Beispiel #1
def jacobi_elliptic_cn(u, m, verbose=False):
    Implements the jacobi elliptic cn function, using the expansion in
    terms of q, from Abramowitz 16.23.2.
    u = convert_lossless(u)
    m = convert_lossless(m)

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\nelliptic.jacobi_elliptic_cn'
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tu: %1.12f' % u
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tm: %1.12f' % m

    zero = mpf('0')
    onehalf = mpf('0.5')
    one = mpf('1')
    two = mpf('2')

    if m == zero:                   # cn collapses to cos(u)
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'cn: special case, m == 0'
        return cos(u)
    elif m == one:                  # cn collapses to sech(u)
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'cn: special case, m == 1'
        return sech(u)
        k = sqrt(m)                        # convert m to k
        q = calculate_nome(k)
        kprimesquared = one - k**2
        kprime = sqrt(kprimesquared)
        v = (pi * u) / (two*ellipk(k**2))

    sum = zero
    term = zero                     # series starts at zero

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_elliptic_cn: calculating'
    while True:
        factor1 = (q**(term + onehalf)) / (one + q**(two*term + one))
        factor2 = cos((two*term + one)*v)

        term_n = factor1*factor2
        sum = sum + term_n

        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

        if not factor2 == zero:
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

        term = term + one

    answer = (two*pi) / (sqrt(m) * ellipk(k**2)) * sum

    return answer
Beispiel #2
def jacobi_elliptic_cn(u, m, verbose=False):
    Implements the jacobi elliptic cn function, using the expansion in
    terms of q, from Abramowitz 16.23.2.
    u = convert_lossless(u)
    m = convert_lossless(m)

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\nelliptic.jacobi_elliptic_cn'
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tu: %1.12f' % u
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tm: %1.12f' % m

    zero = mpf('0')
    onehalf = mpf('0.5')
    one = mpf('1')
    two = mpf('2')

    if m == zero:  # cn collapses to cos(u)
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'cn: special case, m == 0'
        return cos(u)
    elif m == one:  # cn collapses to sech(u)
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'cn: special case, m == 1'
        return sech(u)
        k = sqrt(m)  # convert m to k
        q = calculate_nome(k)
        kprimesquared = one - k**2
        kprime = sqrt(kprimesquared)
        v = (pi * u) / (two * ellipk(k**2))

    sum = zero
    term = zero  # series starts at zero

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_elliptic_cn: calculating'
    while True:
        factor1 = (q**(term + onehalf)) / (one + q**(two * term + one))
        factor2 = cos((two * term + one) * v)

        term_n = factor1 * factor2
        sum = sum + term_n

        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

        if not factor2 == zero:
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

        term = term + one

    answer = (two * pi) / (sqrt(m) * ellipk(k**2)) * sum

    return answer
Beispiel #3
def chebcoeff(f,a,b,j,N):
    s = mpf(0)
    h = mpf(0.5)
    for k in range(1, N+1):
        t = cos(pi*(k-h)/N)
        s += f(t*(b-a)*h + (b+a)*h) * cos(pi*j*(k-h)/N)
    return 2*s/N
Beispiel #4
def jacobi_theta_3(z, m):
    Implements the jacobi theta function 2, using the series expansion
    found in Abramowitz & Stegun [4].

    z is any complex number, but only reals here?
    m is the parameter, which must be converted to the nome
    m = convert_lossless(m)
    z = convert_lossless(z)

    k = sqrt(m)
    q = calculate_nome(k)

    if abs(q) >= mpf('1'):
        raise ValueError

    delta_sum = 1
    term = 1                    # series starts at 1

    zero = mpf('0')
    sum = zero

    if z == zero:
        factor2 = mpf('1')
        while True:

            factor1 = q**(term*term)
            term_n = factor1                # suboptimal, kept for readability
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):      # all further terms will be zero
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1

        while True:
            factor1 = q**(term*term)
            if z == zero:
                factor2 = 1
                factor2 = cos(2*term*z)

            term_n = factor1 * factor2
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):      # all further terms will be zero
            if factor2 != mpf('0'):      # check precision iff cos != 0
                #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1

    return 1 + 2*sum
Beispiel #5
def jacobi_theta_3(z, m):
    Implements the jacobi theta function 2, using the series expansion
    found in Abramowitz & Stegun [4].

