def apply_24_net(image,iname,nn,bb):
    X24 = []
    X12 = [] 
    for c,e in enumerate(bb):
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2,x1:x2]     
        sub12 = fr.resize_frame(sub,(12,12))
        sub24 = fr.resize_frame(sub,(24,24))
    X12 = sp.array(X12)
    X24 = sp.array(X24)
    pred = nn.predict(X=X24,X12=X12)
    return bb[pred==1]
Beispiel #2
def apply_24_net(image, iname, nn, bb):
    X24 = []
    X12 = []
    for c, e in enumerate(bb):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
        sub12 = fr.resize_frame(sub, (12, 12))
        sub24 = fr.resize_frame(sub, (24, 24))
    X12 = sp.array(X12)
    X24 = sp.array(X24)

    pred = nn.predict(X=X24, X12=X12)
    return bb[pred == 1]
Beispiel #3
def apply_24_48_net(image,iname,nn,bb,debug=0):
    X = []
    k = int(nn.nn_name[:2])
    for c,e in enumerate(bb):
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2,x1:x2]
        subk = fr.resize_frame(sub,(k,k))
    X = sp.array(X)
    pred = nn.predict(X=X)
    proba = nn.predict_proba(X=X)
    pos_proba = proba[pred==1][:,1]
    bb = bb[pred==1]
    pos_pred = pred[pred==1]
    if nn.nn_name[:2] == '48':
        bb = bb[pos_proba > 0.999998]
        pred = pred[pos_proba > 0.999998]
        pos_proba = pos_proba[pos_proba > 0.999998]
    if debug:
        j = 0
        for e,lb,p in zip(bb,pos_pred,pos_proba):
            x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
            sub = image[y1:y2,x1:x2]
            fr.write_frame('F:\\2\\'+str(j)+ '-'+str(lb) + '-' +str(p) + '-',sub)
            j += 1
    return (bb,pos_proba)
Beispiel #4
def apply_calib_net(image, iname, nn, bb):
    X_calib = []
    for c, e in enumerate(bb):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
        v = int(nn.nn_name[:2])
        subr = fr.resize_frame(sub, (v, v))
    X_calib = sp.array(X_calib)
    pred_proba = nn.predict_proba(X_calib)
    nbb = []
    for e, lb in zip(bb, pred_proba):
        t = 0.3
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = e
        sn, xn, yn = mean_pattern(lb, t)
        h = abs(y1 - y2)
        w = abs(x1 - x2)

        #ii,jj,hh,ww = [int(e) for e in calib(x1,y1,h,w,lb)]
        #if sp.any(sp.array([ii,jj,hh,ww]) < 0):
        #    continue
        ii, jj, hh, ww = [
            max(0, int(e)) for e in calib_apply(x1, y1, h, w, sn, xn, yn)
        nbb.append([ii, jj, ii + ww, jj + hh])
    for c, e in enumerate(nbb):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
        #fr.write_frame('F:\\1\\'+str(c) + 'calib',sub)
    return sp.array(nbb)
 def get_aflw_face_data(k = 12):
     dbpath = 'F:\\datasets\\image_data_sets\\faces\\AFLW'
     dbpath = join(dbpath,'aflw.sqlite')
     rfpath = 'F:\\datasets\\image_data_sets\\faces\\AFLW\\img'
     conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath)
     X = []
     for file_id,x,y,h,w in conn.execute('SELECT file_id,x,y,h,w FROM Faces NATURAL JOIN FaceRect'):
         fpath = join(rfpath,file_id)
         frame = fr.get_frame(fpath)
         no_neg = sp.all(sp.array([x,y,h,w]) > 0) ## ignore a bad data in sql table
         if frame != None and no_neg:
             face = fr.get_patch(frame,y,x,(h,w))
             face_r,good_example = Datasets.sample_resize(face,k)
             if good_example:
                 vec = fr.frame_to_vect(face_r)
                 face_flip = fr.flip_frame(face)
                 face_flip_r = fr.resize_frame(face_flip,(k,k))
                 vec = fr.frame_to_vect(face_flip_r)
     X = sp.array(X)
     y = sp.ones(len(X))
     return X,y
def apply_calib_net(image,iname,nn,bb):
    X_calib = []
    for c,e in enumerate(bb):
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2,x1:x2]
        v = int(nn.nn_name[:2])
        subr = fr.resize_frame(sub,(v,v))
    X_calib = sp.array(X_calib)
    pred_proba = nn.predict_proba(X_calib)
    nbb = []
    for e,lb in zip(bb,pred_proba):
        t = 0.3
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        sn,xn,yn = mean_pattern(lb,t)
        h = abs(y1-y2)
        w = abs(x1-x2)
        #ii,jj,hh,ww = [int(e) for e in calib(x1,y1,h,w,lb)]
        #if sp.any(sp.array([ii,jj,hh,ww]) < 0):
        #    continue
        ii,jj,hh,ww = [max(0,int(e)) for e in calib_apply(x1,y1,h,w,sn,xn,yn)]
    for c,e in enumerate(nbb):
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2,x1:x2]
        #fr.write_frame('F:\\1\\'+str(c) + 'calib',sub)
    return sp.array(nbb)
Beispiel #7
    def frames2batch(k=12, batch_size=1024, is_calib=False):
        pos = util.get_files(rootdir='F:\\train_data\\pos\\')
        neg = util.get_files(rootdir='F:\\train_data\\neg\\')
        pos = shuffle(pos)
        neg = shuffle(neg)
        total = pos + neg
        total = shuffle(total)
        batch = []
        c = 0
        bpath = 'F:\\train_data\\batch\\'
        for item_path in total:

