] = 1
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_count"] = 0
                    if higgs[0].ljets:
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_bl_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qq_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qq"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_qqb_HP"] = [[ higgs[1].P, result["DeltaR_qqb_had"] ]]
                        result["DeltaR_bl_HP"] = [[ higgs[0].P, result["DeltaR_bl_lep"] ]]
        else: return { } # make code faster

        # __ WW 2D-PLOTS __
        if len( result["WlnuM"] ) == 1 and len( result["WqqM"] ) == 1: # semileptonic
            result["WWM"]  = [[ result["WqqM"][0], result["WlnuM"][0] ]]
        else: print "Warning! No WW 2D-plot!"

        if len(event.bjets30[:])>1 and len(event.cleanedJets20[:])>3 and len(p_q) == 2:
            jets = event.cleanedJets[:] # keep b-jets
            jets20 = event.cleanedJets20[:] # remove closest b-jets pair down below
            bjets = event.bjets30[:]
            for bjet in min( combinations(bjets,2), key=lambda bj: TLV.DeltaR(bj[0].TLV,bj[1].TLV) ) : # remove closest bjet pair from jet list
#                 if bjet in jets:
#                     jets.remove(bjet)
                if bjet in jets20:
            result["NMatchJet1_q"] = 0
            result["NMatchJet2_q"] = 0   
            NMatchQuark = [ 0, 0 ]
            NMatchQuark_cut = [ 0, 0 ]             
#             result["NMatchedQuarks"] = 0               
#             result["NMatchedQuarksMakesCut"] = 0
            i = 0
            for p in p_q: # quarks from W
                if TLV.DeltaR(p,jets20[0].TLV) < 0.4:
                    result["NMatchJet1_q"] += 1
                if TLV.DeltaR(p,jets20[1].TLV) < 0.4:
                    result["NMatchJet2_q"] += 1
                for jet in jets:
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p,jet.TLV) < 0.4:
                        NMatchQuark[i] += 1
                        if jet.PT > 20 and abs(jet.Eta) < 2.5:
                            NMatchQuark_cut[i] += 1
     #                if NMatchQuark[i]>0: # count quark matching any jet
#                         result["NMatchedQuarks"] += 1
#                     if NMatchQuark_cut[i]>0: # count quark matching any jet that passes cut             
#                         result["NMatchedQuarksMakesCut"] += 1
                i += 1
            result["NMatchQuark"] = [ NMatchQuark ]
            result["NMatchQuark_cut"] = [ NMatchQuark_cut ]
            result["NMatchJets_q"] = [[ result["NMatchJet1_q"], result["NMatchJet2_q"] ]]

        # __ MATCHING for B TAGGING __
        for jet in event.jets:
            NMatch_lq_20 = 0
            NMatch_bq_20 = 0
            NMatch_lq_40 = 0
            NMatch_bq_40 = 0
            p_j = TLV()
            p_j.SetPtEtaPhiM(jet.PT, jet.Eta, jet.Phi, jet.Mass)
            for p in p_q: # quarks from W
                if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.4:
                    NMatch_lq_40 += 1
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.2:
                        NMatch_lq_20 += 1
            for p in p_b: # b quarks
                if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.4:
                    NMatch_bq_40 += 1
                    if TLV.DeltaR(p_j,p) < 0.2:
                        NMatch_bq_20 += 1
            if jet.BTag:

#         result["gen"] = [ ]
#         for var in tree_vars:
#             if var in result:
#                 result["gen"].append(result[var])
#             else: # if one variable does not exist for this event, no tree
#                 del result["gen"]
#                 break
        return result
Beispiel #14
    ntbin = 16*1  # number of bins the time series is split into for folding
    ntw = min(10000, nt*ntint)  # number of samples to combine for waterfall

