Beispiel #1
    def runTree(self, featureValues: typ.Dict[int, float], classId: int,
                terminals: typ.Dict[int, typ.List[int]]) -> float:
        runTree is a wrapper for runNode & is used to __transform provided data
        by walking the decision tree

        :param featureValues: The dictionary mapping feature ids to their values (in the current instance).
        :param classId: The class the tree is meant to identify (this is used to find the terminal values).
        :param terminals: The dictionary that maps class ids to their relevant features.

        :type featureValues: dict
        :type classId: The value of a terminal, or the value computed by one or more operations.
        :type terminals: dict

        :returns: The final value that the decision tree creates given the provided data.
        :rtype: float
            value = self.__runNode(featureValues, self._root, classId, terminals)
        except Exception as err:
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno
            printError(f'runTree found an error on line {lineNm}: {str(err)}')
        return value
Beispiel #2
    def checkForDuplicateKeys(self, otherTree: "Tree"):
        """ Given two trees, check them for duplicate keys """

        # check that there aren't any duplicate keys
        duplicates = []
        for key1 in otherTree._nodes.keys():  # for every key in subtree,
            if key1 in self._nodes.keys():  # if that key is also in this tree,
                duplicates.append(key1)  # add the key to the list of copies

            if duplicates:  # if duplicates were found, raise an error
                raise DuplicateNodeError(keyList=duplicates)
        except DuplicateNodeError as err:
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
            log.error(f'line = {lineNm}, {str(err)}')  # log the error
            printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
            printError(f'On line {lineNm} DuplicateNodeError encountered')  # print message
            pprint.pprint(duplicates)  # print the list of duplicate nodes
            for k in duplicates:  # loop over the duplicates
                # print the data
                same = self._nodes.get(k) is otherTree._nodes.get(k)
                print(f'For Key: {k}')
                print(f'Do they share a memory address? {same}')
                print(f'Data in Original Node: {self._nodes.get(k).data}')
                print(f'Data in Subtree Node: {otherTree._nodes.get(k).data}')
                print(f'Children of Original Node: {self._nodes.get(k).children}')
                print(f'Children of Subtree Node: {otherTree._nodes.get(k).children}\n')
            sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible
Beispiel #3
 def generateNewIDs(self):
     # * Update the Tree's ID
     self._ID = str(uuid.uuid4())
     # * Update the IDs of the Nodes * #
         # if the Root ID is still in the tree
         if self.root.ID in self._nodes.keys():
             raise ValueError
     except ValueError:
         printError('Error: GenerateNewIDs corrupted root')
         log.error('Error: GenerateNewIDs corrupted root')
         printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
         print(f'Root Node: {self.root}')
         log.error(f'Root Node: {self.root}')
         print(self.__print_tree_simple())  # print tree
Beispiel #4
def test_main():

        # * Create the Test Trees * #
        test_tree1 = create_tree1()  # create tree 1
        test_tree2 = create_tree2()  # create tree 2

        # check_rDelete(test_tree1)  # * Test __rDelete * #
        # check_remove_from_tree(test_tree1)  # * Test removeFromTree * #
        # check_cross(test_tree1, test_tree2)  # * Test Crossover * #

        # test_search(test_tree1)  # * Test __rSearch * #

    except KeyError as err:
        lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
        message: str = ''.join(
            traceback.format_stack())  # traceback to message
        message += f'\nKeyError encountered on line {lineNm} in'
        message += f'\n{str(err)}'  # print the message
        printError(message)  # print message
        print('Tree 1')
        # print(test_tree1)
        # print(test_tree2)
        sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible
Beispiel #5
 def __str__(self):
     out: str
     try:  # attempt to use better print method
         # call recursive print starting with root
         out = self.__print_tree()
     # if we aren't able to use the nicer print, use simple
     except Exception as err:
         printError(f'Encountered an error while printing tree: {str(err)}')
         printError('Switching to simple print...')
         # call the simpler print, overriding anything in out
         out = self.__print_tree_simple()
     return out
Beispiel #6
 def getRandomNode(self) -> str:
     """ Get a random node from the tree (leaves are allowed)"""
         options: typ.List[str] = list(self._nodes.keys())
     except ValueError as err:
         lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
         printError(f'GetRandomNode encountered an error on line {lineNm}: {str(err)}')
         printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
         print(self.__print_tree_simple())  # print tree
     return random.choice(options)
Beispiel #7
def print_tree(tree: Tree, nodeID: str, indent: str, isLast: bool):

    if nodeID is None:


        node: Node = tree.getNode(nodeID)

