Beispiel #1
 def shade(self, stroke):
     for i in range(1, self._nbIter):
         it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
         while not it.is_end:
             v = it.object
             p1 = v.point
             p2 = self._normalInfo(Interface0DIterator(
                 it)) * self._lambda * self._curvatureInfo(
             v.point = p1 + p2
Beispiel #2
def normal_at_I0D(it: Interface0DIterator) -> Vector:
    """Normal at an Interface0D object. In contrast to Normal2DF0D this
       function uses the actual data instead of underlying Fedge objects.
    if it.at_last and it.is_begin:
        # corner-case
        return Vector((0, 0))
    elif it.at_last:
        a, b = it.object, next(it)
    elif it.is_begin:
        a, b = it.object, next(it)
        # give iterator back in original state
    elif it.is_end:
        # just fail hard: this shouldn not happen
        raise StopIteration()
        # this case sometimes has a small difference with Normal2DF0D (1e-3 -ish)
        a = it.object
        curr, b = next(it), next(it)
        # give iterator back in original state
    return (b.point - a.point).orthogonal().normalized()
Beispiel #3
def normal_at_I0D(it: Interface0DIterator) -> Vector:
    """Normal at an Interface0D object. In contrast to Normal2DF0D this
       function uses the actual data instead of underlying Fedge objects.
    if it.at_last and it.is_begin:
        # corner-case
        return Vector((0, 0))
    elif it.at_last:
        a, b = it.object, next(it)
    elif it.is_begin:
        a, b = it.object, next(it)
        # give iterator back in original state
    elif it.is_end:
        # just fail hard: this shouldn not happen
        raise StopIteration()
        # this case sometimes has a small difference with Normal2DF0D (1e-3 -ish)
        a = it.object
        curr, b = next(it), next(it)
        # give iterator back in original state
    return (b.point - a.point).orthogonal().normalized()
Beispiel #4
 def shade(self, stroke):
     for i in range(1, self._nbIter):
         it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
         for svert in it:
             svert.point += self._normalInfo(
                 it) * self._lambda * self._curvatureInfo(it)
Beispiel #5
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
     for svert in it:
         normal = self._getNormal(it)
         a = self._a * (1 - 2 * (abs(svert.u - 0.5)))
         n = normal * a * cos(self._f * svert.u * 6.28)
         svert.point += n
Beispiel #6
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
     while not it.is_end:
         toto = Interface0DIterator(it)
         att = it.object.attribute
         att.color = (0.3, 0.4, 0.4)
         att.thickness = (0, 5)
Beispiel #7
 def shade(self, stroke):
     func = Curvature2DAngleF0D()
     it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
     for svert in it:
         c = func(it)
         if c < 0 and
             print("py2DCurvatureColorShader: negative 2D curvature")
         color = 10.0 * c / pi
         svert.attribute.color = (color, color, color)
Beispiel #8
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
     z_min = 1
     z_max = 0
     while not it.is_end:
         z = self.__func(Interface0DIterator(it))
         if z < z_min:
             z_min = z
         if z > z_max:
             z_max = z
     z_diff = 1 / (z_max - z_min)
     it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
     while not it.is_end:
         z = (self.__func(Interface0DIterator(it)) - z_min) * z_diff
         thickness = (1 - z) * self.__max + z * self.__min
         it.object.attribute.thickness = (thickness, thickness)
Beispiel #9
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
     func = Curvature2DAngleF0D()
     while not it.is_end:
         c = func(Interface0DIterator(it))
         if c < 0:
             print("negative 2D curvature")
         color = 10.0 * c / 3.1415
         it.object.attribute.color = (color, color, color)
Beispiel #10
    def shade(self, stroke):
        it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
        delta_threshold = self.threshold_max - self.threshold_min
        delta_thickness = self._thicknessMax - self._thicknessMin

        for svert in it:
            c = self._func(it)
            c = bound(self.threshold_min, c, self.threshold_max)
            t = (self.threshold_max - c) / delta_threshold * delta_thickness + self._thicknessMin
            svert.attribute.thickness = (t / 2.0, t / 2.0)
Beispiel #11
    def shade(self, stroke):
        it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
        z_indices = tuple(self.func(it) for _ in it)
        z_min, z_max = min(1, *z_indices), max(0, *z_indices)
        z_diff = 1 / (z_max - z_min)

