def prep_filesystem(fs_name): if fs_name == 'OSFS': with make_temp_dir() as tmp: local = OSFS(tmp) yield local local.close() elif fs_name == 'S3FS': m = moto.mock_s3() m.start() try: s3 = S3FS('test-bucket', aws_access_key='MY_KEY', aws_secret_key='MY_SECRET_KEY') yield s3 s3.close() finally: m.stop()
def copy_wiki(): ws = OSFS('wiki-small') for file in ws.walkfiles(): print(file) copyfile('wiki-small%s' % file, 'htmls/%s' % file[file.rfind('/') + 1:]) ws.close()
def dir_sim(dirp, randombits, bits): """ Finds the similarity between documents of the same extension contained in the given directory path. If we are using random bits i.e md5 length the helper is used. For each file contained in the directory: get its fingerprint and generate the comparison combinations then for each combination who's extension matches print the similarity between them """ if bits is not None: print('using bit len of %d' % bits) dir = OSFS(dirp) file_fps = {} for fname in dir.listdir(files_only=True): file_fps[fname] = file_fingerprint(os.path.join(dirp, fname), randombits, bits) dir.close() combos = list(map(dict, combinations(file_fps.items(), 2))) if bits is None: dir_sim_rand_helper(file_fps, combos) return for k, v in combos: kext = os.path.splitext(k)[1] vext = os.path.splitext(v)[1] if kext == vext: print(k, v, cosine_sim(file_fps[k][:bits], file_fps[v][:bits]))
def sanitiz(): base = 'band_to_tm' metal_btm = OSFS(base) for metal in metal_btm.walkfiles(): p1 = metal.find('/') p2 = metal.find('.') b = metal[p1 + 1:p2] print(b) with open('%s%s' % ('band_to_tm', metal), 'r') as min: metal = json.load(min) info = metal['info'] mem_point = [] for i in info: for f, t in map(extract_binfo_date, i['active']): mem_point.append({ "f": f.format('YYYYMMDDHHMMSS'), "t": t.format('YYYYMMDDHHMMSS'), "plays": i['plays'], "member": i['member'] }) mtm = metal['tm'] metal_plot = { "member_points": mem_point, "mementos": mtm['mementos'], "first": mtm['first'], "last": mtm['last'], "timemap": mtm['self'], "timegate": mtm['timegate'], "original": mtm['original'], } with open('plot/%s.json' % b, 'w') as mout: json.dump(metal_plot, mout, indent=2) print('----------------------------------------') metal_btm.close()
def pick_file_list(): ws = OSFS('wiki-small') small_list = [] small_set = set() for file in ws.walkfiles(): small_list.append('wiki-small%s' % file) small_set.add(file[file.rfind('/') + 1:]) dump_pickle((small_list, small_set), 'pickled/wsmall.pickle') ws.close()
def do_combine(): with open('band_timeline.json', 'r') as bndin: bands = json.load(bndin) print(bands) mtml = OSFS('timemaps/json') for metal_tml in mtml.walkfiles(): p1 = metal_tml.find('/') p2 = metal_tml.find('.') b = metal_tml[p1 + 1:p2] with open('timemaps/json%s' % metal_tml, 'r') as bndin: band_tm = json.load(bndin) with open('band_to_tm/%s.json' % b, 'w+') as btm: json.dump({"info": bands[b], "tm": band_tm}, btm, indent=2) print(band_tm) mtml.close()
class LocalStorageHook(FileSystemHookInterface): conn_type = 'local_storage' def __init__(self, conn_params: ConnectionParams): self.conn_params = conn_params def __enter__(self) -> OSFS: self.base_path = self.conn_params.extra.get('base_path', '') self.conn = OSFS(root_path=self.base_path, create=self.conn_params.extra.get('create', False)) return self.conn def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.base_path = None self.conn.close() self.conn = None
def pick_file_list(): wl = OSFS('wiki-large') large_list = [] large_set = set() for file in wl.walkfiles(): large_list.append('wiki-large%s' % file) large_set.add(file[file.rfind('/') + 1:]) dump_pickle((large_list, large_set), 'pickled/wiki-large2.pickle') wl.close() ws = OSFS('wiki-small') small_list = [] small_set = set() for file in ws.walkfiles(): small_list.append('wiki-small%s' % file) small_set.add(file[file.rfind('/') + 1:]) dump_pickle((small_list, small_set), 'pickled/wiki-small2.pickle') ws.close()
