def get(self): result = [] ips = request.args.get('ip', '').strip() try: if ips: for ip in ips.split(','): host_dict = {} private_ip = PrivateIp.query.filter_by(ip=ip).first() if private_ip: host_dict['env'] = host_dict['services'] = ','.join( list( flatten( host_dict['ip'] = ip result.append(host_dict) continue publish_ip = PublishIp.query.filter_by(ip=ip).first() if publish_ip: host_dict['env'] = host_dict['services'] = ','.join( list( flatten( host_dict['ip'] = ip result.append(host_dict) continue return {'data': result, 'status': 1} except: return {'data': [], 'status': 0}
def CalcEffectSize(sc_dict, sp_dict, logr_indices, save_fx_size=False, save_name='effect_sizes.txt', printTop=5): '''calculates effect size for all significant genes''' print('...calculating effect sizes...') fx_dict = {} mean_dict = {} for gene in sc_dict: if gene in sp_dict: if len(sc_dict[gene]) > 0 and len(sp_dict[gene]) > 0: all_sp_obs = list(flatten(sp_dict[gene])) all_sc_obs = list(flatten(sc_dict[gene])) sp_mean = np.nanmean(all_sp_obs) sc_mean = np.nanmean(all_sc_obs) fx_dict[gene] = [] for i in range( len(logr_indices) ): #fx size is absolute value of difference between means of individual brs logratios if sc_dict[gene][i] == np.nan: fx_dict[gene].append(np.nan) else: fx_dict[gene].append(sp_mean - np.nanmean(sc_dict[gene][i])) fx_dict[gene].append( sp_mean - sc_mean ) #also add mean for context print('...done calculating effect sizes!') print(sc_dict['YLR397C']) if printTop > 0: #print the top some number of effect sizes print('top ' + str(printTop) + ' effect sizes:') for i in range(printTop): for gene in sorted(fx_dict, key=fx_dict.get, reverse=True): if printTop > 0: print(gene, fx_dict[gene]) printTop -= 1 if save_fx_size == True: print('...saving outfile:') wf = open(save_name, 'w') header = 'gene' for i in range(len(logr_indices)): header += '\t' + temp + '_' + str(i + 1) wf.writelines(header + '\tmean\n') for gene in sorted(fx_dict, key=fx_dict.get, reverse=True): gene_str = gene for i in range(len(fx_dict[gene])): gene_str += '\t' + str(fx_dict[gene][i]) wf.writelines(gene_str + '\n') wf.close() return fx_dict, mean_dict
def _service_host_info(host_id): _host = Host.query.get(host_id) if _host: _host_dict = {} _host_dict['host_id'] = _host_dict['env'] = _host_dict['private_ip'] = ','.join( list(flatten(_host.private_ips.values(PrivateIp.ip)))) _host_dict['publish_ip'] = ','.join( list(flatten(_host.publish_ips.values(PublishIp.ip)))) return _host_dict else: return ''
def apply_model_stream(docs): global model ids = _.pluck('id', docs) msgs = map(lambda x: _.flatten([x])[0], _.pluck('msg', docs)) z = model['vect'].transform(msgs) z = model['ch2'].transform(z) z = model['tfidf'].transform(z) pred = model['clf'].predict_proba(z) for i in range(0, len(ids)): yield { "_id": ids[i], "_type": config['elasticsearch']['_type'], "_index": config['elasticsearch']['_to_index'], "_op_type": "update", "doc": { '__meta__': { 'tri_pred': { 'neg': float(pred[i][0]), 'neut': float(pred[i][1]), 'pos': float(pred[i][2]) } } } }
def common_neighbour_set(char): perm_neighbours = lambda cperm: set(flatten( [cc.left_char, cc.right_char] for cc in cperm if cc.char == char )) common_neigbours = reduce(operator.__and__, map(perm_neighbours, context_perms)) return common_neigbours - {None}
def apply_model_stream(docs): global model ids = _.pluck('id', docs) msgs = map(lambda x: _.flatten([x])[0], _.pluck('msg', docs)) z = model['vect'].transform(msgs) z = model['ch2'].transform(z) z = model['tfidf'].transform(z) pred = model['clf'].predict_proba(z) for i in range(0, len(ids)): yield { "_id" : ids[i], "_type" : config['elasticsearch']['_type'], "_index" : config['elasticsearch']['_to_index'], "_op_type" : "update", "doc" : { '__meta__' : { 'tri_pred' : { 'neg' : float(pred[i][0]), 'neut' : float(pred[i][1]), 'pos' : float(pred[i][2]) } } } }
