def test_operator_dispatch_2(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test Interpreter: handling of operators with unknown Float values.'
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import Interpreter, IFloat, istype
    from freeode.ast import (NodeOpInfix2, NodeOpPrefix1, NodeFuncCall, 
    from freeode.util import func #, aa_make_tree

    intp = Interpreter()
    val_2 = IFloat()
    val_2.__siml_role__ = RoleVariable
    val_3 = IFloat()
    val_3.__siml_role__ = RoleVariable
    op_sub = NodeOpInfix2('-', [val_2, val_3])
    res = intp.eval(op_sub)
    print res
    assert isinstance(res, NodeFuncCall)
    assert res.function is func(IFloat.__sub__)
    assert istype(res, IFloat)
    op_neg = NodeOpPrefix1('-', [val_2])
    res = intp.eval(op_neg)
    print res
    assert isinstance(res, NodeFuncCall)
    assert res.function is func(IFloat.__neg__)
    assert istype(res, IFloat)
def test_operator_dispatch_1(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test Interpreter: handling of operators with known Float values.'
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (IFloat, Interpreter)
    from freeode.ast import NodeOpInfix2, NodeOpPrefix1
    intp = Interpreter()
    val_2 = IFloat(2)
    val_3 = IFloat(3)
    op_sub = NodeOpInfix2('-', [val_2, val_3])
    res = intp.eval(op_sub)
    print res
    assert res.value == -1 
    op_neg = NodeOpPrefix1('-', [val_2])
    res = intp.eval(op_neg)
    print res
    assert res.value == -2 
def test_function_call_unknown_arguments_1(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test expression evaluation (calling built in functions), unknown arguments'
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (IModule, ExecutionEnvironment, 
                                     Interpreter, signature, 
                                     IFloat, RoleVariable, istype, test_allknown)
    from freeode.ast import NodeFuncCall, NodeIdentifier
    from freeode.util import aa_make_tree
    import math
    #create module where the function lives
    mod = IModule()
    #create sqrt function that can be called from Siml
    @signature([IFloat], IFloat)
    def sqrt(x): 
        return IFloat(math.sqrt(x.value))
    #put function into module
    mod.sqrt = sqrt
    print 'Module where function is located: --------------------------------------------'
    #print aa_make_tree(mod)
    #create environment for lookup of variables (stack frame)
    env = ExecutionEnvironment()
    env.global_scope = mod
    #create visitor for evaluating the expression
    intp = Interpreter()
    #create a Siml value as function argument
    val_1 = IFloat()    
    val_1.__siml_role__ = RoleVariable
    #create function call with unkown argument
    call = NodeFuncCall(NodeIdentifier('sqrt'), [val_1], {})
    #evaluate the function call
    ret_val = intp.eval(call)
    print 'Result object: --------------------------------------------------------------'
    print aa_make_tree(ret_val)
    #evaluating a function call with unknown arguments must return a function call
    assert isinstance(ret_val, NodeFuncCall)
    assert istype(ret_val, IFloat)
def test_expression_evaluation_5(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = \
    Test expression evaluation (returning of partially evaluated expression 
    when accessing variables)
    print msg

    from freeode.ast import RoleVariable, NodeFuncCall
    from freeode.interpreter import (IModule, IFloat, ExecutionEnvironment, 
                                     Interpreter, istype)
    import freeode.simlparser as simlparser
    from freeode.util import func #, aa_make_tree
    #parse the expression
    ps = simlparser.Parser()
    ex = ps.parseExpressionStr('a + 2*2')
#    print
#    print 'AST (parser output): -----------------------------------------------------------'
#    print aa_make_tree(ex)
    #create module where name lives
    mod = IModule()
    #create attribute 'a' with no value
    val_2 = IFloat()
    val_2.__siml_role__ = RoleVariable
    mod.a = val_2
#    print
#    print 'Module where variable is located: --------------------------------------------'
#    print aa_make_tree(mod)
    #create environment for lookup of variables (stack frame)
    env = ExecutionEnvironment()
    env.global_scope = mod
    #interpret the expression
    intp = Interpreter()
    intp.environment = env
    res = intp.eval(ex)
#    print
#    print 'Result object - should be an unevaluated expression: --------------------------------------------------------------'
#    print aa_make_tree(res)
    assert isinstance(res, NodeFuncCall)
    assert res.function is func(IFloat.__add__)
    assert istype(res, IFloat)
def test_expression_evaluation_4(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test expression evaluation (calling built in functions)'
    print msg

