Beispiel #1
def test_blockbase_match_names(f2003_create):
    '''Test the blockbase name matching option in its match method. We use
    the Derived_Type_Def class (which subclasses BlockBase) for this
    as it sets match_names to True.

    from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Derived_Type_Def, Case_Construct

    # working named example
    reader = get_reader("type abc\nend type abc")
    ast = Derived_Type_Def(reader)
    assert "TYPE :: abc\nEND TYPE abc" in str(ast)

    # case insensitive
    reader = get_reader("type abc\nend type ABC")
    ast = Derived_Type_Def(reader)
    assert "TYPE :: abc\nEND TYPE ABC" in str(ast)

    # incorrect name exception
    reader = get_reader("type abc\nend type cde")
    with pytest.raises(FortranSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        ast = Derived_Type_Def(reader)
    assert "at line 2\n>>>end type cde\nExpecting name 'abc'" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # first name required if second name supplied
    # switch to using select case as it can trip the exception
    reader = get_reader("select case (i)\nend select label")
    with pytest.raises(FortranSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        ast = Case_Construct(reader)
    assert ("at line 2\n>>>end select label\nName 'label' has no "
            "corresponding starting name") in str(excinfo.value)
def test_where_construct():
    ''' Tests for the WHERE construct, R744. '''
    tcls = Where_Construct
    obj = tcls(
    where (pressure <= 1.0)
    pressure = pressure + inc_pressure
    temp = temp - 5.0
    raining = .true.
    end where
    assert isinstance(obj, tcls), repr(obj)
    assert (str(obj) == "WHERE (pressure <= 1.0)\n  "
            "pressure = pressure + inc_pressure\n  "
            "temp = temp - 5.0\n"
            "ELSEWHERE\n  raining = .TRUE.\nEND WHERE")

    obj = tcls(
    where (cond1)
    else    where (cond2)
    end where
    assert isinstance(obj, tcls), repr(obj)
    assert str(obj) == 'WHERE (cond1)\nELSEWHERE(cond2)\nEND WHERE'

    obj = tcls(
    n:where (cond1)
    elsewhere (cond2) n
    else   where n
    end where n
    assert isinstance(obj, tcls), repr(obj)
    assert (str(obj) == "n:WHERE (cond1)\nELSEWHERE(cond2) n\n"
            "ELSEWHERE n\nEND WHERE n")

    obj = tcls(
    n:where (cond1)
    else where (cond2) n
    else where n
    end where n
    assert isinstance(obj, tcls), repr(obj)
    assert (str(obj) == 'n:WHERE (cond1)\nELSEWHERE(cond2) n\nELSEWHERE n\n'
            'END WHERE n')

    obj = tcls(
    n:where (me(:)=="hello")
    else where (me(:)=="goodbye") n
    else where n
    end where n
    assert (str(obj) ==
            'n:WHERE (me(:) == "hello")\nELSEWHERE(me(:) == "goodbye") n\n'
            'ELSEWHERE n\n'
            'END WHERE n')
def test_nonblock_do_construct():
    ''' Tests that nonblock DO construct is parsed correctly (R835). '''
    tcls = Nonblock_Do_Construct
    obj = tcls(
      do  20,  i = 1, 3
 20     rotm(i,j) = r2(j,i)
    assert isinstance(obj, Action_Term_Do_Construct), repr(obj)
    assert str(obj) == 'DO 20 , i = 1, 3\n20 rotm(i, j) = r2(j, i)'

    # Without the comma after the label
    obj = tcls(
      do  20  i = 1, 3
 20     rotm(i,j) = r2(j,i)
    assert isinstance(obj, Action_Term_Do_Construct), repr(obj)
    assert str(obj) == 'DO 20 i = 1, 3\n20 rotm(i, j) = r2(j, i)'

    obj = tcls(
    do  50,  i = n, m, -1
  50 call foo(a)
    assert isinstance(obj, Action_Term_Do_Construct), repr(obj)
    assert str(obj) == 'DO 50 , i = n, m, - 1\n50 CALL foo(a)'
Beispiel #4
def test_blockbase_match_name_classes(f2003_create):
    '''Test the blockbase name matching option in its match method. We use
    the If_Construct class (which subclasses BlockBase) for this as it
    sets match_names to True and provides match_name_classes. This is
    used when names can appear in multiple places.

