def pso(n_particles,n_variables,n_iterations,tolerance,a,b,pso_only_w,pso_only_c1,pso_only_c2): from random_matrix import radom_generator #random generator. takes x and y vector dimentions between the limits a and b import functions reload(functions) #uptade the changes made in the function file from functions import objective #objetive function(s) from functions import constraints #constraint function(s) best_result_acum = np.empty((n_iterations)) #preallocation v = radom_generator(n_variables,n_particles,a,b) #velocity matrix x_aux = radom_generator(n_variables,n_particles,a,b) x = radom_generator(n_variables,n_particles,a,b) x_best = np.zeros((n_variables)) cc = 1 #controler counter t_0 = time.time() #start time for i in range(n_iterations): x_0=x.copy() #stores the last x before uptade for j in range(n_particles): v[:,j]= pso_only_w*v[:,j] + rand.random()*pso_only_c1*(x_aux[:,j]-x[:,j]) + rand.random()*pso_only_c2*(x_best - x[:,j]) #new velocity matrix x[:,j]=x_0[:,j]+v[:,j] #new position matrix for k in range(n_variables): #test with the limits (a,b) if x[k,j]<a[k]: x[k,j]=a[k]+(b[k]-a[k])*rand.random() if x[k,j]>b[k]: x[k,j]=a[k]+(b[k]-a[k])*rand.random() if (constraints(x[:,j])) is True: #teste the new x within the constraints functions if (objective(x[:,j])) < objective(x_aux[:,j]): #teste the new x within the objetive function x_aux[:,j] = x[:,j].copy() #setting new best particle position if cc == 1: results = np.full(n_particles,objective(x_aux[:,j])) #the 1st best value will fill the results vector best_result_acum = np.full(n_iterations,objective(x_aux[:,j])) cc += 1 else: results[j] = objective(x_aux[:,j]) #save result per particle best_result = min(results).copy() #find best result of all particles best_result_acum[i] = best_result.copy() idx = results.tolist().index(best_result) #find the best result's index inside the results vector x_best = x_aux[:,idx] #find the best result's position if tolerance >= np.amax(abs(x-x_0)): #break for setting tolerance break t_end = time.time() #finish time t_total = t_end - t_0 #total processing time if cc == 1: best_result = x_best = 'Not found!' #if the problem can't be solved, rise the messange print('#Particle Swarm\nMelhor resultado:',best_result,'\nPosição:',x_best,'\nTempo de execução:',(t_total),'s\n') return({'best_result':best_result,'acumulate_result':best_result_acum,'x_best':x_best,'t_total':t_total,'max_n_iteration':i})
def lj(n_variables, n_iterations, tolerance, a, b, lj_only_in, lj_only_c): from random_matrix import radom_generator #random generator. takes x and y vector dimentions between the limits a and b import functions reload(functions) #uptade the changes made in the function file from functions import objective #objetive function(s) from functions import constraints #constraint function(s) best_result_acum = np.empty((n_iterations)) #preallocation x_0 = (radom_generator(n_variables, 1, a, b)) #postion matrix x = r = np.ones((n_variables, 1)) t_0 = time.time() #start time for i in range(n_iterations): #external cicle x_aux = x_0.copy() for j in range(lj_only_in): #internal cicle x[:, 0] = x_0[:, 0] + (2 * rand.random() - 1) * r[:, 0] #particle update if (constraints( x[:, 0])) is True: #teste within the constraints functions if (objective(x[:, 0])) < objective( x_0[:, 0]): #teste particle update x_0 = x #setting new particle position best_result = objective(x_0[:, 0]) #find best result of each iteration best_result_acum[i] = best_result r[:, 0] = (1 - lj_only_c) * abs(x[:, 0] - x_aux[:, 0]) if tolerance >= np.amax(r): #break for setting tolerance x_best = x_0 #find the best result's position break x_best = x_0[:, 0] #find the best result's position t_end = time.time() #finish time t_total = t_end - t_0 #total processing time print('#Luus Jaakola\nMelhor resultado:', best_result, '\nPosição:', x_best, '\nTempo de execução:', (t_total), 's\n') return ({ 'best_result': best_result, 'acumulate_result': best_result_acum, 'x_best': x_best, 't_total': t_total, 'max_n_iteration': i })
