Beispiel #1
    def _msg(self, *args, **kwargs):
        facility = kwargs.get('facility')
        if "level" not in kwargs:
            kwargs['level'] = OPERATIONAL
        level = kwargs["level"]
        threshold = self.get_generation_threshold(facility)
        if level < threshold:
            return  # not worth logging

        event = kwargs
        # kwargs always has 'num'

        if "format" in event:
        elif "message" in event:
            event['message'] = str(event['message'])
        elif args:
            event['message'], posargs = str(args[0]), args[1:]
            if posargs:
                event['args'] = posargs
            event['message'] = ""

        if "time" not in event:
            event['time'] = time.time()

        if "failure" in event:
            f = event["failure"]
            # we need to avoid pickling the exception class, since that will
            # require the original application code to unpickle, and log
            # viewers may not have it installed. A CopiedFailure works great
            # for this purpose. TODO: I'd prefer to not use a local import
            # here, but doing at the top level causes a circular import
            # failure.
            from import FailureSlicer, CopiedFailure

            class FakeBroker:
                unsafeTracebacks = True

            if not isinstance(f, CopiedFailure):
                fs = FailureSlicer(f)
                f2 = CopiedFailure()
                f2.setCopyableState(fs.getStateToCopy(f, FakeBroker))
                event["failure"] = f2

        if event.get('stacktrace', False) is True:
            event['stacktrace'] = traceback.format_stack()
        event['incarnation'] = self.incarnation
        self.add_event(facility, level, event)
Beispiel #2
    def _msg(self, *args, **kwargs):
        facility = kwargs.get('facility')
        if "level" not in kwargs:
            kwargs['level'] = OPERATIONAL
        level = kwargs["level"]
        threshold = self.get_generation_threshold(facility)
        if level < threshold:
            return # not worth logging

        event = kwargs
        # kwargs always has 'num'

        if "format" in event:
        elif "message" in event:
            event['message'] = str(event['message'])
        elif args:
            event['message'], posargs = str(args[0]), args[1:]
            if posargs:
                event['args'] = posargs
            event['message'] = ""

        if "time" not in event:
            event['time'] = time.time()

        if "failure" in event:
            f = event["failure"]
            # we need to avoid pickling the exception class, since that will
            # require the original application code to unpickle, and log
            # viewers may not have it installed. A CopiedFailure works great
            # for this purpose. TODO: I'd prefer to not use a local import
            # here, but doing at the top level causes a circular import
            # failure.
            from import FailureSlicer, CopiedFailure
            class FakeBroker:
                unsafeTracebacks = True
            if not isinstance(f, CopiedFailure):
                fs = FailureSlicer(f)
                f2 = CopiedFailure()
                f2.setCopyableState(fs.getStateToCopy(f, FakeBroker))
                event["failure"] = f2

        if event.get('stacktrace', False) is True:
            event['stacktrace'] = traceback.format_stack()
        event['incarnation'] = self.incarnation
        self.add_event(facility, level, event)
Beispiel #3
    def msg(self, *args, **kwargs):
        @param parent: the event number of the most direct parent of this
        @param facility: the slash-joined facility name, or None
        @param level: the numeric severity level, like NOISY or SCARY
        @param stacktrace: a string stacktrace, or True to generate one
        @returns: the event number for this logevent, intended to be passed
                  to parent= in a subsequent call to msg()

        if "num" not in kwargs:
            num =
            num = kwargs['num']
        facility = kwargs.get('facility')
        if "level" not in kwargs:
            kwargs['level'] = OPERATIONAL
        level = kwargs["level"]
        threshold = self.get_generation_threshold(facility)
        if level < threshold:
            return num # not worth logging

        event = kwargs

        if "format" in event:
        elif "message" in event:
            event['message'] = str(event['message'])
        elif args:
            event['message'], posargs = str(args[0]), args[1:]
            if posargs:
                event['args'] = posargs
            event['message'] = ""

        if "time" not in event:
            event['time'] = time.time()

        if "failure" in event:
            f = event["failure"]
            # we need to avoid pickling the exception class, since that will
            # require the original application code to unpickle, and log
            # viewers may not have it installed. A CopiedFailure works great
            # for this purpose. TODO: I'd prefer to not use a local import
            # here, but doing at the top level causes a circular import
            # failure.
            from import FailureSlicer, CopiedFailure
            class FakeBroker:
                unsafeTracebacks = True
            if not isinstance(f, CopiedFailure):
                fs = FailureSlicer(f)
                f2 = CopiedFailure()
                f2.setCopyableState(fs.getStateToCopy(f, FakeBroker))
                event["failure"] = f2

        # verify that we can stringify the event correctly
        except Exception, e:
            print "problem in log message %s: %r %s" % (event, e, e)
Beispiel #4
    def msg(self, *args, **kwargs):
        @param parent: the event number of the most direct parent of this
        @param facility: the slash-joined facility name, or None
        @param level: the numeric severity level, like NOISY or SCARY
        @param stacktrace: a string stacktrace, or True to generate one
        @returns: the event number for this logevent, intended to be passed
                  to parent= in a subsequent call to msg()

        if "num" not in kwargs:
            num =
            num = kwargs['num']
        facility = kwargs.get('facility')
        if "level" not in kwargs:
            kwargs['level'] = OPERATIONAL
        level = kwargs["level"]
        threshold = self.get_generation_threshold(facility)
        if level < threshold:
            return num # not worth logging

        event = kwargs

        if "format" in event:
        elif "message" in event:
            event['message'] = str(event['message'])
        elif args:
            event['message'], posargs = str(args[0]), args[1:]
            if posargs:
                event['args'] = posargs
            event['message'] = ""

        if "time" not in event:
            event['time'] = time.time()

        if "failure" in event:
            f = event["failure"]
            # we need to avoid pickling the exception class, since that will
            # require the original application code to unpickle, and log
            # viewers may not have it installed. A CopiedFailure works great
            # for this purpose. TODO: I'd prefer to not use a local import
            # here, but doing at the top level causes a circular import
            # failure.
            from import FailureSlicer, CopiedFailure
            class FakeBroker:
                unsafeTracebacks = True
            if not isinstance(f, CopiedFailure):
                fs = FailureSlicer(f)
                f2 = CopiedFailure()
                f2.setCopyableState(fs.getStateToCopy(f, FakeBroker))
                event["failure"] = f2

        # verify that we can stringify the event correctly
        except Exception, e:
            print "problem in log message %s: %r %s" % (event, e, e)