    from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import If_Construct

    # working named example
    reader = get_reader("label:if (.true.) then\nendif label")
    ast = If_Construct(reader)
    assert "label:IF (.TRUE.) THEN\nEND IF label" in str(ast)

    # case insensitive
    reader = get_reader("label:if (.true.) then\nendif LABEL")
    ast = If_Construct(reader)
    assert "label:IF (.TRUE.) THEN\nEND IF LABEL" in str(ast)

    # incorrect name exception
    reader = get_reader("label:if (.true.) then\nendif bella")
    with pytest.raises(FortranSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        ast = If_Construct(reader)
    assert "at line 2\n>>>endif bella\nExpecting name 'label'" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # first name required if subsequent name supplied
    reader = get_reader("if (.true.) then\nendif label")
    with pytest.raises(FortranSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        ast = If_Construct(reader)
    assert ("at line 2\n>>>endif label\nName 'label' has no corresponding "
            "starting name") in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #5
def test_fixed_fmt():
    ''' Test that we handle comments in fixed-format mode '''
    reader = get_reader('''\
      subroutine foo
c this is a subroutine
        end subroutine foo''',
    cls = Subroutine_Subprogram
    obj = cls(reader)
    assert isinstance(obj, cls), repr(obj)
    assert str(obj) == 'SUBROUTINE foo\nEND SUBROUTINE foo'
    assert (repr(obj) == "Subroutine_Subprogram(Subroutine_Stmt(None, "
            "Name('foo'), None, None), End_Subroutine_Stmt('SUBROUTINE', "
    reader = get_reader('''\
      subroutine foo
c this is a subroutine
      end subroutine foo''',
    cls = Subroutine_Subprogram
    obj = cls(reader)
    fort = obj.tofortran(isfix=True)
    assert isinstance(obj, cls), repr(obj)
    assert (fort == '      SUBROUTINE foo\nc this is a subroutine\n'
            '      END SUBROUTINE foo')
    assert (repr(obj) == "Subroutine_Subprogram(Subroutine_Stmt(None, "
            "Name('foo'), None, None), End_Subroutine_Stmt('SUBROUTINE', "
Beispiel #6
def test_ignore_comments():
    ''' Check that the parser does throw away comments when requested '''
    tree = Program(
PROGRAM a_prog
! A full line comment
PRINT *, "Hello" ! This block gets executed
    gen = str(tree)
    assert ("PROGRAM a_prog\n"
            "  PRINT *, \"Hello\"\n"
            "END PROGRAM a_prog" in gen)
    assert "full line comment" not in gen
    assert "block gets executed" not in gen

    # Check that the default behaviour is to ignore comments
    tree = Program(
PROGRAM a_prog
! A full line comment
PRINT *, "Hello" ! This block gets executed
    gen = str(tree)
    assert "full line comment" not in gen
    assert "block gets executed" not in gen
def test_valid(f2003_create):
    ''' Test that valid code is parsed correctly. '''

    # basic
    obj = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\nend"))
    assert isinstance(obj, Main_Program)
    assert str(obj) == 'PROGRAM a\nEND'
    assert repr(obj) == ("Main_Program(Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', Name('a')), "
                         "End_Program_Stmt(None, None))")

    # name matching
    obj = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\nend program a"))
    assert isinstance(obj, Main_Program)
    assert str(obj) == 'PROGRAM a\nEND PROGRAM a'
    assert repr(obj) == ("Main_Program(Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', Name('a')), "
                         "End_Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', Name('a')))")

    # mixed case name matching
    obj = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\nend program A"))
    assert isinstance(obj, Main_Program)
    assert str(obj) == 'PROGRAM a\nEND PROGRAM A'