    samplerate = 33333955.033217516*2

    # for comparison with fortran routines, which have a bug in calculating
    # sample time
    t0 -= 2*nblock/samplerate

    fbottom = 306.   # MHz
    fband = 2*16.6666666  # MHz

    verbose = True
    foldspec2, waterfall = fold(file1, file2, samplerate,
                                fbottom, fband, nblock, nt, ntint,
                                nhead, ngate, ntbin, ntw,
                                dm, phasepol,
    foldspec1 = foldspec2.sum(axis=2)
    fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0)
    foldspec3 = foldspec2.sum(axis=0)
    dynspect = foldspec2[:,igate[0]-1:igate[1],:].sum(axis=1)
    dynspect2 = foldspec2[:,igate[2]-1:igate[3],:].sum(axis=1)
    f = open('dynspect'+psr+'.bin', 'wb')
    f = open('flux.dat', 'w')
    for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes):
        f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i+1, flux))
Beispiel #15
    # nt=45 for 1508, 180 for 0809 and 156 for 0531
    nt = 1024//2*8*2  # number of sets to fold  -> //128 for quick try
    ntint = 1024*32*1024//(nblock*2)//4  # total # of blocks per set
    ngate = 32//2  # number of bins over the pulsar period
    ntbin = 16*1  # number of bins the time series is split into for folding
    ntw = min(10000, nt*ntint)  # number of samples to combine for waterfall

    samplerate = 100.e6/3. * 2  #* (1.+2./16/622.156270897/1100)

    fbottom = 306.   # MHz
    fband = 2*16.6666666  # MHz

    verbose = True
    foldspec2, waterfall = fold(file1, file2, samplerate,
                                fbottom, fband, nblock, nt, ntint,
                                nhead, ngate, ntbin, ntw,
                                dm, phasepol,
    foldspec1 = foldspec2.sum(axis=2)
    fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0)
    foldspec3 = foldspec2.sum(axis=0)
    dynspect = foldspec2[:,igate[0]-1:igate[1],:].sum(axis=1)
    dynspect2 = foldspec2[:,igate[2]-1:igate[3],:].sum(axis=1)
    f = open('dynspect'+psr+'.bin', 'wb')
    f = open('flux.dat', 'w')
    for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes):
        f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i+1, flux))
Beispiel #16
ax3.plot(a, np.exp(p-ys))
#ax3.plot(a, ys, 'r-')
ax3.set_xlim([minperiod, maxperiod])
ax3.axvline(x=bper, color='r', linewidth=1)
#print chi2.sf(bpow, 500-1)/nf

xdata = copy.deepcopy(1./freqs)
ydata = copy.deepcopy(p)
cursor = Cursor(ax3, xdata, ydata)
connect('motion_notify_event', cursor.mouse_move)

nbin = 100
binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, bper, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
foldedcurve = ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')

def folding():
    #print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
    peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
    period = xdata[peak]
    print 'candidate period: ', period
    #binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
    ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
Beispiel #17
def main(kic, path='.'):
    files = glob.glob('%s/*%s/*llc.fits' % (path, kic))
    #print files
    results = []
    folding_results = []
    label.results = results
    label.folding_results = folding_results

    ax1 = subplot(411)
    ax2 = subplot(412)
    ax3 = subplot(413)
    ax4 = subplot(414)
    ax1.grid(visible=False) #turn off the grid
    ax2.grid(visible=False) #turn off the grid
    ax3.grid(visible=False) #turn off the grid
    ax4.grid(visible=False) #turn off the grid

    ix,iy,ie = readfs(files)

    ax1.errorbar(ix, iy, yerr=ie, color='b', alpha=0.5)

    smoothedy = fftsmooth(iy)
    #smoothedy = filtersmooth(iy)
    ax2.plot(ix[:len(smoothedy)], smoothedy, color='r')
    ix = ix[:len(smoothedy)]
    T = ix.max() - ix.min()
    #nf = 10000
    nf = min(10000, ix.size * 2)
    minperiod, maxperiod = 0.5, T-1 #min([100., T-1])
    fmin, df = 1./maxperiod, (1./minperiod - 1./maxperiod)/nf
    #nf,fmin,df = 8000, 0.15, 2.e-4
    freqs = np.arange(fmin, fmin+df*nf, df)[:nf]
    p, bper, bpow, depth, qtran, in1, in2 = bls(ix, smoothedy, nf=nf, fmin=fmin, df=df)
    #print bper, bpow, depth, qtran, in1, in2
    a = 1./freqs
    b = p
    coeff = np.polyfit(a,b,3)
    polys = np.poly1d(coeff)
    ys = polys(a)