    except NotInTreeError:
        lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
        message: str = ''.join(
            traceback.format_stack())  # traceback to message
        message += f'\nNotInTreeError encountered on line {lineNm} in'
        message += f'\nKey = {nodeID}\n{tree}'  # print the tree & node
        printError(message)  # print message
        sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible

    isLeaf: bool = node.isLeaf()

    if nodeID == tree.root.ID:  # if this is the root of a tree
        print(f'{indent}{str(node)}')  # print this node
        indent += "    "
    elif isLast:  # if this is the last child of a node
        print(f'{indent}\u2517\u2501\u2501{str(node)}')  # print this node
        indent += "     "
        if isLeaf:  # if it is a leaf, don't print the extra bar
    else:  # if this is not the last child
        print(f'{indent}\u2523\u2501\u2501{str(node)}')  # print this node
        indent += "\u2503     "
        if isLeaf:  # if it is a leaf, don't print the extra bar

    children = ('left', 'middle', 'right')

    for child in children:
        if child == 'left' and (node.left is not None):
            print_tree(tree, node.left, indent, False)
        elif child == 'middle' and (node.left is not None):
            print_tree(tree, node.middle, indent, False)
        elif child == 'right' and (node.left is not None):
            print_tree(tree, node.right, indent, True)
Beispiel #8
    def removeSubtree(self, newRootID: str) -> ("Tree", str, str):
        # NOTE: removeSubtree has been tested & works
        # if the node is in the tree
        if self._nodes.get(newRootID):
            # get the parents id & branch
            parentOfSubtreeID: str = self._nodes[newRootID].parent
            orphanBranch: str = self._nodes[newRootID].branch
            if orphanBranch is None:
                printError(f'Found None branch on Node with ID {newRootID}')
            if parentOfSubtreeID is None:  # see if the parent is None
                printError('Parent Stored in Node was stored as None')
                raise MissingNodeError(role='Parent', ID=newRootID)
            # *** Create/Get the New Root *** #
            rt = self._nodes[newRootID]  # get the root of the subtree
            # *** Create a Copy of the Tree Below the Root, Starting with Root *** #
            self._copyDictionary = {}    # make sure the copy dictionary is empty
            self.__rDelete(newRootID, rootID=newRootID, makeCopy=True)  # copy the subtree & delete it from original
            # *** Build a new Subtree Using the Copy *** #
            # NOTE: we set ID to self so we can check that it isn't added back to the same tree
            subtree: Tree = Tree(root=rt, nodes=self._copyDictionary, ID=self.ID)
            self._copyDictionary = {}  # empty copyDictionary

            return subtree, parentOfSubtreeID, orphanBranch
        else:  # if the key is bad, raise an error
                raise NotInTreeError(newRootID)
            except NotInTreeError:
                lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
                printError(f'NotInTreeError encountered by removeSubtree on line {lineNm} of')
                printError(f'Node with ID {newRootID} could not be found in tree by removeSubtree')
                print(self)  # print the tree
                printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
                sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible
Beispiel #9
 def addSubtree(self, subtree: "Tree", newParent: str, orphanBranch: str):
     # *** Error Checking *** #
     # check that parent id is valid
     if newParent is None:
         print('addSubtree was given a None (root?) newParent')
     if self._nodes.get(newParent) is None:
         raise MissingNodeError(msg=f'addSubtree could not find it\'s new parent')
     # check that we aren't adding the subtree back onto it's original tree
     if self.ID == subtree.ID:
         printError(f'AddSubtree attempted to add itself back to it\'s original tree')
         raise AssertionError
     # *** End of Error Checking *** #
     # set the adopted parents to point to the subtree
     if orphanBranch == 'left':
         self._nodes[newParent].left = subtree._root.ID
     elif orphanBranch == 'right':
         self._nodes[newParent].right = subtree._root.ID
     elif orphanBranch == 'middle':
         self._nodes[newParent].middle = subtree._root.ID
         message: str = f"addSubtree encountered an invalid branch\nParent: {newParent}\nBranch: {orphanBranch}\n Subtree:\n{subtree}"
         raise InvalidBranchError(message)
     # set the subtree root to point to adopted parents
     subtree._root.parent = newParent
     # set the subtree's branch
     subtree._root.branch = orphanBranch
     subtree._root.isRoot = False  # this is no longer a root Node
     # check for duplicate nodes
     # self.checkForDuplicateKeys(subtree)
     # it is now safe to add subtree to dictionary of nodes
     # delete the subtree from memory now that it's been copied
     del subtree
Beispiel #10
    def __runNode(self, featureValues: typ.Dict[int, float], node: Node,
                  classId: int, terminals: typ.Dict[int, typ.List[int]]) -> typ.Union[int, float]:
        __runNode is used to transform provided data by walking the decision tree.