def unfold_gen(x: Generator[Any, None, None], cast: type = tuple) -> Iterable[Any]: """Quick recursive unroll of possibly nested (uses funcy library under the hood) """ return cast(funcy.flatten(x, isgen))
def rq_job_ids(): queues = Queue.all(connection=redis_connection) started_jobs = [StartedJobRegistry(queue=q).get_job_ids() for q in queues] queued_jobs = [q.job_ids for q in queues] return flatten(started_jobs + queued_jobs)
def get_values(observation): return flatten(concat( observation['my_car'].values(), mapcat(methodcaller('values'), sorted(observation['other_cars'], key=itemgetter('position_length'))), # 距離が近い順にソートします。前後も分けたほうが良い? mapcat(methodcaller('values'), sorted(observation['obstacles' ], key=itemgetter('position_length'))), # noqa: E202 mapcat(methodcaller('values'), sorted(observation['stars' ], key=itemgetter('position_length'))) # noqa: E202 ))
def __init__(self, etl_config_dict): self.dict = etl_config_dict if 'DATA_SOURCES' not in self.dict: raise ETLConfigException('DATA_SOURCES missing in the etl config') self.data_source_domains = {d['domain'] for d in self.data_sources} self.pipeline_domains = set( funcy.flatten([d['input_domains'] for d in (self.pipeline or [])])) self.etl_data_sources = [{ 'input_domains': d['domain'], 'load': d.get('load', True) } for d in self.data_sources if d['domain'] in self.data_source_domains - self.pipeline_domains] self.etls = [ ETLParams(**ds) for ds in self.etl_data_sources + (self.pipeline or []) ] self.output_domains = [ domain for etl in self.etls for domain in (etl.output_domains or []) ] self.input_domains = [ domain for etl in self.etls for domain in etl.input_domains ] self.functions = [ etl.function_name for etl in self.etls if etl.function_name is not None ]
def buildDict(prefix, urlx): rd = jutils.getHttpCsv(urlx) rdict = {} wlist = [] for row in rd: cols = row.split(',') if len(cols) > 5: wlist.append(cols[5]) w2list = [i for i in wlist if len(i) >= CHAR_MIN and len(i) <= CHAR_MAX] #print jj(w2list[:50]) #pr = partListToDict(w2list,keyFuncFirstChar) pr = funcy.group_by(lambda x: x[0], w2list) c = Counter([i[0] for i in w2list]).most_common(MOST_LIMIT) # print jj(c[:24]) # print jj(pr[c[0][0]]) fmck = [i[0] for i in c] fmcv = [i[1] for i in c] # 256*8=2048 # 512*4=2048 wordlist = funcy.flatten([pr[x][:4] for x in fmck]) rdict['data'] = funcy.select_keys(lambda x: x in fmck, pr) rdict['meta'] = { 'source': urlx, 'wordlist': wordlist, 'firstMostCommonKey': fmck, 'firstMostCommonCount': fmcv, 'host': '', 'build': '', 'script': '', 'prefix': prefix, 'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() } return rdict
async def _main_task(database_url=None, loop=None, dpayd_url=None, start_block=None): logger.debug('main task starting') loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() dpayd = dpay.dpayd.DPayd(nodes=[dpayd_url]) blockchain = Blockchain(dpayd_instance=dpayd) pool = await create_asyncpg_pool(database_url=database_url, loop=loop) last_block_num_handled = None loop_elapsed = 0 async for op in ops_iter(blockchain, start_block): loop_start = time.perf_counter() logger.debug('main task', loop_elapsed=loop_elapsed, op=op) block_num = op['block'] unstored_notifications = list(flatten(gather_notifications(op))) logger.debug('main_task', block_num=block_num, unstored_count=len(unstored_notifications)) resp = await store_notifications(unstored_notifications, pool) if resp: last_block_num_handled = block_num loop_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - loop_start
