def test_fracridge_fracs(frac, nn, pp, bb):
    X, y, coef_ols, _ = make_data(nn, pp, bb)
    # Make sure that you get the fraction you asked for
    coef, _ = fracridge(X, y, fracs=np.array([frac]))
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(frac -
               vec_len(coef, axis=0) / vec_len(coef_ols, axis=0)) < 0.01)
def test_fracridge_ols(nn, pp, bb):
    X, y, coef_ols, _ = make_data(nn, pp, bb)
    fracs = np.arange(.1, 1.1, .1)
    coef, alpha = fracridge(X, y, fracs=fracs)
    coef = coef[:, -1, ...]
    assert np.allclose(coef, coef_ols, atol=10e-3)
    assert np.all(np.diff(alpha, axis=0) <= 0)
Beispiel #3
def test_fracridge_sfm():
    fdata, fbvals, fbvecs = get_fnames("sherbrooke_3shell")
    gtab = gradient_table(fbvals, fbvecs, b0_threshold=0)
    img = nib.load(fdata)
    data = img.get_fdata()
    mask = np.zeros(data.shape[:3], dtype=bool)
    mask[40:50, 40:50, 40:50] = True
    X, y = prep_sfm(gtab, data, mask=mask)
    valid_targets = np.where(np.isfinite(y))[1]
    coef, alphas = fracridge(X, y[:, np.unique(valid_targets)], [0.3])
    # Shape is n_regressors, n_alphas, n_voxels:
    assert coef.shape == (362, 1000)
def run_fracridge(X, y, fracs, jit):
    fracridge(X, y, fracs=fracs, jit=jit)
def test_fracridge_unsorted(nn, pp, bb):
    X, y, coef_ols, _ = make_data(nn, pp, bb)
    fracs = np.array([0.1, 0.8, 1.0, 0.2])
    # Frac input needs to be sorted:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        coef, alpha = fracridge(X, y, fracs=fracs)
Beispiel #6
def run_fracridge(X, y, fracs):
    fracridge(X, y, fracs=fracs)
Beispiel #7
def fit_model(design,
    f, cache = fit_model(design, data2, tr, hrfmodel, hrfknobs,
              opt, combinedmatrix, cache)

    if hrfmodel is 'fir', then <f> will be voxels x conditions x time
    (flattened format)
    if hrfmodel is 'assume' or 'optimize', then <f> will be {A B}
    where A is time x 1 and B is voxels x conditions (flattened format).
    <hrffitvoxels> is [] unless hrfmodel is 'optimize', in which case it
    will be a column vector of voxel indices.

    note: cache.rawdesign will exist for 'fir' and 'assume' but not

        design ([list]): [description]
        data2 ([list]): [description]
        tr ([int]): [description]
        hrfmodel ([str]): [description]
        hrfknobs ([array]): [description]
        opt ([dict]): [description]
        combinedmatrix ([array]): [description]
        cache ([dict]): [description]

        [tuple]: [f, cache]

    # internal constants
    minR2 = 99
    # in 'optimize' mode, if R^2 between previous HRF and new HRF
    # is above this threshold (and we have at least gone through
    # one complete round of fitting (just so that we can change
    # a little from the initial seed)), then we stop fitting.

    # init
    hrffitvoxels = []

    # make sure data is np.float32
    for p in range(len(data2)):
        data2[p] = data2[p].astype(np.float32, copy=False)

    # for p in range(len(design)):
    #     design[p] = design[p].astype(np.float32, copy=False)

    n_runs = len(design)

    if cache is None:
        cache = {}
        cache['design'] = [None for x in range(n_runs)]
        cache['rawdesign'] = [None for x in range(n_runs)]

    if hrfmodel == 'fir':

        # since 'fir', we can assume design is not the onset case, but check it
        np.testing.assert_equal(type(design[0]) is int, True)

        # calc
        numconditions = design[0].shape[1]

        # prepare design matrix
        desw = []
        for p in range(len(design)):

            # expand original design matrix using delta basis functions.
            # the length of each timecourse is L.
                construct_stim_matrices(design[p].T, 0, hrfknobs,
            # time x L*conditions

            # save a record of the raw design matrix
            cache['rawdesign'][p] = desw[p]

            # remove polynomials and extra regressors
            desw[p] = combinedmatrix[p].astype(np.float32) @ desw[p]
            # time x L*conditions

            # save a record of the projected-out design matrix
            cache['design'][p] = desw[p]

        # fit model
        if opt['wantfracridge']:
            f = fracridge(

            f = mtimes_stack(olsmatrix(np.concatenate(desw)),
                             data2)  # L*conditions x voxels

        # voxels x conditions x L
        f = np.transpose(np.reshape(f, [hrfknobs + 1, numconditions]),
                         [2, 1, 0])

        fout = {}
        fout['betas'] = f.T.astype(np.float32)
        fout['hrffitvoxels'] = hrffitvoxels

    elif hrfmodel == 'assume':

        # prepare design matrix
        desopts = {'n_times': data2[0].shape[0], 'tr': tr}
        desw = []
        for p in range(n_runs):

            # convolve original design matrix with HRF
            # number of time points
                convolve_design(design[p], hrfknobs,

            # save a record of the raw design matrix
            cache['rawdesign'][p] = desw[p]

            # remove polynomials and extra regressors
            desw[p] = combinedmatrix[p].astype(np.float32) @ desw[p]
            # time x conditions