    label.period = bper

    ax3.plot(a, np.exp(p-ys))
    #ax3.plot(a, ys, 'r-')
    ax3.set_xlim([minperiod, maxperiod])
    ax3.axvline(x=bper, color='g', linewidth=1)
    #print chi2.sf(bpow, 500-1)/nf

    xdata = copy.deepcopy(1./freqs)
    ydata = copy.deepcopy(p)

    cursor = Cursor(ax3, xdata, ydata)
    #connect('motion_notify_event', cursor.mouse_move)

    nbin = 100
    peak = {}
    binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, bper, yerr=ie, bins=nbin, peak=peak)
    ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    foldedcurve = ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')
    print 'candidate period: ', bper
    folding_results.append([kic, bper, peak['offset'], (list(binvalue), list(binerr))])
    connect('key_press_event', label.labeling)

    def folding():
        #print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
            #if cursor.end < cursor.start:raise ValueError
        peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
        period = xdata[peak]
        label.period = period
        print 'candidate period: ', period
        #binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
        peak = {}
        binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin, peak=peak)
        ax4.step(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin)+0.5/nbin, binvalue, color='b')
        ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0,1,1./nbin), binvalue, yerr=binerr, fmt='.', color='b')
        folding_results.append([kic, bper, peak['offset'], (list(binvalue), list(binerr))])
        #except ValueError:
            #print "clicking too soon? try again"



    return results
Beispiel #18
ax2 = subplot(312)
ax3 = subplot(313)
ax1.errorbar(ix, iy, yerr=ie, color='b', alpha=0.5)
#ax2.errorbar(1./freq[1:len(trans)-1], trans[1:-1], yerr=etrans[1:-1])
ax2.plot(1. / freq[1:len(trans) - 1], trans[1:-1])
xdata = copy.deepcopy(1. / freq[1:len(trans) - 1])
ydata = copy.deepcopy(trans[1:-1])
cursor = Cursor(ax2, xdata, ydata)
connect('motion_notify_event', cursor.mouse_move)

peak = np.argmax(trans[1:len(trans) - 1])
period = xdata[peak]
print peak, period
nbin = 300
binvalue, binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
ax3.step(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin) + 0.5 / nbin, binvalue, color='b')
ax3.errorbar(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin),

def folding():
    print cursor.end, cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
    peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
    period = xdata[peak]
    print peak, period
    binvalue, binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
Beispiel #19
def main(kic, path='.'):
    files = glob.glob('%s/*%s/*llc.fits' % (path, kic))
    #print files
    results = []
    folding_results = []
    label.results = results
    label.folding_results = folding_results

    ax1 = subplot(411)
    ax2 = subplot(412)
    ax3 = subplot(413)
    ax4 = subplot(414)
    ax1.grid(visible=False)  #turn off the grid
    ax2.grid(visible=False)  #turn off the grid
    ax3.grid(visible=False)  #turn off the grid
    ax4.grid(visible=False)  #turn off the grid

    ix, iy, ie = readfs(files)

    ax1.errorbar(ix, iy, yerr=ie, color='b', alpha=0.5)

    smoothedy = fftsmooth(iy)
    #smoothedy = filtersmooth(iy)
    ax2.plot(ix[:len(smoothedy)], smoothedy, color='r')
    ix = ix[:len(smoothedy)]