def _expand_verses(raw): """Converts "3,4,5" or "3-5" to [3, 4, 5]""" if ',' in raw: return list(flatten(map(_expand_verses, raw.split(',')))) elif '-' in raw: components = list_map(int, raw.split('-')) return list(range(components[0], components[-1] + 1)) else: return [int(raw)]
def motd(self, sock, source): if not self.server.motd: return ERR_NOMOTD() return flatten(( RPL_MOTDSTART(, map(RPL_MOTD, self.server.motd), RPL_ENDOFMOTD() ))
def unfold_gen(x: Generator[Any, None, None], cast: type = tuple) -> Iterable[Any]: """Quick recursive unroll of possibly nested (uses funcy library under the hood) """ res = tuple(fy.flatten(x, isgen)) if TYPE_CHECKING: res = cast(Iterable, res) # pragma: nocov return res
def transform_event(kudago_event, parent_id, children_count): tags = kudago_event['tags'] categories = kudago_event['categories'] place = kudago_event['place'] kind = find_first(('festival', 'exhibition', 'theater'), categories) dates = filter(is_date_finite, kudago_event['dates']) if kind not in ('festival', 'exhibition'): dates = flatten(map(split_date, dates)) dates = list(sorted(map(transform_date, dates), key=itemgetter('start'))) participants = [ {'role': p['role']['slug'], 'agent': p['agent']['id']} for p in kudago_event['participants'] ] return { '_id': kudago_event['id'], '_type': 'event', 'kind': kind, 'is_for_kids': 'kids' in categories, 'is_premiere': 'премьера' in tags, 'name': kudago_event['short_title'], 'full_name': kudago_event['title'], 'tagline': kudago_event['tagline'], 'lead': strip_links(kudago_event['description']), 'description': strip_links(kudago_event['body_text']), 'location': kudago_event['location']['slug'], 'place': place['id'] if place else None, 'parent': parent_id, 'participants': participants, 'age_restriction': kudago_event['age_restriction'], 'price': transform_price(kudago_event['price'], kudago_event['is_free']), 'dates_count': len(dates), 'children_count': children_count, 'favorites_count': kudago_event['favorites_count'], 'comments_count': kudago_event['comments_count'], 'start': dates[0]['start'] if dates else None, 'end': dates[-1]['end'] if dates else None, 'first_image': first(kudago_event['images']), 'images': kudago_event['images'], 'dates': dates, 'source': { 'name': '', 'url': kudago_event['site_url'], } }
def generatePicture(Lib, params, pic_path, road_type = 0, car_type = 0): road = Lib.getElement("roads", road_type) old_road = copy.deepcopy(road) car = Lib.getElement("cars", car_type) params.append(list(np.ones(6 - len(params)))) params = fn.flatten(params) (new_coords, loc, new_carimage) = shift_xz(old_road, car, params[0], params[1]) new_image = generateImage(, new_carimage, loc) ModifiedImage = modifyImageLook(new_image, params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]) return new_coords
def run(bot): path = pathlib.Path('data/osm') source = '' output = path / 'LT.tar.gz2''Downloading %s' % source) http_code = subprocess.check_output(funcy.flatten([ 'curl', source, ['--time-cond', str(output)] if output.exists() else [], '--output', str(output), '--location', '--silent', '--write-out', '%{http_code}', ])) http_code = http_code.decode() if http_code == '200':'Extracting %s' % output) subprocess.check_call(['tar', '--directory', str(output.parent), '-xjf', str(output)]) # subprocess.check_call([ 'osm2pgsql', '--create', '--database', 'lietuva', '--style', str(path / ''), '--input-reader', 'pbf', 'data/osm/LT', ])'Query places') bot.pipe('places').clean().append(query_places(), progress='places') csv_output_path = path / 'places.csv''Export places to %s' % csv_output_path) bot.pipe('places').export(str(csv_output_path), include=[ 'osm_id', 'type', 'place', 'population', 'wikipedia_title', 'wikipedia_lang', 'lon', 'lat', 'admin_level_6_osm_id', 'admin_level_6', 'admin_level_5_osm_id', 'admin_level_5', 'admin_level_4_osm_id', 'admin_level_4', ]) bot.compact()
