Beispiel #1
    def test_team_initializes_with_expected_values(self):
        team = Team(self.TEAM_NAME, self.GOALS_FOR, self.GOALS_AGAINST,
                    self.HOME_GAMES, self.AWAY_GAMES, self.POINTS)

        self.assertEqual(self.TEAM_NAME, team.team_name())
        self.assertEqual(self.GOALS_FOR, team.goals_for())
        self.assertEqual(self.GOALS_AGAINST, team.goals_against())
        self.assertEqual(self.HOME_GAMES, team.home_games())
        self.assertEqual(self.AWAY_GAMES, team.away_games())
        self.assertEqual(self.POINTS, team.points())
Beispiel #2
    def test_goal_difference_updates_when_goals_against_change(self):
        team = Team(self.TEAM_NAME, self.GOALS_FOR, self.GOALS_AGAINST,
                    self.HOME_GAMES, self.AWAY_GAMES, self.POINTS)
        self.assertEqual(self.GOALS_FOR - self.GOALS_AGAINST, team.goal_difference())

        team.goals_against(team.goals_against() + 10)
        self.assertEqual((self.GOALS_FOR - self.GOALS_AGAINST) - 10, team.goal_difference())
Beispiel #3
    def test_add_team_does_not_add_duplicates(self):
        team = Team('A', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        competition = self.competition_under_test_producer()
        num_teams = len(competition.teams)


        self.assertTrue(team in competition.teams)
        self.assertEqual(num_teams + 1, len(competition.teams))
Beispiel #4
    def test_dummy_league(self):
        """Test a dummy league through various stages of progression."""
        footy_obj = Footy()

        # The league has not yet started so zero values (the default).
        team_a = Team('Team A')
        team_b = Team('Team B')
        team_c = Team('Team C')
        team_d = Team('Team D')

        for team in [team_a, team_b, team_c, team_d]:


        # Our micro league should contain four teams.
        self.assertEqual(len(footy_obj.get_team_names()), 4)

        # No games played, so we don't expect any probability data to
        # be available.
        response = footy_obj.fixture(team_a, team_b)

        # Team D beats A 2 - 0 away.
        footy_obj.add_team(Team('Team A', 0, 2, 1, 0, 0))
        footy_obj.add_team(Team('Team D', 2, 0, 0, 1, 3))

        # Team B plays Team C at home and the final score is a
        # 1 - 1 score draw.
        footy_obj.add_team(Team('Team B', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1))
        footy_obj.add_team(Team('Team C', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1))

        # Teams D and C played away and between them scored three
        # goals.  Set the average for these two games.
        footy_obj.average_goals_scored_by_an_away_team(round(3 / 2, 2))

        # Teams A and B played at home but only team B scored a single goal.
        # Set the average for these two games.
        footy_obj.average_goals_scored_by_a_home_team(round(1 / 2, 2))

        # At this point, teams D and C have not played at home and teams
        # B and A have not played away.  Therefore still expecting not
        # to have enough data to track probabilities.
        response = footy_obj.fixture(footy_obj.get_team('Team A'),
                                     footy_obj.get_team('Team B'))

        # Team D hosts B and beats them 2 - 0.
        goals_for = footy_obj.get_team('Team B').goals_for()
        goals_against = footy_obj.get_team('Team B').goals_against() + 2
        home_games = 1
        away_games = 1
        points = 1 + 0
            Team('Team B', goals_for, goals_against, home_games, away_games,

        goals_for = footy_obj.get_team('Team D').goals_for() + 2
        goals_against = footy_obj.get_team('Team D').goals_against() + 0
        points = 3 + 3
            Team('Team D', goals_for, goals_against, home_games, away_games,

        # Team C hosts Team A and beats them 1 - 0.
        goals_for = footy_obj.get_team('Team A').goals_for() + 0
        goals_against = footy_obj.get_team('Team B').goals_against() + 1
        home_games = 1
        away_games = 1
        points = 0 + 0
            Team('Team A', goals_for, goals_against, home_games, away_games,

        goals_for = footy_obj.get_team('Team C').goals_for() + 1
        goals_against = footy_obj.get_team('Team D').goals_against() + 0
        points = 1 + 3
            Team('Team C', goals_for, goals_against, home_games, away_games,

        # Now all teams have played one home game and one away game.  A recap
        # of the table at the moment:
        # Team GF GA GD PTS Form
        # D    4  0   4   6 WW
        # C    2  0   2   4 DW
        # B    1  3  -2   1 DL
        # A    0  4  -4   0 LL

        # Let's confirm the goal differences.
        self.assertEqual(footy_obj.get_team('Team A').goal_difference(), -4)
        self.assertEqual(footy_obj.get_team('Team B').goal_difference(), -2)
        self.assertEqual(footy_obj.get_team('Team C').goal_difference(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(footy_obj.get_team('Team D').goal_difference(), 4)

