Beispiel #1
def make_stamp(size=(100, 100), fwhm=1.0, psfname=None, offset=0.):
    """Make a postage stamp of the given size, including a PSF

    :param size:
        The size in pixels, 2-element tuple

    :param fwhm:
        For a single gaussian PSF, the FWHM of the PSF in pixels

    :param offset:
        The offset of the position of the object from the stamp center.  Useful
        for playing with subpixel offsets.

    :param psfname:
        The path and filename of the gaussian mixture PSF parameters.

    # --- Get a stamp with a give size ----
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    size = np.array(size).astype(int)
    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = size
    stamp.npix = int(stamp.nx * stamp.ny)
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny),

    # --- Add WCS info to Stamp ---
    # override the WCS so coordinates are in pixels
    # The scale matrix D
    stamp.scale = np.eye(2)
    # The sky coordinates of the reference pixel
    stamp.crval = np.zeros([2]) + offset
    # The pixel coordinates of the reference pixel
    stamp.crpix = np.zeros([2])

    # --- Add the PSF ---
    if psfname is not None:
        import pickle
        with open(psfname, 'rb') as pf:
            pdat = pickle.load(pf)

        oversample, pcenter = 8, 504 - 400
        answer = pdat[6][2]
        stamp.psf = pointspread.make_psf(answer,
        stamp.psf = pointspread.PointSpreadFunction()
        stamp.psf.covariances *= fwhm / 2.355

    # --- Add extra information ---
    #stamp.full_header = dict(hdr)

    return stamp
Beispiel #2
def get_stamp(n, dx=1):
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = n, n
    stamp.npix = stamp.nx * stamp.ny
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny), np.arange(stamp.nx))
    stamp.scale = np.eye(2) / dx
    stamp.dpix_dsky = np.eye(2) / dx

    stamp.crval = np.zeros([2])
    stamp.crpix = np.zeros([2])
    stamp.psf = PointSpreadFunction()
    return stamp
Beispiel #3
def make_stamp(size=(100, 100),
    """Make a postage stamp of the given size, including a PSF

    :param size:
        The size in pixels, 2-element tuple

    :param fwhm:
        For a single gaussian PSF, the FWHM of the PSF in pixels

    :param offset:
        The offset of the position of the object from the stamp center.  Useful
        for playing with subpixel offsets.

    :param psfname:
        The path and filename of the gaussian mixture PSF parameters.

    # --- Get a stamp with a give size ----
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    size = np.array(size).astype(int)
    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = size
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny),

    # --- Add WCS info to Stamp ---
    # override the WCS so coordinates are in pixels
    # The scale matrix D
    stamp.scale = np.eye(2)
    # The sky coordinates of the reference pixel
    stamp.crval = np.zeros([2]) + offset
    # The pixel coordinates of the reference pixel
    stamp.crpix = np.zeros([2])

    # --- Add the PSF ---
    stamp.psf = get_psf(psfname, fwhm, 2, 6, oversample, psfcenter)

    # --- Add extra information ---
    #stamp.full_header = dict(hdr)
    stamp.filtername = filtername

    return stamp
Beispiel #4
def make_stamp(imname, center=(None, None), size=(None, None),
               center_type='pixels', psfname=None, fwhm=1.0):
    """Make a postage stamp around the given position using the given image name
    data = fits.getdata(imname)
    hdr = fits.getheader(imname)
    crpix = np.array([hdr['CRPIX1'], hdr['CRPIX2']])
    crval = np.array([hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2']])
    CD = np.array([[hdr['CD1_1'], hdr['CD1_2']],
                   [hdr['CD2_1'], hdr['CD2_2']]])

    # Pull slices and transpose to get to an axis order that makes sense to me
    # and corresponds with the wcs keyword ordering
    im = data[0, :, :].T
    err = data[1, :, :].T

    # ---- Extract subarray -----
    center = np.array(center)
    # here we get the center coordinates in pixels (accounting for the transpose above)
    if center_type == 'celestial':
        world = np.append(center, 0)
        ast = apy_wcs.WCS(hdr)
        center = ast.wcs_world2pix(world[None, :], 0)[0, :2]
    # --- here is much mystery ---
    size = np.array(size)
    lo, hi = (center - 0.5 * size).astype(int), (center + 0.5 * size).astype(int)

    xinds = slice(int(lo[0]), int(hi[0]))
    yinds = slice(int(lo[1]), int(hi[1]))
    crpix_stamp = np.floor(0.5 * size)
    crval_stamp = crpix_stamp + lo
    W = np.eye(2)
    if center_type == 'celestial':
        crval_stamp = ast.wcs_pix2world(np.append(crval_stamp, 0.)[None,:], 0)[0, :2]
        W[0, 0] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(crval_stamp[-1]))