def customFSAInefficientIntersection(fsaA, fsaB, simplifyActions=True): '''Intersection of two fsa''' states = [ tuple(funcy.flatten(i)) for i in itertools.product(fsaA.states, fsaB.states) ] alphabet = set.union(fsaA.alphabet, fsaB.alphabet) initStates = [ tuple(funcy.flatten(i)) for i in itertools.product(fsaA.initStates, fsaB.initStates) ] finalStates = [ tuple(funcy.flatten(i)) for i in itertools.product(fsaA.finalStates, fsaB.finalStates) ] transitions = [] for ti in fsaA.transitions: for tj in fsaB.transitions: if ti[2] == tj[2]: if isinstance(ti[0], TupleType): ti_start = ti[0] ti_end = ti[1] else: ti_start = (ti[0], ) ti_end = (ti[1], ) if isinstance(tj[0], TupleType): tj_start = tj[0] tj_end = tj[1] else: tj_start = (tj[0], ) tj_end = (tj[1], ) transitions.append( (ti_start + tj_start, ti_end + tj_end, ti[2])) return CustomFSA(states, alphabet, transitions, initStates, finalStates, simplifyActions)
def generateGenImage(Lib, pic_path, road_type, obj_list, other_params): road = Lib.getElement("roads", road_type) new_image = copy.deepcopy(road) for obj in obj_list: element = Lib.getElement(obj.type, (loc, new_obj_image) = shift_xz(new_image, element, obj.coord.x, obj.coord.y) new_image = generateImage(, new_obj_image, loc) other_params.append(list(np.ones(4 - len(other_params)))) other_params = fn.flatten(other_params) ModifiedImage = modifyImageLook(new_image, other_params[0], other_params[1], other_params[2], other_params[3]) return ModifiedImage
def compile_ids_output(request_res, filename=None, directory=None): # collect id values and output to csv ids = [] for process_res in request_res: for (code, offset, res) in process_res: if code == requests.code.ok: ids.append(res) ser = pd.Series(np.array(funcy.flatten(ids)), name='TrialId') path = 'TrialIds.csv' or filename if directory: path = os.path.join(directory, path) ser.to_csv(path, index=False)
def upgrade(): tags_regex = re.compile('^([\w\s]+):|#([\w-]+)', re.I | re.U) connection = op.get_bind() dashboards = connection.execute("SELECT id, name FROM dashboards") update_query = text("UPDATE dashboards SET tags = :tags WHERE id = :id") for dashboard in dashboards: tags = compact(flatten(tags_regex.findall(dashboard[1]))) if tags: connection.execute(update_query, tags=tags, id=dashboard[0])
def upgrade(): tags_regex = re.compile("^([\w\s]+):|#([\w-]+)", re.I | re.U) connection = op.get_bind() dashboards = connection.execute("SELECT id, name FROM dashboards") update_query = text("UPDATE dashboards SET tags = :tags WHERE id = :id") for dashboard in dashboards: tags = compact(flatten(tags_regex.findall(dashboard[1]))) if tags: connection.execute(update_query, tags=tags, id=dashboard[0])
def has_access(object_groups, user, need_view_only): if 'admin' in user.permissions: return True matching_groups = set(object_groups.keys()).intersection(user.groups) if not matching_groups: return False required_level = 1 if need_view_only else 2 group_level = 1 if any(flatten([object_groups[group] for group in matching_groups])) else 2 return required_level <= group_level
def has_access(object_groups, user, need_view_only): if 'admin' in user.permissions: return True matching_groups = set(object_groups.keys()).intersection(user.groups) if not matching_groups: return False required_level = 1 if need_view_only else 2 group_level = 1 if any( flatten([object_groups[group] for group in matching_groups])) else 2 return required_level <= group_level