        # Now let's calculate and set the averages.
        games_played_by_home_teams = 2
        games_played_by_away_teams = games_played_by_home_teams
        goals_scored_by_home_teams = 0 + 1 + 2 + 1
        goals_scored_by_away_teams = 2 + 1 + 0 + 0
            round(goals_scored_by_home_teams / games_played_by_home_teams, 2))
            round(goals_scored_by_away_teams / games_played_by_away_teams, 2))

        # Now we do have enough data to predict fixtures.  In this case we
        # expect Team D to beat A at home.
        response = footy_obj.fixture(footy_obj.get_team('Team D'),
                                     footy_obj.get_team('Team A'))
        outcome_probabilities = response.outcome_probabilities()
        self.assertGreater(outcome_probabilities[0], outcome_probabilities[1])
        self.assertGreater(outcome_probabilities[0], outcome_probabilities[2])
Beispiel #5
    def footy_under_test_producer(self):
        footy = Footy()

        footy.add_team(Team('Arsenal', 64, 36, 18, 19, 69))
        footy.add_team(Team('Aston Villa', 53, 48, 18, 19, 59))
        footy.add_team(Team('Blackburn', 40, 60, 18, 19, 40))
        footy.add_team(Team('Bolton', 41, 52, 19, 18, 41))
        footy.add_team(Team('Chelsea', 65, 22, 19, 18, 80))
        footy.add_team(Team('Everton', 53, 37, 19, 18, 60))
        footy.add_team(Team('Fulham', 39, 32, 18, 19, 53))
        footy.add_team(Team('Hull', 39, 63, 18, 19, 35))
        footy.add_team(Team('Liverpool', 74, 26, 18, 19, 83))
        footy.add_team(Team('Man City', 57, 50, 18, 19, 47))
        footy.add_team(Team('Man United', 67, 24, 19, 18, 87))
        footy.add_team(Team('Middlesbrough', 27, 55, 19, 18, 32))
        footy.add_team(Team('Newcastle', 40, 58, 19, 18, 34))
        footy.add_team(Team('Portsmouth', 38, 56, 19, 18, 41))
        footy.add_team(Team('Stoke', 37, 51, 19, 18, 45))
        footy.add_team(Team('Sunderland', 32, 51, 18, 19, 36))
        footy.add_team(Team('Tottenham', 44, 42, 19, 18, 51))
        footy.add_team(Team('West Brom', 36, 67, 19, 18, 31))
        footy.add_team(Team('West Ham', 40, 44, 18, 19, 48))
        footy.add_team(Team('Wigan', 33, 45, 18, 19, 42))

        return footy
Beispiel #6
 def test_equality_false_when_fixture_object_different_values(self):
     team_a = Team(self.TEAM_NAME, self.GOALS_FOR, self.GOALS_AGAINST, self.HOME_GAMES, self.AWAY_GAMES, self.POINTS)
     team_b = Team("team", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
     self.assertNotEqual(team_a, team_b)
Beispiel #7
 def test_equality_true_when_fixture_object_same_values(self):
     team_a = Team(self.TEAM_NAME, self.GOALS_FOR, self.GOALS_AGAINST, self.HOME_GAMES, self.AWAY_GAMES, self.POINTS)
     team_b = Team(self.TEAM_NAME, self.GOALS_FOR, self.GOALS_AGAINST, self.HOME_GAMES, self.AWAY_GAMES, self.POINTS)
     self.assertEqual(team_a, team_b)
Beispiel #8
 def test_goal_difference_calculates_correctly(self):
     team = Team(self.TEAM_NAME, self.GOALS_FOR, self.GOALS_AGAINST,
                 self.HOME_GAMES, self.AWAY_GAMES, self.POINTS)
     self.assertEqual(self.GOALS_FOR - self.GOALS_AGAINST, team.goal_difference())
Beispiel #9
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.HOME_TEAM = Team('Arsenal', 64, 36, 18, 19, 69)
     cls.AWAY_TEAM = Team('Stoke', 37, 51, 19, 18, 45)
     cls.UTC_START = '2021-02-13T21:30:00Z'
     cls.RESULT = Result()
Beispiel #10
 def setUpClass(cls):
     # only use for assertions and when the values of competition will not change
     cls.EXPECTED_COMPETITION = Competition('Test', 'Test Competition', [
         Team('Arsenal', 64, 36, 18, 19, 69),
         Team('Stoke', 37, 51, 19, 18, 45)
     ], '2020-09-25T15:00:00Z', '2021-02-13T21:30:00Z', 'Group', [])
Beispiel #11
 def test_add_team_adds_new_team(self):
     team = Team('A', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
     competition = self.competition_under_test_producer()
     self.assertTrue(team in competition.teams)
Beispiel #12
 def competition_under_test_producer(self):
     return Competition('Test', 'Test Competition', [
         Team('Arsenal', 64, 36, 18, 19, 69),
         Team('Stoke', 37, 51, 19, 18, 45)
     ], '2020-09-25T15:00:00Z', '2021-02-13T21:30:00Z', 'Group', [])