    # --- Add image and uncertainty data to Stamp ----
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    stamp.pixel_values = im[xinds, yinds]
    stamp.ierr = 1./err[xinds, yinds]

    bad = ~np.isfinite(stamp.ierr)
    stamp.pixel_values[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr = stamp.ierr.flatten()

    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = stamp.pixel_values.shape
    stamp.npix = stamp.nx * stamp.ny
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny), np.arange(stamp.nx))

    # --- Add WCS info to Stamp ---
    stamp.crpix = crpix_stamp
    stamp.crval = crval_stamp
    stamp.scale = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(CD), W)
    stamp.pixcenter_in_full = center
    stamp.lo = lo

    # --- Add the PSF ---
    if psfname is not None:
        import pickle
        with open(psfname, 'rb') as pf:
            pdat = pickle.load(pf)

        oversample, center = 8, 504 - 400
        answer = pdat[6][2]
        stamp.psf = pointspread.make_psf(answer, oversample=oversample, center=center)
        stamp.psf = pointspread.PointSpreadFunction()
        stamp.psf.covaraniaces *= fwhm/2.355
    # --- Add extra information ---
    stamp.full_header = dict(hdr)    
    return stamp
Beispiel #5
def xdf_pixel_stamp(imroot,
    """Make a stamp with pixel coordinate information.
    impath = os.path.join(base, "data", "images")
    psfpath = os.path.join(base, "data", "psfs", "mixtures")

    # Values used to produce the MMSE catalog
    im, wght, rms, cutout, wcs = get_cutout(impath, imroot, mmse_position,

    # transpose to get x coordinate on the first axis
    im = im.T
    err = rms.T
    CD =

    # ---- Extract subarray -----
    center = np.array(center)
    # --- here is much mystery ---
    size = np.array(size)
    lo, hi = (center - 0.5 * size).astype(int), (center +
                                                 0.5 * size).astype(int)
    xinds = slice(int(lo[0]), int(hi[0]))
    yinds = slice(int(lo[1]), int(hi[1]))
    crpix_stamp = np.floor(0.5 * size)
    crval_stamp = crpix_stamp + lo
    W = np.eye(2)

    # --- MAKE STAMP -------

    # --- Add image and uncertainty data to Stamp ----
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    stamp.pixel_values = im[xinds, yinds] - background
    stamp.ierr = 1. / err[xinds, yinds]

    bad = ~np.isfinite(stamp.ierr)
    stamp.pixel_values[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr = stamp.ierr.flatten()

    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = stamp.pixel_values.shape
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny),

    # --- Add WCS info to Stamp ---
    stamp.crpix = crpix_stamp
    stamp.crval = crval_stamp
    stamp.dpix_dsky = np.eye(2)
    stamp.scale = np.linalg.inv(CD * 3600.0)  # arcsec per pixel
    stamp.pixcenter_in_full = center
    stamp.lo = lo
    stamp.CD = CD
    stamp.W = W

    # --- Add the PSF ---
    stamp.psf = pointspread.get_psf(os.path.join(psfpath, psfname), fwhm)

    stamp.filtername = filtername
    return stamp
Beispiel #6
def xdf_sky_stamp(imroot,
    """Make a stamp with celestial coordinate information.
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    impath = os.path.join(base, "data", "images")
    psfpath = os.path.join(base, "data", "psfs", "mixtures")

    position = SkyCoord(world[0], world[1], unit="deg", frame="icrs")
    size = wsize * u.arcsec

    hdr = fits.getheader(os.path.join(impath, imroot + "sci.fits"))
    sci = fits.getdata(os.path.join(impath, imroot + "sci.fits"))
    wht = fits.getdata(os.path.join(impath, imroot + "wht.fits"))

    wcs = WCS(hdr)
    # note size should be (ny, nx)
    flipped_size = (np.zeros(2) + np.array(wsize))[::-1] * u.arcsec
    image = Cutout2D(sci, position, size, wcs=wcs)
    weight = Cutout2D(wht, position, size, wcs=wcs)
    im = np.ascontiguousarray(
    ivar = np.ascontiguousarray(