        for svert, z_index in zip(stroke, z_indices):
            z = (z_index - z_min) * z_diff
            thickness = (1 - z) * self.__max + z * self.__min
            svert.attribute.thickness = (thickness, thickness)
Beispiel #12
 def shade(self, stroke):
     z_min = 0.0
     z_max = 1.0
     a = (self.__max - self.__min) / (z_max - z_min)
     b = (self.__min * z_max - self.__max * z_min) / (z_max - z_min)
     it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
     while not it.is_end:
         z = self.__func(Interface0DIterator(it))
         thickness = a * z + b
         it.object.attribute.thickness = (thickness, thickness)
Beispiel #13
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
     for svert in it:
         dir = self.func(it)
         if dir.length != 0.0:
             fac = abs(dir.orthogonal() * self.orientation)
             b = self.thickness.min + fac *
             b = self.thickness.min
         self.blend_thickness(svert, b)
Beispiel #14
    def shade(self, stroke):
        it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
        func = MaterialF0D()
        xn = 0.312713
        yn = 0.329016
        Yn = 1.0
        un = 4. * xn / (-2. * xn + 12. * yn + 3.)
        vn = 9. * yn / (-2. * xn + 12. * yn + 3.)
        while not it.is_end:
            mat = func(Interface0DIterator(it))

            r = mat.diffuse[0]
            g = mat.diffuse[1]
            b = mat.diffuse[2]

            X = 0.412453 * r + 0.35758 * g + 0.180423 * b
            Y = 0.212671 * r + 0.71516 * g + 0.072169 * b
            Z = 0.019334 * r + 0.119193 * g + 0.950227 * b

            if (X, Y, Z) == (0, 0, 0):
                X = 0.01
                Y = 0.01
                Z = 0.01
            u = 4. * X / (X + 15. * Y + 3. * Z)
            v = 9. * Y / (X + 15. * Y + 3. * Z)

            L = 116. * pow((Y / Yn), (1. / 3.)) - 16
            U = 13. * L * (u - un)
            V = 13. * L * (v - vn)

            if L > self._threshold:
                L = L / 1.3
                U = U + 10
                L = L + 2.5 * (100 - L) / 5.
                U = U / 3.0
                V = V / 3.0
            u = U / (13. * L) + un
            v = V / (13. * L) + vn

            Y = Yn * pow(((L + 16.) / 116.), 3.)
            X = -9.0 * Y * u / ((u - 4.0) * v - u * v)
            Z = (9.0 * Y - 15.0 * v * Y - v * X) / (3.0 * v)

            r = 3.240479 * X - 1.53715 * Y - 0.498535 * Z
            g = -0.969256 * X + 1.875991 * Y + 0.041556 * Z
            b = 0.055648 * X - 0.204043 * Y + 1.057311 * Z

            r = max(0, r)
            g = max(0, g)
            b = max(0, b)

            it.object.attribute.color = (r, g, b)
Beispiel #15
    def shade(self, stroke):
        xn = 0.312713
        yn = 0.329016
        Yn = 1.0
        un = 4.0 * xn / (-2.0 * xn + 12.0 * yn + 3.0)
        vn = 9.0 * yn / (-2.0 * xn + 12.0 * yn + 3.0)

        it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
        for svert in it:
            mat = self._func(it)

            r, g, b, *_ = mat.diffuse

            X = 0.412453 * r + 0.35758 * g + 0.180423 * b
            Y = 0.212671 * r + 0.71516 * g + 0.072169 * b
            Z = 0.019334 * r + 0.11919 * g + 0.950227 * b

            if not any((X, Y, Z)):
                X = Y = Z = 0.01

            u = 4.0 * X / (X + 15.0 * Y + 3.0 * Z)
            v = 9.0 * Y / (X + 15.0 * Y + 3.0 * Z)

            L = 116. * pow((Y / Yn), (1. / 3.)) - 16
            U = 13. * L * (u - un)
            V = 13. * L * (v - vn)

            if L > self._threshold:
                L /= 1.3
                U += 10.
                L = L + 2.5 * (100 - L) * 0.2
                U /= 3.0
                V /= 3.0

            u = U / (13.0 * L) + un
            v = V / (13.0 * L) + vn

            Y = Yn * pow(((L + 16.) / 116.), 3.)
            X = -9. * Y * u / ((u - 4.) * v - u * v)
            Z = (9. * Y - 15 * v * Y - v * X) / (3. * v)

            r = 3.240479 * X - 1.53715 * Y - 0.498535 * Z
            g = -0.969256 * X + 1.875991 * Y + 0.041556 * Z
            b = 0.055648 * X - 0.204043 * Y + 1.057311 * Z

            r = max(0, r)
            g = max(0, g)
            b = max(0, b)

