def boxdrawing_diagonal(up=True, down=True):
    t = math.atan2(bh, bw)
    dx = swl2 / math.sin(t)
    dy = swl2 / math.cos(t)
    contours = []
    if up:
        c = fontforge.contour()
        c.moveTo(bl, bb)
        c.lineTo(bl, bb + dy)
        c.lineTo(br - dx, bt)
        c.lineTo(br, bt)
        c.lineTo(br, bt - dy)
        c.lineTo(bl + dx, bb)
        c.closed = True
    if down:
        c = fontforge.contour()
        c.moveTo(bl, bt)
        c.lineTo(bl + dx, bt)
        c.lineTo(br, bb + dy)
        c.lineTo(br, bb)
        c.lineTo(br - dx, bb)
        c.lineTo(bl, bt - dy)
        c.closed = True
    return contours
def geometric_triangle(rotation=0, black=True):
    sw = 46
    xm = 37
    b = bb + (bh - bw + 2 * xm) / 2.0
    t = b + (bw - 2 * xm) * math.sin(math.pi / 3)
    contours = []

    c = fontforge.contour()
    c.moveTo(bl + xm, b)
    c.lineTo(cx, t)
    c.lineTo(br - xm, b)
    c.closed = True

    if not black:
        xm += sw * math.sqrt(3)
        c = fontforge.contour()
        c.moveTo(bl + xm, b + sw)
        c.lineTo(br - xm, b + sw)
        c.lineTo(cx, t - 2 * sw)
        c.closed = True

    if rotation:
        cy = (b + t) / 2.0
        rotT = psMat.compose(psMat.translate(-cx, -cy),
                             psMat.translate(cx, cy)))
        for c in contours:
    return contours
Beispiel #3
def add_guides(glyph, direction):
    f = fontforge.activeFont()
    guides =
    l = glyph.layers[glyph.activeLayer]
    for c in l:
        for p in selected_points(c):
            if direction != "h" and direction != "v" and direction != "hv":
                return False
            if direction == "h" or direction == "hv":
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                # place an horizontal guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo(-1000, p.y)
                guide.lineTo(2000, p.y)
                guides += guide
            if direction == "v" or direction == "hv":
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                # place a vertical guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo(p.x, -2000)
                guide.lineTo(p.x, 3000)
                guides += guide
   = guides
    glyph.layers[glyph.activeLayer] = l
    # Is there a better way to refresh the screen?
    print "done"
    return True
Beispiel #4
def add_guides (glyph, direction):
    f = fontforge.activeFont()
    guides =
    l = glyph.layers[glyph.activeLayer]
    for c in l:
        for p in selected_points(c):
            if direction != 'h' and direction != 'v' and direction != 'hv':
                return False
            if direction == 'h' or direction == 'hv':
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                #place an horizontal guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo (-1000, p.y)
                guide.lineTo (2000, p.y)
                guides += guide
            if direction == 'v' or direction == 'hv':
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                #place a vertical guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo (p.x, -2000)
                guide.lineTo (p.x, 3000)
                guides += guide
   = guides
    #Is there a better way to refresh the screen?
    print 'done'
    return True
def boxdrawing_arc(xref=False, yref=False):
    K = 0.5522847498
    r = min(bw, bh) / 2.0
    Ci = K * (r - swl2) - r
    Co = K * (r + swl2) - r

    c = fontforge.contour()
    c.moveTo(bl, cy + swl2)
    c.lineTo(cx - r, cy + swl2)
    c.cubicTo((cx + Ci, cy + swl2),
              (cx - swl2, cy - Ci),
              (cx - swl2, cy + r))
    c.lineTo(cx - swl2, bt)
    c.lineTo(cx + swl2, bt)
    c.lineTo(cx + swl2, cy + r)
    c.cubicTo((cx + swl2, cy - Co),
              (cx + Co, cy - swl2),
              (cx - r, cy - swl2))
    c.lineTo(bl, cy - swl2)
    c.closed = True