    # specification-part
    obj = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\ninteger i\nend program a"))
    assert str(obj) == 'PROGRAM a\n  INTEGER :: i\nEND PROGRAM a'

    # execution-part
    obj = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\ni=10\nend program a"))
    assert str(obj) == 'PROGRAM a\n  i = 10\nEND PROGRAM a'

    # internal-subprogram-part
    obj = Main_Program(
        get_reader("program a\ncontains\nsubroutine foo\n"
                   "end\nend program a"))
    assert str(obj) == ("PROGRAM a\n  CONTAINS\n  SUBROUTINE foo\n"
                        "  END\nEND PROGRAM a")

    # specification-part + execution-part
    obj = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\ninteger i\ni=10\nend program a"))
    assert str(obj) == 'PROGRAM a\n  INTEGER :: i\n  i = 10\nEND PROGRAM a'

    # execution-part + internal-subprogram-part
    obj = Main_Program(
        get_reader("program a\ni=10\ncontains\nsubroutine foo\n"
                   "end\nend program a"))
    assert str(obj) == ("PROGRAM a\n  i = 10\n  CONTAINS\n  SUBROUTINE foo\n"
                        "  END\nEND PROGRAM a")

    # specification-part + execution-part + internal-subprogram-part
    obj = Main_Program(
        get_reader("program a\ninteger i\ni=10\ncontains\n"
                   "subroutine foo\nend\nend program a"))
    assert str(obj) == ("PROGRAM a\n  INTEGER :: i\n  i = 10\n  CONTAINS\n  "
                        "SUBROUTINE foo\n  END\nEND PROGRAM a")
Beispiel #8
def test_reproduce_issue_fix90():
    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
c 1
c 2
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3] + tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span == (1, 1)
    assert a.span == (2, 2), repr(a.span)
    assert end.span == (5, 5), repr(end.span)

    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str,
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3] + tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span == (1, 1)
    assert a.span == (2, 2), repr(a.span)
    assert end.span == (5, 5), repr(end.span)

    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str,
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3] + tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span == (1, 1)
    assert a.span == (2, 2), repr(a.span)
    assert comment.span == (3, 3)
    assert end.span == (5, 5), repr(end.span)
Beispiel #9
def test_subroutine_comments():
    ''' Tests for comments in subroutines '''
    source = '''\
subroutine my_mod()
  ! First comment
  implicit none
  integer my_mod
  ! Body comment
  my_mod = 1 ! Inline comment
  ! Ending comment
end subroutine my_mod
    from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Subroutine_Subprogram
    reader = get_reader(source, isfree=True, ignore_comments=False)
    fn_unit = Subroutine_Subprogram(reader)
    assert isinstance(fn_unit, Subroutine_Subprogram)
    walk_ast(fn_unit.content, [Comment], debug=True)
    spec_part = fn_unit.content[1]
    comment = spec_part.content[0].content[0]
    assert isinstance(comment, Comment)
    assert "! First comment" in str(comment)
    comment = spec_part.content[2].content[0]
    assert isinstance(comment, Comment)
    assert "! Body comment" in str(comment)
    exec_part = fn_unit.content[2]
    comment = exec_part.content[1]
    assert isinstance(comment, Comment)
    assert "! Inline comment" in str(comment)
def test_proc_component_part(interface, attributes):
    ''' Test that various procedure component declarations are
    recognised. R445. '''
    code = "procedure({0}), {1} :: my_proc".format(interface, attributes)
    reader = get_reader(code)
    obj = Component_Part(reader)
    assert obj is not None
def test_proc_component_pointer(attributes):
    ''' R445, C449: POINTER shall appear in each
    proc-component-attr-spec-list. '''
    code = "procedure(), {0} :: my_proc".format(attributes)
    reader = get_reader(code)
    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError):
        _ = Component_Part(reader)
Beispiel #12
def test_fw_codeblock():
    '''Check the FortranWriter class codeblock method correctly
    prints out the Fortran code contained within it.