def install_encoded(device_class, version, firmware_b64, activate_firmware=True, firmware_path=None): """Install firmware from a b64 encoded zip file""" # TODO: implement this in a less memory hungry way # decode from b64 firmware_bin = base64.b64decode(firmware_b64) # Make a file-like object firmware_file = BytesIO(firmware_bin) # Open zip firmware_fs = ZipFS(firmware_file) # Open firmware dir dst_fs = OSFS(firmware_path or constants.FIRMWARE_PATH, create=True, dir_mode=0o755) # Install install_path = install(device_class, version, firmware_fs, dst_fs) # Move symlink to active firmware if activate_firmware: activate(device_class, version, dst_fs, fw_path=firmware_path) # Clean up any temporary files firmware_fs.close() dst_fs.close() # Return install_path return install_path
def dl_pages(): base = 'band_pages' bandpages = OSFS(base) c = 0 with requests.session() as session: with open('bandpages_original.csv', 'r') as bndin: for row in DictReader(bndin): band = row['band'] wlink = row['wlink'] malink = row['malink'] if not bandpages.isdir(band): bandpages.makedir(band) session.headers.update({'User-Agent': useragents[c]}) request = session.get(wlink) write_page(band, 'wiki', request) if malink != 'none': request = session.get(malink) write_page(band, 'ma', request) c += 1 if c == 3: c = 0 bandpages.close()
def reduce_path(carry_fs, value): """ Reduce path by opening or creating each segment and returning the last. Args: carry_fs (fs): Opened filesystem value (str): Next path segment Returns: fs """ if not isinstance(carry_fs, FS): carry_fs = OSFS(carry_fs + separator) if not carry_fs.isdir(value): carry_fs.makedirs(value) # open next carry_fs next_carry_fs = OSFS(carry_fs.getsyspath(value)) # close carry_fs carry_fs.close() return next_carry_fs
def install_encoded(device_class, version, firmware_b64, activate_firmware=True): """Install firmware from a b64 encoded zip file""" # TODO: implement this in a less memory hungry way # decode from b64 firmware_bin = base64.b64decode(firmware_b64) # Make a file-like object firmware_file = StringIO(firmware_bin) # Open zip firmware_fs = ZipFS(firmware_file) # Open firmware dir dst_fs = OSFS(constants.FIRMWARE_PATH, create=True) # Install install_path = install(device_class, version, firmware_fs, dst_fs) # Move symlink to active firmware if activate_firmware: activate(device_class, version, dst_fs) # Clean up any temporary files firmware_fs.close() dst_fs.close() # Return install_path return install_path
class OdooAddonManager: """ Class wrapping the OAM behaviour Attributes ---------- install_dir: OSFS The installation directory src_cache: dict A dictionary containing, for each source type supporting cache (git), the temporary location of the previously downloaded sources odoo_version: str Version of Odoo using the addons desc_version: str Version of the description file used to log changes modules_to_install: dict Modules to install as described in the YAML file verbose_level: str Level of details to print """ install_dir: OSFS modules_to_install: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] src_cache: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] odoo_version: str desc_version: str = None verbose_level: str _tmp_dir: TempFS = None _hst_file: TextIOWrapper = None _chglog_file: TextIOWrapper = None def __init__(self, description_file: str = None, install_directory: str = ".", verbose_level: str = VERBOSE_NONE): self.install_dir = OSFS(install_directory) self.verbose_level = verbose_level self.src_cache = { "git": {}, } if description_file: with open(description_file, "r") as description_file: install_data = yaml.load(description_file, Loader=yaml.Loader) self.modules_to_install = install_data.get("modules", []) self.odoo_version = install_data.get("odoo_version") self.desc_version = install_data.get("version") def __del__(self): self.install_dir.close() if self._tmp_dir: self._tmp_dir.close() if self._hst_file: self._hst_file.close() if self._chglog_file: self._chglog_file.close() @property def tmp_dir(self) -> TempFS: """ The temporary directory used to download modules before installing them if needed. """ if not self._tmp_dir: self._tmp_dir = TempFS(TEMP_DIR_NAME) return self._tmp_dir @property def