    # -----------
    # --- MAKE STAMP -------

    # --- Add image and uncertainty data to Stamp, flipping axis order ----
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    stamp.pixel_values = np.array(im).T - background
    stamp.ierr = np.sqrt(ivar).T

    # Clean errors
    bad = ~np.isfinite(stamp.ierr)
    stamp.pixel_values[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr = stamp.ierr.flatten()

    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = stamp.pixel_values.shape
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny),

    # --- Add WCS info to Stamp ---
    psize = np.array(stamp.pixel_values.shape)
    stamp.crpix = np.floor(0.5 * psize)
    stamp.crval = image.wcs.wcs_pix2world(stamp.crpix[None, :], 0)[0, :2]

    CD =
    W = np.eye(2)
    W[0, 0] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(stamp.crval[-1]))

    stamp.dpix_dsky = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(CD), W)
    stamp.scale = np.linalg.inv(CD * 3600.0)
    stamp.CD = CD
    stamp.W = W
        stamp.wcs = wcs

    # --- Add the PSF ---
    stamp.psf = pointspread.get_psf(os.path.join(psfpath, psfname), fwhm)

    # --- Add extra information ---
    stamp.full_header = dict(hdr)
    if filtername is None:
        stamp.filtername = stamp.full_header["FILTER"]
        stamp.filtername = filtername

    return stamp
Beispiel #7
def make_real_stamp(imname,
                    center=(None, None),
                    size=(None, None),
    """Make a postage stamp around the given position using the given image name
    data = fits.getdata(imname)
    hdr = fits.getheader(imname)
    crpix = np.array([hdr['CRPIX1'], hdr['CRPIX2']])
    crval = np.array([hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2']])
    CD = np.array([[hdr['CD1_1'], hdr['CD1_2']], [hdr['CD2_1'], hdr['CD2_2']]])

    if fix_header:
        # because hdr PC/CD/CDELT is sometimes wrong.
        hdr["CDELT1"] = hdr['CD1_1'] / hdr["PC1_1"]
        hdr["CDELT2"] = hdr['CD2_2'] / hdr["PC2_2"]

    # Pull slices and transpose to get to an axis order that makes sense to me
    # and corresponds with the wcs keyword ordering
    im = data[0, :, :].T
    err = data[1, :, :].T

    # ---- Extract subarray -----
    center = np.array(center)
    # here we get the center coordinates in pixels (accounting for the transpose above)
    if center_type == 'celestial':
        world = center.copy()
        ast = apy_wcs.WCS(hdr, naxis=2)
        center = ast.wcs_world2pix(world[None, :], 0)[0, :2]
    # --- here is much mystery ---
    size = np.array(size)
    lo, hi = (center - 0.5 * size).astype(int), (center +
                                                 0.5 * size).astype(int)
    xinds = slice(int(lo[0]), int(hi[0]))
    yinds = slice(int(lo[1]), int(hi[1]))
    crpix_stamp = np.floor(0.5 * size)
    crval_stamp = crpix_stamp + lo
    W = np.eye(2)
    if center_type == 'celestial':
        crval_stamp = ast.wcs_pix2world(crval_stamp[None, :], 0)[0, :2]
        W[0, 0] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(crval_stamp[-1]))

    # -----------
    # --- MAKE STAMP -------

    # --- Add image and uncertainty data to Stamp ----
    stamp = PostageStamp()
    stamp.pixel_values = im[xinds, yinds]
    stamp.ierr = 1. / err[xinds, yinds]

    bad = ~np.isfinite(stamp.ierr)
    stamp.pixel_values[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr[bad] = 0.0
    stamp.ierr = stamp.ierr.flatten()

    stamp.nx, stamp.ny = stamp.pixel_values.shape
    # note the inversion of x and y order in the meshgrid call here
    stamp.ypix, stamp.xpix = np.meshgrid(np.arange(stamp.ny),

    # --- Add WCS info to Stamp ---
    stamp.crpix = crpix_stamp
    stamp.crval = crval_stamp
    stamp.dpix_dsky = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(CD), W)
    stamp.scale = np.linalg.inv(CD * 3600.0)
    stamp.pixcenter_in_full = center
    stamp.lo = lo
    stamp.CD = CD
    stamp.W = W
        stamp.wcs = ast

    # --- Add the PSF ---
    stamp.psf = get_psf(psfname, fwhm, psf_realization, psf_ngauss, oversample,

    # --- Add extra information ---
    stamp.full_header = dict(hdr)
    stamp.filtername = stamp.full_header["FILTER"]

    return stamp