            frame = fr.get_frame(item_path)
            frame_r = fr.resize_frame(frame, (k, k))
            if frame_r == None:
            vec = fr.frame_to_vect(frame_r)
            label = 1 if item_path.split('\\')[-1].find('pos') > 0 else 0
            print(item_path, label)
            batch.append((vec, label))
            if len(batch) > 0 and len(batch) % batch_size == 0:
                batch = sp.array(batch)
                    bpath + str(c) + '_' + str(k) +
                    ('_' if not is_calib else '_calib-') + 'net', batch)
                batch = []

                c += 1
        if len(batch) > 0 and len(batch) % batch_size == 0:
            batch = sp.array(batch)
                bpath + str(c) + '_' + str(k) +
                ('_' if not is_calib else '_calib') + '-net', batch)
            batch = []
            c += 1
Beispiel #8
    def get_aflw_face_data(k=12):
        dbpath = 'F:\\datasets\\image_data_sets\\faces\\AFLW'
        dbpath = join(dbpath, 'aflw.sqlite')
        rfpath = 'F:\\datasets\\image_data_sets\\faces\\AFLW\\img'
        conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath)
        X = []

        for file_id, x, y, h, w in conn.execute(
                'SELECT file_id,x,y,h,w FROM Faces NATURAL JOIN FaceRect'):
            fpath = join(rfpath, file_id)
            frame = fr.get_frame(fpath)
            no_neg = sp.all(
                sp.array([x, y, h, w]) > 0)  ## ignore a bad data in sql table
            if frame != None and no_neg:
                face = fr.get_patch(frame, y, x, (h, w))
                face_r, good_example = Datasets.sample_resize(face, k)

                if good_example:
                    print('face:', fpath)
                    vec = fr.frame_to_vect(face_r)
                    face_flip = fr.flip_frame(face)
                    face_flip_r = fr.resize_frame(face_flip, (k, k))
                    vec = fr.frame_to_vect(face_flip_r)

        X = sp.array(X)
        y = sp.ones(len(X))
        return X, y
 def frames2batch(k = 12,batch_size = 1024, is_calib = False):
     pos = util.get_files(rootdir = 'F:\\train_data\\pos\\')
     neg = util.get_files(rootdir = 'F:\\train_data\\neg\\')
     pos = shuffle(pos)
     neg = shuffle(neg)
     total = pos + neg
     total  = shuffle(total)
     batch = []
     c = 0
     bpath = 'F:\\train_data\\batch\\'
     for item_path in total:
         frame = fr.get_frame(item_path)
         frame_r = fr.resize_frame(frame,(k,k))
         if frame_r == None:
         vec = fr.frame_to_vect(frame_r)
         label = 1 if item_path.split('\\')[-1].find('pos') > 0 else 0
         if len(batch) > 0 and len(batch) % batch_size == 0:
             batch = sp.array(batch)
             sp.savez(bpath + str(c) + '_' + str(k) + ('_' if not is_calib else '_calib-')  + 'net',batch)
             batch = []
             c += 1
     if len(batch) > 0 and len(batch) % batch_size == 0:
         batch = sp.array(batch)
         sp.savez(bpath + str(c) + '_' + str(k) + ('_' if not is_calib else '_calib')  + '-net',batch)
         batch = []
         c += 1
 def sample_resize(subframe,k = 12):
     return resized frame or reject it if any of side less than k
     H,W,dim = subframe.shape
     if H >= k and W >= k:
         return (fr.resize_frame(subframe,(k,k)),True)
         return (subframe,False)
Beispiel #11
 def sample_resize(subframe, k=12):
     return resized frame or reject it if any of side less than k
     H, W, dim = subframe.shape
     if H >= k and W >= k:
         return (fr.resize_frame(subframe, (k, k)), True)
         return (subframe, False)
Beispiel #12
    def sample_resize(subframe, k_check=12, k_res=12):
        return resized frame or reject it if any of side less than k
        H, W, dim = subframe.shape
        # there are negative coord's in datasets :(
        if H <= 0 or W <= 0:
            return (subframe, False)

        if H >= k_check or W >= k_check:
            return (fr.resize_frame(subframe, (k_res, k_res)), True)
            return (subframe, False)
    def sample_resize(subframe,k_check = 12, k_res = 12):
        return resized frame or reject it if any of side less than k
        H,W,dim = subframe.shape
        # there are negative coord's in datasets :(
        if  H <= 0 or W <= 0:
            return (subframe,False)

        if H >= k_check or W >= k_check:
            return (fr.resize_frame(subframe,(k_res,k_res)),True)
            return (subframe,False)
Beispiel #14
def apply_calib_net(image,iname,nn,bb,T=0.3):
    X_calib = []
    for c,e in enumerate(bb):
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        sub = image[y1:y2,x1:x2]
        v = int(nn.nn_name[:2])
        subr = fr.resize_frame(sub,(v,v))
    X_calib = sp.array(X_calib)
    pred_proba = nn.predict_proba(X_calib)
    nbb = []
    for e,lb in zip(bb,pred_proba):
        t = 1/45
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = e
        ds, dx, dy = mean_pattern(lb,t)
        h = abs(y1-y2)
        w = abs(x1-x2)
        ii,jj,hh,ww = [int(max(0,e)) for e in util.calib_apply(x1,y1,h,w,ds,dx,dy)]
    return sp.array(nbb)