history_file(self) -> TextIOWrapper: """ The history file where are logged the operations performed in the installation directory """ if not self._hst_file: self._hst_file = open( self.install_dir.getsyspath(HISTORY_FILE_NAME), 'a+') return self._hst_file @property def changelog_file(self) -> TextIOWrapper: """ The markdown changelog file listing changes in a human-readable format """ if not self._chglog_file: self._chglog_file = open( self.install_dir.getsyspath(CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME), "a+") if not self._chglog_file.write("# CHANGELOG") return self._chglog_file def install_all(self, force: bool = False): """ Install all modules described in the description file. :param force: whether to overwrite installed modules or not """ installed_modules = [] if self.verbose_level == VERBOSE_NONE: with click.progressbar(self.modules_to_install) as modules: for module in modules: if self.install(module, force): installed_modules.append(module) else: for module in self.modules_to_install: if self.install(module, force): installed_modules.append(module) # Modules installed are removed from the list to avoid being processed twice e.g. in case of a refresh for module in installed_modules: self.modules_to_install.pop(module) click.echo("{} module(s) installed.".format(len(installed_modules))) def install(self, module_name: str, force: bool = False) -> bool: """ Install a single module from its source. :param module_name: Name of the module :param force: Whether to overwrite the module if it is already installed :param: Whether the module has been installed or not """ success = False self.pretty_print(module_name, "Installing...", level=VERBOSE_FULL) source = self.modules_to_install[module_name] origin_name = source.get("origin_name", module_name) installed_version = self.get_module_version(module_name, self.install_dir) if force or not installed_version: try: source_fs = self.fetch_module_from_source(module_name) self.install_from_fs(origin_name, source_fs, output_name=module_name) version = self.get_module_version(module_name, self.install_dir) self.log(module_name, OPERATION_INSTALL, force=force, extra=version) if not force: self.log_md(module_name, OPERATION_INSTALL, new_version=version) success = True except InvalidModuleError as err: self.pretty_print(module_name, err.message, status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NONE) except pygit2.errors.GitError: self.pretty_print( module_name, "Installation failed - Could not fetch from Git repository.", status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NONE) except Exception as e: self.pretty_print(module_name, "Installation failed ({})".format( type(e).__name__), status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NONE) else: self.pretty_print(module_name, "Already installed. Skipping installation.", status=LOG_STATUS_WARNING, level=VERBOSE_NORMAL) return success def update_all(self, force: bool = False): """ Update all modules :param force: Whether to skip version check or not. If True, modules are just replaced no matter if they are being downgraded or installed for the first time. """ updated_modules = [] if self.verbose_level == VERBOSE_NONE: with click.progressbar(self.modules_to_install) as modules: for module in modules: if self.update(module, force): updated_modules.append(module) else: for module in self.modules_to_install: if self.update(module, force): updated_modules.append(module) # Modules updated are removed from the list to avoid being processed twice in case of a refresh for module in updated_modules: self.modules_to_install.pop(module) click.echo("{} module(s) updated.".format(len(updated_modules))) def update(self, module_name: str, force: bool = False) -> bool: """ Update a single module. :param module_name: Name of the module :param force: Whether to skip version check or not. If True, modules are just replaced no matter if they are being downgraded or installed for the first time. :return: Whether the module has been updated or not """ success = False self.pretty_print(module_name, "Updating...", level=VERBOSE_FULL) installed_version = self.get_module_version(module_name, self.install_dir) if force or installed_version: try: source_fs = self.fetch_module_from_source(module_name) origin_name = self.modules_to_install[module_name].get( "origin_name", module_name) new_version = self.get_module_version(origin_name, source_fs) if force or version.parse(new_version) >= version.parse( installed_version): self.pretty_print(module_name, "Updating from {0} to {1}".format( installed_version, new_version), level=VERBOSE_FULL) self.install_from_fs(origin_name, source_fs, output_name=module_name) self.log(module_name, OPERATION_UPDATE, force=force, extra="from {0} to {1}".format( installed_version, new_version)) if not force: self.log_md(module_name, OPERATION_UPDATE, installed_version, new_version) success = True else: self.pretty_print( module_name, "Fetched version ({0}) is inferior to current version ({1}). Skipping update." .format(new_version, installed_version), status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NORMAL) except InvalidModuleError as err: self.pretty_print(module_name, err.message, status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NONE) except pygit2.errors.GitError: self.pretty_print( module_name, "Update failed - Could not fetch from Git repository.", status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NONE) except Exception as e: self.pretty_print(module_name, "Update failed ({})".format( type(e).__name__), status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NONE) else: self.pretty_print( module_name, "Not installed. Skipping update.".format(module_name), status=LOG_STATUS_WARNING, level=VERBOSE_NORMAL) return success def uninstall_all(self, auto_confirm=False): """ Uninstall all modules that are installed but not present in the description file. Ask confirmation to the user. :param auto_confirm: Do not ask the user to confirm if True """ installed_modules = self.get_installed_modules() modules_to_uninstall = set(installed_modules.keys()) - set( self.modules_to_install.keys()) if not auto_confirm: click.echo("The following modules will be removed:") for module in modules_to_uninstall: click.echo(module) click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True) count = 0 if self.verbose_level == VERBOSE_NONE: with click.progressbar(modules_to_uninstall) as modules: for module in modules: count += self.uninstall(module) else: for module in modules_to_uninstall: count += self.uninstall(module) click.echo("{} module(s) removed.".format(count)) def uninstall(self, module_name: str) -> bool: """ Uninstall a single module if it is installed. :param module_name: Name of the module :return: Whether the module has been uninstalled or not """ success = False if module_name in self.install_dir.listdir("."): self.pretty_print(module_name, "Uninstalling...", level=VERBOSE_FULL) self.install_dir.removetree(module_name) success = True self.log(module_name, OPERATION_UNINSTALL) self.log_md(module_name, OPERATION_UNINSTALL) self.pretty_print(module_name, "Uninstalled.", status=LOG_STATUS_OK, level=VERBOSE_NORMAL) else: self.pretty_print(module_name, "Not installed. Skipping uninstall.", status=LOG_STATUS_ERROR, level=VERBOSE_NORMAL) return success def get_installed_modules(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Scan installation directory to list currently installed modules :return: A dictionary of module names as keys and their currently installed version as values """ modules = {} for module in self.install_dir.scandir("."): if module.is_dir and "" in self.install_dir.listdir( manifest_file = self.install_dir.getsyspath( join(, "")) with open(manifest_file, "r") as manifest: modules[] = ast.literal_eval(["version"] return modules @staticmethod def get_module_version(module_name: str, directory: FS) -> str: """ Get the version of the module in the given directory :param module_name: name of the module :param directory: FS object pointing to the parent directory of the module :return: version of the module or None if it is not present in the directory """ version = None if module_name in directory.listdir("."): manifest = directory.readtext(join(module_name, "")) version = ast.literal_eval(manifest)["version"] return version def fetch_module_from_source(self, module_name: str) -> FS: """ Download a module from its source if needed and return the directory where it is located. :param module_name: Name of the module :return: An FS object pointing to the module location """ source = self.modules_to_install[module_name] source_fs: FS if source["source_type"] == SOURCE_LOCAL_DIR: source_fs = OSFS(source["path"]) elif source["source_type"] == SOURCE_LOCAL_ZIP: source_fs = ZipFS(source["path"]) elif source["source_type"] == SOURCE_GIT: source_fs = self.download_from_git( module_name, source["url"], source.get("branch", self.odoo_version), source.get("path", ".")) return source_fs def download_from_git(self, module_name: str, url: str, branch: str, path: str = ".") -> OSFS: """ Clone a git repository or find it in the source cache. :param module_name: name of the module being installed :param url: URL of the repository :param branch: branch of the desired module version :param path: path to the module inside the repository (default to '.') :return: an OSFS object pointing to the module location inside the repository """ repo_dir_name = urlparse(url).path.replace("/", "_") if url in self.src_cache["git"]: self.pretty_print(module_name, "Repository found in cache", level=VERBOSE_FULL) repo = self.src_cache["git"][url] repo.checkout("refs/remotes/origin/{}".format(branch)) else: self.pretty_print(module_name, "Cloning repository", level=VERBOSE_FULL) repo = pygit2.clone_repository( url, self.tmp_dir.getsyspath(repo_dir_name), checkout_branch=branch) self.src_cache["git"][url] = repo return OSFS(join(repo.workdir, path)) def install_from_fs(self, name: str, source_fs: FS, path: str = ".", output_name: str = None): """ Copy a module directory from where it is located to the installation directory. :param name: Name of the module :param source_fs: FS object pointing to the source location :param path: Path to the module directory from the source location root :param output_name: Name to give to the module's directory at installation """ path_to_module = join(path, name) if name not in source_fs.listdir(path): raise InvalidModuleError( name, "Module directory not found - Given path should be the parent directory" ) if "" not in source_fs.listdir(path_to_module): raise InvalidModuleError( name, "Manifest not found - Given path should be the parent directory" ) self.pretty_print(output_name, "Copying from {}".format( source_fs.desc(path_to_module)), level=VERBOSE_FULL) copy_dir(source_fs, path_to_module, self.install_dir, output_name or name) self.pretty_print(output_name, "Installed and up to date.", status=LOG_STATUS_OK, level=VERBOSE_NORMAL) def log(self, module_name: str, operation: str, force=False, extra: str = ""): """ Log an operation in the history file. :param module_name: Name of the module :param operation: Type of the operation :param force: Whether the operation was performed with the force option or not :param extra: Extra information to log """ log_line = "{0} - {1}{2}: {3} {4}\n".format(, operation, " (forced)" if force else "", module_name, extra) self.history_file.write(log_line) def log_md(self, module: str, operation: str, old_version: str = None, new_version: str = None): """ Log an operation in the markdown log file in human-readable format. :param module: Name of the module :param operation: Type of the operation :param old_version: Overwritten version of the module, in case of an update :param new_version: New version of the module, in case of an installation/update """ current_log_content = # Look for the section concerning the current version, or write a scaffold if not found version = self.desc_version or"%Y-%m-%d") log_index = current_log_content.find("## {}".format(version)) if log_index >= 0: new_log_content = current_log_content[log_index:] else: new_log_content = "\n\n## {}\n\n**Added**\n\n\n**Updated**\n\n\n**Removed**\n\n".format( version) log_index = len(current_log_content) # Remove previous log entry concerning the module if module in new_log_content: new_log_content = re.sub(r"\n.