    from freeode.interpreter import (IModule, ExecutionEnvironment,
                                     Interpreter, signature, IFloat)
    from freeode.util import aa_make_tree
    import freeode.simlparser as simlparser
    import math
    #parse the expression
    ps = simlparser.Parser()
    ex = ps.parseExpressionStr('sqrt(2)')
    print 'AST (parser output): -----------------------------------------------'
    #print aa_make_tree(ex) 
    #create module where names live
    mod = IModule()
    #create sqrt function that can be called from Siml
    @signature([IFloat], IFloat)
    def sqrt(x): 
        return IFloat(math.sqrt(x.value))
    #put function into module
    mod.sqrt = sqrt
    print 'Module where function is located: ----------------------------------'
    #print aa_make_tree(mod) 
    #create environment for lookup of variables (stack frame)
    env = ExecutionEnvironment()
    env.global_scope = mod
    #create visitor for evaluating the expression
    intp = Interpreter()
    #evaluate the expression
    res = intp.eval(ex)
    print 'Result object: -----------------------------------------------------'
    print aa_make_tree(res)  
    assert res.value == math.sqrt(2)
def test_function_call_unknown_arguments_2(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test Interpreter: call real library function with unknown argument'
    print msg

    from freeode.interpreter import Interpreter, IFloat, istype
    from freeode.ast import NodeFuncCall, NodeIdentifier, RoleVariable

    #create the interpreter
    intp = Interpreter()    #IGNORE:W0612
    #create a Siml value as function argument
    val_1 = IFloat()  
    val_1.__siml_role__ = RoleVariable  

    #create function call with unkown argument
    call = NodeFuncCall(NodeIdentifier('sqrt'), [val_1], {})
    #interpret call
    ret_val = intp.eval(call)
    #evaluating a function call with unknown arguments must return a function call
    assert isinstance(ret_val, NodeFuncCall)
    assert istype(ret_val, IFloat)
def test_expression_evaluation_2(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test expression evaluation, all operators and brackets (only immediate values)'
    print msg

    from freeode.interpreter import Interpreter
    import freeode.simlparser as simlparser
    #parse the expression
    ps = simlparser.Parser()
    ex = ps.parseExpressionStr('(((0-1+2)*3--1)/4)**5*(-1+2*--1**4)%6')
    print 'AST (parser output): -----------------------------------------------------------'
    #print ex
    #interpret the expression
    intp = Interpreter()
    res = intp.eval(ex)
    print 'Result object: --------------------------------------------------------------'
    #print res 
    assert res.value == 1
def test_expression_evaluation_1(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test expression evaluation (only immediate values)'
    print msg

    from freeode.interpreter import Interpreter
    import freeode.simlparser as simlparser
    #parse the expression
    ps = simlparser.Parser()
    ex = ps.parseExpressionStr('0+1*2')
#    print
#    print 'AST (parser output): -----------------------------------------------------------'
#    print ex
    #interpret the expression
    intp = Interpreter()
    res = intp.eval(ex)
#    print
#    print 'Result object: --------------------------------------------------------------'
#    print res 
    assert res.value == 2.0
def test_expression_evaluation_3(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = 'Test expression evaluation (access to variables)'
    print msg

    from freeode.interpreter import (IModule, IFloat,  
                                     Interpreter, ExecutionEnvironment)
    import freeode.simlparser as simlparser
    #parse the expression
    ps = simlparser.Parser()
    ex = ps.parseExpressionStr('1 + a * 2')
    print 'AST (parser output): -----------------------------------------------------------'
    print ex
    #create module where name lives
    mod = IModule()
    val_2 = IFloat(2.0)
    mod.a = val_2
    print 'Module where variable is located: --------------------------------------------'
    print mod
    #create environment for lookup of variables (stack frame)
    env = ExecutionEnvironment()
    env.global_scope = mod
    #interpret the expression
    intp = Interpreter()
    res = intp.eval(ex)
    print 'Result object: --------------------------------------------------------------'
    print res 
    assert res.value == 5.0