Beispiel #1
    def __on_change_type(self, event):
        if self.state_path != None and not self.skip_change_type_event:
            # Rename the old state to keep it while building the new one
            old_state = self.__get_state()

            # Create new state for the new state type
            if self.GetSelection() == self.ID_NodeStatePanel:
                new_state = create_default_state(self.state_path, 'nnodestate')
            elif self.GetSelection() == self.ID_LeafStatePanel:
                new_state = create_default_state(self.state_path, 'nleafstate')
                new_state = create_default_state(self.state_path, 'nendstate')
            if new_state == None:
                # If creating a default state fails abort and restore old state
                self.skip_change_type_event = True
                self.skip_change_type_event = False
            fsm_ = self.__get_fsm()

            # Copy info that's independent of the state type
            old_trans_path = fsm.get_transitions_dir_of_state(
            new_trans_path = fsm.get_transitions_dir_of_state(
                new_state.getfullname(), False)
            transitions = fsm.get_transitions(new_state.getfullname())
            for t in transitions:
                t_obj = pynebula.lookup(t)
            if fsm_.getinitialstate() == old_state:

            # Update all transitions to point to the new state if pointing the old one
            states = fsm.get_states(fsm_.getfullname())
            for s in states:
                transitions = fsm.get_transitions(s)
                for t in transitions:
                    t_obj = pynebula.lookup(t)
                    for i in range(t_obj.gettargetsnumber()):
                        if t_obj.gettargetstatebyindex(i) == old_state:
                            t_obj.settargetstatebyindex(i, new_state)

            # Delete old state
            old_state = None  # Python, release that #$%&/)?! reference NOW!

            # Update type specific controls

            # Signal change
            fsmevents.signal_fsm_change(self, self.state_path)
    def __on_change_type(self, event):
        if self.state_path != None and not self.skip_change_type_event:
            # Rename the old state to keep it while building the new one
            old_state = self.__get_state()

            # Create new state for the new state type
            if self.GetSelection() == self.ID_NodeStatePanel:
                new_state = create_default_state(self.state_path, "nnodestate")
            elif self.GetSelection() == self.ID_LeafStatePanel:
                new_state = create_default_state(self.state_path, "nleafstate")
                new_state = create_default_state(self.state_path, "nendstate")
            if new_state == None:
                # If creating a default state fails abort and restore old state
                self.skip_change_type_event = True
                self.skip_change_type_event = False
            fsm_ = self.__get_fsm()

            # Copy info that's independent of the state type
            old_trans_path = fsm.get_transitions_dir_of_state(old_state.getfullname())
            new_trans_path = fsm.get_transitions_dir_of_state(new_state.getfullname(), False)
            transitions = fsm.get_transitions(new_state.getfullname())
            for t in transitions:
                t_obj = pynebula.lookup(t)
            if fsm_.getinitialstate() == old_state:

            # Update all transitions to point to the new state if pointing the old one
            states = fsm.get_states(fsm_.getfullname())
            for s in states:
                transitions = fsm.get_transitions(s)
                for t in transitions:
                    t_obj = pynebula.lookup(t)
                    for i in range(t_obj.gettargetsnumber()):
                        if t_obj.gettargetstatebyindex(i) == old_state:
                            t_obj.settargetstatebyindex(i, new_state)