def run_methods(self): #run the methods print("%H:%M:%S"),"\n") try: import functions reload(functions) #uptade the changes made in the function file except: print('Parece que existe um problema com as funções fornecidas.\n') return from functions import constraints from functions import objective n_iterations = int(self.ui.n_iterations.text()) n_particles = int(self.ui.n_particles.text()) tolerance = float(self.ui.n_tolerance.text()) a = list(map(float,(self.ui.vector_inf_limit.text().split(',')))) #limit inferior per variable (must be a list) b= list(map(float,(self.ui.vector_sup_limit.text().split(',')))) #limit superior per variable (must be a list) n_variables = np.size(a) #number of variables = number of constraints pso_only_w=float(self.ui.w_pso_only.text()) #w for alcateia only pso_only_c1=float(self.ui.c1_pso_only.text()) #c1 for alcateia only pso_only_c2=float(self.ui.c2_pso_only.text()) #c2 for alcateia only alcateia_only_ic = int(self.ui.alcateia_inner_circle.text()) #internal cicles for alcateia only alcateia_only_id = float(self.ui.alcatei_id.text()) #idependency for alcateia only lj_only_in = int(self.ui.inner_circle_lj_only.text()) #internal for alcateia only lj_only_c = float(self.ui.c_lj_only.text()) #contraction factor(0,1) for alcateia only if np.size(a) != np.size(b): #check for erros in a and b print('O limite inferior e superior tem tamanhos diferentes!\n') return if alcateia_only_id < 0 or alcateia_only_id > 1: #check for erros in jaakola innercircles print("No Alcateia, o parâmetro 'id' precisa estar entre 0 e 1 \n") return if lj_only_c < 0 or lj_only_c > 1: #check for erros in jaakola innercircles print("No Jaakola, o parâmetro 'c'precisa estar entre 0 e 1 \n") return if n_iterations < 1 or n_particles < 1 or alcateia_only_ic < 1 or lj_only_in < 1: #check for erros in jaakola innercircles print("O número de iterações, laços internos e partículas precisam ser no mínimo 1 \n") return try: #check for erros in objective, constraints functions teste_var = np.ones((n_variables,1)) constraints(teste_var) objective(teste_var) except: print('Função ou limites fornecidos não aceitos\n') return n_methods=methods.count('y') result_table=np.zeros((n_iterations,n_methods)) last_iteration=np.zeros(n_methods) #consider early end of method's processing by tolerance i=0 methods_name=[] if 'y' not in methods: print('Nenhum método foi selecionado!\n') return if methods[0] == 'y': from alcateia import alcateia alcateia_results=alcateia(n_particles,n_variables,n_iterations,tolerance,a,b,alcateia_only_ic,alcateia_only_id) #activate de alcateia method result_table[:,i] = alcateia_results['acumulate_result'] last_iteration[i] = alcateia_results['max_n_iteration'] methods_name.append('Alcateia') i=i+1 if methods[1] == 'y': from pso import pso pso_results=pso(n_particles,n_variables,n_iterations,tolerance,a,b,pso_only_w,pso_only_c1,pso_only_c2) #activate de alcateia method result_table[:,i] = pso_results['acumulate_result'] last_iteration[i] = pso_results['max_n_iteration'] methods_name.append('Particle Swarm') i=i+1 if methods[2] == 'y': from luus_jaakola import lj lj_results=lj(n_variables,n_iterations,tolerance,a,b,lj_only_in, lj_only_c) #activate de alcateia method result_table[:,i] = lj_results['acumulate_result'] last_iteration[i] = lj_results['max_n_iteration'] methods_name.append('Luus Jaakola') i=i+1 plotter(n_iterations,last_iteration,result_table,n_methods,methods_name) if self.ui.export_results_cvs.isChecked(): from plotter_export_csv import export_csv export_csv(result_table,methods_name,n_iterations)
def alcateia(n_particles, n_variables, n_iterations, tolerance, a, b, alcateia_only_ic, alcateia_only_id): from random_matrix import radom_generator #random generator. takes x and y vector dimentions between the limits a and b import functions reload(functions) #uptade the changes made in the function file from functions import objective #objetive function(s) from functions import constraints #constraint function(s) x = delta = np.zeros((n_variables, n_particles), dtype=float) #preallocation #results = np.ones((n_particles)) #preallocation best_result_acum = np.empty((n_iterations)) #preallocation r = radom_generator(n_variables, n_particles, a, b) x_0 = (radom_generator(n_variables, n_particles, a, b)) #postion matrix cc = 1 #controler counter t_0 = time.time() #start time for i in range(n_iterations): #external cicle for j in range(alcateia_only_ic): #internal cicle for k in range(n_particles): #calculos per particle delta[:, k] = (-1 + 2 * rand.random()) * r[:, k] x[:, k] = x_0[:, k] + delta[:, k] #particle update for l in range(n_variables): #test with the limits (a,b) if x[l, k] < a[l]: x[l, k] = a[l] + (b[l] - a[l]) * rand.random() if x[l, k] > b[l]: x[l, k] = a[l] + (b[l] - a[l]) * rand.random() if (constraints(x[:, k]) ) is True: #teste within the constraints functions if (objective(x[:, k])) < objective( x_0[:, k]): #teste particle update x_0[:, k] = x[:, k] #setting new particle position if cc == 1: results = np.full(n_particles, objective(x_0[:, k])) cc += 1 else: results[k] = objective( x_0[:, k]) #save result per particle best_result = min( results) #find best