        :param featureValues: The dictionary mapping feature ids to their values (in the current instance).
        :param node: The node being examined (this is used during recursion).
        :param classId: The class the tree is meant to identify (this is used to find the terminal values).
        :param terminals: The dictionary that maps class ids to their relevant features.

        :type featureValues: dict
        :type node: Node
        :type classId: The value of a terminal, or the value computed by one or more operations.
        :type terminals: dict

        :returns: The transformed value.
        :rtype: float
            if in OPS:  # if the node is an OP
                # *************************** Error Checking *************************** #
                # ! For Debugging Only
                # lftNone: bool = self.getLeft(node) is None                          # is left None?
                # rgtNone: bool = self.getRight(node) is None                         # is right None?
                # xor: bool = (lftNone and not rgtNone) or (not lftNone and rgtNone)  # exclusive or
                # if xor:                                             # if one child is None, but not both
                #     raise AssertionError(f'runNode found a node in OPS with 1 \'None\' child,\n\t node = {node}')
                # if lftNone and rgtNone:                             # if both children are None
                #     raise AssertionError(f'runNode found a node in OPS with 2 \'None\' children,\n\t node = {node}')
                # if == 'if' and self.getMiddle(node) is None:  # if the OP is IF and it has no middle
                #     raise AssertionError('runNode found a node with a IF OP and no middle node')
                # ************ Determine Which OP is Stored & Run Recursion ************ #
                left: Node = self.getLeft(node.ID)  # get the left child (all OPS wil have a left)
                right: Node = self.getRight(node.ID)  # get the right child (all OPS wil have a right)
                if == 'add':  # if the OP was add
                    vl = (self.__runNode(featureValues, left, classId, terminals) +  # left + right
                          self.__runNode(featureValues, right, classId, terminals))
                    return vl
                elif == 'subtract':  # if the OP was subtract
                    vl = (self.__runNode(featureValues, left, classId, terminals) -  # left - right
                          self.__runNode(featureValues, right, classId, terminals))
                    return vl
                elif == 'times':  # if the OP was multiplication
                    vl = (self.__runNode(featureValues, left, classId, terminals) *  # left * right
                          self.__runNode(featureValues, right, classId, terminals))
                    return vl
                elif == 'max':  # if the OP was max
                    vl = max(self.__runNode(featureValues, left, classId, terminals),  # max(left, right)
                             self.__runNode(featureValues, right, classId, terminals))
                    return vl
                elif == 'if':  # if the OP was if
                    if self.__runNode(featureValues, left, classId, terminals) >= 0:  # if the left value is positive,
                        vl = self.__runNode(featureValues, right, classId, terminals)  # return the right node
                    else:  # if the left value is negative,
                        middle: Node = self.getMiddle(node.ID)  # get the middle child
                        vl = self.__runNode(featureValues, middle, classId, terminals)  # return the middle node
                    return vl
                # ********************************************************************* #
            elif in terminals[classId]:  # if the node is a terminal
                # *************************** Error Checking *************************** #
                # ! For Debugging Only
                # if math.isnan(             # if the value stored is a NaN
                #     msg: str = f'NaN stored in tree. Expected a class ID, OPS value, or number, got {}'
                #     raise TypeError(f'ERROR: {msg}')  # raise TypeError
                # if featureValues[] is None:  # if the value stored is a None
                #     raise TypeError(f'featureValues contained a None at index {}')
                # ************************ Return Terminal Value ************************ #
                return featureValues[]  # if the terminal is valid, return it
                # *********************************************************************** #
            else:  # if the node is not a terminal or a OP
                raise TypeError(f'runNode could not parse data in tree, data ={}')
        except (TypeError, AssertionError) as err:  # catch any exceptions
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
            log.error(f'line = {lineNm}, {str(err)}')  # log the error
            printError(f'line = {lineNm}, {str(err)}')  # print message
            printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
            sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible
        except Exception as err:
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno
            printError(f'runNode found an error on line {lineNm}: {str(err)}')
Beispiel #11
    def __rDelete(self, currentID: str, rootID: str, makeCopy: bool = False):
        This will delete a subtree from the original tree
        (storing it in copyDictionary if requested).
        NOTE: __rDelete has been tested & works as expected
        current: Node = self._nodes.get(currentID)  # get the current Node
        if current is None:  # if get failed
        # * If This is the Subtree's Root, Deal with Parents Still in Tree * #
        if currentID == rootID:  # if we are looking at the root of the subtree
            branch: str = current.branch  # get what branch of parent current is on
            parentID: str = current.parent            # get the parents ID
            parent: Node = self._nodes.get(parentID)  # get the parent Node

