def remove_file(device, device_file_path):
    Removes file from attached Android device.

    :param device: string, unique identifier of device (optional, by default connected device).
    :param device_file_path: string, path to file that should be removed.
    command = "adb -s " + device + " shell rm -f " + device_file_path
def enter_text(device, text):
    Enters given text on the device.

    :param device: string, Device identifier.
    :param text: string, Text to enter.
    command = "adb -s {0} shell input text {1}".format(device, text)
def _grant_permissions_to_change_config(device, package):
    Grants CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permissions for the given application specified by package.

    :param device: string, device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param package: string, application package, e.g. "".
    command = "adb -s " + device + " shell pm grant " + package + " android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"
def _send_key_event(device, keycode):
    Sends given key event onto the device.

    :param device: string, Device identifier to send key event to, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param keycode: string Key code to send, e.g. "KEYCODE_ENDCALL" or "6".
    command = "adb -s {0} shell input keyevent {1}".format(device, keycode)
Beispiel #5
def uninstall_app(device, package):
    Uninstalls given application by its package name.

    :param device: device identifier, e.g. "a4f9c477beb3096b8fbb86b58c23026d3da7756e".
    :param package: string, package name, e.g "".
    command = "ideviceinstaller -u " + device + " -U " + package
def _open_wifi_settings(device):
    Opens WiFi settings screen.

    :param device: string, device identifier where to open WiFi settings.
    command = "adb -s {0} shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n" \
def _open_google_play_for_app(device, package):
    Opens Google Play to install the given application.

    :param device: string, device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param package: string, application package, e.g. "".
    command = "adb -s " + device + " shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d market://details?id=" + package
def _open_data_usage_settings(device):
    Opens Data Usage screen.

    :param device: string, device identifier.
    command = 'adb -s {0} shell am start -n\"\$\"DataUsageSummaryActivity'\
def start_app(device, package):
    Launches application by the given package name and puts this to foreground.

    :param device: device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param package: package name (e.g.
    command = "adb -s " + device + " shell am start -n " + package
def uninstall_app(device, package):
    Uninstalls given application by its package name.

    :param device: device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param package: package name (e.g.
    command = "adb -s " + device + " uninstall " + package
Beispiel #11
def install_app(device, path):
    Installs the application onto the given device. If not app is given, installs the very latest app from ~/Downloads.

    :param device: device identifier, e.g. "860850006baba72f031cf22a333ba36d65239b61".
    :param path: absolute path to .ipa file.
    command = "ideviceinstaller -u {0} -g {1}".format(device, path)"Installing '{0}' onto device '{1}'...".format(path, device))
def download_file(device, device_file_path, target_file_path):
    Downloads file from attached Android device.

    :param device: string, unique identifier of device (optional, by default connected device).
    :param device_file_path: string, path to file that should be downloaded.
    :param target_file_path: path where to save the downloaded file.
    command = "adb -s " + device + " pull " + device_file_path + " " + target_file_path
Beispiel #13
def take_screenshot(device, target_dir, screenshot_name):
    Takes screenshot in .png format from attached iOS device.

    :param device: device identifier (e.g. "TA9890AMTG").
    :param target_dir: string, directory where to save screenshot.
    :param screenshot_name: string, screenshot name.
    command = "idevicescreenshot -u " + device + " " + os.path.join(
        target_dir, screenshot_name)
Beispiel #14
def get_log(device):
    Gets log file from device.

    :param device: device identifier (e.g. "TA9890AMTG").
    file_name = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + ".txt"
    target_dir = os.getcwd()
    log_path = os.path.join(target_dir, file_name)
    get_log_command = "idevicesyslog -u {0}".format(device)"Logging in progress to '" + log_path +
             "'... To finish press Ctrl+C")
    console.execute(get_log_command, False, log_path)
    return log_path
def get_locale(device):
    Returns current locale for device.

    :param device: string, device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :returns locale: string, locale set on the device, e.g. "en-US".
    language_command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop persist.sys.language".format(
    country_command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop".format(
    language = console.execute(language_command).rstrip()
    country = console.execute(country_command).rstrip()
    return language + "-" + country
def take_screenshot(device, target_dir, screenshot_name):
    Takes screenshot from attached Android device and saves this in specified folder.

    :param device: device identifier (e.g. "TA9890AMTG").
    :param target_dir: string, directory where to save screenshot.
    :param screenshot_name: string, screenshot name.
    device_path = os.path.join("/sdcard/", screenshot_name)
    command = "adb -s " + device + " shell screencap -p " + device_path
    local_file = os.path.join(target_dir, screenshot_name)
    download_file(device, device_path, local_file)
    remove_file(device, device_path)
def install_app(device, app):
    Installs the application onto the given device. If no app is given, installs the very latest app from ~/Downloads.