    T = ix.max() - ix.min()
    #nf = 10000
    nf = min(10000, ix.size * 2)
    minperiod, maxperiod = 0.5, T - 1  #min([100., T-1])
    fmin, df = 1. / maxperiod, (1. / minperiod - 1. / maxperiod) / nf
    #nf,fmin,df = 8000, 0.15, 2.e-4
    freqs = np.arange(fmin, fmin + df * nf, df)[:nf]
    p, bper, bpow, depth, qtran, in1, in2 = bls(ix,
    #print bper, bpow, depth, qtran, in1, in2
    a = 1. / freqs
    b = p
    coeff = np.polyfit(a, b, 3)
    polys = np.poly1d(coeff)
    ys = polys(a)

    label.period = bper

    ax3.plot(a, np.exp(p - ys))
    #ax3.plot(a, ys, 'r-')
    ax3.set_xlim([minperiod, maxperiod])
    ax3.axvline(x=bper, color='g', linewidth=1)
    #print chi2.sf(bpow, 500-1)/nf

    xdata = copy.deepcopy(1. / freqs)
    ydata = copy.deepcopy(p)

    cursor = Cursor(ax3, xdata, ydata)
    #connect('motion_notify_event', cursor.mouse_move)

    nbin = 100
    peak = {}
    binvalue, binerr = fold(ix, smoothedy, bper, yerr=ie, bins=nbin, peak=peak)
    ax4.step(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin) + 0.5 / nbin, binvalue, color='b')
    foldedcurve = ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin),
    print 'candidate period: ', bper
        [kic, bper, peak['offset'], (list(binvalue), list(binerr))])
    connect('key_press_event', label.labeling)

    def folding():
        #print cursor.end,cursor.start, len(ydata), ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start]
        #if cursor.end < cursor.start:raise ValueError
        peak = cursor.end + np.argmax(ydata[cursor.end:cursor.start])
        period = xdata[peak]
        label.period = period
        print 'candidate period: ', period
        #binvalue,binerr = fold(ix, iy, period, yerr=ie, bins=nbin)
        peak = {}
        binvalue, binerr = fold(ix,
        ax4.step(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin) + 0.5 / nbin, binvalue, color='b')
        ax4.errorbar(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / nbin),
            [kic, bper, peak['offset'], (list(binvalue), list(binerr))])
        #except ValueError:
        #print "clicking too soon? try again"



    return results
Beispiel #20
    def process(self, event):
        result = { }
        leptons = [ ]
        neutrinos = [ ]
        #quark1s = [ ]
        quarks = [ ]
        nHiggs = 0
        nt = 0
        nW = 0
        nWlnu = 0
        nWjj = 0
        nHbb = 0
        ntb = 0
        nb = 0
        b = []
        W = []
        nVirtualWs = 0
        nVirtualWjjs = 0
        for label in labels:
            for var in vars:
                result[label+var] = [ ]
        result["WlnuMt"] = [ ]
        result["DeltaPhi_qq"] = [ ]

        p_Hbb = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p_HWW = TLV(0,0,0,0)
        p_t = [TLV(0,0,0,0), TLV(0,0,0,0)] # four-momenta of the top quarks
        for particle in event.particles:
            PID = abs(particle.PID)
            D1 = particle.D1
            D2 = particle.D2

            ## __lepton__
            #if PID in [11,13,15]:#,15]: # e, mu, tau
                #result["lPt"].append( particle.PT )
                #result["lEta"].append( particle.Eta )
                #result["lPhi"].append( particle.Phi )
                #result["lM"].append( particle.Mass )
                #nLeptons += 1
            # top
            if PID == 6 and D1>=0 and D1<len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1] and D1!=D2:
                nt += 1
                p_t[nt-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(particle.PT, particle.Eta, particle.Phi, particle.Mass)
                if abs(event.particles[D2].PID) == 5: # b
                elif abs(event.particles[D1].PID) == 5: # b
                    print "Warning in GenControlPlots: b is D1!"