    # Generate fparser2 parse tree from Fortran code.
    code = (
        "module test\n"
        "subroutine tmp()\n"
        "  integer :: a\n"
        "  a=1\n"
        "end subroutine tmp\n"
        "end module test")
    schedule = create_schedule(code)

    code1 = (
        "print *, 'I am a code block'\n"
        "print *, 'with more than one line'\n")
    _ = ParserFactory().create(std="f2003")
    reader = get_reader(code1)
    statements = Fortran2003.Execution_Part(reader)
    code_block = CodeBlock([statements], parent=schedule)

    # Generate Fortran from the PSyIR schedule
    fvisitor = FortranWriter()
    result = fvisitor(schedule)

    assert (
        "    a=1\n"
        "PRINT *, 'I am a code block'\n"
        "    PRINT *, 'with more than one line'\n" in result)
def test_data_component_part(var_type):
    ''' Test that various data component declarations are
    recognised. R440. '''
    code = var_type + " :: iflag"
    reader = get_reader(code, isfree=True, isstrict=True)
    obj = Component_Part(reader)
    assert "iflag" in str(obj)
Beispiel #14
def test_mix(f2003_create):
    '''Test that multiple program_units can be parsed successfully with a
    mix of includes and comments.

    reader = get_reader(("include '1'\n"
                         "! comment1\n"
                         "include '2'\n"
                         "subroutine test()\n"
                         "end subroutine\n"
                         "include '3'\n"
                         "include '4'\n"
                         "! comment2\n"
                         "! comment3\n"
                         "module example\n"
                         "end module\n"
                         "! comment4\n"
                         "include '5'\n"
                         "! comment5\n"),
    ast = Program(reader)
    assert ("INCLUDE '1'\n"
            "! comment1\n"
            "INCLUDE '2'\n"
            "SUBROUTINE test\n"
            "END SUBROUTINE\n"
            "INCLUDE '3'\n"
            "INCLUDE '4'\n"
            "! comment2\n"
            "! comment3\n"
            "MODULE example\n"
            "END MODULE\n"
            "! comment4\n"
            "INCLUDE '5'\n"
            "! comment5") in str(ast)
Beispiel #15
def test_strict_order_invalid_code(f2003_create, strict_order):
    '''Check that the strict_order flag toggles the parse behaviour as
    subclasses = [F2003.Specification_Part, F2003.Execution_Part]
    reader = get_reader("""
        program main
            i = 2
            integer :: i
        end program main

    expected = remove_indentation("""([
      Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', Name('main')),
          Assignment_Stmt(Name('i'), '=',
          Int_Literal_Constant('2', None))),
              Intrinsic_Type_Spec('INTEGER', None),
              Entity_Decl(Name('i'), None, None, None))),
      End_Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', Name('main'))
    result = BlockBase.match(F2003.Program_Stmt,

