Beispiel #1
    def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
        # Get the version but don't advance the slice.
        # Most of the lookup for this table is done relative
        # to the begining so slice by the offsets provided
        # in the EBLC table.
        sstruct.unpack2(ebdtTableVersionFormat, data, self)

        # Keep a dict of glyphs that have been seen so they aren't remade.
        # This dict maps intervals of data to the BitmapGlyph.
        glyphDict = {}

        # Pull out the EBLC table and loop through glyphs.
        # A strike is a concept that spans both tables.
        # The actual bitmap data is stored in the EBDT.
        locator = ttFont[self.__class__.locatorName]
        self.strikeData = []
        for curStrike in locator.strikes:
            bitmapGlyphDict = {}
            for indexSubTable in curStrike.indexSubTables:
                dataIter = zip(indexSubTable.names, indexSubTable.locations)
                for curName, curLoc in dataIter:
                    # Don't create duplicate data entries for the same glyphs.
                    # Instead just use the structures that already exist if they exist.
                    if curLoc in glyphDict:
                        curGlyph = glyphDict[curLoc]
                        curGlyphData = data[slice(*curLoc)]
                        imageFormatClass = self.getImageFormatClass(indexSubTable.imageFormat)
                        curGlyph = imageFormatClass(curGlyphData, ttFont)
                        glyphDict[curLoc] = curGlyph
                    bitmapGlyphDict[curName] = curGlyph
Beispiel #2
	def decompile_format_0(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(SVG_format_0, data, self)
		# read in SVG Documents Index

		# read in colorPalettes table.
		self.colorPalettes = colorPalettes = ColorPalettes()
		pos = self.offsetToColorPalettes
		if pos > 0:
			colorPalettes.numColorParams = numColorParams = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
			if numColorParams > 0:
				colorPalettes.colorParamUINameIDs = colorParamUINameIDs = []
				pos = pos + 2
				for i in range(numColorParams):
					nameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
					pos = pos + 2

				colorPalettes.numColorPalettes = numColorPalettes = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
				pos = pos + 2
				if numColorPalettes > 0:
					colorPalettes.colorPaletteList = colorPaletteList = []
					for i in range(numColorPalettes):
						colorPalette = ColorPalette()
						colorPalette.uiNameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
						pos = pos + 2
						colorPalette.paletteColors = paletteColors = []
						for j in range(numColorParams):
							colorRecord, colorPaletteData = sstruct.unpack2(colorRecord_format_0, data[pos:], ColorRecord())
							pos += 4
Beispiel #3
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAHeaderFormat, data, self)
     self.glyphRecords = []
     for i in range(self.nMetaRecs):
         glyphRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAGlyphRecordFormat, newData, GlyphRecord())
         if self.metaFlags == 0:
             [glyphRecord.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:2])
             newData = newData[2:]
         elif self.metaFlags == 1:
             [glyphRecord.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:4])
             newData = newData[4:]
             assert 0, "The metaFlags field in the META table header has a value other than 0 or 1 :" + str(
         glyphRecord.stringRecs = []
         newData = data[glyphRecord.offset:]
         for j in range(glyphRecord.nMetaEntry):
             stringRec, newData = sstruct.unpack2(METAStringRecordFormat, newData, StringRecord())
             if self.metaFlags == 0:
                 [stringRec.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:2])
                 newData = newData[2:]
                 [stringRec.offset] = struct.unpack(">H", newData[:4])
                 newData = newData[4:]
             stringRec.string = data[stringRec.offset:stringRec.offset + stringRec.stringLen]
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		# Get the version but don't advance the slice.
		# Most of the lookup for this table is done relative
		# to the begining so slice by the offsets provided
		# in the EBLC table.
		sstruct.unpack2(ebdtTableVersionFormat, data, self)

		# Keep a dict of glyphs that have been seen so they aren't remade.
		# This dict maps intervals of data to the BitmapGlyph.
		glyphDict = {}

		# Pull out the EBLC table and loop through glyphs.
		# A strike is a concept that spans both tables.
		# The actual bitmap data is stored in the EBDT.
		locator = ttFont[self.__class__.locatorName]
		self.strikeData = []
		for curStrike in locator.strikes:
			bitmapGlyphDict = {}
			for indexSubTable in curStrike.indexSubTables:
				dataIter = zip(indexSubTable.names, indexSubTable.locations)
				for curName, curLoc in dataIter:
					# Don't create duplicate data entries for the same glyphs.
					# Instead just use the structures that already exist if they exist.
					if curLoc in glyphDict:
						curGlyph = glyphDict[curLoc]
						curGlyphData = data[slice(*curLoc)]
						imageFormatClass = self.getImageFormatClass(indexSubTable.imageFormat)
						curGlyph = imageFormatClass(curGlyphData, ttFont)
						glyphDict[curLoc] = curGlyph
					bitmapGlyphDict[curName] = curGlyph
Beispiel #5
 def decompile(self, data, axisTags):
     sstruct.unpack2(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT, data, self)
     pos = sstruct.calcsize(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT)
     for axis in axisTags:
         value = struct.unpack(">l", data[pos:pos + 4])[0]
         self.coordinates[axis] = fixedToFloat(value, 16)
         pos += 4
Beispiel #6
 def decompile(self, data, axisTags):
     sstruct.unpack2(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT, data, self)
     pos = sstruct.calcsize(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT)
     for axis in axisTags:
         value = struct.unpack(">l", data[pos : pos + 4])[0]
         self.coordinates[axis] = fixedToFloat(value, 16)
         pos += 4
Beispiel #7
    def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
        pos = 0  # track current position from to start of VDMX table
        dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_HeaderFmt, data, self)
        pos += sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_HeaderFmt)
        self.ratRanges = []
        for i in range(self.numRatios):
            ratio, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_RatRangeFmt, data)
            pos += sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_RatRangeFmt)
            # the mapping between a ratio and a group is defined further below
            ratio['groupIndex'] = None
        lenOffset = struct.calcsize('>H')
        _offsets = []  # temporarily store offsets to groups
        for i in range(self.numRatios):
            offset = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:lenOffset])[0]
            data = data[lenOffset:]
            pos += lenOffset
        self.groups = []
        for groupIndex in range(self.numRecs):
            # the offset to this group from beginning of the VDMX table
            currOffset = pos
            group, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_GroupFmt, data)
            # the group lenght and bounding sizes are re-calculated on compile
            recs = group.pop('recs')
            startsz = group.pop('startsz')
            endsz = group.pop('endsz')
            pos += sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_GroupFmt)
            for j in range(recs):
                vTable, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_vTableFmt, data)
                vTableLength = sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_vTableFmt)
                pos += vTableLength
                # group is a dict of (yMax, yMin) tuples keyed by yPelHeight
                group[vTable['yPelHeight']] = (vTable['yMax'], vTable['yMin'])
            # make sure startsz and endsz match the calculated values
            minSize = min(group.keys())
            maxSize = max(group.keys())
            assert startsz == minSize, \
                "startsz (%s) must equal min yPelHeight (%s): group %d" % \
                (group.startsz, minSize, groupIndex)
            assert endsz == maxSize, \
                "endsz (%s) must equal max yPelHeight (%s): group %d" % \
                (group.endsz, maxSize, groupIndex)
            # match the defined offsets with the current group's offset
            for offsetIndex, offsetValue in enumerate(_offsets):
                # when numRecs < numRatios there can more than one ratio range
                # sharing the same VDMX group
                if currOffset == offsetValue:
                    # map the group with the ratio range thas has the same
                    # index as the offset to that group (it took me a while..)
                    self.ratRanges[offsetIndex]['groupIndex'] = groupIndex
        # check that all ratio ranges have a group
        for i in range(self.numRatios):
            ratio = self.ratRanges[i]
            if ratio['groupIndex'] is None:
                from fontTools import ttLib

