Beispiel #1
def test_wrapped_column_is_sorted_via_table():
    meta = Fake().has_attr(order_by="kappa")
    table = Fake().has_attr(_meta=meta)
    column_a = Fake().has_attr(name="kappa")
    column_b = Fake().has_attr(name="mu")

    wrapped_column_a = WrappedColumn(table, column_a)  # sorted
    wrapped_column_b = WrappedColumn(table, column_b)  # unsorted

    assert wrapped_column_a.is_sorted == True
    assert wrapped_column_b.is_sorted == False
    assert wrapped_column_a.sort_direction == "asc"
    assert wrapped_column_b.sort_direction == None

    assert wrapped_column_a.is_sorted == False
    assert wrapped_column_b.is_sorted == True
    assert wrapped_column_a.sort_direction == None
    assert wrapped_column_b.sort_direction == "desc"
Beispiel #2
def test_wrapped_column_is_sorted_via_table():
    meta = Fake().has_attr(order_by="kappa")
    table = Fake().has_attr(_meta=meta)
    column_a = Fake().has_attr(name="kappa")
    column_b = Fake().has_attr(name="mu")

    wrapped_column_a = WrappedColumn(table, column_a)  # sorted
    wrapped_column_b = WrappedColumn(table, column_b)  # unsorted

    assert wrapped_column_a.is_sorted == True
    assert wrapped_column_b.is_sorted == False
    assert wrapped_column_a.sort_direction == "asc"
    assert wrapped_column_b.sort_direction == None

    assert wrapped_column_a.is_sorted == False
    assert wrapped_column_b.is_sorted == True
    assert wrapped_column_a.sort_direction == None
    assert wrapped_column_b.sort_direction == "desc"
Beispiel #3
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from fudge import Fake, with_fakes, with_patched_object, clear_expectations
from fudge.inspector import arg

import cherrypy
import ion.controllers as ctrl
from ion.controllers import Controller, route, authenticated

def clear():
    ctrl.__CONTROLLERS__ = []
    ctrl.__CONTROLLERSDICT__ = {}

authenticated_cherrypy = Fake('cherrypy')

def test_can_create_controller():
    ctrl = Controller()
    assert ctrl

def test_controller_has_null_context_by_default():
    ctrl = Controller()

    assert not ctrl.context

def test_controller_has_null_server_by_default():
    ctrl = Controller()

    assert not ctrl.server