def heartBeat():
    while 1:
        ServiceConfig['plugins'] = loadAllPluginsConfig("plugins/")
        jsonStr = urllib2.quote(json.dumps(ServiceConfig))
        url = "http://" + ServiceConfig[
            'heartbeatserver'] + "/heartbeat?info=" + jsonStr
        page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        line =
        print line
    def GET(self, name):
        global gHeartbeatServices

        data = web.input()

        #if specified hosts, then will call remote hosts service
        if data.has_key("hosts"):

            web_hosts = data['hosts'].split(',')

            params = ""
            for key, value in data.items():
                if key == "hosts":
                params += key + "=" + urllib2.quote(
                    value.encode('utf-8')) + "&"
            params = params.rstrip("&")

            global_info = {}
            thread_pool = []
            for web_host in web_hosts:
                temp_arr = web_host.split(":")
                host = temp_arr[0]
                port = "9090"
                if len(temp_arr) == 2:
                    port = temp_arr[1]

                url = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + name + "?" + params

                t = threading.Thread(target=callRemoteService,
                                     args=(host, url, global_info))

            for t in thread_pool:

            return json.dumps(global_info)

        # if specified user and password, get the authority infomation for the plugins

        os.environ['USERINPUT'] = ""
        os.environ['USERGROUP'] = ""
        if data.has_key("user") and data.has_key("password"):
            (user, group, msg) = getUserAuth(data['user'], data['password'])
            if user == None:
                return msg
            del data['user']
            del data['password']
            os.environ['USERINPUT'] = user
            os.environ['USERGROUP'] = group

        if name == "query":  # query service
            self.__services[ServiceConfig['name']] = ServiceConfig
            ServiceConfig['plugins'] = loadAllPluginsConfig("plugins/")
            jsonStr = json.dumps(self.__services)
            if data.has_key("callback"):
                jsonStr = data['callback'] + "(" + jsonStr + ")"
            return jsonStr

        if name == "system":
            if not data.has_key("cmd"):
                return '{"status":"failed","ret_info":"need parameter cmd!!!"}'
            cmd = Shell(data["cmd"])
            ret_info = urllib2.quote(cmd.ret_info.encode('utf-8'))
            err_info = urllib2.quote(cmd.err_info.encode('utf-8'))
            return '{"status":"ok","ret_code":%d,"ret_info":"%s","err_info":"%s"}' % (
                cmd.ret_code, ret_info, err_info)

        if name == "heartbeat":  #heartbeat service
            if not data.has_key("info"):
                return '{"status":"fail", "msg":"no info pramaters!"}'
                serviceDict = json.loads(data['info'])
            except Exception, e:
                return '{"status":"fail", "msg":"info is not a json string:%s"}' % data[
            if not serviceDict.has_key('name'):
                return '{"status":"fail", "msg":"info must has a name key:%s"}' % data[
            serviceDict['updatetime'] = time.strftime(
                '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
            self.__services[serviceDict['name']] = serviceDict
            # record global service of heart beat. for monitor
            gHeartbeatServices[serviceDict['name']] = serviceDict
            print gHeartbeatServices
            return '{"status":"ok", "msg":"the service is updated"}'
 def loadAllPlugins(self, pluginsDir):
     configArrs = loadAllPluginsConfig(pluginsDir)
     for compConfig in configArrs:
         self.__plugins[compConfig['name']] = ServiceFactory(compConfig)