def main(args): config = parse_cfg_file(args.config_file, section=args.data_type) analysis_col_patterns = config.get('analysis_col_patterns') target_metadata_cols = funcy.flatten(config.get('target_metadata_cols')) data_type_label = config.get('data_type_mapping').get(args.data_type) output_pcl = add_metadata_to_tsv(args.input_file, args.metadata_file, data_type_label, args.id_col, analysis_col_patterns, args.drop_missing_cols, target_metadata_cols, supplement=args.supplement)
def transform_event(kudago_event, parent_id, children_count): tags = kudago_event['tags'] categories = kudago_event['categories'] place = kudago_event['place'] kind = find_first(('festival', 'exhibition', 'theater'), categories) dates = filter(is_date_finite, kudago_event['dates']) if kind not in ('festival', 'exhibition'): dates = flatten(map(split_date, dates)) dates = list(sorted(map(transform_date, dates), key=itemgetter('start'))) participants = [{ 'role': p['role']['slug'], 'agent': p['agent']['id'] } for p in kudago_event['participants']] return { '_id': kudago_event['id'], '_type': 'event', 'kind': kind, 'is_for_kids': 'kids' in categories, 'is_premiere': 'премьера' in tags, 'name': kudago_event['short_title'], 'full_name': kudago_event['title'], 'tagline': kudago_event['tagline'], 'lead': strip_links(kudago_event['description']), 'description': strip_links(kudago_event['body_text']), 'location': kudago_event['location']['slug'], 'place': place['id'] if place else None, 'parent': parent_id, 'participants': participants, 'age_restriction': kudago_event['age_restriction'], 'price': transform_price(kudago_event['price'], kudago_event['is_free']), 'dates_count': len(dates), 'children_count': children_count, 'favorites_count': kudago_event['favorites_count'], 'comments_count': kudago_event['comments_count'], 'start': dates[0]['start'] if dates else None, 'end': dates[-1]['end'] if dates else None, 'first_image': first(kudago_event['images']), 'images': kudago_event['images'], 'dates': dates, 'source': { 'name': '', 'url': kudago_event['site_url'], } }
def semanticTransformations(xml): # look for all the variables in the definitions block variables_defined = xml.xpath( '/node/definitions/element/variable[1]/text()') # from the previous list, find tags with these variable names variables_used = funcy.flatten( map(lambda x: xml.xpath('//' + x), variables_defined)) # rename the variable tag to 'function' and add the name to the attribute 'name' for variable in variables_used: name = variable.tag variable.tag = 'function' variable.attrib['name'] = name return xml
def get_1_or_2(x, cut1, cut2): """Unused""" if len(x) == 0: return np.nan new_dets = [] x = lmap(float, x) chunks = list(funcy.chunks(5, x)) for i, c in enumerate(chunks): if c[0] > cut1: new_dets.append(c) elif (i == 1) and c[0] > cut2: assert len(new_dets) == 1 new_dets.append(c) else: break return ' '.join(list(funcy.flatten(new_dets)))
def perform(self, string): """ Performs the production on an arbitrary string. Returns: * List of symbols (string) where the production has been performed if the context allows this production to happen (can_perform is true) * The origional string if the context does not allow productions """ if self.can_perform(string): possible = [] for idx in range(0, len(string)): if string[idx] == self.trigger_variable: possible.append(funcy.flatten([self.transform_to if jdx == idx else val for (jdx, val) in enumerate(string)])) return possible else: return []