            # __W__
            if PID == 24 and D1>=0 and D1<len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1] and D1!=D2: # W
                nW += 1
                PID_D1 = abs( event.particles[D1].PID )
                PID_D2 = abs( event.particles[D2].PID )
                if PID_D1 in [11,13,15]: # e, mu, tau
                    result["WlnuPt"].append( particle.PT )
                    result["WlnuEta"].append( particle.Eta )
                    result["WlnuPhi"].append( particle.Phi )
                    result["WlnuM"].append( particle.Mass )
                    result["WlnuMt"].append(sqrt( 2 * event.particles[D1].PT * event.particles[D2].PT * \
                                                (1-cos( event.particles[D1].Phi - event.particles[D2].Phi ))))
                    if abs(80.4-particle.Mass) > 10: # check if W is virtual
                        nVirtualWs += 1
                    result["nuPt"].append( event.particles[D2].PT )
                    result["nuEta"].append( event.particles[D2].Eta )
                    result["nuPhi"].append( event.particles[D2].Phi )
                    result["nuM"].append( event.particles[D2].Mass )
                elif PID_D1 in [1,2,3,4,5]: # d, u, s, c, b
                    result["WjjPt"].append( particle.PT )
                    result["WjjEta"].append( particle.Eta )
                    result["WjjPhi"].append( particle.Phi )
                    result["WjjM"].append( particle.Mass )
                    if abs(80.4-particle.Mass) > 10:
                        nVirtualWs += 1
                        nVirtualWjjs += 1
                elif PID_D1 in [12,14,16]: print "Warning: in GenControlPlots: PID_D1 of W is a neutrino!"
            # __Higgs__
            elif PID == 25 and D1>=0 and D1<len(event.particles) and event.particles[D1] and D1!=D2: # Higgs
                PID_D1 = abs( event.particles[D1].PID )
                if PID_D1 == 5: # b
                    b.extend([ event.particles[D1], event.particles[D2] ])
                    p_Hbb.SetPtEtaPhiM(particle.PT, particle.Eta, particle.Phi, particle.Mass)
                    result["HbbPt"].append( particle.PT )
                    result["HbbEta"].append( particle.Eta )
                    result["HbbPhi"].append( particle.Phi )
                    result["HbbM"].append( particle.Mass )
                if PID_D1 in [24]: # W
                    W.extend([ event.particles[D1], event.particles[D2] ])
                    p_HWW.SetPtEtaPhiM(particle.PT, particle.Eta, particle.Phi, particle.Mass)
                    result["HWWPt"].append( particle.PT )
                    result["HWWEta"].append( particle.Eta )
                    result["HWWPhi"].append( particle.Phi )
                    result["HWWM"].append( particle.Mass )

        if len(b)==2:
            if abs(b[0].Eta) > abs(b[1].Eta): # order b-jets w.r.t. to Eta
                b1 = b[1]
                b2 = b[0]
                b1 = b[0]
                b2 = b[1]
            result["b1Pt"].append( b1.PT )
            result["b1Eta"].append( b1.Eta )
            result["b1Phi"].append( b1.Phi )
            result["b1M"].append( b1.Mass )
            result["b2Pt"].append( b2.PT )
            result["b2Eta"].append( b2.Eta )
            result["b2Phi"].append( b2.Phi )
            result["b2M"].append( b2.Mass )

        if nt == 2: # tt
            q_tt = p_t[0] + p_t[1]
            result["ttbbWWPt"].append( q_tt.Pt() )
            result["ttbbWWEta"].append( q_tt.Eta() )
            result["ttbbWWPhi"].append( q_tt.Phi() )
            result["ttbbWWM"].append( q_tt.M() )

        if nHiggs == 2:
            q_HH = p_Hbb + p_HWW
            result["HHbbWWPt"].append( q_HH.Pt() )
            result["HHbbWWEta"].append( q_HH.Eta() )
            result["HHbbWWPhi"].append( q_HH.Phi() )
            result["HHbbWWM"].append( q_HH.M() )
            if len(result["HWWM"]) and len(result["HbbM"]): # needed when relaxed cut 4 jets pT < 20 GeV 
                result["HHM"] = [[ result["HWWM"][0],  result["HbbM"][0] ]]
#            result["HHMt"] = [[ result["HWWM"][0],  result["HbbM"][0] ]]