            # Delete old state
            old_state = None  # Python, release that #$%&/)?! reference NOW!

            # Update type specific controls

            # Signal change
            fsmevents.signal_fsm_change(self, self.state_path)
Beispiel #3
 def __on_delete_state(self, event):
     """Ask to confirm the state deletion and delete it if so"""
     state_name = self.list_states.GetStringSelection()
     if state_name != "":
         msg = "Deleting a state cannot be undone.\n"
         msg = msg + "Are you sure that you want to delete the "
         msg = msg + "'" + state_name + "' state?"
         result = cjr.warn_yes_no(self, msg)
         if result == wx.ID_YES:
             # Delete all transition targets pointing to the state to be deleted
             state = self.__get_current_state()
             fsm_ = fsm.get_fsm_of_state( state.getfullname() )
             states = fsm.get_states( fsm_ )
             for s in states:
                 transitions = fsm.get_transitions(s)
                 for t in transitions:
                     t_obj = pynebula.lookup(t)
                     # Delete the transition if it's emmpty after deleting the target
                     if t_obj.gettargetsnumber() == 0:
                         s_obj = pynebula.lookup(s)
                         t_obj = None
             # Delete the state
             self.__get_fsm().deletestate( state )
             state = None
             self.list_states.Delete( self.list_states.GetSelection() )
def get_free_event_conditions(state, allowed_condition=None):
    Return a paths list of those event conditions which the given state doesn't
    already have a transition for.
    \param state State (path) to gather the free event conditions for
    \param allowed_condition Condition (path) allowed as a free condition, even if it's already taken
    \return List of event conditions paths not found in any transition of the given state
    allowed_event = None
    if allowed_condition != None:
        cond = pynebula.lookup(allowed_condition)
        if cond.isa('neventcondition'):
            allowed_event = cond.getevent()
    conds_paths = fsm.get_event_conditions()
    ##    conds_paths = []
    ##    cond = pynebula.lookup( fsm.get_event_conditions_lib() ).gethead()
    ##    while cond is not None:
    ##        if cond.getname().startswith( "event" ):
    ##            conds_paths.append( cond.getfullname() )
    ##        cond = cond.getsucc()
    trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions(state)
    for trans_path in trans_paths:
        trans_obj = pynebula.lookup(trans_path)
        cond_obj = trans_obj.getcondition()
        if cond_obj.isa('neventcondition'):
            if cond_obj.getevent() != allowed_event:
                cond_path = get_event_condition(cond_obj.getevent())
                ##                if cond_path == fsm.get_filteredcondition_of_transition( trans_path ):
                ##                    conds_paths.remove( get_event_condition( cond_obj.getevent() ) )
                ##                else:
    return conds_paths
def get_free_event_conditions(state, allowed_condition=None):
    Return a paths list of those event conditions which the given state doesn't
    already have a transition for.
    \param state State (path) to gather the free event conditions for
    \param allowed_condition Condition (path) allowed as a free condition, even if it's already taken
    \return List of event conditions paths not found in any transition of the given state
    allowed_event = None
    if allowed_condition != None:
        cond = pynebula.lookup( allowed_condition )
        if cond.isa('neventcondition'):
            allowed_event = cond.getevent()
    conds_paths = fsm.get_event_conditions()
##    conds_paths = []
##    cond = pynebula.lookup( fsm.get_event_conditions_lib() ).gethead()
##    while cond is not None:
##        if cond.getname().startswith( "event" ):
##            conds_paths.append( cond.getfullname() )
##        cond = cond.getsucc()
    trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions( state )
    for trans_path in trans_paths:
        trans_obj = pynebula.lookup( trans_path )
        cond_obj = trans_obj.getcondition()
        if cond_obj.isa('neventcondition'):
            if cond_obj.getevent() != allowed_event:
                cond_path = get_event_condition( cond_obj.getevent() )
##                if cond_path == fsm.get_filteredcondition_of_transition( trans_path ):
##                    conds_paths.remove( get_event_condition( cond_obj.getevent() ) )
##                else:
                conds_paths.remove( cond_path )
    return conds_paths
def get_free_script_conditions(state, allowed_condition=None):
    Return a paths list of those script conditions which the given state
    doesn't already have a transition for.
    \param state State (path) to gather the free script conditions for
    \param allowed_condition Condition (path) allowed as a free condition, even if it's already taken
    \return List of script conditions paths not found in any transition of the given state
    conds_paths = fsm.get_script_conditions()
    trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions(state)
    for trans_path in trans_paths:
        trans_obj = pynebula.lookup(trans_path)
        cond_obj = trans_obj.getcondition()
        cond_path = cond_obj.getfullname()
        if cond_obj.isa('nscriptcondition') and cond_path != allowed_condition:
    return conds_paths
def get_free_script_conditions(state, allowed_condition=None):
    Return a paths list of those script conditions which the given state
    doesn't already have a transition for.
    \param state State (path) to gather the free script conditions for
    \param allowed_condition Condition (path) allowed as a free condition, even if it's already taken
    \return List of script conditions paths not found in any transition of the given state
    conds_paths = fsm.get_script_conditions()
    trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions( state )
    for trans_path in trans_paths:
        trans_obj = pynebula.lookup( trans_path )
        cond_obj = trans_obj.getcondition()
        cond_path = cond_obj.getfullname()
        if cond_obj.isa('nscriptcondition') and cond_path != allowed_condition:
            conds_paths.remove( cond_path )
    return conds_paths
Beispiel #8
def find_transition_condition(condition_class):
    columns = ['FSM', 'State', 'Transition']
    rows = []
    # Look for the condition in all the FSMs
    fsm_paths = fsm.get_fsms()
    for fsm_path in fsm_paths:
        state_mc = pynebula.lookup( fsm_path )
        # Look for the condition in all the script transitions of 
        # the FSM (and event filters)
        state_paths = fsm.get_states( state_mc.getfullname() )
        for state_path in state_paths:
            trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions( state_path )
            for trans_path in trans_paths:
                trans = pynebula.lookup( trans_path )
                trans_cond = trans.getcondition()
                if trans_cond.isa( str(condition_class) ):
                    rows.append( [
                        ] )
                elif trans_cond.isa('neventcondition'):
                    filter_cond = trans_cond.getfiltercondition()
                    if filter_cond is not None:
                        if filter_cond.isa( str(condition_class) ):
                            rows.append( [
                                ] )
    return (columns, rows)
Beispiel #9
 def __find_condition(self, sm, condition, log):
     # Look for the condition in all the script transitions of the FSM (and event filters)
     state_paths = fsm.get_states( sm.getfullname() )
     for state_path in state_paths:
         trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions( state_path )
         for trans_path in trans_paths:
             trans = pynebula.lookup( trans_path )
             trans_cond = trans.getcondition()
             if condition == trans_cond:
                 log.append( [
                     fsmstates.get_state_gui_name( state_path ),
                     fsmtransitions.get_transition_gui_name( trans_path )
                     ] )
             elif trans_cond.isa('neventcondition'):
                 if condition == trans_cond.getfiltercondition():
                     log.append( [
                         fsmstates.get_state_gui_name( state_path ),
                         fsmtransitions.get_transition_gui_name( trans_path )
                         ] )