Beispiel #1
def test_state_manipulation():
    Verify that full_dict push and pop works
    state = State()
    old_dict = state.full_dict = {"a": 1}
    old_key = state.key = "a"
    new_dict = {"b": 2}

    class MyValidator(Validator):
        check_key = None
        pre_validator = False
        post_validator = False
        __unpackargs__ = ("check_key",)

        def to_python(self, value, state):
            if not self.pre_validator:
                assert getattr(state, "full_dict", {}) == new_dict, "full_dict not added"
            assert state.key == self.check_key, "key not updated"

            return value

        def from_python(self, value, state):
            if not self.post_validator:
                assert getattr(state, "full_dict", {}) == new_dict, "full_dict not added"
            assert state.key == self.check_key, "key not updated"

            return value

    s = Schema(
        pre_validators=[MyValidator("a", pre_validator=True)],
        chained_validators=[MyValidator("a", post_validator=True)],

    s.to_python(new_dict, state)

    assert state.full_dict == old_dict, "full_dict not restored"
    assert state.key == old_key, "key not restored"

    s.from_python(new_dict, state)

    assert state.full_dict == old_dict, "full_dict not restored"
    assert state.key == old_key, "key not restored"
Beispiel #2
def test_state_manipulation():
    Verify that full_dict push and pop works
    state = State()
    old_dict = state.full_dict = {'a': 1}
    old_key = state.key = 'a'
    new_dict = {'b': 2}

    class MyValidator(Validator):
        check_key = None
        pre_validator = False
        post_validator = False
        __unpackargs__ = ('check_key', )

        def to_python(self, value, state):
            if not self.pre_validator:
                assert getattr(state, 'full_dict',
                               {}) == new_dict, "full_dict not added"
            assert state.key == self.check_key, "key not updated"

            return value

        def from_python(self, value, state):
            if not self.post_validator:
                assert getattr(state, 'full_dict',
                               {}) == new_dict, "full_dict not added"
            assert state.key == self.check_key, "key not updated"

            return value

    s = Schema(if_key_missing=None,
               pre_validators=[MyValidator('a', pre_validator=True)],
               chained_validators=[MyValidator('a', post_validator=True)])

    s.to_python(new_dict, state)

    assert state.full_dict == old_dict, "full_dict not restored"
    assert state.key == old_key, "key not restored"

    s.from_python(new_dict, state)

    assert state.full_dict == old_dict, "full_dict not restored"
    assert state.key == old_key, "key not restored"
 def test_returns_default_for_missing_items(self):
     schema = Schema()
     schema.add_field('limit', self.validator)
     assert_equals(dict(limit=42), schema.to_python({}))