    z is any complex number, but only reals here?
    m is the parameter, which must be converted to the nome
    m = convert_lossless(m)
    z = convert_lossless(z)

    k = sqrt(m)
    q = calculate_nome(k)

    if abs(q) >= mpf('1'):
        raise ValueError

    delta_sum = 1
    term = 1  # series starts at 1

    zero = mpf('0')
    sum = zero

    if z == zero:
        factor2 = mpf('1')
        while True:

            factor1 = q**(term * term)
            term_n = factor1  # suboptimal, kept for readability
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):  # all further terms will be zero
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1

        while True:
            factor1 = q**(term * term)
            if z == zero:
                factor2 = 1
                factor2 = cos(2 * term * z)

            term_n = factor1 * factor2
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):  # all further terms will be zero
            if factor2 != mpf('0'):  # check precision iff cos != 0
                #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1

    return 1 + 2 * sum
Beispiel #6
def chebyfit(f, interval, N, error=False):
    Chebyshev approximation: returns coefficients of a degree N-1
    polynomial that approximates f on the interval [a, b]. With error=True,
    also returns an estimate of the maximum error.
    a, b = AS_POINTS(interval)
    orig = mp.prec
        mp.prec = orig + int(N**0.5) + 20
        c = [chebcoeff(f,a,b,k,N) for k in range(N)]
        d = [mpf(0)] * N
        d[0] = -c[0]/2
        h = mpf(0.5)
        T = chebT(mpf(2)/(b-a), mpf(-1)*(b+a)/(b-a))
        for k in range(N):
            Tk =
            for i in range(len(Tk)):
                d[i] += c[k]*Tk[i]
        d = d[::-1]
        # Estimate maximum error
        err = mpf(0)
        for k in range(N):
            x = cos(pi*k/N) * (b-a)*h + (b+a)*h
            err = max(err, abs(f(x) - polyval(d, x)))
        mp.prec = orig
        if error:
            return d, +err
            return d
Beispiel #7
def jacobi_elliptic_dn(u, m, verbose=False):
    Implements the jacobi elliptic cn function, using the expansion in
    terms of q, from Abramowitz 16.23.3.
    u = convert_lossless(u)
    m = convert_lossless(m)

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\nelliptic.jacobi_elliptic_dn'
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tu: %1.12f' % u
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tm: %1.12f' % m

    zero = mpf('0')
    onehalf = mpf('0.5')
    one = mpf('1')
    two = mpf('2')

    if m == zero:           # dn collapes to 1
        return one
    elif m == one:          # dn collapses to sech(u)
        return sech(u)
        k = sqrt(m)                        # convert m to k
        q = calculate_nome(k)
        v = (pi * u) / (two*ellipk(k**2))

    sum = zero
    term = one                  # series starts at one

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_elliptic_dn: calculating'
    while True:
        factor1 = (q**term) / (one + q**(two*term))
        factor2 = cos(two*term*v)

        term_n = factor1*factor2
        sum = sum + term_n

        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

        if not factor2 == zero:
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

        term = term + one

    K = ellipk(k**2)
    answer = (pi / (two*K)) + (two*pi*sum)/(ellipk(k**2))

    return answer
Beispiel #8
def jacobi_elliptic_dn(u, m, verbose=False):
    Implements the jacobi elliptic cn function, using the expansion in
    terms of q, from Abramowitz 16.23.3.
    u = convert_lossless(u)
    m = convert_lossless(m)

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\nelliptic.jacobi_elliptic_dn'
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tu: %1.12f' % u
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tm: %1.12f' % m

    zero = mpf('0')
    onehalf = mpf('0.5')
    one = mpf('1')
    two = mpf('2')

    if m == zero:  # dn collapes to 1
        return one
    elif m == one:  # dn collapses to sech(u)
        return sech(u)
        k = sqrt(m)  # convert m to k
        q = calculate_nome(k)
        v = (pi * u) / (two * ellipk(k**2))

    sum = zero
    term = one  # series starts at one

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_elliptic_dn: calculating'
    while True:
        factor1 = (q**term) / (one + q**(two * term))
        factor2 = cos(two * term * v)

        term_n = factor1 * factor2
        sum = sum + term_n

        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
            print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

        if not factor2 == zero:
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

        term = term + one

    K = ellipk(k**2)
    answer = (pi / (two * K)) + (two * pi * sum) / (ellipk(k**2))

    return answer
def main():
    main program
    #Collect user input
    F1 = float(
        input("What is the magnitude of the first force (in Newtons)? "))
    theta1 = float(input("What is the angle of the first force (in deg)? "))
    F2 = float(
        input("What is the magnitude of the second force (in Newtons)? "))
    theta2 = float(input("What is the angle of the second force (in deg)?"))