            svert.attribute.color = (r, g, b)
 def shade(self, stroke, func=GetShapeF1D(), curvemat=CurveMaterialF0D()):
     shape = func(stroke)[0].id.first
     item = self.shape_map.get(shape)
     if len(stroke) > 2:
         if item is not None:
             # the shape is not yet present, let's create it.
             material = curvemat(Interface0DIterator(stroke))
             *color, alpha = material.diffuse
             self.shape_map[shape] = ([stroke], color, alpha)
     # make the strokes of the second drawing invisible
     for v in stroke:
         v.attribute.visible = False
Beispiel #17
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
     while not it.is_end:
         v = it.object
         n = self._getNormal(Interface0DIterator(it))
         p = v.point
         u = v.u
         a = self._a * (1 - 2 * (abs(u - 0.5)))
         n = n * a * cos(self._f * u * 6.28)
         #print(n.x, n.y)
         v.point = p + n
         #v.point = v.point+n*a*cos(f*v.u)
Beispiel #18
    def shade(self, stroke):
        n = stroke.stroke_vertices_size()
        i = 0
        it = stroke.stroke_vertices_begin()
        func = DensityF0D(self.wsize)
        while not it.is_end:
            c = func(Interface0DIterator(it))
            if c < self.threshold_min:
                c = self.threshold_min
            if c > self.threshold_max:
                c = self.threshold_max
##          t = (c - self.threshold_min)/(self.threshold_max - self.threshold_min)*(self._thicknessMax-self._thicknessMin) + self._thicknessMin
            t = (self.threshold_max - c  )/(self.threshold_max - self.threshold_min)*(self._thicknessMax-self._thicknessMin) + self._thicknessMin
            it.object.attribute.thickness = (t/2.0, t/2.0)
            i = i+1
Beispiel #19
 def shade(self, stroke, attributes={'DIFF', 'SPEC', 'LINE'}):
     it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
     if not self.use_ramp and self.attribute in attributes:
         for svert in it:
             material = self.func(it)
             if self.attribute == 'LINE':
                 b = material.line[0:3] 
             elif self.attribute == 'DIFF':
                 b = material.diffuse[0:3]
                 b = material.specular[0:3]
             a = svert.attribute.color
             svert.attribute.color = self.blend_ramp(a, b)
         for svert, value in iter_material_value(stroke, self.func, self.attribute):
             a = svert.attribute.color
             b = self.evaluate(value)
             svert.attribute.color = self.blend_ramp(a, b)
Beispiel #20
def iter_material_value(stroke, func, attribute):
    """Yields a specific material attribute from the vertex' underlying material."""
    it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
    for svert in it:
        material = func(it)
        # main
        if attribute == 'LINE':
            value = rgb_to_bw(*material.line[0:3])
        elif attribute == 'DIFF':
            value = rgb_to_bw(*material.diffuse[0:3])
        elif attribute == 'SPEC':
            value = rgb_to_bw(*material.specular[0:3])
        # line separate
        elif attribute == 'LINE_R':
            value = material.line[0]
        elif attribute == 'LINE_G':
            value = material.line[1]
        elif attribute == 'LINE_B':
            value = material.line[2]
        elif attribute == 'LINE_A':
            value = material.line[3]
        # diffuse separate
        elif attribute == 'DIFF_R':
            value = material.diffuse[0]
        elif attribute == 'DIFF_G':
            value = material.diffuse[1]
        elif attribute == 'DIFF_B':
            value = material.diffuse[2]
        elif attribute == 'ALPHA':
            value = material.diffuse[3]
        # specular separate
        elif attribute == 'SPEC_R':
            value = material.specular[0]
        elif attribute == 'SPEC_G':
            value = material.specular[1]
        elif attribute == 'SPEC_B':
            value = material.specular[2]
        elif attribute == 'SPEC_HARDNESS':
            value = material.shininess
            raise ValueError("unexpected material attribute: " + attribute)
        yield (svert, value)
Beispiel #21
def diffuse_from_stroke(stroke, curvemat=CurveMaterialF0D()):
    material = curvemat(Interface0DIterator(stroke))
    return material.diffuse
Beispiel #22
 def __call__(self, inter):
     it = Interface0DIterator(inter)
     # sum the turns, check against n
     return sum(1 for _ in it if self.func(it) > self._a) > self._n
Beispiel #23
 def shade(self, stroke):
     it = Interface0DIterator(stroke)
     for svert in it:
         z = self.func(it)
         thickness = self.a * z + self.b
         svert.attribute.thickness = (thickness, thickness)