                raise ttLib.TTLibError(
                    "no group defined for ratRange %d" % i)
Beispiel #8
	def decompile_format_0(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(SVG_format_0, data, self)
		# read in SVG Documents Index

		# read in colorPalettes table.
		self.colorPalettes = colorPalettes = ColorPalettes()
		pos = self.offsetToColorPalettes
		if pos > 0:
			colorPalettes.numColorParams = numColorParams = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
			if numColorParams > 0:
				colorPalettes.colorParamUINameIDs = colorParamUINameIDs = []
				pos = pos + 2
				for i in range(numColorParams):
					nameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
					pos = pos + 2

				colorPalettes.numColorPalettes = numColorPalettes = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
				pos = pos + 2
				if numColorPalettes > 0:
					colorPalettes.colorPaletteList = colorPaletteList = []
					for i in range(numColorPalettes):
						colorPalette = ColorPalette()
						colorPalette.uiNameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
						pos = pos + 2
						colorPalette.paletteColors = paletteColors = []
						for j in range(numColorParams):
							colorRecord, colorPaletteData = sstruct.unpack2(colorRecord_format_0, data[pos:], ColorRecord())
							pos += 4
Beispiel #9
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		pos = 0  # track current position from to start of VDMX table
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_HeaderFmt, data, self)
		pos += sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_HeaderFmt)
		self.ratRanges = []
		for i in range(self.numRatios):
			ratio, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_RatRangeFmt, data)
			pos += sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_RatRangeFmt)
			# the mapping between a ratio and a group is defined further below
			ratio['groupIndex'] = None
		lenOffset = struct.calcsize('>H')
		_offsets = []  # temporarily store offsets to groups
		for i in range(self.numRatios):
			offset = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:lenOffset])[0]
			data = data[lenOffset:]
			pos += lenOffset
		self.groups = []
		for groupIndex in range(self.numRecs):
			# the offset to this group from beginning of the VDMX table
			currOffset = pos
			group, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_GroupFmt, data)
			# the group lenght and bounding sizes are re-calculated on compile
			recs = group.pop('recs')
			startsz = group.pop('startsz')
			endsz = group.pop('endsz')
			pos += sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_GroupFmt)
			for j in range(recs):
				vTable, data = sstruct.unpack2(VDMX_vTableFmt, data)
				vTableLength = sstruct.calcsize(VDMX_vTableFmt)
				pos += vTableLength
				# group is a dict of (yMax, yMin) tuples keyed by yPelHeight
				group[vTable['yPelHeight']] = (vTable['yMax'], vTable['yMin'])
			# make sure startsz and endsz match the calculated values
			minSize = min(group.keys())
			maxSize = max(group.keys())
			assert startsz == minSize, \
				"startsz (%s) must equal min yPelHeight (%s): group %d" % \
				(group.startsz, minSize, groupIndex)
			assert endsz == maxSize, \
				"endsz (%s) must equal max yPelHeight (%s): group %d" % \
				(group.endsz, maxSize, groupIndex)
			# match the defined offsets with the current group's offset
			for offsetIndex, offsetValue in enumerate(_offsets):
				# when numRecs < numRatios there can more than one ratio range
				# sharing the same VDMX group
				if currOffset == offsetValue:
					# map the group with the ratio range thas has the same
					# index as the offset to that group (it took me a while..)
					self.ratRanges[offsetIndex]['groupIndex'] = groupIndex
		# check that all ratio ranges have a group
		for i in range(self.numRatios):
			ratio = self.ratRanges[i]
			if ratio['groupIndex'] is None:
				from fontTools import ttLib
				raise ttLib.TTLibError(
					"no group defined for ratRange %d" % i)
Beispiel #10
	def decompile(self):
		(self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4])
		self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
		sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,[4:], self.metrics)
		glyphIds = list(range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1))
		offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in range(len(glyphIds)+1)]
		self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:]))
		self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds))
	def decompile(self):
		(self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4])
		self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
		sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,[4:], self.metrics)
		glyphIds = list(range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1))
		offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in range(len(glyphIds)+1)]
		self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:]))
		self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds))
		del, self.ttFont
Beispiel #12
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPFormat, data, self)
		self.psFontName = tostr(newData[:self.fontNameLength])
		assert (self.recordsOffset % 4) == 0, "GMAP error: recordsOffset is not 32 bit aligned."
		newData = data[self.recordsOffset:]
		self.gmapRecords = []
		for i in range (self.recordsCount):
			gmapRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPRecordFormat1, newData, GMAPRecord()) ='\0')
Beispiel #13
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPFormat, data, self)
		self.psFontName = tostr(newData[:self.fontNameLength])
		assert (self.recordsOffset % 4) == 0, "GMAP error: recordsOffset is not 32 bit aligned."
		newData = data[self.recordsOffset:]
		self.gmapRecords = []
		for i in range (self.recordsCount):
			gmapRecord, newData = sstruct.unpack2(GMAPRecordFormat1, newData, GMAPRecord()) ='\0')
    def decompile(self, data, ttFont):

        # Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table.
        origData = data
        i = 0

        dummy = sstruct.unpack(eblcHeaderFormat, data[:8], self)
        i += 8

        self.strikes = []
        for curStrikeIndex in range(self.numSizes):
            curStrike = Strike()
            curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
            dummy = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data[i:i + 16],
            i += 16
            for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
                metricObj = SbitLineMetrics()
                vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj
                dummy = sstruct.unpack2(sbitLineMetricsFormat, data[i:i + 12],
                i += 12
            dummy = sstruct.unpack(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data[i:i + 8],
            i += 8

        for curStrike in self.strikes:
            curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
            for subtableIndex in range(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables):
                i = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize

                tup = struct.unpack(indexSubTableArrayFormat,
                                    data[i:i + indexSubTableArraySize])
                (firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex,
                 additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup
                i = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable

                tup = struct.unpack(indexSubHeaderFormat,
                                    data[i:i + indexSubHeaderSize])
                (indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup

                indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat)
                indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[i + indexSubHeaderSize:],
                indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex
                indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex
                indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
                indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat
                indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat
                indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset
                )  #
Beispiel #15
 def decompile(self):
     self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
     dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics)
     (numComponents,) = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2])
     data = data[2:]
     self.componentArray = []
     for i in range(numComponents):
         curComponent = EbdtComponent()
         dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(ebdtComponentFormat, data, curComponent) = self.ttFont.getGlyphName(curComponent.glyphCode)
Beispiel #16
 def decompile(self, data, axisTags):
     sstruct.unpack2(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT, data, self)
     pos = sstruct.calcsize(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT)
     for axis in axisTags:
         value = struct.unpack(">l", data[pos : pos + 4])[0]
         self.coordinates[axis] = fixedToFloat(value, 16)
         pos += 4
     if pos + 2 <= len(data):
         self.postscriptNameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos : pos + 2])[0]
         self.postscriptNameID = 0xFFFF
	def decompile(self):
		self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics)
		(numComponents,) = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2])
		data = data[2:]
		self.componentArray = []
		for i in range(numComponents):
			curComponent = EbdtComponent()
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(ebdtComponentFormat, data, curComponent) = self.ttFont.getGlyphName(curComponent.glyphCode)
Beispiel #18
 def decompile(self, data, axisTags):
     sstruct.unpack2(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT, data, self)
     pos = sstruct.calcsize(FVAR_INSTANCE_FORMAT)
     for axis in axisTags:
         value = struct.unpack(">l", data[pos:pos + 4])[0]
         self.coordinates[axis] = fixedToFloat(value, 16)
         pos += 4
     if pos + 2 <= len(data):
         self.postscriptNameID = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0]
         self.postscriptNameID = 0xFFFF
Beispiel #19
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont, version=2.0):
     if version >= 3.0:
         _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_part1_format_v3, data, self)
         self.ruleVersion = float(
             floatToFixedToStr(self.ruleVersion, precisionBits=16))
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_part1_format, data, self)
     for jlevel in range(self.numJLevels):
         j, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_justify_format, data, _Object())
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_part2_format, data, self)
     if self.numCritFeatures:
         self.critFeatures = struct.unpack_from(
             ('>%dH' % self.numCritFeatures), data)
     data = data[self.numCritFeatures * 2 + 1:]
     (numScriptTag, ) = struct.unpack_from('B', data)
     if numScriptTag:
         self.scriptTags = [
             struct.unpack("4s", data[x:x + 4])[0].decode("ascii")
             for x in range(1, 1 + 4 * numScriptTag, 4)
     data = data[1 + 4 * numScriptTag:]
     (self.lbGID, ) = struct.unpack('>H', data[:2])
     if self.numPasses:
         self.oPasses = struct.unpack(('>%dL' % (self.numPasses + 1)),
                                      data[2:6 + 4 * self.numPasses])
     data = data[6 + 4 * self.numPasses:]
     (numPseudo, ) = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2])
     for i in range(numPseudo):
         if version >= 3.0:
             pseudo = sstruct.unpack(Silf_pseudomap_format,
                                     data[8 + 6 * i:14 + 6 * i], _Object())
             pseudo = sstruct.unpack(Silf_pseudomap_format_h,
                                     data[8 + 4 * i:12 + 4 * i], _Object())
         self.pMap[pseudo.unicode] = ttFont.getGlyphName(pseudo.nPseudo)
     data = data[8 + 6 * numPseudo:]
     currpos = (sstruct.calcsize(Silf_part1_format) +
                sstruct.calcsize(Silf_justify_format) * self.numJLevels +
                sstruct.calcsize(Silf_part2_format) +
                2 * self.numCritFeatures + 1 + 1 + 4 * numScriptTag + 6 +
                4 * self.numPasses + 8 + 6 * numPseudo)
     if version >= 3.0:
         currpos += sstruct.calcsize(Silf_part1_format_v3)
     self.classes = Classes()
     self.classes.decompile(data, ttFont, version)
     for i in range(self.numPasses):
         p = Pass()
             data[self.oPasses[i] - currpos:self.oPasses[i + 1] - currpos],
             ttFont, version)
Beispiel #20
 def decompileAttributes3(self, data):
     if self.hasOctaboxes:
         o, data = sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_3_octabox_metrics, data, _Object())
         numsub = bin(o.subboxBitmap).count("1")
         o.subboxes = []
         for b in range(numsub):
             if len(data) >= 8 :
                 subbox, data = sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_3_subbox_entry,
                                                 data, _Object())
     attrs = self.decompileAttributes12(data, Glat_format_23_entry)
     if self.hasOctaboxes:
         attrs.octabox = o
     return attrs
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_HeaderFormat, data, self)
		assert self.ulVersion == 1, "DSIG ulVersion must be 1"
		assert self.usFlag & ~1 == 0, "DSIG usFlag must be 0x1 or 0x0"
		self.signatureRecords = sigrecs = []
		for n in range(self.usNumSigs):
			sigrec, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_SignatureFormat, newData, SignatureRecord())
			assert sigrec.ulFormat == 1, "DSIG signature record #%d ulFormat must be 1" % n
		for sigrec in sigrecs:
			dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_SignatureBlockFormat, data[sigrec.ulOffset:], sigrec)
			assert sigrec.usReserved1 == 0, "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd1 must be 0" % n
			assert sigrec.usReserved2 == 0, "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd2 must be 0" % n
			sigrec.pkcs7 = newData[:sigrec.cbSignature]
Beispiel #22
 def decompileAttributes3(self, data):
     if self.hasOctaboxes:
         o, data = sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_3_octabox_metrics, data, _Object())
         numsub = bin(o.subboxBitmap).count("1")
         o.subboxes = []
         for b in range(numsub):
             if len(data) >= 8 :
                 subbox, data = sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_3_subbox_entry,
                                                 data, _Object())
     attrs = self.decompileAttributes12(data, Glat_format_23_entry)
     if self.hasOctaboxes:
         attrs.octabox = o
     return attrs
    def decompile(self, data, ttFont):

        # Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table.
        origData = data

        dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(eblcHeaderFormat, data, self)

        self.strikes = []
        for curStrikeIndex in range(self.numSizes):
            curStrike = Strike()
            curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
            dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data,
            for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
                metricObj = SbitLineMetrics()
                vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj
                dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(sbitLineMetricsFormat, data,
            dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data,

        for curStrike in self.strikes:
            curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
            for subtableIndex in range(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables):
                lowerBound = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize
                upperBound = lowerBound + indexSubTableArraySize
                data = origData[lowerBound:upperBound]

                tup = struct.unpack(indexSubTableArrayFormat, data)
                (firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex,
                 additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup
                offsetToIndexSubTable = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
                data = origData[offsetToIndexSubTable:]

                tup = struct.unpack(indexSubHeaderFormat,
                (indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup

                indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat)
                indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[indexSubHeaderSize:],
                indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex
                indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex
                indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
                indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat
                indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat
                indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset
Beispiel #24
	def decompileEntryList(self, data):
		# data starts with the first entry of the entry list.
		pos = subTableStart = self.offsetToSVGDocIndex
		self.numEntries = numEntries = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
		pos += 2
		if self.numEntries > 0:
			data2 = data[pos:]
			self.docList = []
			self.entries = entries = []
			for i in range(self.numEntries):
				docIndexEntry, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(doc_index_entry_format_0, data2, DocumentIndexEntry())

			for entry in entries:
				start = entry.svgDocOffset + subTableStart
				end = start + entry.svgDocLength
				doc = data[start:end]
				if doc.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b"):
					import gzip
					bytesIO = BytesIO(doc)
					with gzip.GzipFile(None, "r", fileobj=bytesIO) as gunzipper:
						doc =
					self.compressed = True
					del bytesIO
				doc = tostr(doc, "utf_8")
				self.docList.append( [doc, entry.startGlyphID, entry.endGlyphID] )
Beispiel #25
	def decompileEntryList(self, data):
		# data starts with the first entry of the entry list.
		pos = subTableStart = self.offsetToSVGDocIndex
		self.numEntries = numEntries = struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
		pos += 2
		if self.numEntries > 0:
			data2 = data[pos:]
			self.docList = []
			self.entries = entries = []
			for i in range(self.numEntries):
				docIndexEntry, data2 = sstruct.unpack2(doc_index_entry_format_0, data2, DocumentIndexEntry())

