Beispiel #1
def trapezodial(expr, interval, N):
    func = function(expr)
    dx, fs = getIntervalPoints(N, func, interval)

    integral = 0.0
    for i in range(N):
        integral += fs[i] + fs[i + 1]
    integral *= dx / 2

    return integral, maxErr(func, dx, interval)
Beispiel #2
def rectangular(expr, interval, N):
    func = function(expr)
    dx, fs = getIntervalPoints(N, func, interval)

    # Integral computation
    integral = 0.0
    for i in range(N):
        integral += fs[i]
    integral *= dx

    return integral, maxErr(func, dx, interval)
Beispiel #3
def simpson(expr, interval, N):
    func = function(expr)
    # Simpson rule requires that interval is separated in 2*n equal intervals
    dx, fs = getIntervalPoints(2 * N, func, interval)
    dx *= 2  # dx must be (b-a)/6 not (b-a)/12

    integral = 0.0
    for i in range(N):
        integral += fs[2 * i] + 4 * fs[2 * i + 1] + fs[2 * i + 2]
    integral *= dx / 6

    return integral, maxErr(func, dx, interval)
def newton_raphson(expr, point=0, tolerance=0.001):
    """Uses newton raphson method to solve the equation: expr = 0"""
    f = function(expr)
    derivative = f.diff()

    k = 0
    while True:
        k += 1
        newPoint = point - f(point) / derivative(point)

        if abs(newPoint - point) < tolerance:
            point = newPoint

    return point, k  # (solution, iterations)
Beispiel #5
def bisection(expr, lo, hi, tolerance=0.001):
    """Uses bisection method to solve the equation: expr = 0"""
    f = function(expr)

    k = 1
    while abs(hi - lo) >= tolerance:
        medium = (hi + lo) / 2

        if f(lo) * f(medium) <= 0:
            hi = medium
            lo = medium

        k += 1

    return lo, hi, k  # (lower bound, higher bound, iterations)
def false_position(expr, lo, hi, tolerance=0.001):
    """Uses false position method to solve the equation: expr = 0"""
    f = function(expr)

    c, k = 1, 1
    while abs(f(c)) >= tolerance:
        c = (lo * f(hi) - hi * f(lo)) / (f(hi) - f(lo))

        if (f(lo) * f(c) <= 0):
            hi = c
            lo = c

        k += 1

    return c, k  # (solution, iterations)
Beispiel #7
def fixed_point(expr, point=0, tolerance=0.001):
    """Uses fixed point method to solve the equation: expr = 0"""

    # TODO: implement Aitken acceleration
    f = function(expr + "+x")

    k, maxiter = 0, 1000
    while True:
        k += 1
        newPoint = f(point)

        if abs(newPoint - point) < tolerance:
        elif k > maxiter:
            return Exception("Failed to convert in %d iterations" % maxiter)
            point = newPoint

    return point, k  # (solution, iterations)
        # Func is a first degree polynomial and its derivative is constant
        # Sympy can't handle devitives of a constant function. If func has
        # a positive slope then we should return func(b), else we should
        # return func(a)
        return max(func(a), func(b))
    secondder = func.diff(2)
    To find the global maximum of func in interval we first solve df/dx = 0
    Then we check if the second derivative is negative on these points, which
    is the condition for checking for local maximum. Of these local maxima
    and the values of func at a and b we want the one that is bigger
    solutionsExpr = solve(firstder)
    solutions = list(map(lambda x: x.evalf(), solutionsExpr))

    maxOfFunc = max(func(a), func(b))
    for point in solutions:
        if secondder(point) < 0:
            # we have a local maximum
            maxOfFunc = max(func(point), maxOfFunc)

    return maxOfFunc

if __name__ == "__main__":
    expr = input("Enter a function: ")
    f = function(expr)

    print(funcMax(f, [-10, 10]))
    print(getIntervalPoints(10, function('x'), [0, 1]))