Beispiel #1
def find_matches_along_line(f, e, line, descriptor, radius = parameters.kMaxReprojectionDistance, overlap_ratio = 0.5):
    #print('line: ', line[0], ", ", line[1])    
    step = radius*(1-overlap_ratio)
    delta = line[1].ravel() - line[0].ravel()
    length = np.linalg.norm(delta)
    n = max( int(math.ceil(length/step)), 1) 
    delta = delta/n  
    #print('delta: ', delta)

    best_dist = math.inf 
    best_dist2 = math.inf
    best_k_idx = -1

    for i in range(n+1):
        x = line[0].ravel() + i*delta 
        for k_idx in f.kd.query_ball_point(x, radius):
            # if no point associated 
            if f.points[k_idx] is None: 
                descriptor_dist = Frame.descriptor_distance(f.des[k_idx], descriptor)                
                if descriptor_dist < parameters.kMaxDescriptorDistanceSearchEpipolar:  
                    #return k_idx  # stop at the first match 
                    if descriptor_dist < best_dist:
                        best_dist2 = best_dist
                        best_dist = descriptor_dist
                        best_k_idx = k_idx     
    # N.B.: the search "segment line" can have a large width => it is better to use the match distance ratio test                                           
    if best_dist < best_dist2 * parameters.kMatchRatioTest: 
       return best_k_idx, best_dist
       return -1, 0   
Beispiel #2
 def min_des_distance(self, descriptor):
     return min(
         [Frame.descriptor_distance(d, descriptor) for d in self.des()])
Beispiel #3
 def min_des_distance(self, descriptor):
     with self._lock_features:
         #return min([Frame.descriptor_distance(d, descriptor) for d in self.descriptors()])
         return Frame.descriptor_distance(self.des, descriptor)
def search_frame_for_triangulation(kf1, kf2, idxs1=None, idxs2=None, 
    idxs2_out = []
    idxs1_out = []
    num_found_matches = 0
    img2_epi = None     

    if __debug__:
        timer = Timer()

    O1w = kf1.Ow
    O2w = kf2.Ow
    # compute epipoles
    e1,_ = kf1.project_point(O2w)  # in first frame 
    e2,_ = kf2.project_point(O1w)  # in second frame  
    #print('e1: ', e1)
    #print('e2: ', e2)    
    baseline = np.linalg.norm(O1w-O2w) 

    # if the translation is too small we cannot triangulate 
    # if baseline < Parameters.kMinTraslation:  # we assume the Inializer has been used for building the first map 
    #"search for triangulation: impossible with almost zero translation!")
    #     return idxs1_out, idxs2_out, num_found_matches, img2_epi # EXIT
    # else:    
    medianDepth = kf2.compute_points_median_depth()
    if medianDepth == -1:"search for triangulation: f2 with no points")        
        medianDepth = kf1.compute_points_median_depth()        
    ratioBaselineDepth = baseline/medianDepth
    if ratioBaselineDepth < Parameters.kMinRatioBaselineDepth: "search for triangulation: impossible with too low ratioBaselineDepth!")
        return idxs1_out, idxs2_out, num_found_matches, img2_epi # EXIT        

    # compute the fundamental matrix between the two frames by using their estimated poses 
    F12, H21 = computeF12(kf1, kf2)

    if idxs1 is None or idxs2 is None:
        timerMatch = Timer()
        idxs1, idxs2 = Frame.feature_matcher.match(kf1.des, kf2.des)        
        #print('search_frame_for_triangulation - matching - timer: ', timerMatch.elapsed())
    rot_histo = RotationHistogram()
    check_orientation = kCheckFeaturesOrientation and Frame.oriented_features     
    # check epipolar constraints 
    for i1,i2 in zip(idxs1,idxs2):
        if kf1.get_point_match(i1) is not None or kf2.get_point_match(i2) is not None: # we are searching for keypoint matches where both keypoints do not have a corresponding map point 
            #print('existing point on match')
        descriptor_dist = Frame.descriptor_distance(kf1.des[i1], kf2.des[i2])
        if descriptor_dist > max_descriptor_distance:
        kp1 = kf1.kpsu[i1]
        #kp1_scale_factor = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[kf1.octaves[i1]]
        #kp1_size = f1.sizes[i1]
        # discard points which are too close to the epipole            
        #if np.linalg.norm(kp1-e1) < Parameters.kMinDistanceFromEpipole * kp1_scale_factor:                 
        #if np.linalg.norm(kp1-e1) - kp1_size < Parameters.kMinDistanceFromEpipole:  # N.B.: this is too much conservative => it filters too much                                       
        #    continue   
        kp2 = kf2.kpsu[i2]
        kp2_scale_factor = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[kf2.octaves[i2]]        
        # kp2_size = f2.sizes[i2]        
        # discard points which are too close to the epipole            
        delta = kp2-e2        
        #if np.linalg.norm(delta) < Parameters.kMinDistanceFromEpipole * kp2_scale_factor:   
        if np.inner(delta,delta) < kMinDistanceFromEpipole2 * kp2_scale_factor:   # OR.            
        # #if np.linalg.norm(delta) - kp2_size < Parameters.kMinDistanceFromEpipole:  # N.B.: this is too much conservative => it filters too much                                                  
        # check epipolar constraint         
        sigma2_kp2 = Frame.feature_manager.level_sigmas2[kf2.octaves[i2]]
        if check_dist_epipolar_line(kp1,kp2,F12,sigma2_kp2):
            if check_orientation:
                index_match = len(idxs1_out)-1
                rot = kf1.angles[i1]-kf2.angles[i2]
        #    print('discarding point match non respecting epipolar constraint')
    if check_orientation:            
        valid_match_idxs = rot_histo.get_valid_idxs()     
        #print('checking orientation consistency - valid matches % :', len(valid_match_idxs)/max(1,len(idxs1_out))*100,'% of ', len(idxs1_out),'matches')
        #print('rotation histogram: ', rot_histo)
        idxs1_out = np.array(idxs1_out)[valid_match_idxs]
        idxs2_out = np.array(idxs2_out)[valid_match_idxs]
    num_found_matches = len(idxs1_out)
    #if __debug__:
        #print('search_frame_for_triangulation - timer: ', timer.elapsed())

    return idxs1_out, idxs2_out, num_found_matches, img2_epi