			for entry in entries:
				start = entry.svgDocOffset + subTableStart
				end = start + entry.svgDocLength
				doc = data[start:end]
				if doc.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b"):
					import gzip
					bytesIO = BytesIO(doc)
					with gzip.GzipFile(None, "r", fileobj=bytesIO) as gunzipper:
						doc =
					self.compressed = True
					del bytesIO
				doc = tostr(doc, "utf_8")
				self.docList.append( [doc, entry.startGlyphID, entry.endGlyphID] )
Beispiel #26
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		format, n, stringOffset = struct.unpack(b">HHH", data[:6])
		expectedStringOffset = 6 + n * nameRecordSize
		if stringOffset != expectedStringOffset:
				"'name' table stringOffset incorrect. Expected: %s; Actual: %s",
				expectedStringOffset, stringOffset)
		stringData = data[stringOffset:]
		data = data[6:]
		self.names = []
		for i in range(n):
			if len(data) < 12:
				log.error('skipping malformed name record #%d', i)
			name, data = sstruct.unpack2(nameRecordFormat, data, NameRecord())
			name.string = stringData[name.offset:name.offset+name.length]
			if name.offset + name.length > len(stringData):
				log.error('skipping malformed name record #%d', i)
			assert len(name.string) == name.length
			#if (name.platEncID, name.platformID) in ((0, 0), (1, 3)):
			#	if len(name.string) % 2:
			#		print "2-byte string doesn't have even length!"
			#		print name.__dict__
			del name.offset, name.length
Beispiel #27
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont, version=2.0):
     sstruct.unpack2(Silf_classmap_format, data, self)
     if version >= 4.0 :
         oClasses = struct.unpack((">%dL" % (self.numClass+1)),
         oClasses = struct.unpack((">%dH" % (self.numClass+1)),
     for s,e in zip(oClasses[:self.numLinear], oClasses[1:self.numLinear+1]):
         self.linear.append(ttFont.getGlyphName(x) for x in
                                struct.unpack((">%dH" % ((e-s)/2)), data[s:e]))
     for s,e in zip(oClasses[self.numLinear:self.numClass],
         nonLinids = [struct.unpack(">HH", data[x:x+4]) for x in range(s+8, e, 4)]
         nonLin = dict([(ttFont.getGlyphName(x[0]), x[1]) for x in nonLinids])
Beispiel #28
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont, version=2.0):
     sstruct.unpack2(Silf_classmap_format, data, self)
     if version >= 4.0 :
         oClasses = struct.unpack((">%dL" % (self.numClass+1)),
         oClasses = struct.unpack((">%dH" % (self.numClass+1)),
     for s,e in zip(oClasses[:self.numLinear], oClasses[1:self.numLinear+1]):
         self.linear.append(ttFont.getGlyphName(x) for x in
                                struct.unpack((">%dH" % ((e-s)/2)), data[s:e]))
     for s,e in zip(oClasses[self.numLinear:self.numClass],
         nonLinids = [struct.unpack(">HH", data[x:x+4]) for x in range(s+8, e, 4)]
         nonLin = dict([(ttFont.getGlyphName(x[0]), x[1]) for x in nonLinids])
Beispiel #29
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     (_, data) = sstruct.unpack2(Feat_hdr_format, data, self)
     numFeats, = struct.unpack('>H', data[:2])
     data = data[8:]
     allfeats = []
     maxsetting = 0
     for i in range(numFeats):
         if self.version >= 2.0:
             (fid, nums, _, offset, flags,
              lid) = struct.unpack(">LHHLHH", data[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)])
             offset = int((offset - 12 - 16 * numFeats) / 4)
             (fid, nums, offset, flags,
              lid) = struct.unpack(">HHLHH", data[12 * i:12 * (i + 1)])
             offset = int((offset - 12 - 12 * numFeats) / 4)
         allfeats.append((fid, nums, offset, flags, lid))
         maxsetting = max(maxsetting, offset + nums)
     data = data[16 * numFeats:]
     allsettings = []
     for i in range(maxsetting):
         if len(data) >= 4 * (i + 1):
             (val, lid) = struct.unpack(">HH", data[4 * i:4 * (i + 1)])
             allsettings.append((val, lid))
     for f in allfeats:
         (fid, nums, offset, flags, lid) = f
         fobj = Feature()
         fobj.flags = flags
         fobj.label = lid
         self.features[grUtils.num2tag(fid)] = fobj
         fobj.settings = {}
         for i in range(offset, offset + nums):
             if i >= len(allsettings): continue
             (vid, vlid) = allsettings[i]
             fobj.settings[vid] = vlid
Beispiel #30
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     format, n, stringOffset = struct.unpack(">HHH", data[:6])
     expectedStringOffset = 6 + n * nameRecordSize
     if stringOffset != expectedStringOffset:
         # XXX we need a warn function
             "Warning: 'name' table stringOffset incorrect. Expected: %s; Actual: %s"
             % (expectedStringOffset, stringOffset)
     stringData = data[stringOffset:]
     data = data[6:]
     self.names = []
     for i in range(n):
         if len(data) < 12:
             # compensate for buggy font
         name, data = sstruct.unpack2(nameRecordFormat, data, NameRecord())
         name.string = stringData[name.offset : name.offset + name.length]
         assert len(name.string) == name.length
         # if (name.platEncID, name.platformID) in ((0, 0), (1, 3)):
         # 	if len(name.string) % 2:
         # 		print "2-byte string doesn't have even length!"
         # 		print name.__dict__
         del name.offset, name.length
Beispiel #31
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		format, n, stringOffset = struct.unpack(b">HHH", data[:6])
		expectedStringOffset = 6 + n * nameRecordSize
		if stringOffset != expectedStringOffset:
				"'name' table stringOffset incorrect. Expected: %s; Actual: %s",
				expectedStringOffset, stringOffset)
		stringData = data[stringOffset:]
		data = data[6:]
		self.names = []
		for i in range(n):
			if len(data) < 12:
				log.error('skipping malformed name record #%d', i)
			name, data = sstruct.unpack2(nameRecordFormat, data, NameRecord())
			name.string = stringData[name.offset:name.offset+name.length]
			if name.offset + name.length > len(stringData):
				log.error('skipping malformed name record #%d', i)
			assert len(name.string) == name.length
			#if (name.platEncID, name.platformID) in ((0, 0), (1, 3)):
			#	if len(name.string) % 2:
			#		print "2-byte string doesn't have even length!"
			#		print name.__dict__
			del name.offset, name.length
Beispiel #32
    def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
        dummy, rest = sstruct.unpack2(headFormat, data, self)
        if rest:
            # this is quite illegal, but there seem to be fonts out there that do this
            log.warning("extra bytes at the end of 'head' table")
            assert rest == "\0\0"

