def parseArgs(args): ''' Parse arguments using online database functions ''' if args.user: # login user if username provided loginUser(args.user) else: # prompt login if no user given loginUser() if args.add: addServicePrompt(args.add) if args.edit: editServicePrompt(args.edit) if args.list: listServicesPrompt() if getNamePrompt( if args.password: getPassPrompt(args.password) if args.remove: removeServicePrompt(args.remove) if args.www: getUrlPrompt(args.www) quit()
def handle_input(): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: functions.quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: functions.quit() elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: data.player.direction = direction.NORTH elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: data.player.direction = direction.SOUTH elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: data.player.direction = direction.WEST elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: data.player.direction = direction.EAST elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_UP and data.player.direction == direction.NORTH: data.player.direction = direction.NONE elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and data.player.direction == direction.SOUTH: data.player.direction = direction.NONE elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and data.player.direction == direction.WEST: data.player.direction = direction.NONE elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and data.player.direction == direction.EAST: data.player.direction = direction.NONE
def handleOfflineLogin(username=""): ''' Logs in users to local database in lieu of internet connection ''' print("NOTE: No connection") print("Continuing in offline mode. \nYou can retrieve any service data, " \ +"but you will not be \nable to edit or upload data\n\n") username = getOfflineUsername(username) file_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.passman/{}.json".format(username)) dir_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.passman") if not os.path.isdir(dir_path): print("Sorry, no local users found") quit() with open(file_path) as data_file: data = data = ast.literal_eval(data) # from string to dict key = getOfflinePassword(data) setOfflineUsername(username, key) return True
def getServicesOffline(): ''' Get an array of services for a user ''' global name dir_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.passman") file_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.passman/{}.json".format(name)) if not os.path.isfile(file_path) or \ not os.path.isdir(dir_path): print("No local file found - exiting") quit() with open(file_path) as data_file: data = data = ast.literal_eval(data)['data'] for service in data: service['service'] = decrypt(service['service'], key) service['serviceUserName'] = decrypt(service['serviceUserName'], key) service['servicePassword'] = decrypt(service['servicePassword'], key) service['serviceUrl'] = decrypt(service['serviceUrl'], key) return data
def changeMasterPrompt(): ''' Menu for changing the master password to the passman application ''' oldPass = getUserInput("Enter your old password", True) isUser = checkUserCredentials(oldPass) # check the name/pw inc = 0 while (not isUser) and inc < 2: print("That didn't work") oldPass = getUserInput("Enter your old password", True) isUser = checkUserCredentials(oldPass) inc += 1 if (inc >= 2): # three strikes; you're out quit() newPass = getUserInput("Enter your new password", True) newPassCheck = getUserInput("Once more, with feeling", True) while newPass != newPassCheck: print("Sorry. Those didn't match.") newPass = getUserInput("Enter your new password", True) newPassCheck = getUserInput("Once more, with feeling", True) changePassword(newPass) return True
def update(): while True: if pressed('enter') or pressed('return'): play('startsound') return True if pressed('escape'): quit() time.sleep(0.05)
def lake_room(): data['Room'] = 2 # clears page for new room clear() # room's title print(f.GREEN +'LAKE OF DREAMS'+ s.RESET_ALL) #checks if you have been here before if data['fe2'] == 0: print('\nyou re-enter the Lake of Dreams') if data['torch'] == 0: print('\nOn the wall there is an lit Torch with something behind it') if data['fe2'] == 1: data['fe2'] = 0 t.sleep(1) #room outline print('\nYou walk into a dimly lit room. in the center is a glowing blue lake which does not appear to relfect the cave. On the wall there is an lit Torch with something behind it ') #room game loop while True: answer = input('\n>') #check for torch command if 'torch' in answer: #checks torch status if data['torch'] == 0: #changes torch status data['torch'] = 1 print('You grab the torch, as it comes away from the wall something drops on the floor') #sends the player to the previous room elif 'go back' in answer: go_back() #saves the game elif 'save' in answer: with open('save.json', 'w') as save: json.dump(data, save) print('Saved!') #quits the game elif 'quit' in answer: quit()
def update(self): vector = [0, 0] if self.direction == direction.NONE: vector = [0, 0] elif self.direction == direction.EAST: vector = [self.SPEED, 0] elif self.direction == direction.WEST: vector = [-self.SPEED, 0] elif self.direction == direction.NORTH: vector = [0, -self.SPEED] elif self.direction == direction.SOUTH: vector = [0, self.SPEED] self.move(vector) if len(pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, data.monsters, False)) > 0: functions.quit()