    if xref:
    if yref:
    return [c]
Beispiel #6
 def split(c, i, t):
     l = len(c)
     if 0 < t < 1 and i % 1 == 0 and 0 <= i < l and c[i].on_curve \
     and not c[i+1].on_curve and not c[i+2].on_curve \
     and c[(i+3)%l].on_curve:
         qx1 = c[i].x + t * (c[i + 1].x - c[i].x)
         qy1 = c[i].y + t * (c[i + 1].y - c[i].y)
         qx2 = c[i + 1].x + t * (c[i + 2].x - c[i + 1].x)
         qy2 = c[i + 1].y + t * (c[i + 2].y - c[i + 1].y)
         rx2 = c[i + 2].x + t * (c[(i + 3) % l].x - c[i + 2].x)
         ry2 = c[i + 2].y + t * (c[(i + 3) % l].y - c[i + 2].y)
         rx1 = qx2 + t * (rx2 - qx2)
         ry1 = qy2 + t * (ry2 - qy2)
         qx2 = qx1 + t * (qx2 - qx1)
         qy2 = qy1 + t * (qy2 - qy1)
         qx3 = qx2 + t * (rx1 - qx2)
         qy3 = qy2 + t * (ry1 - qy2)
         doublesegment = fontforge.contour()
         doublesegment.moveTo(c[i].x, c[i].y)
         doublesegment.cubicTo(qx1, qy1, qx2, qy2, qx3, qy3)
         doublesegment.cubicTo(rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, c[(i + 3) % l].x,
                               c[(i + 3) % l].y)
         if i + 3 == l and c.closed:  # end point is starting point
             c.reverseDirection()  # dirty hack because ff2017 is buggy
             c[0:4] = doublesegment
         else:  # generic case
             c[i:i + 4] = doublesegment
Beispiel #7
def point_list_to_contour(point_list, is_closed, is_quadratic):
    c = fontforge.contour()
    c.is_quadratic = is_quadratic
    c.closed = is_closed
    for p in point_list:
        c += p
    return c
def rect(left, bottom, right, top):
    c = fontforge.contour()
    c.moveTo(left, bottom)
    c.lineTo(left, top)
    c.lineTo(right, top)
    c.lineTo(right, bottom)
    c.closed = True
    return c
def powerline_triangle(xref=False):
    c = fontforge.contour()
    c.moveTo(bl, bt)
    c.lineTo(br, cy)
    c.lineTo(bl, bb)
    c.closed = True
    if xref:
    return [c]
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self):
     chisel = fontforge.contour()
     chisel.moveTo(-56, 7)
     chisel.lineTo(39, 41)
     chisel.lineTo(56, -7)
     chisel.lineTo(-39, -41)
     chisel.closed = True
     self.nib = ['polygonal', chisel]
     self.nibwidth = 112
     self.nibheight = 82
     super(Chiseltip, self).__init__("BedsteadChiseltip")
Beispiel #11
 def adjust_contour(self, c):
     # This function just expands dots.
     if len(c) != 1: return None
     if self.dotwidth == 0 and self.dotheight == 0: return None
     newc = fontforge.contour()
     newc.moveTo(c[0].x + self.dotwidth / 2, c[0].y)
     newc.lineTo(c[0].x, c[0].y + self.dotheight / 2)
     newc.lineTo(c[0].x - self.dotwidth / 2, c[0].y)
     newc.lineTo(c[0].x, c[0].y - self.dotheight / 2)
     newc.closed = True
     return newc
Beispiel #12
def fixContour(glyph):
  newLayer = fontforge.layer()
  for contour in glyph.foreground.__iter__():
    newContour = fontforge.contour()
    tmpContour = fontforge.contour()
    lastX = None; lastY = None
    firstX = None; firstY = None
    for point in contour.__iter__():
      if (lastX is None) or (lastY is None):
        lastX = point.x; lastY = point.y
        firstX = point.x; firstY = point.y
        newContour += point
        tmpContour += point
        if point.on_curve:
          if hypot(point.x - lastX, point.y - lastY) > 3.0:
            newContour += tmpContour
          tmpContour = fontforge.contour()
          lastX = point.x; lastY = point.y
    if hypot(firstX - lastX, firstY - lastY) > 3.0:
      newContour += tmpContour
    newContour.closed = True
    newLayer += newContour
  glyph.foreground = newLayer
def powerline_angle(xref=False):
    t = math.atan2(cy - bb, bw)
    dx = swl2 / math.sin(t)
    dy = swl2 / math.cos(t)

    c = fontforge.contour()
    c.moveTo(bl, bt)
    c.lineTo(bl + dx, bt)
    c.lineTo(br, cy + dy)
    c.lineTo(br, cy - dy)
    c.lineTo(bl + dx, bb)
    c.lineTo(bl, bb)
    c.lineTo(bl, bb + dy)
    c.lineTo(br - dx, cy)
    c.lineTo(bl, bt - dy)
    c.closed = True
    if xref:
    return [c]
Beispiel #14
# Point type conversion tests

