Beispiel #1
def getInfoForDensityCalculation(h5, it):
    p = share_fun.load_parms(h5, it);
    corr_id = getCorrIndex(p);
    dmft_id = getDMFTCorrIndex(p);
    N_LAYERS = int(p['N_LAYERS']); FLAVORS = int(p['FLAVORS']); SPINS = int(p['SPINS']); 
    NORB = int(p['NORB']); NCOR = int(p['NCOR']);
    se = h5['SolverData/selfenergy_asymp_coeffs'][:];
    se = se[se[:,0] == it][0, 1:].reshape(SPINS,2,-1);
    mu = float(p['MU']);
    Gcoefs = h5['SolverData/AvgDispersion'][:, 0, :] - mu;
    Gcoefs[:, corr_id] += se[:, 0, :];
    ret = dict({
        'G_asymp_coefs' : Gcoefs,
        'correction'    : zeros(SPINS)
    ret1 = dict({
        'G_asymp_coefs' : Gcoefs[:,corr_id],
        'correction'    : zeros(SPINS)

    if float(p['U']) != 0 and it > 0:
        approx_dens = fun.getDensityFromGmat(h5['ImpurityGreen/'+str(it)][:], float(p['BETA']), ret1);
        try: correct_dens = -h5['SolverData/Gtau/%d'%it][:, -1, :];
        except: correct_dens = None;
        if correct_dens is None: d = 0;
            d = zeros((SPINS, NCOR));
            for L in range(N_LAYERS): d[:, dmft_id] = correct_dens[:, dmft_id] - approx_dens[:, dmft_id];
    else: d = 0;
    ret['correction'] = zeros((SPINS, NORB));
#    ret['correction'][:, corr_id] = d; # correction not needed
    return ret;
Beispiel #2
def averageGreen(delta0, mu0, w, SelfEnergy, parms, Nd, Ntot, tuneup, extra):
    N_LAYERS = int(parms['N_LAYERS'])
    FLAVORS = int(parms['FLAVORS'])
    SPINS = int(parms['SPINS'])
    rot_mat = extra['rot_mat']
    parallel = int(parms.get('KINT_PARALLEL', 2))
    # calculate intersite Coulomb energy here
    Vc = zeros(N_LAYERS, dtype=float)

    # convert self energy to the C++ form
    SelfEnergy_rot = array([irotate(SelfEnergy[s], rot_mat)
                           for s in range(SPINS)])
    SE = array([array([s.flatten() for s in SelfEnergy_rot[n]])
                for n in range(SPINS)])

    v_delta = array([])
    ddelta = 0.
    delta_step = 1.
    v_nd = array([])
    dmu = 0.
    mu_step = 0.5

    tol = 0.003
    firsttime = True
    initial_Gasymp = extra['G_asymp_coefs'] if 'G_asymp_coefs' in extra.keys()\
                     else None
    starting_error = 0.
    # Delta loop
    while True:
        delta = delta0 + ddelta
        if initial_Gasymp is not None:
            extra['G_asymp_coefs'][:N_LAYERS*FLAVORS] = initial_Gasymp[:N_LAYERS*FLAVORS] - ddelta
        v_mu = array([]) 
        v_n = array([])

        # mu loop
        while True:
            mu = mu0 + dmu
            if initial_Gasymp is not None:
                extra['G_asymp_coefs'] = initial_Gasymp - dmu
            Gavg = integrate(w, delta, mu, SE, parms, extra, parallel)
            Gavg_diag = array([[diag(Gavg[s, n]) for n in range(size(Gavg,1))]
                               for s in range(SPINS)])
            nf = getDensityFromGmat(Gavg_diag, float(parms['BETA']), extra)
            my_ntot = sum(nf) if SPINS == 2 else 2*sum(nf)

            print "   adjust mu: %.5f  %.5f  %.5f"%(mu, dmu, my_ntot)
            if firsttime:
                starting_error = abs(Ntot - my_ntot)/N_LAYERS
                Gavg0 = Gavg.copy()
                firsttime = False
            if Ntot < 0 or abs(Ntot - my_ntot)/N_LAYERS < tol or not tuneup:
            v_mu = r_[v_mu, dmu]
            v_n = r_[v_n, my_ntot]
            if v_n.min() < Ntot and v_n.max() > Ntot:
                dmu = interp_root(v_mu, v_n, Ntot)
                dmu += (1. if my_ntot < Ntot else -1.)*mu_step

        my_nd = sum(nf[:, :N_LAYERS*FLAVORS])
        if tuneup:
            print ('adjust double counting: %.5f  %.5f  '
                   '%.5f  %.5f')%(delta, ddelta, my_nd, my_nd/N_LAYERS)
        if Nd < 0 or abs(Nd - my_nd)/N_LAYERS < tol or not tuneup:

        v_delta = r_[v_delta, ddelta]
        v_nd = r_[v_nd, my_nd]
        if v_nd.min() < Nd and v_nd.max() > Nd:
            ddelta = interp_root(v_delta, v_nd, Nd)
            ddelta += (1. if my_nd < Nd else -1.)*delta_step

    # adjusted Gavg with mu_new = mu_0 + N*dmu and
    # delta_new = delta_0 + N*ddelta;
    N = float(parms.get('TUNEUP_FACTOR', 1))
    if N != 1. and (ddelta != 0. or dmu != 0.) and starting_error < 50*tol:
        mu = mu0 + N*dmu
        delta = delta0 + N*ddelta
        Gavg = integrate(w, delta, mu, SE, parms, extra, parallel)
        print ('TUNEUP_FACTOR = %d final adjustment: mu = %.4f, dmu = %.4f, '
               'delta = %.4f, ddelta = %.4f')%(N, mu, N*dmu, delta, N*ddelta)

    Gavg = array([rotate_all(Gavg[s], rot_mat) for s in range(SPINS)])
    Gavg0 = array([rotate_all(Gavg0[s], rot_mat, need_extra = True)
                   for s in range(SPINS)])
    if initial_Gasymp is not None:
        extra['G_asymp_coefs'] = initial_Gasymp
    return Gavg, Gavg0, delta, mu, Vc