*{}.*".format(module), "", new_log_content) # Append the new log line under the right operation type if operation == OPERATION_INSTALL: index = new_log_content.find("**Updated**") - 2 log_line = "\n * {0} ({1})".format(module, new_version) elif operation == OPERATION_UPDATE: index = new_log_content.find("**Removed**") - 2 log_line = "\n * {0} ({1} from {2})".format( module, new_version, old_version) elif operation == OPERATION_UNINSTALL: index = len(new_log_content) - 1 log_line = "\n * {0}".format(module) new_log_content = "{0}{1}{2}".format(new_log_content[:index], log_line, new_log_content[index:]) # Overwrite file with the updated logs old_log_content = current_log_content[:log_index] self.changelog_file.truncate() self.changelog_file.write(old_log_content + new_log_content) def list_external_dependencies(self, raw=False, modules: List[str] = None): """ Show external dependencies of all installed modules. :param raw: Whether to print only python dependencies in a 'requirements.txt' format :param modules: If given, show dependencies of those modules only """ dependencies = self.get_all_dependencies(modules=modules) if raw: for dep in dependencies.get("python", []): click.echo(dep) else: for type in dependencies: click.echo(type) for dep in dependencies[type]: if type == "python": dep_installed = self.check_python_dependency(dep) click.echo("\t{0} {1}".format( dep, "(OK)" if dep_installed else "(missing)")) else: click.echo("\t{}".format(dep)) def install_missing_dependencies(self, modules: List[str] = None): """ Install all missing dependencies. :param modules: If given, install dependencies of those modules only """ dependencies = self.get_all_dependencies(modules=modules) self.install_python_dependencies(dependencies.get("python", [])) def get_all_dependencies(self, modules: List[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Get all missing dependencies from the installed modules. :param modules: If given, return dependencies of those modules only :return: A dictionary containing a list of dependencies for each type """ # Filter installed modules to keep the ones given modules = {mod: self.get_installed_modules()[mod] for mod in modules} if modules \ else self.get_installed_modules() all_deps = {} for module in modules: module_deps = self.parse_dependencies(module, self.install_dir) for type, deps in module_deps.items(): all_deps.setdefault(type, set()).update(set(deps)) return all_deps @staticmethod def parse_dependencies(module_name: str, directory: FS) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Retrieve external dependencies from a module's manifest. :param module_name: Name of the module :param directory: Location of the module :return: A dictionary containing a list of dependencies for each type """ manifest = directory.readtext(join(module_name, "")) manifest_dict = ast.literal_eval(manifest) return manifest_dict.get("external_dependencies", {}) @staticmethod def check_python_dependency(dependency: str) -> bool: """ Check if a python dependency is satisfied i.e. if the python module is installed. :param dependency: Name of the python module :return: True if the module is installed, False otherwise """ try: __import__(dependency) except ImportError: return False return True @staticmethod def install_python_dependencies(dependencies: List[str]): """ Call pip to install the given python dependencies. :param dependencies: List of python modules to install """ callable_pip.main("install", *dependencies) def pretty_print(self, module_name: str, message: str = "", status: str = LOG_STATUS_PENDING, level: int = 0): """ Format and print a log to the console. :param module_name: Name of the module concerned :param message: Message to print :param status: Status of the log ('pending', 'ok', 'warning', 'error') :param level: Minimum verbose level to actually print the log (0, 1, 2) """ if level <= self.verbose_level: if status == LOG_STATUS_OK: msg_color = "green" elif status == LOG_STATUS_WARNING: msg_color = "yellow" elif status == LOG_STATUS_ERROR: msg_color = "red" else: msg_color = "white" click.echo(, fg="blue") +, fg=msg_color))
