Beispiel #1
    def lens_map(self,map,use_Pool = 0):
        Lens the input map according to the displacement fields dx dy. 'map' typically would be (8192 * 8192) np array,
        or the path to the array on disk.

        Does this by splitting the job in chunks (of typically (256 * 256), as specified by the LD_res parameters)
        allowing a buffer size to ensure the junctions are properly performed.

        Set use_Pool to a power of two to use explicit threading via the multiprocessing module.
        'use_Pool' ** 2 is the number of threads. On laptop and Darwin use_Pool = 16 has the best performances.
        It use_Pool is set, then 'map' must be the path to the map to lens.

        if use_Pool > 0 :
            if not isinstance(map,str) :
                assert self.has_lib_dir(),"Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
       + '/temp_maptolens.npy',map)
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk() :
                assert self.has_lib_dir(),"Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy( self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank)) # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            path_to_map = map if isinstance(map,str) else self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens.npy'
            return lens_Pool.get_lens_Pooled(self.mk_args(path_to_map,self.dx,self.dy),root_Nthreads = use_Pool)

        assert map.shape == self.shape,map.shape
        s = self.chk_shape
        idc0,idc1 = np.indices(s) # Two (256 * 256) maps
        dx_gu = np.empty(s) # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
        dy_gu = np.empty(s) # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
        map_chk = np.empty(s) # Will be map chunk
        # (typ. (256 * 256) )
        lensed_map = np.empty(self.shape)
        spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter() # library to split periodic maps.
        for i,N in utils.enumerate_progress(xrange(self.N_chks),label = 'ffs_displacement::lensing map'):
            # doing chunk N
            sLDs,sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,self.LD_res,self.HD_res,self.buffers)
            for sLD,sHD in zip(sLDs,sHDs):
                # Displacements chunk in grid units, and map chunk to displace.
                dx_gu[sLD] =  self.get_dx()[sHD] / self.rmin[1]
                dy_gu[sLD] =  self.get_dy()[sHD] / self.rmin[0]
                map_chk[sLD] = map[sHD]
            lx = (idc1 + dx_gu).flatten() # No need to enforce periodicity here.
            ly = (idc0 + dy_gu).flatten() # No need to enforce periodicity here.
            sLDs,sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,self.LD_res,self.HD_res,self.buffers,inverse = True)
            lensed_map[sHDs[0]] = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(s[0]), np.arange(s[1]),
                                    map_chk, kx=self.k, ky=self.k).ev(ly, lx).reshape(self.chk_shape)[sLDs[0]]
        return lensed_map
Beispiel #2
unl_sim = par.lib_cmb_unl.get_sim(0)
path_to_unlsim = './tests/unlsim.npy',unl_sim)
displ_sim = par.lib_displ.get_sim(0)
path_to_dx = './tests/dx.npy'
path_to_dy = './tests/dy.npy'

displ = par.lib_displ.get_sim(0),displ.dx),displ.dy)
args = displ.mk_args(path_to_unlsim,path_to_dx,path_to_dy)

print "** setup OK, args : ",args
for rootN in [16] :
    t0 = time.time()
    len_sim = lens_Pool.get_lens_Pooled(args,root_Nthreads=rootN)
    print '*** Ex. time of lens_map Pool, map,dx,dy on disk, in sec, rootN ',rootN,np.round(time.time() - t0,2)'./tests/lensim_rN'+str(rootN)+'.npy',len_sim)
    del len_sim

t0 = time.time()
len_sim = displ.lens_map(np.load(path_to_unlsim))

print '*** Ex. time of lens_map in sec. :',np.round(time.time() - t0,2)
print "*** Checking outputs are identical :"
if not np.allclose(len_sim,np.load('./tests/lensim_rN16.npy')):
    print 'somethings wrong''./tests/',len_sim)
elif not np.all(len_sim == np.load('./tests/lensim_rN16.npy')):
    print 'Outputs all close but not identical'
else : print "Outputs perfectly identical"