def backpropagate(network, input_vector, targets):
    hidden_outputs, outputs = feed_forward(network, input_vector)

    # the output * (1 - output) is from the derivative of sigmoid
    output_deltas = [
        output * (1 - output) * (output - target)
        for output, target in zip(outputs, targets)

    # adjust weights for output layer, one neuron at a time
    for i, output_neuron in enumerate(network[-1]):
        # focus on the ith output layer neuron
        for j, hidden_output in enumerate(hidden_outputs + [1]):
            # adjust the jth weight based on both this neuron's delta and jth input
            output_neuron[j] -= output_deltas[i] * hidden_output

    #back-propagate errors to hidden layer
    hidden_deltas = [
        hidden_output * (1 - hidden_output) *, [n[i] for n in output_layer])
        for i, hidden_output in enumerate(hidden_outputs)

    #adjust weights for hidden layer, one neuron at a time
    for i, hidden_neuron in enumerate(network[0]):
        for j, input in enumerate(input_vector + [1]):
            hidden_neuron[j] -= hidden_deltas[i] * input
def ridge_penalty(beta, alpha):
    return alpha *[1:], beta[1:])
def predict(x_i, beta):
    """assumes that the first element of each x_i is 1"""
    return, beta)
    return alpha *[1:], beta[1:])

def squared_error_ridge(x_i, y_i, beta, alpha):
    """estimate error plus ridge penalty on beta"""
    return error(x_i, y_i, beta) ** 2 + ridge_penalty(beta, alpha)

def ridge_penalty_gradient(beta, alpha):
    """gradient of just the ridge penalty"""
    return [0] + [2 * alpha * beta_j for beta_j in beta[1:]]

def squared_error_ridge_gradient(x_i, y_i, beta, alpha):
    """the gradient corresponding to the ith squared error term including the ridge penalty"""
    return fnc.vector_add(squared_error_gradient(x_i, y_i, beta),
                      ridge_penalty_gradient(beta, alpha))

def estimate_beta_ridge(x, y, alpha):
    """use gradient descent to fit a ridge regression with penalty alpha"""
    beta_initial = [random.random() for x_i in x[0]]
    return fnc.minimize_stochastic(partial(squared_error_ridge, alpha=alpha),
                                   x, y,

beta_0 = estimate_beta_ridge(x, daily_minutes_good, alpha=0.1)[1:], beta_0[1:])
print(beta_0, multiple_r_squared(x, daily_minutes_good, beta_0))

def logistic_log_partial_ij(x_i, y_i, beta, j):
    """here i is the index of the data point, j is the index of the derivative"""
    return (y_i - logistic(, beta))) * x_i[j]
def logistic_log_likelihood_i(x_i, y_i, beta):
    if y_i == 1:
        return math.log(logistic(, beta)))
        return math.log(1 - logistic(, beta)))
#maximize log likelihood on the training data
fn = partial(logistic_log_likelihood, x_train, y_train)
gradient_fin = partial(logistic_log_gradient, x_train, y_train)

beta_0 = [random.random() for _ in range(3)]

#maximize using gradient descent
beta_hat = fnc.maximize_stochastic(logistic_log_likelihood_i,
                                   logistic_log_gradient_i, x_train, y_train,

true_positives = false_positives = true_negatives = false_negatives = 0

for x_i, y_i in zip(x_test, y_test):
    predict = logistic(, x_i))

    if y_i == 1 and predict >= 0.5:
        true_positives += 1
    elif y_i == 1:
        false_negatives += 1
    elif predict >= 0.5:
        false_positives += 1
        true_negatives += 1

precision = true_positives / (true_positives + false_positives)
recall = true_positives / (true_positives + false_negatives)

#print(precision, recall)
def matrix_product_entry(A, B, i, j):
    return dot(get_row(A, i), get_column(B, j))
Beispiel #9
 def update_road(self, road):
     self.cur_road = road
     if, self.vy), road.vector) > 0:
         self.next_junction = road.end_junction
         self.next_junction = road.start_junction
def cosine_similarity(v, w):
    return dot(v, w) / math.sqrt(dot(v, v) * dot(w, w))
def neuron_output(weights, inputs):
    return sigmoid(, inputs))
def perceptron_output(weights, bias, x):
    """returns 1 if the perceptron 'fires', 0 if not"""
    calculation =, x) + bias
    return step_function(calculation)