with tag('urlSet', xmlns=""): for name, stats in dir.listdirinfo(files_only=True): if accept(name): with tag('url'): with tag('loc'): text('' % quote(name)) with tag('lastmod'): text(str(Arrow.utcfromtimestamp(stats['modified_time'].timestamp()))) for aDir in dir.walkdirs(): if skipFirst: skipFirst = False continue if accept(aDir[1:None]): for name, stats in dir.listdirinfo(path=aDir, files_only=True): if accept(name): with tag('url'): with tag('loc'): text('' %(aDir,quote(name))) with tag('lastmod'): text(str(Arrow.utcfromtimestamp(stats['modified_time'].timestamp()))) dir.close() result = indent( doc.getvalue(), indentation=' ' * 2, newline='\r\n' ) print(result)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pendulum as pen import fs from fs.osfs import OSFS home = OSFS("c:") # print(home.listdir("tom")) directory = list(home.scandir('tom')) #print(directory) # for d in directory: # print(d) dir2 = home.filterdir('tom',files=['*.txt'], namespaces=['details']) for d in dir2: # 2016-03-19 13:33:00.656588+00:00 modified = pen.instance(d.modified).to_datetime_string() print(, d.size, modified) #print(home.tree()) home.close()
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS from fs.expose import fuse fs = MemoryFS() # create an in memory file system fs.createfile('filename.txt') # creating an empty file fs.setcontents('filename.txt', 'contents of file') # putting content into the file. from fs.osfs import OSFS home_fs = OSFS('/') # home_fs.makedir( '/home/dave/scratch/ramdrive', allow_recreate=True ) # have to make a directory for us to mount our memory file system on. mp = fuse.mount( fs, '/home/dave/scratch/ramdrive' ) # exposes fs to everything else on machine. (ie: other system calls can see these files) mp.path # in case you need the path to the files created. mp.unmount() # files are no longer being exposed via fuse home_fs.removedir('/home/dave/scratch/ramdrive/' ) #remove the real file system directory when done. fs.remove('filename.txt') home_fs.close() fs.close() # creating a ramdrive like this wont work for my desired task, as other external applications cannot write to the directory. They only have read access.
if path.lower().startswith("_autorun."): path = path[1:] return path def _decode(self,path): path = relpath(normpath(path)) path = path.replace("__colon__",":") if not self.allow_autorun: if path.lower().startswith("autorun."): path = "_" + path return path if __name__ == "__main__": import os, os.path import tempfile from fs.osfs import OSFS from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fs = OSFS(path) #fs = MemoryFS() fs.setcontents("test1.txt","test one") flags = DOKAN_OPTION_DEBUG|DOKAN_OPTION_STDERR|DOKAN_OPTION_REMOVABLE mount(fs, "Q", foreground=True, numthreads=1, flags=flags) fs.close() finally: OSFS(path).removedir("/",force=True)
save_tm(metal['band'], request) c += 1 if c == 3: c = 0 print(metal['band']) if __name__ == '__main__': c = 0 bands = {} with open('bands.csv', 'r') as metalIn: for metal in DictReader(metalIn): bands[metal['band']] = {'site': metal['site']} mtml = OSFS('timemaps/link/') for metal_tml in mtml.walkfiles(): p1 = metal_tml.find('/') p2 = metal_tml.find('.') b = metal_tml[p1 + 1:p2] with open('timemaps/link%s' % metal_tml, 'r') as mtmlin: metal_tm = Timemap(mtmlin.readlines()) print(metal_tm) bands[b] = metal_tm print('----------------------------------------') mtml.close() for band, tm in bands.items(): print(band, tm) with open('timemaps/json/%s.json' % band, 'w+') as btm: json.dump(tm, btm, default=lambda x: x.to_json(), indent=2) # with open('band_to_tm.json','w+') as btm: # json.dump(bands,btm,default=lambda x:x.to_json(),indent=2)