def update(self): vector = [0,0] if self.direction == direction.NONE: vector = [0,0] elif self.direction == direction.EAST: vector = [self.SPEED,0] elif self.direction == direction.WEST: vector = [-self.SPEED,0] elif self.direction == direction.NORTH: vector = [0,-self.SPEED] elif self.direction == direction.SOUTH: vector = [0,self.SPEED] self.move(vector) if len(pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self,data.monsters, False)) > 0: functions.quit()
def signUpUser(): ''' Handles sign up for new users ''' if not checkConnection("test"): print("Sorry - cannot create user without internet connection") quit() username = getUserInput("Please enter your username") pw = getUserInput("Please enter your password", True) if addUser(username, pw): setDBUsername(pw, username) pullDatabase() return True else: print("Sorry, that username is already taken") signUpUser()
def getOfflinePassword(data): ''' Checks a password against that stored in the local database ''' pw = getUserInput("Please enter your password", True) key = hashlib.sha256(pw.encode()).digest() hashedpw = hashlib.sha512(pw.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() inc = 0 while hashedpw != data['password'] and inc < 2: print("Wrong password") pw = getUserInput("Please enter your password", True) key = hashlib.sha256(pw.encode()).digest() hashedpw = hashlib.sha512(pw.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() inc += 1 if inc >= 2: # three strikes; you're out quit() return key
def parseArgsOffline(args): ''' Parse arguments using offline database functions ''' if args.user: # login user if username provided handleOfflineLogin(args.user) else: # prompt login if no user given handleOfflineLogin() if args.list: listServicesOffline() if getUserNameOffline( if args.password: getPasswordOffline(args.password) if args.www: getURLOffline(args.www) quit()
def __init__(self): application.frame = self self.last_review = [0.0, None, None] super(MainFrame, self).__init__(None, title = self._review = 0 # The current position of the review cursor. self.commands = [] # Command history. self._command_pos = 0 # The current position in the command history. p = wx.Panel(self) self.CreateStatusBar() self.SetStatusText('Not connected.') s = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.output = MyTextCtrl(p, style = wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_MULTILINE) s.Add(self.output, 1, wx.GROW) s1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.prompt = wx.StaticText(p, label = '&Entry') s1.Add(self.prompt, 0, wx.GROW) self.entry = wx.TextCtrl(p, style = wx.TE_RICH2) self.entry.SetFocus() s1.Add(self.entry, 1, wx.GROW) s.Add(s1, 0, wx.GROW) p.SetSizerAndFit(s) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'RETURN', self.do_send) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'ESCAPE', lambda event: self.do_clear(save = True)) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'UP', lambda event: self.do_command_history(self._command_pos - 1)) # Commands are entered using append. keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'DOWN', lambda event: self.do_command_history(self._command_pos + 1)) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'CTRL+HOME', lambda event: self.do_command_history(-1)) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'CTRL+END', lambda event: self.do_command_history(0)) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'SHIFT+RETURN', lambda event: self.do_send(event, clear = False)) keys.add_accelerator(self.entry, 'CTRL+RETURN', lambda event: functions.send(self.commands[0]) if self.commands else functions.bell()) for x in xrange(10): keys.add_accelerator(self, 'ALT+%s' % x, lambda event, i = x: self.do_review(-10 if not i else (i * -1), move = False)) keys.add_accelerator(self, 'ALT+%s' % x, lambda event, i = x: self.output.SpeakLineText(10 if not i else i)) keys.add_accelerator(self, 'CTRL+SHIFT+Y', lambda event: self.do_review(0)) keys.add_accelerator(self, 'CTRL+SHIFT+P', lambda event: self.do_review(-1)) keys.add_accelerator(self, 'CTRL+SHIFT+U', lambda event: self.do_review(max(self._review - 1, 0))) keys.add_accelerator(self, 'CTRL+SHIFT+I', lambda event: self.do_review(self._review)) keys.add_accelerator(self, 'CTRL+SHIFT+O', lambda event: self.do_review(self._review + 1)) functions.output('Welcome to %s (V%s).\nType %scommands() for help with builtin functions.' % (, application.version, application.config.get('application', 'command_char'))) mb = wx.MenuBar() self.file_menu = wx.Menu() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.do_load, self.file_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&Load Script...', 'Load a script.')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda event: application.config.get_gui().Show(True), self.file_menu.Append(wx.ID_PREFERENCES, '&Preferences...', 'Change program configuration.')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda event: functions.quit(), self.file_menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, '&Quit', 'Quit the program.')) mb.Append(self.file_menu, '&File') self.connect_menu = wx.Menu() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda event: do_connect(), self.connect_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&Connect...', 'Create a new connection.')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda event: functions.disconnect(), self.connect_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&Disconnect', 'Disconnect from the MUD.')) mb.Append(self.connect_menu, '&Connect') self.SetMenuBar(mb) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close)