import fontforge

co = fontforge.splineCorner
cu = fontforge.splineCurve
tn = fontforge.splineTangent
hv = fontforge.splineHVCurve

ff = fontforge.font()

g = ff.createMappedChar('a')

cl = [(0,0,True,hv),(0,0,False),(5,-1,False),(5,0,True,hv),(5,1,False),(5,3,False),(4,4,True,hv),(3,5,False),(0,3,False),(0,2,True,hv)]
c = fontforge.contour()
c[:] = cl
c.closed = True

l = fontforge.layer()
l += c

cc = g.layers[1][0]
for (i,t) in [(0,hv),(3,hv),(6,hv),(9,hv)]:
    if cc[i].type != t:
        raise ValueError("Type of point " + str(i) + " should be " + str(t) + " rather than " + str(cc[i].type))

cc = g.layers[1][0]
for (i,t) in [(1,False),(2,True),(4,True),(5,False),(7,False),(8,False)]:
    if (cc[i] == c[i]) != t:
Beispiel #15
if p2.x != 2.3 or p2.y != 2.4 or p2.on_curve or not p2.selected or != 'test':
    raise ValueError("Bad point values")

if p2 != (2.3, 2.4):
    raise ValueError("Bad point comparison")

if p2 != p:
    raise ValueError("Bad point comparison")

# contour

ptl = [(0, 0), (1, 1, False), (2, 2, False), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5, False),
       (6, 6, False), (7, 7), (8, 8, False), (9, 0, False)]
ptl2 = [(4.2, 4.2), (4.5, 4.5), (4.7, 4.7)]

c = f.contour()
if len(c) != 0 or c.is_quadratic:
    raise ValueError("Bad contour values")

c = f.contour(True)  # Set quadratic
if len(c) != 0 or not c.is_quadratic:
    raise ValueError("Bad contour values")

c.is_quadratic = False
if c.is_quadratic:
    raise ValueError("Bad contour values")

for pt in ptl:
c.closed = True
if len(c) != 10:
Beispiel #16
p2 = p.dup()
if p2.x != 2.3 or p2.y != 2.4 or p2.on_curve or not p2.selected or != 'test':
    raise ValueError("Bad point values" )

if p2 != (2.3,2.4):
    raise ValueError("Bad point comparison" )

if p2 != p:
    raise ValueError("Bad point comparison" )

# contour 

ptl = [(0,0),(1,1,False),(2,2,False),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5,False),(6,6,False),(7,7),(8,8,False),(9,0,False)]
ptl2 = [(4.2,4.2),(4.5,4.5),(4.7,4.7)]

c = f.contour()
if len(c) != 0 or c.is_quadratic:
    raise ValueError("Bad contour values" )

c = f.contour(True) # Set quadratic 
if len(c) != 0 or not c.is_quadratic:
    raise ValueError("Bad contour values" )

c.is_quadratic = False
if c.is_quadratic:
    raise ValueError("Bad contour values" )

for pt in ptl:
c.closed = True;
if len(c) != 10:
Beispiel #17

import fontforge
Font ="VexillaNationum.sfd")
for Glyph in Font.glyphs():
	print Glyph.glyphname
	if Glyph.isWorthOutputting():
		for Contour in Glyph.foreground:
			if len(Contour) == 1:
				X = Contour[0].x; Y = Contour[0].y
				Radius = 12
				MagnPnct = fontforge.contour()
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X+Radius,Y+Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X+Radius,Y,True)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X+Radius,Y-Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X+Radius,Y-Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X,Y-Radius,True)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X-Radius,Y-Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X-Radius,Y-Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X-Radius,Y,True)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X-Radius,Y+Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X-Radius,Y+Radius,False)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X,Y+Radius,True)
				MagnPnct += fontforge.point(X+Radius,Y+Radius,False)
				MagnPnct.closed = True
				Glyph.foreground += MagnPnct
Font.strokedfont = False
Beispiel #18
def selectExistAll(font):
    for glyphName in font:
        if font[glyphName].isWorthOutputting() == True:
  "more",), glyphName)

# bold

print "Open " + srcfont
fSrc = srcfont )

contour = fontforge.contour()
contour.moveTo(-generate_horizontal,  generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo( generate_horizontal,  generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo( generate_horizontal, -generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo(-generate_horizontal, -generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo(-generate_horizontal,  generate_vertical)
contour.closed = True

