Beispiel #1
def q4_make_goods(rbuf):
    overview = Overview(teamAname = 'Strogg', teamBname = 'Marines', teamAcolor = 0xffc37d, teamBcolor = 0x82ff8b)

    rules = []
    rbuf = rbuf.split('\x00') 
    if len(rbuf) % 2:
    plusinfoitms = ('.players_strogg', '.players_marine', '.players_active', '.score_strogg', '.score_marine', '.score')   
    plusinfo = {}
    for item in plusinfoitms:
        plusinfo[item[1:]] = []

    for i in xrange(0, len(rbuf), 2):
        k = rbuf[i]
        v = rbuf[i+1]
        rules.append(Rule(k, v))

        k = k.lower()
        if k == 'si_name':
            overview.hostname = v
        elif k == 'si_gametype':
            overview.type = v
            v = v.lower()
            if v in ('team dm', 'ctf'):
                overview.mode = 'team'
            elif v in ('tourney', 'duel'):
                overview.mode = '1v1'
        elif k == 'si_maxplayers':
            overview.maxplayers = int(v)
        elif k == 'si_map':
   = v
        elif k == 'si_version':
            overview.version = v
        elif k == 'si_usepass':
            overview.password = int(v)
        elif k == 'gamename':
            overview.mod = v
        elif k in plusinfoitms:
            list = Plusinfo.make_list(v)
            plusinfo[k[1:]] = list
        elif k == '.score_time':
            overview.time = v

    #q4max stores the team score as the first item in the list, followed by the player ids
    if plusinfo['score_strogg']:
        overview.teamAscore = plusinfo['score_strogg'][0]
    if plusinfo['score_marine']:
        overview.teamBscore = plusinfo['score_marine'][0]

    pi = Plusinfo()
    pi.add_map(0, plusinfo['players_strogg'], plusinfo['score_strogg'][1:])
    pi.add_map(1, plusinfo['players_marine'], plusinfo['score_marine'][1:])
    pi.add_map(0, plusinfo['players_active'], plusinfo['score'])

    return pi, rules, overview