if path.lower().startswith("_autorun."): path = path[1:] return path def _decode(self, path): path = relpath(normpath(path)) path = path.replace("__colon__", ":") if not self.allow_autorun: if path.lower().startswith("autorun."): path = "_" + path return path if __name__ == "__main__": import os, os.path import tempfile from fs.osfs import OSFS from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS from shutil import rmtree from six import b path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fs = OSFS(path) #fs = MemoryFS() fs.setcontents("test1.txt", b("test one")) flags = DOKAN_OPTION_DEBUG | DOKAN_OPTION_STDERR | DOKAN_OPTION_REMOVABLE mount(fs, "Q", foreground=True, numthreads=1, flags=flags) fs.close() finally: rmtree(path)
class TestDatasetManager(unittest.TestCase): trash_dir = "./tests/resources/trash_data" def setUp(self): self.os = OSFS(".") def tearDown(self): for data in self.os.listdir(self.trash_dir): if data != ".keep": self.os.remove("{}/{}".format(self.trash_dir, data)) self.os.close() def test_should_read_yaml_from_dir(self): expected = { "one_test": { "source": "http://source/teste", "description": "my little dataset" } } data = DatasetManager("./tests/resources/one_data") self.assertDictEqual(data.get_datasets(), expected) def test_should_read_multiple_yaml_from_dir(self): expected = { "one_test": { "source": "", "description": "my little dataset" }, "two_test": { "source": "", "description": "my little dataset 2" } } data = DatasetManager("./tests/resources/multiple_data", fs=self.os) result = list(data.get_datasets().keys()) result.sort() expected = ["one_test", "two_test"] self.assertListEqual(expected, result) def test_should_get_dataset(self): data = DatasetManager("./tests/resources/local_data") dataset = { "local_test": { "source": "./tests/resources/local_data/train.csv", "description": "my little dataset local" } } self.assertDictEqual(data.get_dataset("local_test"), dataset.get("local_test")) def test_should_get_dataset_unknown(self): data = DatasetManager("./tests/resources/local_data") with self.assertRaises(IOError): data.get_dataset("unknown_test") def test_should_create_dataset(self): data = DatasetManager(self.trash_dir, fs=self.os) identifier = "data_name" dataset = { "identifier": identifier, "description": "description", "source": "/tmp/test.csv", } data.create_dataset(**dataset) loaded_datasets = data.get_datasets() dataset_config = loaded_datasets.get(identifier) self.assertTrue( self.os.isfile("{}/{}.yaml".format(self.trash_dir, identifier))) self.assertEqual(len(self.os.listdir(self.trash_dir)), 2) self.assertEqual(list(loaded_datasets.keys())[0], identifier) self.assertEqual(dataset_config.get("description"), dataset["description"]) self.assertEqual(dataset_config.get("source"), dataset["source"]) def test_should_create_dataset_with_custom_data(self): data = DatasetManager(self.trash_dir, fs=self.os) identifier = "data_name_custom" dataset = { "identifier": identifier, "description": "description", "source": "/tmp/test.csv" } data.create_dataset(**dataset) self.assertTrue( self.os.isfile("{}/{}.yaml".format(self.trash_dir, identifier))) self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(self.trash_dir)), 2) loaded_dataset = data.get_datasets() self.assertEqual(list(loaded_dataset.keys()), [identifier]) datasource_configs = loaded_dataset.get(identifier) self.assertEqual(datasource_configs["description"], dataset["description"]) self.assertEqual(datasource_configs["source"], dataset["source"]) def test_should_remove_dataset(self): data = DatasetManager(self.trash_dir, fs=self.os) identifier = "data_name" dataset = { "identifier": identifier, "description": "description", "source": "/tmp/test.csv" } data.create_dataset(**dataset) self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile("{}/{}.yaml".format(self.trash_dir, identifier))) self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(self.trash_dir)), 2) data.remove_dataset(identifier) self.assertFalse( os.path.isfile("{}/{}.yaml".format(self.trash_dir, identifier))) self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(self.trash_dir)), 1) def test_should_remove_unknown_dataset(self): data = DatasetManager("./tests/resources/local_data", fs=self.os) with self.assertRaises(IOError): data.remove_dataset("unknown_dataset")