        # For timestamp fields, ignore the top four bytes.  Some fonts have
        # bogus values there.  Since till 2038 those bytes only can be zero,
        # ignore them.
        for stamp in 'created', 'modified':
            value = getattr(self, stamp)
            if value > 0xFFFFFFFF:
                log.warning("'%s' timestamp out of range; ignoring top bytes",
                value &= 0xFFFFFFFF
                setattr(self, stamp, value)
            if value < 0x7C259DC0:  # January 1, 1970 00:00:00
                    "'%s' timestamp seems very low; regarding as unix timestamp",
                value += 0x7C259DC0
                setattr(self, stamp, value)
Beispiel #33
	def _decodeBBox(self, glyphID, glyph):
		haveBBox = bool(self.bboxBitmap[glyphID >> 3] & (0x80 >> (glyphID & 7)))
		if glyph.isComposite() and not haveBBox:
			raise TTLibError('no bbox values for composite glyph %d' % glyphID)
		if haveBBox:
			dummy, self.bboxStream = sstruct.unpack2(bboxFormat, self.bboxStream, glyph)
Beispiel #34
	def _decodeBBox(self, glyphID, glyph):
		haveBBox = bool(self.bboxBitmap[glyphID >> 3] & (0x80 >> (glyphID & 7)))
		if glyph.isComposite() and not haveBBox:
			raise TTLibError('no bbox values for composite glyph %d' % glyphID)
		if haveBBox:
			dummy, self.bboxStream = sstruct.unpack2(bboxFormat, self.bboxStream, glyph)
Beispiel #35
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):

		# Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table.
		origData = data
		i = 0;

		dummy = sstruct.unpack(eblcHeaderFormat, data[:8], self)
		i += 8;

		self.strikes = []
		for curStrikeIndex in range(self.numSizes):
			curStrike = Strike()
			curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
			dummy = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data[i:i+16], curTable)
			i += 16
			for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
				metricObj = SbitLineMetrics()
				vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj
				dummy = sstruct.unpack2(sbitLineMetricsFormat, data[i:i+12], metricObj)
				i += 12
			dummy = sstruct.unpack(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data[i:i+8], curTable)
			i += 8

		for curStrike in self.strikes:
			curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
			for subtableIndex in range(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables):
				i = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize

				tup = struct.unpack(indexSubTableArrayFormat, data[i:i+indexSubTableArraySize])
				(firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex, additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup
				i = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable

				tup = struct.unpack(indexSubHeaderFormat, data[i:i+indexSubHeaderSize])
				(indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup

				indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat)
				indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[i+indexSubHeaderSize:], ttFont)
				indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex
				indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex
				indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
				indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat
				indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat
				indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset
				indexSubTable.decompile() #
Beispiel #36
	def decompile(self):
		self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics)
		(dataLen,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4])
		data = data[4:]

		# For the image data cut it to the size specified by dataLen.
		assert dataLen <= len(data), "Data overun in format 18"
		self.imageData = data[:dataLen]
Beispiel #37
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_0, data, self)
     if self.version <= 1.9:
         decoder = partial(self.decompileAttributes12,fmt=Glat_format_1_entry)
     elif self.version <= 2.9:   
         decoder = partial(self.decompileAttributes12,fmt=Glat_format_23_entry)
     elif self.version >= 3.0:
         (data, self.scheme) = grUtils.decompress(data)
         sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_3, data, self)
         self.hasOctaboxes = (self.compression & 1) == 1
         decoder = self.decompileAttributes3
     gloc = ttFont['Gloc']
     self.attributes = {}
     count = 0
     for s,e in zip(gloc,gloc[1:]):
         self.attributes[ttFont.getGlyphName(count)] = decoder(data[s:e])
         count += 1
Beispiel #38
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self)

		if self.version == 1:
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self)
		elif self.version in (2, 3, 4):
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self)
		elif self.version == 5:
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_5_addition, data, self)
			self.usLowerOpticalPointSize /= 20
			self.usUpperOpticalPointSize /= 20
		elif self.version != 0:
			from fontTools import ttLib
			raise ttLib.TTLibError("unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version)
		if len(data):
			log.warning("too much 'OS/2' table data")

		self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
Beispiel #39
	def decompile(self):
		self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,, self.metrics)
		(dataLen,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4])
		data = data[4:]

		# For the image data cut it to the size specified by dataLen.
		assert dataLen <= len(data), "Data overun in format 18"
		self.imageData = data[:dataLen]
Beispiel #40
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont, version=2.0):
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_pass_format, data, self)
     (numRange, _, _, _) = struct.unpack(">4H", data[:8])
     data = data[8:]
     for i in range(numRange):
         (first, last, col) = struct.unpack(">3H", data[6 * i:6 * i + 6])
         for g in range(first, last + 1):
             self.colMap[ttFont.getGlyphName(g)] = col
     data = data[6 * numRange:]
     oRuleMap = struct.unpack_from((">%dH" % (self.numSuccess + 1)), data)
     data = data[2 + 2 * self.numSuccess:]
     rules = struct.unpack_from((">%dH" % oRuleMap[-1]), data)
     self.rules = [rules[s:e] for (s, e) in zip(oRuleMap, oRuleMap[1:])]
     data = data[2 * oRuleMap[-1]:]
      self.maxRulePreContext) = struct.unpack('BB', data[:2])
     numStartStates = self.maxRulePreContext - self.minRulePreContext + 1
     self.startStates = struct.unpack((">%dH" % numStartStates),
                                      data[2:2 + numStartStates * 2])
     data = data[2 + numStartStates * 2:]
     self.ruleSortKeys = struct.unpack((">%dH" % self.numRules),
                                       data[:2 * self.numRules])
     data = data[2 * self.numRules:]
     self.rulePreContexts = struct.unpack(("%dB" % self.numRules),
     data = data[self.numRules:]
     (self.collisionThreshold, pConstraint) = struct.unpack(">BH", data[:3])
     oConstraints = list(
         struct.unpack((">%dH" % (self.numRules + 1)),
                       data[3:5 + self.numRules * 2]))
     data = data[5 + self.numRules * 2:]
     oActions = list(
         struct.unpack((">%dH" % (self.numRules + 1)),
                       data[:2 + self.numRules * 2]))
     data = data[2 * self.numRules + 2:]
     for i in range(self.numTransitional):
         a = array(
             data[i * self.numColumns * 2:(i + 1) * self.numColumns * 2])
     data = data[self.numTransitional * self.numColumns * 2 + 1:]
     self.passConstraints = data[:pConstraint]
     data = data[pConstraint:]
     for i in range(len(oConstraints) - 2, -1, -1):
         if oConstraints[i] == 0:
             oConstraints[i] = oConstraints[i + 1]
     self.ruleConstraints = [(data[s:e] if (e - s > 1) else "")
                             for (s,
                                  e) in zip(oConstraints, oConstraints[1:])]
     data = data[oConstraints[-1]:]
     for i in range(len(oActions) - 2, -1, -1):
         if oActions[i] == 0:
             oActions[i] = oActions[i + 1]
     self.actions = [(data[s:e] if (e - s > 1) else "")
                     for (s, e) in zip(oActions, oActions[1:])]
     data = data[oActions[-1]:]
Beispiel #41
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self)