def loginUser(username=""): ''' Handles login for online database ''' isCommandLine = username username = username if username else getUserInput("Please enter your username") if not checkConnection("test"): handleOfflineLogin(username) pw = getUserInput("Please enter your password", True) inc = 0 while not checkUserCredentials(pw, username) and inc < 2: print("Sorry, that doesn't match our records") pw = getUserInput("Please enter your password", True) inc += 1 if inc >= 2: # three strikes; you're out quit() setDBUsername(pw, username) pullDatabase() return True
def start(): clear() #tells the code we are in room 1 data['Room'] = 1 # Room title print(f.GREEN +'DARK ROOM'+ s.RESET_ALL) #prints this if you have been here before if data['fe1'] == 0: print("\nyou're back in the dark room") #checks if this is your first entry if data['fe1'] == 1: data['fe1'] = 0 with open('save.json', 'w') as save: json.dump(data, save) t.sleep(1) #Room outline print('\n Suddenly you wake into a dark cave. its pitch black but you begin to feel your way around the room ') t.sleep(3) print(' \nyou find two doors one to the left one to the right') t.sleep(1) #suggested commands print('\n l for left r for right or look to explore some more') #Room 1 game loop while True: # recives and converts answer to lower case answer = input("\n>").lower() # sends the player left if 'l' == answer: clear() print('you go left') t.sleep(3) lake_room() # sends the player right elif 'r' == answer: clear() print('you go right') t.sleep(3) abandoned_forge() # the player explore the area elif 'look' == answer: # if they have a torch they find something if data['torch'] == 1: print('\n you look around and find what appears to be another door in the wall') data['door_found'] = 1 #check for the open door command elif 'open door' == answer: #check if the playere has found the door and has the key if data['has_key'] == 1 and data['door_found'] == 1: print('The door flies open and you are blinded by the light of the outside world') t.sleep(2) print("You've finished 0.0.2 of The Wills of Men. Thank you for playing!! ") with open('save.json', 'w') as save: json.dump(data, save) break #saves the game elif 'save' in answer: with open('save.json', 'w') as save: json.dump(data, save) print('Saved!') #sends player to quit function elif 'quit' in answer: quit() # player death condition else: game_over('you died of boredom') # so did I
def abandoned_forge(): data['Room'] = 3 # clears page for neew room clear() # rooms title print(f.GREEN +'ABANDONED FORGE'+ s.RESET_ALL) if data['fe3'] == 0: print('you feel calm as you enter the forge') if data['coal_bucket'] == 0: print('\nin the corner there is a barrel of coal') if data['fe3'] == 1: data['fe3'] = 0 t.sleep(1) # room outline for player print('\nYou walk into a new room. It appears to be an old forge with old will forging equipment and an anvil. there is a thin been of light coming into the room from a man made hole in the ceiling. in the corner there is a barrel of coal') #Room 3 game loop while True: answer = input('\n>') #sends the player to the previous room if 'go back' == answer: go_back() #saves the game elif 'save' == answer: with open('save.json', 'w') as save: json.dump(data, save) print('Saved!') #checks if the player wants to get the coal bucket elif 'get coal bucket' == answer: if data['coal_bucket'] == 0: data['coal_bucket'] = 1 print('you grab the bucket of coal') #checks the player wants to light the forge elif 'light' or 'light forge' or 'light fire' == answer: if data['torch'] == 1 and data['coal_bucket'] == 1: t.sleep(2) print ('\nAs you place the coal in the forge and light the fire you feel a great increase in your power ' + f.YELLOW +'Somewhere a door to the outside can be found'+ s.RESET_ALL, ) t.sleep(1) print('\na key materialises on the anvil') t.sleep(1) print ('\n do you want to pick it up y/n') answer = input('\n>') #check the player want the key if 'y' in answer: data['has_key'] = 1 print('you get the key from the anvil.') print('\n on it there is an inscription .' + f.RED +'"The way to light is found in the darkest places"' +s.RESET_ALL) #the player says no (why would you) elif 'n' in answer: print('ok') #quits the game elif 'quit' in answer: quit()
VERSION: 1.0 GITHUB: "" Type !help to print all available commands """) while True: getI = input("PyCon ==> ") if getI.__contains__("!help"): print( "!help - Print all available commands\n!quit - To terminate the program\n!newfile - To create a new file\n!editfile - To edit predefined file\n!wc - To open weight converter app\n" ) elif getI.__contains__("!newfile"): functions.creatNewFile(input("Enter a name for your file: ")) print() elif getI.__contains__("!editfile"): functions.editFile(input("File name "), input("Edit: ")) print() elif getI.__contains__("!wc"): weight_converter.calculator() print() elif getI.__contains__("!quit"): functions.quit() else: print( "[Command >> " + getI + " <<]" + " is not recognised by our <system> -- type !help to print all available commands\n" )