        # __WW_2D-plots__
        if len( result["WlnuM"] ) == 1 and len( result["WjjM"] ) == 1: # monoleptonic
            result["WWM"]  = [[ result["WlnuM"][0],  result["WjjM"][0] ]]
            result["WWMt"] = [[ result["WlnuMt"][0], result["WjjM"][0] ]]
            if nVirtualWjjs == 0:
                result["WlnuMt_Wjjonshell"] = result["WlnuMt"]
        elif len( result["WlnuM"] ) == 0 and len( result["WjjM"] ) == 2: # hadronic
            result["WjjWjjM"] = [[ result["WjjM"][0], result["WjjM"][1] ]]
        elif len( result["WlnuM"] ) == 2 and len( result["WjjM"] ) == 0: # dileptonic
            result["WlnuWlnuM"]  = [[ result["WlnuM"][0],  result["WlnuM"][1]  ]]
            result["WlnuWlnuMt"] = [[ result["WlnuMt"][0], result["WlnuMt"][1] ]]
        else: print "Warning! No WW 2D-plot!"

        # __bbWW_2D-plots__
        p_b = [TLV(), TLV()]
        if len(b) == 2:
            p_b[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(b[0].PT, b[0].Eta, b[0].Phi, b[0].Mass)
            p_b[1].SetPtEtaPhiM(b[1].PT, b[1].Eta, b[1].Phi, b[1].Mass)
            result["DeltaR_bb"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_b[0],p_b[1])
            result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_bb"] = [[ abs(b[0].Eta - b[1].Eta),
                                               fold(abs(b[0].Phi - b[1].Phi)) ]]
        if len(b) == 2 and len(W) > 1:
            q_W = [TLV(), TLV()]
            q_W[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(W[0].PT, W[0].Eta, W[0].Phi, W[0].Mass)
            q_W[1].SetPtEtaPhiM(W[1].PT, W[1].Eta, W[1].Phi, W[1].Mass)
            result["bbWWM"]  = [[ (p_b[0]+p_b[1]).M(),  (q_W[0]+q_W[1]).M() ]]

        p_q = [ ]
        if quarks:
            for quark in quarks:
                p_q[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(quark.PT, quark.Eta, quark.Phi, quark.Mass)
            result["DeltaR_qq"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_q[0],p_q[1])
            result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_qq"] = [[ abs(quarks[0].Eta - quarks[1].Eta),
                                               fold(abs(quarks[0].Phi - quarks[1].Phi)) ]]

        if leptons:
            lepton = max(leptons, key=attrgetter('PT'))
            p_lepton = TLV()
            p_lepton.SetPtEtaPhiM(lepton.PT, lepton.Eta, lepton.Phi, lepton.Mass)

            if quarks:
#                DeltaR_ql = sorted([ TLV.DeltaR(p_lepton,p) for p in p_q ])[:2]
                [p_q1,p_q2] = sorted(p_q, key = lambda p: TLV.DeltaR(p,p_lepton))[:2]
                result["DeltaR_q1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lepton,p_q1)
                result["DeltaR_q2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lepton,p_q2)
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_q1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_q1.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_q1.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_q2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_q2.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_q2.Phi())) ]]
            if len(b)>1:
                [p_b1,p_b2] = sorted(p_b, key = lambda p: TLV.DeltaR(p,p_lepton), reverse=True)[:2] # farthest
                result["DeltaR_b1l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lepton,p_b1)
                result["DeltaR_b2l"] = TLV.DeltaR(p_lepton,p_b2)
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b1l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_b1.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_b1.Phi())) ]]
                result["DeltaEtaDeltaPhi_b2l"] = [[ abs(lepton.Eta - p_b2.Eta()),
                                               fold(abs(lepton.Phi - p_b2.Phi())) ]]

        result["NWlnu"] = nWlnu
        result["NWjj"] = nWjj
        result["NHbb"] = nHbb
        result["Ntb"] = ntb
        result["NVirtualWs"] = nVirtualWs
        return result