    #Convert to radians
    theta1_rad = functions.deg2rad(theta1)
    theta2_rad = functions.deg2rad(theta2)

    #x and y components of Fsum
    F3x = F1 * functions.cos(theta1_rad) + F2 * functions.cos(theta2_rad)
    F3y = F1 * functions.sin(theta1_rad) + F2 * functions.sin(theta2_rad)

    print("Net force is: ", F3x, F3y)
Beispiel #10
def jcn(u, m):
    Computes of the Jacobi elliptic cn function in terms
    of Jacobi theta functions.
    `u` is any complex number, `m` must be in the unit disk

    The cn-function is doubly periodic in the complex
    plane with periods `4 K(m)` and `4 i K(1-m)`
    (see :func:`ellipk`)::

        >>> from mpmath import *
        >>> mp.dps = 25
        >>> print jcn(2, 0.25)
        >>> print jcn(2+4*ellipk(0.25), 0.25)
        >>> print chop(jcn(2+4*j*ellipk(1-0.25), 0.25))

    if abs(m) < eps:
        return cos(u)
    elif m == one:
        return sech(u)
        extra = 10
        mp.prec += extra
        q = calculate_nome(sqrt(m))

        v3 = jtheta(3, zero, q)
        v2 = jtheta(2, zero, q)
        v04 = jtheta(4, zero, q)

        arg1 = u / (v3*v3)

        v1 = jtheta(2, arg1, q)
        v4 = jtheta(4, arg1, q)

        cn = (v04/v2)*(v1/v4)
        mp.prec -= extra
    return cn
Beispiel #11
def _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd):
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        a = b = x2
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
        cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        if (nd&1):
            s = s1 + ((a * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            s = c1 + ((a * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * (2*n+1)**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * (2*n+1)**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << 1)
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
        # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = x2re
        aim = bim = x2im
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
        cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1 + ((are * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

            if (nd&1):
                sre += ((are * sn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        a = b = x2
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(z)
        s1 = sin(z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
        c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
        #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
        t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
        t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
        t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
        cnre = t1
        cnim = t2
        snre = t3
        snim = t4

        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1re + ((a * snre * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = s1im + ((a * snim * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += ((a * snre * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * snim * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += ((a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = x2re
        aim = bim = x2im
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), siz(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(z)
        s1 = sin(z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
        c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
        t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
        t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
        t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
        t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
        cnre = t1
        cnim = t2
        snre = t3
        snim = t4
        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1re + (((are * snre - aim * snim) * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = s1im + (((are * snim + aim * snre)* 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + (((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + (((are * cnim + aim * cnre)* 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += (((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += (((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += (((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s
Beispiel #12
def jacobi_theta_2(z, m, verbose=False):
    Implements the jacobi theta function 2, using the series expansion
    found in Abramowitz & Stegun [4].

    z is any complex number, but only reals here?
    m is the parameter, which must be converted to the nome
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2'

    m = convert_lossless(m)
    z = convert_lossless(z)

    k = sqrt(m)
    q = calculate_nome(k)

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tk: %f ' % k
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tq: %f ' % q

    if abs(q) >= mpf('1'):
        raise ValueError

    sum = 0
    term = 0                    # series starts at zero

    zero = mpf('0')

    if q == zero:
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2: q == 0, return 0'
        return zero
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2: calculating'
        if z == zero:
            factor2 = mpf('1')
            while True:
                factor1 = q**(term*(term + 1))
                term_n = factor1            # suboptimal, kept for readability
                sum = sum + term_n

                if verbose:
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

                if factor1 == zero:         # all further terms will be zero
                #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                if abs(term_n) < eps:

                term = term + 1
            while True:
                factor1 = q**(term*(term + 1))
                if z == zero:
                    factor2 = 1
                    factor2 = cos((2*term + 1)*z)

                term_n = factor1 * factor2
                sum = sum + term_n

                if verbose:
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

                if factor1 == zero:         # all further terms will be zero
                if factor2 != zero:         # check precision iff cos != 0
                    #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                    if abs(term_n) < eps:

                term = term + 1

        return (2*q**(0.25))*sum

    # can't get here
    print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2 in impossible state'
Beispiel #13
def jacobi_theta_4(z, m):
    Implements the series expansion of the jacobi theta function
    1, where z == 0.

    z is any complex number, but only reals here?
    m is the parameter, which must be converted to the nome
    m = convert_lossless(m)
    z = convert_lossless(z)

    k = sqrt(m)
    q = calculate_nome(k)

    if abs(q) >= mpf('1'):
        raise ValueError

    sum = 0
    delta_sum = 1
    term = 1  # series starts at 1

    zero = mpf('0')

    if z == zero:
        factor2 = mpf('1')
        while True:
            if (term % 2) == 0:
                factor0 = 1
                factor0 = -1
            factor1 = q**(term * term)
            term_n = factor0 * factor1 * factor2
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):  # all further terms will be zero
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1
        while True:
            if (term % 2) == 0:
                factor0 = 1
                factor0 = -1
            factor1 = q**(term * term)
            if z == zero:
                factor2 = 1
                factor2 = cos(2 * term * z)

            term_n = factor0 * factor1 * factor2
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):  # all further terms will be zero
            if factor2 != mpf('0'):  # check precision iff cos != 0
                #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1

    return 1 + 2 * sum
Beispiel #14
def jacobi_theta_2(z, m, verbose=False):
    Implements the jacobi theta function 2, using the series expansion
    found in Abramowitz & Stegun [4].