result of all particles best_result_acum[i] = best_result idx = results.tolist().index( best_result ) #find the best result's index inside the results vector x_best = x_0[:, idx] #find the best result's position if cc != 1: for w in range( n_particles ): #uptade x_0 within the best result of last external cicle r[:, w] = abs(x_0[:, w] - x[:, w]) x_0[:, w] = alcateia_only_id * x_0[:, w] + ( 1 - alcateia_only_id) * x_best if tolerance >= np.amax(r): #break for setting tolerance #best_result_acum[:,i:n_iterations]=best_result #comple the rest of the vector with the last value break t_end = time.time() #finish time t_total = t_end - t_0 #total processing time if cc == 1: best_result = x_best = 'Não encontrado!' print('#Alcateia\nMelhor resultado:', best_result, '\nPosição:', x_best, '\nTempo de execução:', (t_total), 's\n') return ({ 'best_result': best_result, 'acumulate_result': best_result_acum, 'x_best': x_best, 't_total': t_total, 'max_n_iteration': i })
def run_methods(self): #run the methods print("%H:%M:%S"), "\n") try: import functions reload(functions) #uptade the changes made in the function file except: print('Looks like the inputted functions has a problem.\n') return from functions import constraints from functions import objective n_iterations = int(self.ui.n_iterations.text()) n_particles = int(self.ui.n_particles.text()) tolerance = float(self.ui.n_tolerance.text()) a = list(map(float, (self.ui.vector_inf_limit.text().split(',') ))) #limit inferior per variable (must be a list) b = list(map(float, (self.ui.vector_sup_limit.text().split(',') ))) #limit superior per variable (must be a list) n_variables = np.size(a) #number of variables = number of constraints pso_only_w = float(self.ui.w_pso_only.text()) #w for alcateia only pso_only_c1 = float(self.ui.c1_pso_only.text()) #c1 for alcateia only pso_only_c2 = float(self.ui.c2_pso_only.text()) #c2 for alcateia only alcateia_only_ic = int(self.ui.alcateia_inner_circle.text() ) #internal cicles for alcateia only alcateia_only_id = float( self.ui.alcatei_id.text()) #idependency for alcateia only lj_only_in = int( self.ui.inner_circle_lj_only.text()) #internal for alcateia only lj_only_c = float(self.ui.c_lj_only.text() ) #contraction factor(0,1) for alcateia only if np.size(a) != np.size(b): #check for erros in a and b print('Inferior limit and superior limit have differente sizes!\n') return if alcateia_only_id < 0 or alcateia_only_id > 1: #check for erros in jaakola innercircles print("Alcateias's 'id' must be between 0 and 1 \n") return if lj_only_c < 0 or lj_only_c > 1: #check for erros in jaakola innercircles print("Jaakola's 'c' must be between 0 and 1 \n") return if n_iterations < 1 or n_particles < 1 or alcateia_only_ic < 1 or lj_only_in < 1: #check for erros in jaakola innercircles print( "Number of iterations, inner circles and particles must be greater than or equal to 1 \n" ) return try: #check for erros in objective, constraints functions teste_var = np.ones((n_variables, 1)) constraints(teste_var) objective(teste_var) except: print('Function or limits not correctly inputted\n') return n_methods = methods.count('y') result_table = np.zeros((n_iterations, n_methods)) last_iteration = np.zeros( n_methods) #consider early end of method's processing by tolerance i = 0 methods_name = [] if 'y' not in methods: print('No method has been selected!\n') return if methods[0] == 'y': from alcateia import alcateia alcateia_results = alcateia( n_particles, n_variables, n_iterations, tolerance, a, b, alcateia_only_ic, alcateia_only_id) #activate de alcateia method result_table[:, i] = alcateia_results['acumulate_result'] last_iteration[i] = alcateia_results['max_n_iteration'] methods_name.append('Alcateia') i = i + 1 if methods[1] == 'y': from pso import pso pso_results = pso(n_particles, n_variables, n_iterations, tolerance, a, b, pso_only_w, pso_only_c1, pso_only_c2) #activate de alcateia method result_table[:, i] = pso_results['acumulate_result'] last_iteration[i] = pso_results['max_n_iteration'] methods_name.append('Particle Swarm') i = i + 1 if methods[2] == 'y': from luus_jaakola import lj lj_results = lj(n_variables, n_iterations, tolerance, a, b, lj_only_in, lj_only_c) #activate de alcateia method result_table[:, i] = lj_results['acumulate_result'] last_iteration[i] = lj_results['max_n_iteration'] methods_name.append('Luus Jaakola') i = i + 1 plotter(n_iterations, last_iteration, result_table, n_methods, methods_name) if self.ui.export_results_cvs.isChecked(): from plotter_export_csv import export_csv export_csv(result_table, methods_name, n_iterations)