def get_all_replies(root_post=None, comments=list(), all_comments=list()): """ Recursively fetch all the child comments, and return them as a list. Usage: all_comments = Post.get_all_replies(Post('foo/bar')) """ # see if our root post has any comments if root_post: return Post.get_all_replies(comments=list(root_post.get_replies())) if not comments: return all_comments # recursively scrape children one depth layer at a time children = list(flatten([list(x.get_replies()) for x in comments])) if not children: return all_comments or comments return Post.get_all_replies(comments=children, all_comments=comments + children)
def has_access_to_groups(obj, user, need_view_only): groups = obj.groups if hasattr(obj, 'groups') else obj if 'admin' in user.permissions: return True matching_groups = set(groups.keys()).intersection(user.group_ids) if not matching_groups: return False required_level = 1 if need_view_only else 2 group_level = 1 if all(flatten([groups[group] for group in matching_groups])) else 2 return required_level <= group_level
def service_info_stats(): company_list = [] company_id_list = flatten( Business.query.filter_by(pid=1).values( if company_id_list: _results = db.session.execute(CHOICE_HOST_TYPE_DATA).fetchall() _host_pyhsics_set = set([str(_result[0]) for _result in _results]) for company_id in company_id_list: business_id_list = [ mess[0] for mess in Business.query.filter( Business.type > 1).values(, Business.product) if str(company_id) in mess[1].split(',') ] if not business_id_list: continue company_service_total, company_host_physics, company_host_vms = 0, set( ), set() _company_dict, item_list = {}, [] for business_id in business_id_list: _sql = BUSINESS_SERVICE_HOST_DATA.format(business_id) _rets = db.session.execute(_sql).fetchall() for _ret in _rets: _business_dict = {} _business_dict['business_name'] = _ret[0] _business_dict['business_service'] = {'total': _ret[1]} _host_set = set(_ret[-1].split(',')) _physics_set = _host_set.intersection(_host_pyhsics_set) _vms_set = _host_set.difference(_host_pyhsics_set) _business_dict['business_host'] = { 'total': len(_host_set), 'physics': len(_physics_set), 'vms': len(_vms_set) } item_list.append(_business_dict) company_host_physics.update(_physics_set) company_host_vms.update(_vms_set) company_service_total += _ret[1] _company_dict['company_name'] = Business.query.get(company_id).name _company_dict['company_host'] = { 'total': len(company_host_physics) + len(company_host_vms), 'physics': len(company_host_physics), 'vms': len(company_host_vms) } _company_dict['company_service'] = {'total': company_service_total} _company_dict['items'] = item_list company_list.append(_company_dict) return company_list
def test_checked_in_keys(self): # test that there is a one to one map between checked in keys and fingerprints keyname_to_fingerprint = get_keyname_to_fingerprint() self.assertEqual(set(get_trusted_pub_keys()), set(keyname_to_fingerprint.keys())) self.assertIn(_UNSAFE_KEY_FOR_TESTING_FINGERPRINT, keyname_to_fingerprint.values()) # Make sure people don't mess with the trusted_keys directory cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) trusted_keys_dir = os.path.join(cur_path, "./fake_keys") trustdb_path = os.path.join(trusted_keys_dir, "trustdb.txt") # enumerate all the possible files that might have accidentally ended up in trusted_keys # If someone has good reason to add a .py file (other than __init__), then can delete # that extension from here file_patterns_to_check = ("*.py", "*.txt", "*.key", "*.pem", "*.pub*", "*.asc") all_files_in_trusted_keys_dir = funcy.flatten( glob.glob(os.path.join(trusted_keys_dir, pattern)) for pattern in file_patterns_to_check ) all_file_names = { # take basename and fine uniques os.path.basename(filepath) for filepath in all_files_in_trusted_keys_dir } expected_filenames = get_trusted_pub_keys().union( {"trustdb.txt", "", "my.txt.asc", "testing.secret.asc"} ) # expected_filenames