		if self.version == 1:
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self)
		elif self.version in (2, 3, 4):
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self)
		elif self.version == 5:
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_5_addition, data, self)
			self.usLowerOpticalPointSize /= 20
			self.usUpperOpticalPointSize /= 20
		elif self.version != 0:
			from fontTools import ttLib
			raise ttLib.TTLibError("unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version)
		if len(data):
			log.warning("too much 'OS/2' table data")

		self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
Beispiel #42
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_0, data, self)
     if self.version <= 1.9:
         decoder = partial(self.decompileAttributes12,fmt=Glat_format_1_entry)
     elif self.version <= 2.9:   
         decoder = partial(self.decompileAttributes12,fmt=Glat_format_23_entry)
     elif self.version >= 3.0:
         (data, self.scheme) = grUtils.decompress(data)
         sstruct.unpack2(Glat_format_3, data, self)
         self.hasOctaboxes = (self.compression & 1) == 1
         decoder = self.decompileAttributes3
     gloc = ttFont['Gloc']
     self.attributes = {}
     count = 0
     for s,e in zip(gloc,gloc[1:]):
         self.attributes[ttFont.getGlyphName(count)] = decoder(data[s:e])
         count += 1
Beispiel #43
 def decompileAttributes12(self, data, fmt):
     attributes = _Dict()
     while len(data) > 3:
         e, data = sstruct.unpack2(fmt, data, _Object())
         keys = range(e.attNum, e.attNum + e.num)
         if len(data) >= 2 * e.num:
             vals = struct.unpack_from(('>%dh' % e.num), data)
             attributes.update(zip(keys, vals))
             data = data[2 * e.num:]
     return attributes
Beispiel #44
 def decompileAttributes12(self, data, fmt):
     attributes = _Dict()
     while len(data) > 3:
         e, data = sstruct.unpack2(fmt, data, _Object())
         keys = range(e.attNum, e.attNum+e.num)
         if len(data) >= 2 * e.num :
             vals = struct.unpack_from(('>%dh' % e.num), data)
             data = data[2*e.num:]
     return attributes
Beispiel #45
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Gloc_header, data, self)
     flags = self.flags; del self.flags
     self.locations = array.array('I' if flags & 1 else 'H')
     self.locations.fromstring(data[:len(data)-self.numAttribs*(flags & 2)])
     self.attribIds = array.array('H')
     if flags & 2:
Beispiel #46
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):

		# Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table.
		origData = data

		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(eblcHeaderFormat, data, self)

		self.strikes = []
		for curStrikeIndex in range(self.numSizes):
			curStrike = Strike()
			curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data, curTable)
			for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
				metricObj = SbitLineMetrics()
				vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj
				dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(sbitLineMetricsFormat, data, metricObj)
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data, curTable)

		for curStrike in self.strikes:
			curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
			for subtableIndex in range(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables):
				lowerBound = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize
				upperBound = lowerBound + indexSubTableArraySize
				data = origData[lowerBound:upperBound]

				tup = struct.unpack(indexSubTableArrayFormat, data)
				(firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex, additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup
				offsetToIndexSubTable = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
				data = origData[offsetToIndexSubTable:]

				tup = struct.unpack(indexSubHeaderFormat, data[:indexSubHeaderSize])
				(indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup

				indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat)
				indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[indexSubHeaderSize:], ttFont)
				indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex
				indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex
				indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
				indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat
				indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat
				indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset
Beispiel #47
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_0, data, self)
		# workarounds for buggy fonts (Apple, mona)
		if not data:
			self.version = 0
		elif len(data) == sstruct.calcsize(OS2_format_1_addition):
			self.version = 1
		elif len(data) == sstruct.calcsize(OS2_format_2_addition):
			if self.version not in (2, 3, 4):
				self.version = 1
			from fontTools import ttLib
			raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table (incorrect length): version %s" % (self.version, len(data))
		if self.version == 1:
			sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_1_addition, data, self)
		elif self.version in (2, 3, 4):
			sstruct.unpack2(OS2_format_2_addition, data, self)
		elif self.version <> 0:
			from fontTools import ttLib
			raise ttLib.TTLibError, "unknown format for OS/2 table: version %s" % self.version
		self.panose = sstruct.unpack(panoseFormat, self.panose, Panose())
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs
		glyphOrder = ttFont.getGlyphOrder()
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(hdmxHeaderFormat, data, self)
		self.hdmx = {}
		for i in range(self.numRecords):
			ppem = byteord(data[0])
			maxSize = byteord(data[1])
			widths = _GlyphnamedList(ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap(), array.array("B", data[2:2+numGlyphs]))
			self.hdmx[ppem] = widths
			data = data[self.recordSize:]
		assert len(data) == 0, "too much hdmx data"
Beispiel #49
	def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
		dummy, rest = sstruct.unpack2(SINGFormat, data, self)
		self.uniqueName = self.decompileUniqueName(self.uniqueName)
		self.nameLength = byteord(self.nameLength)
		assert len(rest) == self.nameLength
		self.baseGlyphName = tostr(rest)
		rawMETAMD5 = self.METAMD5
		self.METAMD5 = "[" + hex(byteord(self.METAMD5[0]))
		for char in rawMETAMD5[1:]:
			self.METAMD5 = self.METAMD5 + ", " + hex(byteord(char))
		self.METAMD5 = self.METAMD5 + "]"
Beispiel #50
	def decompile(self):
		self.origDataLen = 0
		(self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4])
		data =[4:]
		self.metrics, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, data, BigGlyphMetrics())
		(numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4])
		data = data[4:]
		glyphIds = [struct.unpack(">H", data[2*i:2*(i+1)])[0] for i in range(numGlyphs)]

		offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in range(len(glyphIds)+1)]
		self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:]))
		self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds))
Beispiel #51
    def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
        dummy, rest = sstruct.unpack2(SINGFormat, data, self)
        self.uniqueName = self.decompileUniqueName(self.uniqueName)
        self.nameLength = byteord(self.nameLength)
        assert len(rest) == self.nameLength
        self.baseGlyphName = tostr(rest)

        rawMETAMD5 = self.METAMD5
        self.METAMD5 = "[" + hex(byteord(self.METAMD5[0]))
        for char in rawMETAMD5[1:]:
            self.METAMD5 = self.METAMD5 + ", " + hex(byteord(char))
        self.METAMD5 = self.METAMD5 + "]"
Beispiel #52
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Gloc_header, data, self)
     flags = self.flags
     del self.flags
     self.locations = array.array('I' if flags & 1 else 'H')
     self.locations.fromstring(data[:len(data) - self.numAttribs *
                                    (flags & 2)])
     if sys.byteorder != "big": self.locations.byteswap()
     self.attribIds = array.array('H')
     if flags & 2:
         self.attribIds.fromstring(data[-self.numAttribs * 2:])
         if sys.byteorder != "big": self.attribIds.byteswap()
Beispiel #53
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont, version=2.0):
     if version >= 3.0 :
         _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_part1_format_v3, data, self)
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_part1_format, data, self)
     for jlevel in range(self.numJLevels):
         j, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_justify_format, data, _Object())
     _, data = sstruct.unpack2(Silf_part2_format, data, self)
     if self.numCritFeatures:
         self.critFeatures = struct.unpack_from(('>%dH' % self.numCritFeatures), data)
     data = data[self.numCritFeatures * 2 + 1:]
     (numScriptTag,) = struct.unpack_from('B', data)
     if numScriptTag:
         self.scriptTags = [struct.unpack("4s", data[x:x+4])[0] for x in range(1, 1 + 4 * numScriptTag, 4)]
     data = data[1 + 4 * numScriptTag:]
     (self.lbGID,) = struct.unpack('>H', data[:2])
     if self.numPasses:
         self.oPasses = struct.unpack(('>%dL' % (self.numPasses+1)), data[2:6+4*self.numPasses])
     data = data[6 + 4 * self.numPasses:]
     (numPseudo,) = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2])
     for i in range(numPseudo):
         if version >= 3.0:
             pseudo = sstruct.unpack(Silf_pseudomap_format, data[8+6*i:14+6*i], _Object())
             pseudo = sstruct.unpack(Silf_pseudomap_format_h, data[8+4*i:12+4*i], _Object())
         self.pMap[pseudo.unicode] = ttFont.getGlyphName(pseudo.nPseudo)
     data = data[8 + 6 * numPseudo:]
     currpos = (sstruct.calcsize(Silf_part1_format)
                 + sstruct.calcsize(Silf_justify_format) * self.numJLevels
                 + sstruct.calcsize(Silf_part2_format) + 2 * self.numCritFeatures
                 + 1 + 1 + 4 * numScriptTag + 6 + 4 * self.numPasses + 8 + 6 * numPseudo)
     if version >= 3.0:
         currpos += sstruct.calcsize(Silf_part1_format_v3)
     self.classes = Classes()
     self.classes.decompile(data, ttFont, version)
     for i in range(self.numPasses):
         p = Pass()
                     ttFont, version)
	def decompile(self):
		self.origDataLen = 0
		(self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4])
		data =[4:]
		self.metrics, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, data, BigGlyphMetrics())
		(numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4])
		data = data[4:]
		glyphIds = [struct.unpack(">H", data[2*i:2*(i+1)])[0] for i in range(numGlyphs)]

		offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in range(len(glyphIds)+1)]
		self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:]))
		self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds))
		del, self.ttFont
Beispiel #55
	def fromString(self, data):
		if len(data) < 1:
			raise TTLibError("can't read table 'flags': not enough data")
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(woff2FlagsFormat, data, self)
		if self.flags & 0x3F == 0x3F:
			# if bits [0..5] of the flags byte == 63, read a 4-byte arbitrary tag value
			if len(data) < woff2UnknownTagSize:
				raise TTLibError("can't read table 'tag': not enough data")
			dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(woff2UnknownTagFormat, data, self)
			# otherwise, tag is derived from a fixed 'Known Tags' table
			self.tag = woff2KnownTags[self.flags & 0x3F]
		self.tag = Tag(self.tag)
		self.origLength, data = unpackBase128(data)
		self.length = self.origLength
		if self.transformed:
			self.length, data = unpackBase128(data)
			if self.tag == 'loca' and self.length != 0:
				raise TTLibError(
					"the transformLength of the 'loca' table must be 0")
		# return left over data
		return data
Beispiel #56
	def expand(self, glyfTable):
		if not hasattr(self, "data"):
			# already unpacked
		if not
			# empty char
			self.numberOfContours = 0
		dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(glyphHeaderFormat,, self)
		if self.isComposite():
			self.decompileComponents(data, glyfTable)
Beispiel #57
 def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
     numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs
     glyphOrder = ttFont.getGlyphOrder()
     dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(hdmxHeaderFormat, data, self)
     self.hdmx = {}
     for i in range(self.numRecords):
         ppem = byteord(data[0])
         maxSize = byteord(data[1])
         widths = {}
         for glyphID in range(numGlyphs):
             widths[glyphOrder[glyphID]] = byteord(data[glyphID + 2])
         self.hdmx[ppem] = widths
         data = data[self.recordSize:]
     assert len(data) == 0, "too much hdmx data"