# modify
print "bold"
# 拡大
for glyphName in fSrc:
    if fSrc[glyphName].isWorthOutputting() == True:
        if fSrc[glyphName].unicode < 10000:
            print "bold : code 0u" + ('%x' % fSrc[glyphName].unicode) + "(" + str(fSrc[glyphName].unicode) +  ")" + ", " + fSrc[glyphName].glyphname
            fSrc[glyphName].stroke("polygonal", contour, ('removeinternal'))
Beispiel #19
def selectExistAll(font):
    for glyphName in font:
        if font[glyphName].isWorthOutputting() == True:
  "more", ), glyphName)

# bold

print "Open " + srcfont
fSrc =

contour = fontforge.contour()
contour.moveTo(-generate_horizontal, generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo(generate_horizontal, generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo(generate_horizontal, -generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo(-generate_horizontal, -generate_vertical)
contour.lineTo(-generate_horizontal, generate_vertical)
contour.closed = True

# modify
print "bold"
# 拡大
for glyphName in fSrc:
    if fSrc[glyphName].isWorthOutputting() == True:
        if fSrc[glyphName].unicode < 10000:
            print "bold : code 0u" + (
                '%x' % fSrc[glyphName].unicode) + "(" + str(
Beispiel #20
# Round-trip point selection tests.

import copy
import fontforge as ff
import pickle

c0 = [(293.0,48.0,1), (291.0,48.0,1), (271.0,32.0,1), (227.0,-2.0,0), (196.8,-10.0,0), (162.0,-10.0,1), (92.0,-10.0,0), (36.0,16.0,0), (36.0,98.0,1), (36.0,166.0,0), (105.0,219.0,0), (201.0,243.0,1), (287.0,264.0,1), (290.0,265.0,0), (293.0,269.0,0), (293.0,276.0,1), (293.0,389.0,0), (246.0,406.0,0), (212.0,406.0,1), (174.0,406.0,0), (132.0,395.0,0), (132.0,364.0,1), (132.0,353.0,0), (133.0,347.0,0), (134.0,344.0,1), (136.0,340.0,0), (137.0,333.0,0), (137.0,326.0,1), (137.0,313.0,0), (119.0,292.0,0), (90.0,292.0,1), (67.0,292.0,0), (55.0,304.0,0), (55.0,328.0,1), (55.0,385.0,0), (138.0,439.0,0), (220.0,439.0,1), (293.0,439.0,0), (371.0,412.0,0), (371.0,270.0,1), (371.0,123.0,1), (371.0,77.0,0), (372.0,38.0,0), (401.0,38.0,1), (413.7,38.0,0), (430.5,47.8,0), (438.0,54.0,1), (449.3,47.7,0), (453.3,39.3,0), (455.0,27.0,1), (434.3,7.0,0), (398.3,-10.0,0), (360.0,-10.0,1), (309.6,-10.0,0), (299.0,17.0,0)]

f = ff.font()

g = f.createMappedChar('a')

l = ff.layer()
c = ff.contour()

# Cubic 
c[:] = c0
c.closed = True
l += c

for (i,p) in enumerate(l[0]):
    if i % 5 == 0:
        p.selected = True

g.layers[1] = l
l = g.layers[1]

for (i,p) in enumerate(l[0]):
    if (i % 5 == 0 and not p.selected) or (i % 5 != 0 and p.selected):
        raise ValueError("Round trip of layer changed selection status")
Beispiel #21
glyph.background.is_quadratic = False
pen = glyph.glyphPen()
pen.moveTo((1, 1))
del pen  # crash if (auto)destroyed after font.close()...

font.generate('a.ttf', flags=('PfEd-background'))

font ='a.ttf')
glyph = font[0x41]

assert len(glyph.foreground) == 1, 'Foreground contains a contour'
assert len(glyph.background) == 1, 'Background contains a contour'

fgc = fontforge.contour(True)
fgc.closed = True
fgc[:] = ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0))
# contour comparator is inexact, see PyFFContour_docompare / SSsCompare
assert glyph.foreground[
    0] == fgc, 'Foreground contour matches expected contour'
assert list(glyph.foreground[0]) == list(
    fgc), 'Foreground contour points matches expected contour points'

bgc = fontforge.contour(False)
bgc.closed = True
bgc[:] = ((1, 1), )
assert glyph.background[
    0] == bgc, 'Background contour matches expected contour'
assert list(glyph.background[0]) == list(
    bgc), 'Foreground contour points matches expected contour points'