Beispiel #1
    def check_empty_pool(self):
        daemon = Daemon()

        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_hashes()
        assert not 'tx_hashes' in res or len(res.tx_hashes) == 0
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_stats()
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_total == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_min == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_max == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_med == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.fee_total == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.oldest == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.txs_total == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_failing == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_10m == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_not_relayed == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.histo_98pc == 0
        assert not 'histo' in res.pool_stats or len(res.pool_stats.histo) == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_double_spends == 0
Beispiel #2
    def check_txpool(self):
        daemon = Daemon()
        wallet = Wallet()

        res = daemon.get_info()
        height = res.height
        txpool_size = res.tx_pool_size


        txes = self.create_txes('46r4nYSevkfBUMhuykdK3gQ98XDqDTYW1hNLaXNvjpsJaSbNtdXh1sKMsdVgqkaihChAzEy29zEDPMR3NHQvGoZCLGwTerK', 5)

        res = daemon.get_info()
        assert res.tx_pool_size == txpool_size + 5
        txpool_size = res.tx_pool_size

        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool()
        assert len(res.transactions) == txpool_size
        total_bytes = 0
        total_fee = 0
        min_bytes = 99999999999999
        max_bytes = 0
        for txid in txes.keys():
            x = [x for x in res.transactions if x.id_hash == txid]
            assert len(x) == 1
            x = x[0]
            assert x.kept_by_block == False
            assert x.last_failed_id_hash == '0'*64
            assert x.double_spend_seen == False
            assert x.weight >= x.blob_size

            assert x.blob_size * 2 == len(txes[txid].tx_blob)
            assert x.fee == txes[txid].fee
            assert x.tx_blob == txes[txid].tx_blob

            total_bytes += x.blob_size
            total_fee += x.fee
            min_bytes = min(min_bytes, x.blob_size)
            max_bytes = max(max_bytes, x.blob_size)

        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_hashes()
        assert sorted(res.tx_hashes) == sorted(txes.keys())

        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_stats()
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_total == total_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_min == min_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_max == max_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_med >= min_bytes and res.pool_stats.bytes_med <= max_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.fee_total == total_fee
        assert res.pool_stats.txs_total == len(txes)
        assert res.pool_stats.num_failing == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_10m == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_not_relayed == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_double_spends == 0

        print('Flushing 2 transactions')
        txes_keys = list(txes.keys())
        daemon.flush_txpool([txes_keys[1], txes_keys[3]])
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool()
        assert len(res.transactions) == txpool_size - 2
        assert len([x for x in res.transactions if x.id_hash == txes_keys[1]]) == 0
        assert len([x for x in res.transactions if x.id_hash == txes_keys[3]]) == 0

        new_keys = list(txes.keys())
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_hashes()
        assert sorted(res.tx_hashes) == sorted(new_keys)

        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool()
        assert len(res.transactions) == len(new_keys)
        total_bytes = 0
        total_fee = 0
        min_bytes = 99999999999999
        max_bytes = 0
        for txid in new_keys:
            x = [x for x in res.transactions if x.id_hash == txid]
            assert len(x) == 1
            x = x[0]
            assert x.kept_by_block == False
            assert x.last_failed_id_hash == '0'*64
            assert x.double_spend_seen == False
            assert x.weight >= x.blob_size

            assert x.blob_size * 2 == len(txes[txid].tx_blob)
            assert x.fee == txes[txid].fee
            assert x.tx_blob == txes[txid].tx_blob

            total_bytes += x.blob_size
            total_fee += x.fee
            min_bytes = min(min_bytes, x.blob_size)
            max_bytes = max(max_bytes, x.blob_size)

        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_stats()
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_total == total_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_min == min_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_max == max_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.bytes_med >= min_bytes and res.pool_stats.bytes_med <= max_bytes
        assert res.pool_stats.fee_total == total_fee
        assert res.pool_stats.txs_total == len(new_keys)
        assert res.pool_stats.num_failing == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_10m == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_not_relayed == 0
        assert res.pool_stats.num_double_spends == 0

        print('Flushing unknown transactions')
        unknown_txids = ['1'*64, '2'*64, '3'*64]
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool()
        assert len(res.transactions) == txpool_size - 2

        print('Mining transactions')
        daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1)
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool()
        assert not 'transactions' in res or len(res.transactions) == txpool_size - 5
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_hashes()
        assert not 'tx_hashes' in res or len(res.tx_hashes) == 0


        print('Popping block')
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_hashes()
        assert sorted(res.tx_hashes) == sorted(new_keys)
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool()
        assert len(res.transactions) == txpool_size - 2
        for txid in new_keys:
            x = [x for x in res.transactions if x.id_hash == txid]
            assert len(x) == 1
            x = x[0]
            assert x.kept_by_block == True
            assert x.last_failed_id_hash == '0'*64
            assert x.double_spend_seen == False
            assert x.weight >= x.blob_size

            assert x.blob_size * 2 == len(txes[txid].tx_blob)
            assert x.fee == txes[txid].fee
            assert x.tx_blob == txes[txid].tx_blob

        print('Checking relaying txes')
        res = daemon.get_transaction_pool_hashes()
        assert len(res.tx_hashes) > 0
        txid = res.tx_hashes[0]
        res = daemon.get_transactions([txid])
        assert len(res.txs) == 1
        assert res.txs[0].tx_hash == txid
        assert res.txs[0].in_pool
        assert res.txs[0].relayed