            # if parent IS None they this is root so don't mess with parents
            if parent is not None:
                current.branch = None  # * Root is Not on a Branch so Set to Null * #
                # * Deal with Parent's Left/Right/Middle Value * #
                if branch == 'left':
                    parent.left = None
                elif branch == 'right':
                    parent.right = None
                elif branch == 'middle':
                    parent.middle = None
        if self._nodes.get(currentID):  # if the current node is in the tree
            # *** Recursion *** #
            # delete the left node
            self.__rDelete(self._nodes[currentID].left, rootID, makeCopy)
            # delete the right node
            self.__rDelete(self._nodes[currentID].right, rootID, makeCopy)
            # delete the middle node
            self.__rDelete(self._nodes[currentID].middle, rootID, makeCopy)
            # *** End of Recursion *** #
            # after we have reached the leaves of the tree, return up
            # the stack, deleting/copying as we go
            # *** Copy *** #
            if makeCopy:  # if we are creating a subtree
                # this should not raise a key error because of the earlier IF statement
                # NOTE: don't use copy as that will generate new nodes & change node IDs
                self._copyDictionary[currentID] = self._nodes[currentID]
            # *** End of Copy *** #

            # *** Delete Current Node from Original Tree *** #
            del self._nodes[currentID]

        # if we have hit the bottom of the tree, or node didn't have child
        elif currentID is None:
        else:  # if the node is not in the tree, raise an error
                raise NotInTreeError(currentID)
            except NotInTreeError:
                lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
                printError(f'NotInTreeError encountered on line {lineNm} of')
                printError(f'Node with ID {currentID} could not be found in tree by rDelete()')
                print(self)  # print the tree
                printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
                sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible
Beispiel #12
    def getDepth(self, targetID: str, currentID: str, depth=0) -> int:
        # * If the Current Node is Root Return Depth * #
        if currentID == self.root.ID:
            return depth
        # * Get the Current Node * #
            if currentID is None:  # if the ID is None
                raise AssertionError('getDepth was given a currentID of None')
            current: Node = self._nodes[currentID]  # this might raise a key error
            if current is None:  # if the Node could not be indexed
                raise NullNodeError(currentID)
        except AssertionError:
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
            msg: str = f"geDepth was passed a currentID of None: line {lineNm}"
            printError(f'ID is of Type: {type(currentID)}')
            printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
            sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible

        except KeyError:
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
            msg: str = f"geDepth was passed a currentID not in the Tree: line {lineNm}\nID: {currentID}"
            printError(f'ID is of Type: {type(currentID)}')
            printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
            sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible

        except NotInTreeError:
            lineNm = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno  # get the line number of error
            msg: str = f'getDepth found that the Node with ID {currentID} was None: line {lineNm}'
            printError(f'ID is of Type: {type(currentID)}')
            printError(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))  # print stack trace
            sys.exit(-1)  # exit on error; recovery not possible

        # * Get the Parent of the Current Node * #
        parent = self._nodes.get(current.parent)
        if parent is None:  # if the Node could not be indexed
            raise NotInTreeError(f'newSearch could not find parent of Node with ID {currentID}')
        # * Step Up the Tree Increasing Depth * #
        return self.getDepth(targetID, parent.ID, depth+1)
Beispiel #13
def create_tree1() -> Tree:
    """ Creates a tree of a predetermined structure """

    # * Create a New Tree Object * #
    test_tree: Tree = Tree()
    test_tree.ID = 'TREE_1'

    # * Create a New Root Node * #
    root: Node = Node(data='add')  # create a root node for the tree
    rootID = root.ID  # get the root ID  (this will be tested later)

    # * Override the Old Root in the Tree * #

    # * Test RootID * #
    if test_tree.root.ID != rootID:  # print error if there's a problem with root's ID
        printError(f'Root ID {rootID} & {test_tree.root.ID} do not match')
        rootID = test_tree.root.ID  # update rootID to avoid issues

    # * Root is ADD so create two children * #
                      data='subtract')  # create a SUBTRACT node
    test_tree.addRight(parentID=rootID, data='max')  # create a MAX node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(rootID).ID
    root_right: str = test_tree.getRight(rootID).ID