    z is any complex number, but only reals here?
    m is the parameter, which must be converted to the nome
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2'

    m = convert_lossless(m)
    z = convert_lossless(z)

    k = sqrt(m)
    q = calculate_nome(k)

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tk: %f ' % k
        print >> sys.stderr, '\tq: %f ' % q

    if abs(q) >= mpf('1'):
        raise ValueError

    sum = 0
    term = 0  # series starts at zero

    zero = mpf('0')

    if q == zero:
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2: q == 0, return 0'
        return zero
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2: calculating'
        if z == zero:
            factor2 = mpf('1')
            while True:
                factor1 = q**(term * (term + 1))
                term_n = factor1  # suboptimal, kept for readability
                sum = sum + term_n

                if verbose:
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

                if factor1 == zero:  # all further terms will be zero
                #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                if abs(term_n) < eps:

                term = term + 1
            while True:
                factor1 = q**(term * (term + 1))
                if z == zero:
                    factor2 = 1
                    factor2 = cos((2 * term + 1) * z)

                term_n = factor1 * factor2
                sum = sum + term_n

                if verbose:
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
                    print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum

                if factor1 == zero:  # all further terms will be zero
                if factor2 != zero:  # check precision iff cos != 0
                    #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                    if abs(term_n) < eps:

                term = term + 1

        return (2 * q**(0.25)) * sum

    # can't get here
    print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_theta_2 in impossible state'
Beispiel #15
def _jacobi_theta2(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    # the loops below break when the fixed precision quantities
    # a and b go to zero;
    # right shifting small negative numbers by wp one obtains -1, not zero,
    # so the condition a**2 + b**2 > MIN is used to break the loops.
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            s = x2
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << (wp+1)) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            sre = (1<<wp) + are
            sim = aim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            s = c1 + ((a * cn) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            s *= nthroot(q, 4)
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

                sre += ((are * cn) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4

            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += ((a * cnre) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(z), siz(z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            n = 1
            termre = c1re
            termim = c1im
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 3
            termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            termim = ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 5
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                termim = ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                n += 2
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    return s
Beispiel #16
def _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd):
    """nd=1,2,3 order of the derivative with respect to z"""
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        s = MP_ZERO
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            s += (a * sn) >> wp
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << (nd+1))
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
    # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * sn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * sn) >> wp
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                sre += (are * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (are * cn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (a * snre) >> wp
            sim = (a * snim) >> wp
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (a * snre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * snim * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * snre - aim * snim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * snre + are * snim) >> wp
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
                sre += ((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s
Beispiel #17
def _jacobi_theta3(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            s = x
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << wp) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            return s
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            sre = are = bre = xre
            sim = aim = bim = xim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            s = MP_ZERO
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
            c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            cn = c1
            sn = s1
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (1 << wp) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = xre
            aim = bim = xim
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
            c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            cn = c1
            sn = s1
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp

                sre += (are * cn) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(2*z)
            s1 = sin(2*z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += (a * cnre) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = xre
            aim = bim = xim
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(2*z)
            s1 = sin(2*z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
Beispiel #18
def jacobi_theta_4(z, m):
    Implements the series expansion of the jacobi theta function
    1, where z == 0.

    z is any complex number, but only reals here?
    m is the parameter, which must be converted to the nome
    m = convert_lossless(m)
    z = convert_lossless(z)

    k = sqrt(m)
    q = calculate_nome(k)

    if abs(q) >= mpf('1'):
        raise ValueError

    sum = 0
    delta_sum = 1
    term = 1                    # series starts at 1

    zero = mpf('0')

    if z == zero:
        factor2 = mpf('1')
        while True:
            if (term % 2) == 0:
                factor0 = 1
                factor0 = -1
            factor1 = q**(term*term)
            term_n = factor0 * factor1 * factor2
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):      # all further terms will be zero
            #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
            if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1
        while True:
            if (term % 2) == 0:
                factor0 = 1
                factor0 = -1
            factor1 = q**(term*term)
            if z == zero:
                factor2 = 1
                factor2 = cos(2*term*z)

            term_n = factor0 * factor1 * factor2
            sum = sum + term_n

            if factor1 == mpf('0'):      # all further terms will be zero
            if factor2 != mpf('0'):      # check precision iff cos != 0
                #if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
                if abs(term_n) < eps:

            term = term + 1

    return 1 + 2*sum
Beispiel #19
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from functions import sin, cos

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10000)
plt.plot(x, sin(x))
plt.plot(x, cos(x))
Beispiel #20
 def cos(self):
     return F.cos(self)