Beispiel #1
def create_section(path, parent_path=None, name='', title='', keywords='', description='', theme='', is_private=False, is_default=False, redirect_to='', new_window=False, force=False):
    path = path.replace('/', '-').replace(' ', '-').strip() if path else None
    parent_path = parent_path.replace('/', '-').replace(' ', '-').strip() if parent_path else None
    if not force and not can_path_exist(path, parent_path): return None

    if is_default:
            old_default = Section.query(Section.is_default == True).fetch(1)[0]
            pass # Probably no sections yet

    max_rank = 0
    for item, _ in get_children(parent_path):
        if item['rank'] <= max_rank: max_rank = item['rank'] + 1

    default_theme = configuration.default_theme()
    if not default_theme: default_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE
    if theme == default_theme: theme = ''

    section = Section(parent=section_key(path), path=path, parent_path=parent_path, rank=max_rank, name=name, title=title, keywords=keywords, description=description, theme=(theme if theme != template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE else ''), is_private=is_private, redirect_to=redirect_to, new_window=new_window, is_default=is_default)
    return section
Beispiel #2
    def view_themes_previewer(self, params=None):
        if not configuration.theme_preview_enabled(): return ''

        combined_themes = get_local_theme_namespaces(
        ) + get_custom_theme_namespaces()
        if self.section.handler and self.section.handler.request.get(
            selected_theme = self.section.handler.request.get(
        elif self.section.theme:
            selected_theme = self.section.theme
            selected_theme = configuration.default_theme()
            if not selected_theme:
                selected_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE

        f = form(self.section, self.section.full_path)
            selectcontrol(self.section, 'TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME',
                          combined_themes, selected_theme))
            control(self.section, 'submit', 'submit_themes_previewer',
                    'Preview theme'))

        return '<div class="content themes-previewer">%s</div>' % unicode(f)
Beispiel #3
def update_section(old, path, parent_path, name, title, keywords, description, theme, is_private, is_default, redirect_to, new_window):
    path = path.replace('/', '-').replace(' ', '-').strip() if path else None
    parent_path = parent_path.replace('/', '-').replace(' ', '-').strip() if parent_path else None

    default_theme = configuration.default_theme()
    if not default_theme: default_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE
    if theme == default_theme: theme = ''

    if old.is_default:
        # Cannot change the default page except if another page is promoted
        is_default = True
    elif not old.is_default and is_default:
        old_default = Section.query(Section.is_default == True).fetch(1)[0]
        if old_default.path != old.path:
            old_default.is_default = False

    can_path_exist(path, parent_path, old.path)

    if old.path != path:
        for child in Section.query(Section.parent_path == old.path).fetch():
            child.parent_path = path

        content.rename_section_paths(old.path, path)

        new = Section(parent=section_key(path), path=path, parent_path=parent_path, rank=old.rank, name=name, title=title, keywords=keywords, description=description, theme=theme, is_private=is_private, is_default=is_default, redirect_to=redirect_to, new_window=new_window)
        return new
    elif old.parent_path != parent_path:

        # Rerank old's siblings to account for its removal by pushing it to the end of the old sibling list
        update_section_rank(old, len(get_siblings(old.path)))

        # Make it the last of its new siblings
        max_rank = 0
        for item, _ in get_children(parent_path):
            if item['rank'] <= max_rank: max_rank = item['rank'] + 1
        old.rank = max_rank

    old.parent_path = parent_path = name
    old.title = title
    old.keywords = keywords
    old.description = description
    old.theme = theme
    old.is_private = is_private
    old.is_default = is_default
    old.redirect_to = redirect_to
    old.new_window = new_window
    return old
Beispiel #4
def get_section(handler, full_path):
    full_path = full_path.strip('/')
    path_parts = full_path.split('/')
    path = path_parts[0]
    path_namespace = path_parts[1] if len(path_parts) > 1 else None
    path_action = path_parts[2] if len(path_parts) > 2 else None
    path_params = path_parts[3:] if len(path_parts) > 3 else None
        if not path:
            section = Section.query(Section.is_default == True).fetch(1)[0]
            section = Section.query(ancestor=section_key(path)).fetch(1)[0]
        if section.is_default and path and not path_action:
            raise Exception('NotFound') # The default page with no action should only be accessible from root
        if not get_top_level():
            section = create_section(path=FIRST_RUN_HOME_PATH, name='Home', title='GAE-CMS', is_default=True, force=True)
            raise Exception('NotFound', path, path_action, path_params)

    section.handler = handler

    section.full_path = full_path
    section.action_redirect_path = '/' + (path if not section.is_default else '')
    section.path_namespace = path_namespace
    section.path_action = path_action
    section.path_params = path_params

    section.classes = ['yui3-skin-sam path-' + section.path]
    if path_namespace: section.classes.append('content-' + path_namespace)
    if path_action: section.classes.append('action-' + path_action)