    if strict_order:
        assert result is None
        assert str(result) == expected
Beispiel #16
def test_walk_debug(capsys):
    ''' Test the debug output of the walk() utility. '''
    import six
    reader = get_reader("program just_a_test\n"
                        "  b = 1\n"
                        "end if\n"
                        "end program just_a_test\n")
    main = Fortran2003.Program(reader)
    _ = walk(main, debug=True)
    stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    if six.PY2:
        # Output of capsys under Python 2 is not the same as under 3
        assert stdout.startswith("('child type = ")
        assert stdout.startswith("child type = ")
    assert "Main_Program" in stdout
    assert "If_Construct" in stdout
    assert "Assignment" in stdout
    assert "Int_Literal_Constant" in stdout
    assert "End_If_Stmt" in stdout
    # Walk only part of the tree and specify an indent
    if_constructs = walk(main, Fortran2003.If_Construct)
    _ = walk(if_constructs[0], indent=4, debug=True)
    stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    if six.PY2:
        # Output of capsys under Python 2 is not the same as under 3
        assert stdout.startswith("('" + 8 * " " + "child type =")
        assert stdout.startswith(8 * " " + "child type =")
    assert "Program" not in stdout
Beispiel #17
def test_get_child():
    ''' Test the get_child() utility. '''
    from fparser.two import Fortran2003
    from fparser.two.utils import walk, get_child
    reader = get_reader("program hello\n"
                        "write(*,*) 'hello'\n"
                        "write(*,*) 'goodbye'\n"
                        "end program hello\n")
    main = Fortran2003.Program(reader)
    prog = get_child(main, Fortran2003.Main_Program)
    exe = get_child(prog, Fortran2003.Execution_Part)
    assert isinstance(exe, Fortran2003.Execution_Part)
    write_stmt = get_child(exe, Fortran2003.Write_Stmt)
    # Check that we got the first write and not the second
    assert "goodbye" not in str(write_stmt)
    # The top level has no Io_Control_Spec children
    assert not get_child(main, Fortran2003.Io_Control_Spec)
    # Check functionality when node has children in `items` and
    # not in `content`
    io_nodes = walk(main.content, Fortran2003.Io_Control_Spec)
    assert not hasattr(io_nodes[0], "content")
    io_unit = get_child(io_nodes[0], Fortran2003.Io_Unit)
    assert isinstance(io_unit, Fortran2003.Io_Unit)
    missing = get_child(io_nodes[0], Fortran2003.Execution_Part)
    assert missing is None
def test_kind_spaces(f2003_create):
    '''Test that a kind selector with 'kind=' present and spaces can be
    parsed successfully.

    reader = get_reader("  (  kind  =  some_kind  )  ")
    ast = Kind_Selector(reader)
    assert "(KIND = some_kind)" in str(ast)
def test_directive_at_different_places(f2003_parser, lines):
    '''Test that directives are parsed correctly irrespective of where they
    appear in the code.'''
    code = '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in lines)
    ref = '\n'.join(lines)
    reader = get_reader(code)
    result = f2003_parser(reader)
    assert str(result) == ref
def test_invalid1(f2003_create):
    ''' Test that exceptions are raised for invalid code '''

    # no end
    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo:
        _ = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\n"))
    assert "at line 1\n>>>program a" in str(excinfo.value)

    # no start
    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo:
        _ = Main_Program(get_reader("end program a\n"))
    assert "at line 1\n>>>end program a" in str(excinfo.value)

    # name mismatch
    with pytest.raises(FortranSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        _ = Main_Program(get_reader("program a\nend program b"))
    assert "at line 2\n>>>end program b\nExpecting name 'a'" \
        in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #21
def test_empty_input(f2003_create):
    '''Test that empty input or input only containing white space can be
    parsed succesfully

    for code in ["", "   ", "  \n  \n\n"]:
        reader = get_reader(code)
        ast = Program(reader)
        assert str(ast) == ""
Beispiel #22
def test_single_error2(f2003_create):
    '''Test that a single program_unit with an error in the final
    statement raises an appropriate exception

    reader = get_reader("subroutine test()\n\n" "end subroutin\n\n\n")
    with pytest.raises(FortranSyntaxError) as excinfo:
        dummy = Program(reader)
    assert ("at line 3\n>>>end subroutin\n" in str(excinfo.value))
def test_do_construct(f2003_create):
    '''Test a do construct is supported by the executable construct class.

    code = ("do i = 1, n\n"
            "end do")
    reader = get_reader(code)
    result = Executable_Construct(reader)
    assert str(result).lower() == code
Beispiel #24
def test_submodule(f2008_create):
    '''Test the parsing of a minimal submodule.'''
    reader = get_reader('''\
      submodule (foobar) bar
    ast = Submodule(reader)
    assert "SUBMODULE (foobar) bar\n" \
        "END SUBMODULE bar" in str(ast)
Beispiel #25
def test_single(f2003_create):
    '''Test that a single program_unit can be parsed successfully.'''
    reader = get_reader('''\
      subroutine test()
      end subroutine
    ast = Program(reader)
    assert "SUBROUTINE test\n" \
        "END SUBROUTINE" in str(ast)
def test_nokind_spaces(f2003_create):
    '''Test that a kind selector with 'kind=' not present and spaces can
    be parsed successfully. Note, the parser automatically adds-in
    kind for the output.