    # * Root -> Left is SUBTRACT so add two children * #
    test_tree.addLeft(parentID=root_left, data='max')  # create a MAX node
    test_tree.addRight(parentID=root_left, data='times')  # create a TIMES node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_left).ID
    root_left_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_left).ID

    # * Root -> Right is MAX so add two children * #
    test_tree.addLeft(parentID=root_right, data='if')  # create a IF node
    test_tree.addRight(parentID=root_right, data='add')  # create a ADD node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_right_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_right).ID
    root_right_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_right).ID

    # * Root -> Left -> Left is MAX so add two children * #
                      data=3)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data=5)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left_left_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_left_left).ID
    root_left_left_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_left_left).ID

    # * Root -> Left -> Right is TIMES so add two children * #
                      data=12)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data='add')  # create a ADD node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left_right_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_left_right).ID
    root_left_right_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_left_right).ID

    # * Root -> Left -> Right -> Right is ADD so add two children * #
                      data=1)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data=8)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left_right_right_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(
    root_left_right_right_Right: str = test_tree.getRight(

    # * Root -> Right -> Right is ADD so add two children * #
                      data=4)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data=9)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_right_right_right: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_right_right).ID
    root_right_right_left: str = test_tree.getRight(root_right_right).ID

    # * Root -> Right -> Left is IF so add three children * #
                      data=15)  # create a TERMINAL node
                        data=1)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data=7)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_right_left_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_right_left).ID
    root_right_left_middle: str = test_tree.getMiddle(root_right_left).ID
    root_right_left_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_right_left).ID

    # * Create a list of all the Terminal Node IDS (these are the tree's leaves) * #
    global TERMINAL_NODES1
        root_left_left_left, root_left_left_right, root_left_right_left,
        root_left_right_right_left, root_left_right_right_Right,
        root_right_right_right, root_right_right_left, root_right_left_left,
        root_right_left_middle, root_right_left_right
    print('Tree 1 Created:')
    print_init(test_tree)  # print the constructed tree

    return test_tree
Beispiel #14
def create_tree2() -> Tree:

    # * Create a New Tree Object * #
    test_tree: Tree = Tree()
    test_tree.ID = 'TREE_2'

    # * Create a New Root Node * #
    root: Node = Node(data='add')  # create a root node for the tree
    rootID = root.ID  # get the root ID  (this will be tested later)

    # * Override the Old Root in the Tree * #

    # * Test RootID * #
    if test_tree.root.ID != rootID:  # print error if there's a problem with root's ID
        printError(f'Root ID {rootID} & {test_tree.root.ID} do not match')
        rootID = test_tree.root.ID  # update rootID to avoid issues

    # * Root is MAX so create two children * #
    test_tree.addLeft(parentID=rootID, data='times')  # create a TIMES node
    test_tree.addRight(parentID=rootID, data='if')  # create a IF node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(rootID).ID  # TIMES
    root_right: str = test_tree.getRight(rootID).ID  # IF

    # * Root -> Left is TIMES so create two children * #
    test_tree.addLeft(parentID=root_left, data='add')  # create a TIMES node
    test_tree.addRight(parentID=root_left, data=41)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_left).ID  # ADD
    root_left_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_left).ID  # TERMINAL

    # * Root -> Left -> Left is ADD so create two children * #
    test_tree.addLeft(parentID=root_left_left, data=75)  # create a TIMES node
                       data=76)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_left_left_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_left_left).ID  # TERMINAL
    root_left_left_right: str = test_tree.getRight(
        root_left_left).ID  # TERMINAL

    # * Root -> Right is IF so create three children * #
    test_tree.addLeft(parentID=root_right, data=16)  # create a TERMINAL node
    test_tree.addMiddle(parentID=root_right, data=20)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data='subtract')  # create a SUBTRACT node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_right_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(root_right).ID  # TERMINAL
    root_right_middle: str = test_tree.getMiddle(root_right).ID  # TERMINAL
    root_right_right: str = test_tree.getRight(root_right).ID  # SUBTRACT

    # * Root -> Right -> Right is SUBTRACT so create three children * #
                      data=30)  # create a TERMINAL node
                       data=10)  # create a TERMINAL node
    # get the IDs of both children
    root_right_right_left: str = test_tree.getLeft(
        root_right_right).ID  # TERMINAL
    root_right_right_right: str = test_tree.getRight(
        root_right_right).ID  # TERMINAL

    global TERMINAL_NODES2
        root_left_right, root_left_left_left, root_left_left_right,
        root_right_left, root_right_middle, root_right_right,
        root_right_right_left, root_right_right_right

    print('Tree 2 Created:')
    print_init(test_tree)  # print the constructed tree

    return test_tree