    default_theme = configuration.default_theme()
    if not default_theme: default_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE
    section.theme_namespace, section.theme_template = (section.theme if section.theme else default_theme).split('/')

    section.yuicss = []
    section.themecss = []
    section.css = ['core.css']
    section.yuijs = []
    section.localthemejs = []
    section.js = []

    section.viewport_content = None
    section.mobile_ua = utils.mobile_ua(section)

    section.logout_url = users.create_logout_url('/' + section.path if not section.is_default else '')
    section.login_url = users.create_login_url('/' + section.path if not section.is_default else '')
    section.has_siblings = len(get_siblings(section.path)) > 1
    section.has_children = len(get_children(section.path)) > 0

    section.configuration = configuration.get_configuration()._to_dict()

    return section
Beispiel #5
    def get_theme_namespace_template(self):
        TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME = self.handler.request.get('TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME') if self.handler and self.handler.request.get('TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME') else None 
        DEFAULT_THEME = configuration.default_theme()

        if TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME and configuration.theme_preview_enabled():
            theme_namespace_template = TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME
        elif not self.theme and not DEFAULT_THEME:
            theme_namespace_template = DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE
        elif not self.theme:
            theme_namespace_template = DEFAULT_THEME
            theme_namespace_template = self.theme
        return theme_namespace_template
Beispiel #6
    def view_themes_previewer(self, params=None):
        if not configuration.theme_preview_enabled(): return ''

        combined_themes = get_local_theme_namespaces() + get_custom_theme_namespaces()
        if self.section.handler and self.section.handler.request.get('submit_themes_previewer'):
            selected_theme = self.section.handler.request.get('TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME')
        elif self.section.theme:
            selected_theme = self.section.theme
            selected_theme = configuration.default_theme()
            if not selected_theme: selected_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE

        f = form(self.section, self.section.full_path)
        f.add_control(selectcontrol(self.section, 'TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_THEME', combined_themes, selected_theme))
        f.add_control(control(self.section, 'submit', 'submit_themes_previewer', 'Preview theme'))

        return '<div class="content themes-previewer">%s</div>' % unicode(f)
Beispiel #7
def get_form(s, path, parent_path, name=None, title=None, keywords=None, description=None, theme=None, is_private=False, is_default=False, redirect_to=None, new_window=False):
    f = form(s, s.full_path)
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'path', path, 'Path'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'parent_path', parent_path if parent_path else '', 'Parent path'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'name', name if name else '', 'Name', 30))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'title', title if title else '', 'Title', 60))
    f.add_control(textareacontrol(s, 'keywords', keywords if keywords else '', 'Keywords', 60, 5))
    f.add_control(textareacontrol(s, 'description', description if description else '', 'Description', 60, 5))
    combined_themes = get_local_theme_namespaces() + get_custom_theme_namespaces()
    default_theme = configuration.default_theme()
    if not default_theme: default_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE
    f.add_control(selectcontrol(s, 'theme', combined_themes, theme if theme else default_theme, 'Theme'))
    f.add_control(checkboxcontrol(s, 'is_private', is_private, 'Is private'))
    if not is_default: f.add_control(checkboxcontrol(s, 'is_default', is_default, 'Is default'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'redirect_to', redirect_to if redirect_to else '', 'Redirect to', 60))
    f.add_control(checkboxcontrol(s, 'new_window', new_window, 'New window'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'submit', 'submit'))
    return unicode(f)
Beispiel #8
def get_form(s, path, parent_path, name=None, title=None, keywords=None, description=None, theme=None, is_private=False, is_default=False, redirect_to=None, new_window=False):
    f = form(s, s.full_path)
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'path', path, 'Path'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'parent_path', parent_path if parent_path else '', 'Parent path'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'name', name if name else '', 'Name', 30))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'title', title if title else '', 'Title', 60))
    f.add_control(textareacontrol(s, 'keywords', keywords if keywords else '', 'Keywords', 60, 5))
    f.add_control(textareacontrol(s, 'description', description if description else '', 'Description', 60, 5))
    combined_themes = get_local_theme_namespaces() + get_custom_theme_namespaces()
    default_theme = configuration.default_theme()
    if not default_theme: default_theme = template.DEFAULT_LOCAL_THEME_TEMPLATE
    f.add_control(selectcontrol(s, 'theme', combined_themes, theme if theme else default_theme, 'Theme'))
    f.add_control(checkboxcontrol(s, 'is_private', is_private, 'Is private'))
    if not is_default: f.add_control(checkboxcontrol(s, 'is_default', is_default, 'Is default'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'text', 'redirect_to', redirect_to if redirect_to else '', 'Redirect to', 60))
    f.add_control(checkboxcontrol(s, 'new_window', new_window, 'New window'))
    f.add_control(control(s, 'submit', 'submit'))
    return unicode(f)