Beispiel #1
    def encodeStatJson(self, fileNM, data):
        rc = -1
            dict = json.loads('{}')
            dict['DEV_ID'] = data[0]
            dict['MODE'] = data[1]
            dict['ALARM'] = data[2]
            dict['TEMP'] = data[3]
            dict['HUMI'] = data[4]
            dict['MOIST'] = data[5]
            dict['COND'] = data[6]
            dict['CDS'] = data[7]
            dict['BATTERY'] = data[8]
            dict['REMOTE'] = data[9]
            dict['LIGHT'] = data[10]
            dict['PUMP'] = data[11]
            dict['FAN'] = data[12]
            dict['HEATER'] = data[13]
            dict['LASTUPDT'] = data[14]
            dict['TEAMVIEWER'] = data[15]
            dict['LOCAL_IP'] = GLOB.get_ip_address()

            print(json.dumps(dict, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t"))
            with open(fileNM, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as make_file:
                json.dump(dict, make_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t")
            print("out values [%s,%s,%s,%s,%s]" %
                  (data[9], data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13]))
            rc = 0
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.writeLn("[ERROR]: %s" % e)
        return rc
Beispiel #2
def makeJson():
    data = {}
    data['DEV_ID'] = mProduct_id
    data['VERSION'] = mVersion
    data['INTERVAL'] = mInterval_sec
    data['RES_X'] = mResolution_x
    data['RES_Y'] = mResolution_y
    data['ROTATION'] = mRotation
    data['START_TIME'] = mStart_time
    data['END_TIME'] = mEnd_time
    data['DAY_COUNT'] = mCount
    data['LOCAL_IP'] = GLOB.get_ip_address()

    LOG.writeLn('json file save:%s' % COM.gJsonDir + 'device.json')
    with open(COM.gJsonDir + 'device.json', 'w',
              encoding='utf-8') as make_file:
        json.dump(data, make_file, indent="\t")