Beispiel #1
def batch_parser():
	NEW_DATA_DIR = '/home/liulc/csi300/new_data/'
	stockfiles = [NEW_DATA_DIR+fn for fn in os.listdir(NEW_DATA_DIR) if fn.endswith('txt.gz')]
	stockfiles = sorted(stockfiles)
	#print stockfiles; exit()

	for filename in stockfiles:
		print 'Batch parsing ' + filename + '...'[-21:-7]+'.npy',format_stock_data(filename))
		#cache_dict = np.load(filename[-21:-7]+'.npy').tolist()
		cache_dict = format_stock_data(filename)
		insert_file_parser(filename, cache_dict, monday=True)
		cache_hs300 = format_hs300_data(filename)
		insert_hs300_parser(filename, cache_hs300)
Beispiel #2
def daily_parser():
	NEW_DATA_DIR = '/home/liulc/csi300/new_data/'
	#today_date ="%Y%m%d")
	today_date = raw_input('Please input the date you want to update(e.g. 20131010):\n')
	#print today_date; exit()
	stockfile = 'stock_' + today_date + '.txt.gz'
	stockfile = os.path.join(NEW_DATA_DIR, stockfile)
	if not os.path.isfile(stockfile):
		print '%s does not exist, please check, exiting...' %stockfile
	#print stockfile; exit()

	checker = raw_input('You are going to update the data \
of %s to the raw_data, are you sure(Y/N)?\n' %today_date)
	if checker == 'N':
		print 'Please go ahead checking, exiting...'
	elif checker == 'Y':
		cache_dict = format_stock_data(stockfile)
		insert_file_parser(stockfile, cache_dict, monday=True)
		cache_hs300 = format_hs300_data(stockfile)
		insert_hs300_parser(stockfile, cache_hs300)