    reader = get_reader("  (  some_kind  )  ")
    ast = Kind_Selector(reader)
    assert "(KIND = some_kind)" in str(ast)
def test_submodule_nomatch(f2008_create):
    '''Test an exception is raised if there is a syntax error.'''
    reader = get_reader('''\
      submod (foobar) bar
    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo:
        dummy_ = Program_Unit(reader)
    assert ("at line 1\n>>>      submod (foobar) bar\n" in str(excinfo.value))
Beispiel #28
    def check_forall(reader):
        '''Internal helper function to avoid code replication.'''
        ast = Forall_Stmt(reader)
        assert "FORALL (i = b(k) : 2, j = 1 : c(k)) a(i, j) = 0.0" in str(ast)

        line = "forall (i=b(k):2,j=1:c(k)) a(i,j)=0.0"
        reader = get_reader(line)
def test_submodule(f2008_create):
    '''Test that submodule as a top-level program unit can be parsed.'''
    reader = get_reader('''\
      submodule (foobar) bar
    ast = Program_Unit(reader)
    assert "SUBMODULE (foobar) bar\n" \
        "END" in str(ast)
Beispiel #30
def test_reproduce_issue_fix90():
    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
c 1
c 2
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment,end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,2),`a.span`
    assert end.span==(5,5),`end.span`

    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment,end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,2),`a.span`
    assert end.span==(5,5),`end.span`

    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,2),`a.span`
    assert comment.span == (3,3)
    assert end.span==(5,5),`end.span`
def test_invalid3(f2003_create):
    '''Test that execution-part after internal-subprogram-part produces an

    with pytest.raises(NoMatchError) as excinfo:
        _ = Main_Program(
            get_reader("program a\ncontains\nsubroutine foo\n"
                       "end\ni=10\nend program a"))
    assert "at line 5\n>>>i=10\n" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_reproduce_issue_fix77():
    source_str = '''\
      subroutine foo()
      real a
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=True)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,4),repr(a.span)
    assert comment.span==(5,5),repr(comment.span)
    assert end.span==(5,5),repr(end.span)
Beispiel #33
def test_reproduce_issue():
    source_str = '''\
      subroutine bndfp()
      use m_struc_def
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    s, u, c, e = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert s.span==(1,1),`s.span`
    assert u.span==(2,2),`u.span`
    assert c.span==(3,3),`c.span`
    assert e.span==(9,9),`e.span`
Beispiel #34
 def __parse(self):
     reader = api.get_reader(self.infile, True, False, None, None)
     parser = parsefortran.FortranParser(reader, False)
     return parser.block
Beispiel #35
def test_comment_cont_fix90():
    source_str = '''\
          subroutine foo()
c 1
     & a
c 2
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,4),`a.span`
    assert comment.span==(3,3),`comment.span`
    assert end.span==(6,6)

    source_str = '''\
          subroutine foo()
     & a
c 2
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,4),`a.span`
    assert comment.span==(3,3),`comment.span`
    assert end.span==(6,6)

    source_str = '''\
          subroutine foo()
c 1
     & a
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, a, comment, end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert a.span==(2,4),`a.span`
    assert comment.span==(3,3),`comment.span`
    assert end.span==(6,6)

    source_str = '''\
          subroutine foo()
c 1
     & a
c 2
    tree = api.get_reader(source_str, isfree=False, isstrict=False)
    tree = list(tree)
    foo, ab, comment, end = tree[:3]+tree[-1:]
    assert foo.span==(1,1)
    assert ab.span==(2,6),`a.span`
    assert comment.span==(3,3),`comment.span`
    assert end.span==(7,7)