    :param device: device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param app: apk package name, e.g. "calc.apk".
    downloads_path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/Downloads/"
    template = "*.apk"
    newest_apk = max(glob.iglob(downloads_path + template),
    command = 'adb -s {0} install -r {1}{2}'.format(
        device, "" if get_sdk_version(device) < "17" else "-d ", newest_apk)"Installing '{0}' onto device '{1}'...".format(
        newest_apk, device))
def get_resolution(device):
    Returns display resolution for the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its resolution.
    :returns string: Device resolution, e.g. "1080x1920".
    command1 = "adb -s {0} shell wm size".format(device)
    command2 = "adb -s {0} shell dumpsys window".format(device)
    regex = "\d{3,}x\d{3,}"
    stdout1 = console.execute(command1)
    stdout2 = console.execute(command2)
    matches1 = re.findall(regex, stdout1)
    matches2 = re.findall(regex, stdout2)
    return matches1[0].lstrip() if matches1 else matches2[0].lstrip(
    ) if matches2 else None
Beispiel #19
def get_device_model(device):
    :param device: string, Device identifier.
    :returns string: Device model, e.g. "Motorola X2".
    command = "ideviceinfo -u {0} -k ProductType".format(device)
    device_type = console.execute(command)
    return get_product_name(device_type)
def get_ip_address(device):
    Returns network IP address used by the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its IP address.
    :returns string: IP address, e.g. "".
    command1 = "adb -s {0} shell ifconfig".format(device)
    command2 = "adb -s {0} shell netcfg".format(device)
    regex1 = "(?<=inet addr:)\d[^2]\d*\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}"
    regex2 = "(?<=wlan0\s{4}UP)\s+[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}"
    stdout1 = console.execute(command1)
    stdout2 = console.execute(command2)
    matches1 = re.findall(regex1, stdout1)
    matches2 = re.findall(regex2, stdout2)
    return matches1[0].lstrip() if matches1 else matches2[0].lstrip(
    ) if matches2 else None
def record_video(device, duration=180, bitrate=8000000):
    Records video from attached Android device.

    :param device: string, device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param duration: int, maximum duration for video, seconds.
    :param bitrate: int, video bit-rate, megabits per second.
    :returns string, recorded video file path on the device.
    file_name = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + ".mp4"
    device_path = os.path.join("/sdcard/", file_name)
    command = "/usr/local/bin/adb -s " + device + " shell screenrecord --time-limit " + \
              str(duration) + " --bit-rate " + str(bitrate) + " " + device_path"Recording in progress... To finish press Ctrl+C")
    return device_path
Beispiel #22
def get_time(device):
    Returns current device time.

    :param device: device identifier (e.g. "TA9890AMTG").
    command = "idevicedate -u " + device
    stdout = console.execute(command)
    return stdout
def get_sdk_version(device):
    Returns Android SDK version supported by the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its SDK version.
    :returns string: SDK version, e.g. "19".
    command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)
def get_device_model(device):
    Returns device model for the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its model.
    :returns string: Device model name, e.g. "Nexus 5".
    command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop ro.product.model".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)
def set_locale(device, locale):
    Sets locale on device.

    :param device: string, device identifier, e.g. "TA9890AMTG".
    :param locale: string, locale to set on the device, e.g. "en-US".
    adbchangelanguage = "net.sanapeli.adbchangelanguage"

    language, country = string.split(locale, "-")
    command = "adb -s " + device + " shell am start -n net.sanapeli.adbchangelanguage/.AdbChangeLanguage " + \
              "-e language " + language + " -e country " + country
    if not _is_app_installed(device, adbchangelanguage):
        _open_google_play_for_app(device, adbchangelanguage)
        console.prompt("Please install adbchangelanguage then press Enter: ")
    _grant_permissions_to_change_config(device, adbchangelanguage)
def get_language(device):
    Returns current language set on the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its language.
    :returns string: Device language, e.g. "en".
    command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop persist.sys.language".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)
def _get_wifi_state(device):
    Returns current WiFi state - enabled or not (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled).

    :param device: device identifier where to get WiFi state.
    :return string: WiFi state.
    command = "adb -s {0} shell settings get global wifi_on".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)
def get_country(device):
    Returns current country set on the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its country.
    :returns string: Device country, e.g. "US".
    command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)
def get_manufacturer(device):
    Returns manufacturer for the given device.

    :param device: Device to get its manufacturer.
    :returns string: device manufacturer, e.g. "motorola".
    command = "adb -s {0} shell getprop ro.product.manufacturer".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)
def _get_cellular_data_state(device):
    Returns current WiFi state - enabled or not (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled).

    :param device: device identifier where to get Cellular Data state.
    :return string: Cellular Data state.
    command = "adb -s {0} shell settings get global mobile_data".format(device)
    return console.execute(command)