            # save a record of the projected-out design matrix
            cache['design'][p] = desw[p]

        # fit model
        if opt['wantfracridge']:
            f = fracridge(np.concatenate(desw), np.concatenate(data2),
            # conditions x voxels
            f = mtimes_stack(olsmatrix(np.concatenate(desw)),
                             data2)  # conditions x voxels

        fout = {}
        fout['hrfknobs'] = hrfknobs
        fout['betas'] = f.T.astype(np.float32)
        fout['hrffitvoxels'] = hrffitvoxels

    elif hrfmodel == 'optimize':

        # since 'optimize', we can assume design is not the onset case,
        # but check it
        np.testing.assert_true(type(design[0]), list)

        # calc
        numinhrf = len(hrfknobs)
        numconds = design[0].shape[1]

        numruns = len(design)
        numconds = design[0].shape[1]
        postnumlag = numinhrf - 1

        if 'design2pre' not in cache:

            # precompute for speed
            design2pre = []
            for p in range(len(data2)):

                # expand design matrix using delta functions
                ntime = design[p].shape[0]  # number of time points
                                                -1, numconds,
                # time*L x conditions

            # record it
            cache['design2pre'] = design2pre
            if 'design2pre' in cache:
                design2pre = cache['design2pre']

        # collect ntimes per run
        ntimes = [data2[p].shape[0] for p in range(numruns)]

        # loop until convergence
        currenthrf = hrfknobs  # initialize
        cnt = 1
        while True:

            # fix the HRF, estimate the amplitudes
            if cnt % 2 == 1:

                # prepare design matrix
                design2 = []
                for p in range(numruns):

                    # get design matrix with HRF
                    # number of time points
                        make_design(design[p], tr, ntimes[p], currenthrf))

                    # project the polynomials out
                    design2[p] = combinedmatrix[p] @ design2[p]
                    # time x conditions

                # estimate the amplitudes (output: conditions x voxels)
                currentbeta = mtimes_stack(olsmatrix(np.vstack(design2)),

                # calculate R^2
                modelfit = [(design2[p] @ currentbeta).astype(np.float32)
                            for p in range(numruns)]

                R2 = calc_cod_stack(data2, modelfit)

                # figure out indices of good voxels
                if opt['hrffitmask'] == 1:
                    temp = R2
                else:  # if people provided a mask for hrf fitting
                    temp = np.zeros((R2.shape))
                    temp[np.invert(opt['hrffitmask'].ravel())] = -np.inf
                    # shove -Inf in where invalid

                temp[np.isnan(temp)] = -np.inf
                ii = np.argsort(temp)
                nii = len(ii)
                iichosen = ii[np.max((1, nii - opt['numforhrf'])):nii]
                iichosen = np.setdiff1d(
                    iichosen, iichosen[temp[iichosen] == -np.inf]).tolist()
                hrffitvoxels = iichosen

            # fix the amplitudes, estimate the HRF

                nhrfvox = len(hrffitvoxels)

                # prepare design matrix
                design2 = []
                for p in range(numruns):

                    # calc
                    # weight and sum based on the current amplitude estimates.
                    # only include the good voxels.
                    # return shape time*L x voxels

                        (design2pre[p] @ currentbeta[:, hrffitvoxels]).astype(

                    # remove polynomials and extra regressors
                    # time x L*voxels
                    design2[p] = design2[p].reshape((ntimes[p], -1), order='F')

                    design2[p] = combinedmatrix[p] @ design2[p]
                    design2[p] = design2[p].reshape((ntimes[p], numinhrf, -1),
                    design2[p] = np.transpose(design2[p], (0, 2, 1))

                # estimate the HRF
                previoushrf = currenthrf
                datasubset = np.array(
                        [data2[x][:, hrffitvoxels] for x in range(numruns)]))

                stackdesign = np.vstack(design2)
                ntime = stackdesign.shape[0]

                stackdesign = stackdesign.reshape((ntime * nhrfvox, numinhrf),
                stackdesign = olsmatrix(stackdesign)
                currenthrf = np.asarray(
          , order='F')))[0]

                # if HRF is all zeros (this can happen when the data
                # are all zeros)
                # get out prematurely
                if np.all(currenthrf == 0):
                    print(f'current hrf went all to 0 after {cnt} attempts\n')

                # check for convergence
                hrfR2 = calc_cod(previoushrf, currenthrf, wantmeansub=0)
                if hrfR2 >= minR2 and cnt > 2:

            cnt += 1

            # sanity check
            # we want to see that we're not converging in a weird place
            # so we compute the coefficient of determination between the
            # current estimate and the seed hrf
            hrfR2 = calc_cod(hrfknobs, previoushrf, wantmeansub=0)

            # sanity check to make sure that we are not doing worse.
            if hrfR2 < opt['hrfthresh']:
                print("Global HRF estimate is far from the initial seed,"
                      "probably indicating low SNR.  We are just going to"
                      "use the initial seed as the HRF estimate.\n")
                fout = fit_model(

                return fout, cache

            # normalize results
            mx = np.max(previoushrf)
            previoushrf = previoushrf / mx
            currentbeta = currentbeta * mx

            # return
            fout = dict()
            fout["hrf"] = previoushrf
            fout['betas'] = currentbeta.T
            fout['hrffitvoxels'] = hrffitvoxels

    return fout, cache