def compareLight(learn, epochs, itrs, alpha, batchSize, o=10): np.random.seed(2) N = 1000 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) z = FrankeFunction(x, y) MSE1, MSE2, MSE3, MSE4 = [], [], [], [] for i in range(o): X = X_Mat(x, y, o) B3 = SGD(X, z, learn, epochs, itrs, alpha, batchSize) #for some reason, OLS and RIDGE act weird zpred3 =, B3) #if this happens below them. Why I do not know. B = OLS(X, z) zpred =, B) B2 = RIDGE(X, z) zpred2 =, B2) sgdreg = SGDRegressor(max_iter=3000, penalty='l2', eta0=0.05, learning_rate='adaptive', alpha=0.00001, loss='epsilon_insensitive', fit_intercept=False), z) B4 = sgdreg.coef_ zpred4 =, B4) MSE1.append(MSE(z, zpred)) MSE2.append(MSE(z, zpred2)) MSE3.append(MSE(z, zpred3)) MSE4.append(MSE(z, zpred4)) plt.plot(range(o), MSE1, label='SciKit OLS') plt.plot(range(o), MSE2, label='SciKit Ridge') plt.plot(range(o), MSE3, label='SGD') plt.plot(range(o), MSE4, label='SciKit SGD') plt.legend() plt.title( 'Mean-Squared Errors given polynomial order for different methods') plt.xlabel('Polynomial Order') plt.ylabel('MSE')
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Load the terrain terrain = imread('SRTM_data_Norway_1.tif') # just fixing a set of points N = 1000 o = 5 # polynomial order k = 5 terrain = terrain[:N,:N] z = np.ravel(terrain) # Creates mesh of image pixels x = np.linspace(0,1, np.shape(terrain)[0]) y = np.linspace(0,1, np.shape(terrain)[1]) x_mesh, y_mesh = np.meshgrid(x,y) # Note the use of meshgrid X = X_Mat(x_mesh, y_mesh,o) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,z,test_size=0.2) MSE, ldas = crossval(x,y,z,5,5,'Ridge') MSE = np.mean(MSE, axis=1) plt.plot(np.log10(ldas),MSE) plt.xlabel('Log10(lambdas)') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.title('MSE for Ridge using Cross Validation') plt.figure() plt.title('Terrain over Norway 1') plt.imshow(terrain, cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y')
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.utils import resample np.random.seed(80085) N = 30 nboots = 100 o = 5 amp = 0.2 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) z = FrankeFunction(x, y) z += np.random.normal(0, 1, x.shape) * amp X = X_Mat(x, y, o) #b1 = sciOLS(X,z) #b2 = OLS(X,z) #zpred = X_test @ b2 #ztilde = X_train @ b2 """ print(zpred,zmesh) fig = plt.figure() heat = plt.imshow(zmesh) fig.colorbar(heat, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) """ vari, bias, error, Type = variancebias('lasso', z, N, nboots=nboots, order=o) plt.plot(range(o), vari, label='Variance')
def TF(inputs=inputs, labels=labels, Type='sgd', nlayers=[70, 50, 30], alayers=['sig', 'sig', 'sig'], outa='sm', pens=['l2', 'l2', 'l2'], o=5, out=10, epochs=100, batchSize=100, learns=np.logspace(-5, 1, 7), lmbds=np.logspace(-5, 1, 7), one_return=False, bestFound=False, plotting=False, reg=False): np.random.seed(2) if outa.lower() == 'sm': outa = 'softmax' elif outa.lower() == 'sig': outa = 'sigmoid' if bestFound == True: Type = 'sgd' nlayers = [80, 50, 30, 20] alayers = ['sig', 'sig', 'sig', 'sig'] outa = 'softmax' pens = ['l2', 'l2', 'l2', 'l2'] out = 10 epochs = 100 batchSize = 100 learns = 1 lmbds = 1e-4 one_return = True if reg == True: N = 1000 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) labels = FrankeFunction(x, y) inputs = X_Mat(x, y, o) model = TensorFlow(Type, nlayers, alayers, outa, pens, out, reg) scores = model.fitter(inputs, labels, epochs, batchSize, learns, lmbds, one_return) if one_return == False and plotting == True and reg == False: plt.figure() for i in range(scores.shape[0]): plt.loglog(lmbds, scores[i][:], label=r'$\eta = {}$'.format(learns[i])) plt.legend() plt.title(r"""Accuracy for all different $\eta$ with varying $\lambda$ using the {} method""".format(model.Func)) plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda$') plt.ylabel('Accuracy [%]') elif one_return == False and plotting == True and reg == True: plt.figure() plt.semilogx(learns, scores) plt.title( 'The R2 Score of a FFNN Regression case with a variable Learning Rate' ) plt.xlabel('Learning rate') plt.ylabel('R2 Score')