is a frozenset, need to cast to set for nice debugging self.assertEqual(all_file_names, set(expected_filenames)) # test that only the ultimately trusted key is in the trustdb fingerprints_in_trust_db = _get_fingerprints_in_trust_db(trustdb_path) self.assertEqual( len(fingerprints_in_trust_db), 1, "Found {} items in trustdb. Expected 1. Someone has added keys to the " "trustdb but only the ultimately trusted key should be " "there".format(len(fingerprints_in_trust_db)), ) expected_entry = "{}:6:".format(_UNSAFE_KEY_FOR_TESTING_FINGERPRINT) self.assertEqual( fingerprints_in_trust_db[0], expected_entry, "Found a single entry, `{}` in the trustdb but it does not match the " "ultimately trusted key. Only the ultimately trusted key should live inside the " "trust db.".format(fingerprints_in_trust_db[0]), )
def fetch_comments_flat(root_post=None, comments=list(), all_comments=list()): """ Recursively fetch all the child comments, and return them as a list. Usage: all_comments = fetch_comments_flat(Post('@foo/bar')) """ # see if our root post has any comments if root_post: return fetch_comments_flat(comments=root_post.get_comments()) if not comments: return all_comments # recursively scrape children one depth layer at a time children = list(flatten([x.get_comments() for x in comments])) if not children: return all_comments return fetch_comments_flat(all_comments=comments + children, comments=children)
def __get_common_factors( factors_list: Iterable[WithFactors] ) -> Tuple[List[WithFactors], List[int]]: fl_a, fl_b = tee(factors_list, 2) residual_factors = lmap(lambda fl: (fl[0], []), fl_a) common_factors = [] grouped_factors = lmap(lambda wf: Counter(wf[1]), fl_b) factors = set(flatten(map(lambda gf: list(gf.keys()), grouped_factors))) for f in factors: cnt = lmap(lambda gf: gf[f], grouped_factors) min_cnt = min(cnt) common_factors += [f] * min_cnt for rf, rf_cnt_old in zip(residual_factors, cnt): rf_cnt = rf_cnt_old - min_cnt if rf_cnt > 0: rf[1].append([f] * rf_cnt) return residual_factors, common_factors
def admin(): if 'google_token' in session: auth_tok = session['google_token'] me = session['message'] flash("Welcome" + " " + me.get('name') + "!") else: session['message'] = {'email': ''} auth_tok = {'access_token': '', 'refresh_token': ''} superAdmins = flatten(pluck("adminUsers", app.config.get('STATIONS'))) print repr(superAdmins) users = [] for user in mongo.db.users.find(): users.append(user) return render_template('admin.html', access_token=auth_tok, refresh_token=auth_tok, session=session['message'], config=current_app.config, users=users, superAdmins=superAdmins)
def computeGrammarProduct(self, initState, currState, stateNonGrammarInd=1, stateGrammarInd=0, performStateTrace=False): '''Get the product automaton of grammar and transition graph''' # Get fsa parameters _ , _, self.fsaTransitions, _ = self.getFSA() gameTransitions = set([tuple(i) for i in self.fsaTransitions]) # Get adversary ID for i in xrange(self.numAgents): if self.agents[i].agentType == 'UNKNOWN': advID = i break # Get adversary parameters advGrammarObj = self.agents[advID].grammarObj advAlphabet = self.agentAlphabet[advID] advName = self.agents[advID].agentName advPrevGrammar = self.agents[advID].prevGrammar # Get the move sequence list moveSeqList = [] for i in xrange(self.numAgents): for j in xrange(self.numAgents): # Check if agent name matches with the move order before extracting the corresponding moves if self.moveOrder[i] == self.agents[j].agentName: moveSeqList.append(self.agents[j].agentWord) # Convert list of move sequences of each agent into a contiguous sequence moveSeq = list(itertools.izip_longest(*moveSeqList)) moveSeq = funcy.flatten(moveSeq) moveSeq = [i for i in moveSeq if i is not None] # Check if adversary's grammar has changed if advGrammarObj.grammar == advPrevGrammar: # Do not not need to recalculate product automaton prodStates = self.prodAutomaton.outStates prodTransitions = self.prodAutomaton.outTransitions transitionsUpdated = False else: # Update product automaton and get product transitions prodStates, prodTransitions = self.prodAutomaton.computeFsaProductTransitions(self.gameStates, gameTransitions, advGrammarObj, advAlphabet, advName, self.numAgents) transitionsUpdated = True # Update the previous grammar on record self.agents[advID].prevGrammar = deepcopy(advGrammarObj.grammar) # Sanity check to see if transitions are lost # if self.prevProdTransitions.difference(prodTransitions): # t1 = self.prevProdTransitions.difference(prodTransitions) # t2 = prodTransitions.difference(self.prevProdTransitions) # pass # assert not self.prevProdTransitions.difference(prodTransitions), "Some transitions are lost!" # Get the new transitions newTransitions = prodTransitions.difference(self.prevProdTransitions) if performStateTrace: # Get init product state initProdState = (list(self.prodAutomaton.grammarFsa.initStates)[0], initState) # for state in self.prodAutomaton.productFsa.initStates: # if state[stateNonGrammarInd] == initState: # initProdState = state # Sanity check to see if initial state is found in product assert initProdState in prodStates, "Product initial state cannot be identified, too bad!" # Get the lookup table for traversing transitions stateActionToTargetLookup, _ = generateLookupDictsForTransitions(prodTransitions) # Traverse fsa to get current state currProdState = traverseTransitions(initProdState, moveSeq, stateActionToTargetLookup) # currProdState = traverseTransitions(initProdState, moveSeq, prodTransitions) else: currProdState = None self.prevProdTransitions = prodTransitions return prodStates, prodTransitions, newTransitions, currProdState, transitionsUpdated
def join(self, sock, source, names, keys=None): return filter( None, flatten(self._join(sock, source, name) for name in names.split(u(",")) if name) )
async def import_pages(self, pages, transform, doc_type): futures = [] async for page in pages: coro = self.import_list(page, transform, doc_type) futures.append(asyncio.ensure_future(coro)) return flatten(await asyncio.gather(*futures))
def _apply_default_match_all(self, bindings): for context in flatten(pluck_attr('context', bindings)): if context.match_all is None: context.match_all = self._default_match_all return bindings
return interface def visit_interface(self, _, (_0, _1, name, _2, maybe_inherit, _3, _4, _5, maybe_attrs, _6, _7)): """Parse the name, inheritance, and attributes for an interface.""" inherit = maybe_inherit[0] if maybe_inherit else [] attrs = maybe_attrs[0] if maybe_attrs else [] return (name, inherit, attrs) def visit_inherit(self, _, (_0, _1, parents)): """Get all of the interfaces this interface inherits from.""" return parents def visit_parents(self, _, (name, _0, more_parents)): """Parse inheritance list.""" return [name] + flatten(more_parents) def visit_attrs(self, _, (attr, _0, _1, _2, attrs)): """Return list of all attributes of an interface.""" return [attr] + (attrs[0] if attrs else []) def visit_attr(self, _, children): """Parse attribute.""" # task throw away attr if its static like type return children[0] def visit_id(self, node, _): """Grab the identifier that was match.""" return def generic_visit(self, _, visited_children):
def join(self, sock, source, names): return flatten(self._join(sock, source, name) for name in names.split(u","))