def soloSGD(learn, epochs, itrs, batchSize, o=10): np.random.seed(2) N = 1000 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) z = FrankeFunction(x, y) k = 0 l = 0 m = 0 alpha = 0.9 lst = [learn, epochs, itrs, batchSize] for i in lst: if hasattr(i, "__len__") == True: l = k array = i m += 1 k += 1 if m > 1: raise ValueError('Only one input can be an array-like') if m != 0: if l == 0: error = np.zeros((o, len(learn))) if l == 1: error = np.zeros((o, len(epochs))) if l == 2: error = np.zeros((o, len(itrs))) if l == 3: error = np.zeros((o, len(batchSize))) for i in range(o): X = X_Mat(x, y, o) j = 0 for k in array: if l == 0: variable = 'Learning Rate' B = SGD(X, z, k, epochs, itrs, alpha, batchSize) zpred =, B) error[i][j] = MSE(z, zpred) elif l == 1: variable = 'Epochs' B = SGD(X, z, learn, k, itrs, alpha, batchSize) zpred =, B) error[i][j] = MSE(z, zpred) elif l == 2: variable = 'Iterations' B = SGD(X, z, learn, epochs, k, alpha, batchSize) zpred =, B) error[i][j] = MSE(z, zpred) elif l == 3: variable = 'Batch Size' B = SGD(X, z, learn, epochs, itrs, alpha, k) zpred =, B) error[i][j] = MSE(z, zpred) j += 1 plt.title( 'Mean-Squared-Error as a function of Polynomial Order\n with %s from %g to %g' % (variable, array[0], array[-1])) for i in range(len(error[1])): plt.plot(range(o), error[:, i], label='%s = %g' % (variable, array[i])) plt.xlabel('Polynomial Order') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.legend(loc='upper right') for i in range(len(error[1])): print('MSE:', array[i], np.mean(error[:][i])) else: error = [] for i in range(o): X = X_Mat(x, y, o) B = SGD(X, z, learn, epochs, itrs, alpha, batchSize) zpred =, B) error.append(MSE(z, zpred)) plt.plot(range(o), error) plt.xlabel('Polynomial Order') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.title( 'MSE of our Custom Stochastic Gradient Descent model on its own')
def LogisticRegression(Type, aFunc='sm', penalty='l2', designOrder=5, iters=600, epochs=200, alpha=0.9, kappa=1, batchSize=50, learn=0.001, plotting=False, bestFound=False): np.random.seed(2) k = 0 l = 0 m = 0 vari = False lst = [designOrder, iters, batchSize, learn, epochs] for i in lst: if hasattr(i, "__len__") == True: vari = True l = k array = i m += 1 k += 1 if m > 1: raise ValueError('Only one input can be an array-like') if bestFound == True: #will use the best parameters found by me whilst coding and testing print( 'Fitting with best possible parameters\n' ) #note that these can probably be optimized further, these are just some examples of good results if Type.lower() == 'gd': #gives an MSE of about ~ 0.02 designOrder = 5 aFunc = 'relu' penalty = 'l2' iters = 800 epochs = 500 alpha = 0.6 learn = 1 bestArray = [iters, epochs, alpha, learn] bestFunc = 'Rectified Linear Unit' elif Type.lower() == 'sgdmb': #gives an MSE of about ~ 0.07 designOrder = 5 aFunc = 'elu' penalty = 'l2' iters = 400 alpha = 0.8 epochs = 200 batchSize = 50 learn = 0.0005 bestArray = [iters, epochs, alpha, batchSize, learn] bestFunc = 'Exponential Linear Unit' else: #assumes normal SGD w/o mini batches, MSE of about ~ 0.11 designOrder = 5 aFunc = 'sp' penalty = 'l2' iters = 600 epochs = 200 alpha = 0.7 learn = 0.006 kappa = 2.3 bestArray = [iters, epochs, alpha, kappa, learn] bestFunc = 'Softplus' N = 1000 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) z = FrankeFunction(x, y) ploter = plt.plot if vari == True: Blst = [] for i in array: if l == 0: variable = 'Polynomial Order' X = X_Mat(x, y, i) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split( X, z, test_size=0.2) model = LR(X, z, Type, aFunc, iters, epochs, penalty, alpha, k, batchSize) model.fitter(X_train, z_train, learn) Blst.append(model.B) elif l == 1: variable = 'Iterations' X = X_Mat(x, y, designOrder) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split( X, z, test_size=0.2) model = LR(X, z, Type, aFunc, i, epochs, penalty, alpha, k, batchSize) model.fitter(X_train, z_train, learn) Blst.append(model.B) elif l == 2: variable = 'Batch Size' X = X_Mat(x, y, designOrder) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split( X, z, test_size=0.2) model = LR(X, z, Type, aFunc, iters, epochs, penalty, k, alpha, i) model.fitter(X_train, z_train, learn) Blst.append(model.B) elif l == 3: variable = 'Learning Rate' X = X_Mat(x, y, designOrder) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split( X, z, test_size=0.2) model = LR(X, z, Type, aFunc, iters, epochs, penalty, alpha, k, batchSize) model.fitter(X_train, z_train, i) Blst.append(model.B) ploter = plt.semilogx elif l == 4: variable = 'Epochs' X = X_Mat(x, y, designOrder) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split( X, z, test_size=0.2) model = LR(X, z, Type, aFunc, iters, i, penalty, alpha, k, batchSize) model.fitter(X_train, z_train, learn) Blst.append(model.B) msestore = [] for i in range(len(array)): zpred4 =, Blst[i]) print('\n%s: %g\nMSE: %g' % (variable, array[i], MSE(z, zpred4))) msestore.append(MSE(z, zpred4)) if plotting == True: plt.title('Mean-Squared-Error as a function of %s\nfrom %g to %g' % (variable, array[0], array[-1])) ploter(array, msestore) plt.xlabel('%s' % (variable)) plt.ylabel('MSE') else: X = X_Mat(x, y, designOrder) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split(X, z, test_size=0.2) model = LR(X, z, Type, aFunc, iters, epochs, penalty, alpha, kappa, batchSize) model.fitter(X_train, z_train, learn) B4 = model.B zpred4 =, B4) print('MSE: %g || R2: %g' % (MSE(z, zpred4), R2(z, zpred4))) if bestFound == True: if Type.lower() == 'sgdmb': print( '\nActivation Function: %s\n%s\nUsing the variables:\nIterations: %g\nEpochs: %g\nAlpha: %g\nBatch Size: %g\nLearning Rate: %g' % (bestFunc, '=' * 45, bestArray[0], bestArray[1], bestArray[2], bestArray[3], bestArray[4])) elif Type.lower() == 'sgd': print( 'Activation Function: %s\n%s\nUsing the variables:\nIterations: %g\nEpochs: %g\nAlpha Parameter: %g\nSharpness Parameter: %g\nLearning Rate: %g' % (bestFunc, '=' * 30, bestArray[0], bestArray[1], bestArray[2], bestArray[3], bestArray[4])) else: print( 'Activation Function: %s\n%s\nUsing the variables:\nIterations: %g\nEpochs: %g\nAlpha: %g\nLearning Rate: %g' % (bestFunc, '=' * 45, bestArray[0], bestArray[1], bestArray[2], bestArray[3]))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') np.random.seed(80085) N = 500 o = 7 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0,1,N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0,1,N)) xm, ym = np.meshgrid(x,y) z = FrankeFunction(xm,ym) #z =+ np.random.normal(size = (N,N)) xr = np.linspace(0,1,N) yr = np.linspace(0,1,N) xm, ym = np.meshgrid(x,y) def y_t(Xr,B): return Xr @ B X = X_Mat(xm,ym,o) Xr = X_Mat(xm,ym,o) B, ztilde, zpred = OLS(X,z) surf = ax.plot_surface(xm, ym, (y_t(Xr,B)).reshape((N,N)),cmap=cm.coolwarm,linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.set_zlim(-0.10, 1.40) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) for angle in range(0, 360): ax.view_init(30, angle) plt.draw() plt.pause(.001) #Franke3D(x,y) z = np.ravel(z) X_train,X_test,z_Train,z_Test = train_test_split(X,z,test_size=0.2)
from main import TF, LogisticRegression, MNISTsolver, compareLight, soloSGD import numpy as np from sklearn import datasets from functions import X_Mat, FrankeFunction #usually the function doesn't need an input, but just in case. digits = datasets.load_digits() inputs = digits.images labels = n_inputs = len(inputs) inputs = inputs.reshape(n_inputs, -1) N = 1000 x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) z = FrankeFunction(x, y) X = X_Mat(x, y, 5) #An example of a decent result of our custom SGD in relation to SciKit methods #compareLight(0.6, 300, 600, 0.9, 100) #An example of our custom SGD alone with a variable learning rate (and polynomial order) #soloSGD(np.logspace(-5,1,7),200,200,50,o=10) #An example of our custom SGD alone with a variable epoch number (and polynomial order) #soloSGD(0.6, [20,50,100,200],600 ,50 , o=10) #An example of our custom SGD alone with a variable iteration count (and polynomial order) #soloSGD(0.6,200,[100,200,300,500],50,o=10) #An example of our custom SGD alone with a variable batch count (and polynomial order) #soloSGD(0.6,200,600,[10,30,50,70,100],o=10)