Beispiel #1
def test_smoke(expr, expected_type):
    dx = Delta('x', Tensor(torch.randn(2, 3), OrderedDict([('i', bint(2))])))
    assert isinstance(dx, Delta)

    dy = Delta('y', Tensor(torch.randn(3, 4), OrderedDict([('j', bint(3))])))
    assert isinstance(dy, Delta)

    t = Tensor(torch.randn(2, 3), OrderedDict([('i', bint(2)),
                                               ('j', bint(3))]))
    assert isinstance(t, Tensor)

    g = Gaussian(info_vec=torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.1, 0.2], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]),
                 precision=torch.tensor([[[1.0, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 1.0, 0.3],
                                          [0.2, 0.3, 1.0]],
                                         [[1.0, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 1.0, 0.3],
                                          [0.2, 0.3, 1.0]]]),
                 inputs=OrderedDict([('i', bint(2)), ('x', reals(3))]))
    assert isinstance(g, Gaussian)

    i0 = Number(1, 2)
    assert isinstance(i0, Number)

    x0 = Tensor(torch.tensor([0.5, 0.6, 0.7]))
    assert isinstance(x0, Tensor)

    result = eval(expr)
    assert isinstance(result, expected_type)
Beispiel #2
def model(size, position=0):
    if size == 1:
        name = str(position)
        return Uniform((Delta(name, Number(0, 2)), Delta(name, Number(1, 2))))
    return Uniform(
        model(t, position) + model(size - t, t + position)
        for t in range(1, size))
Beispiel #3
def test_reduce_logaddexp_deltas_lazy():
    a = Delta('a', Tensor(torch.randn(3, 2), OrderedDict(i=bint(3))))
    b = Delta('b', Tensor(torch.randn(3), OrderedDict(i=bint(3))))
    x = a + b
    assert isinstance(x, Delta)
    assert set(x.inputs) == {'a', 'b', 'i'}

    y = x.reduce(ops.logaddexp, 'i')
    # assert isinstance(y, Reduce)
    assert set(y.inputs) == {'a', 'b'}
    assert_close(x.reduce(ops.logaddexp), y.reduce(ops.logaddexp))
Beispiel #4
def test_reduce_logaddexp_deltas_discrete_lazy():
    a = Delta('a', Tensor(randn(3, 2), OrderedDict(i=bint(3))))
    b = Delta('b', Tensor(randn(3), OrderedDict(i=bint(3))))
    c = Tensor(randn(3), OrderedDict(i=bint(3)))
    x = a + b + c
    assert isinstance(x, Contraction)
    assert set(x.inputs) == {'a', 'b', 'i'}

    y = x.reduce(ops.logaddexp, 'i')
    # assert isinstance(y, Reduce)
    assert set(y.inputs) == {'a', 'b'}
    assert_close(x.reduce(ops.logaddexp), y.reduce(ops.logaddexp))
Beispiel #5
def test_reduce_logaddexp(int_inputs, real_inputs):
    int_inputs = OrderedDict(sorted(int_inputs.items()))
    real_inputs = OrderedDict(sorted(real_inputs.items()))
    inputs = int_inputs.copy()

    t = random_tensor(int_inputs)
    g = random_gaussian(inputs)
    truth = {
        name: random_tensor(int_inputs, domain)
        for name, domain in real_inputs.items()

    state = 0
    state += g
    state += t
    for name, point in truth.items():
        with xfail_if_not_implemented():
            state += Delta(name, point)
    actual = state.reduce(ops.logaddexp, frozenset(truth))

    expected = t + g(**truth)
                 rtol=1e-4 if get_backend() == "jax" else 1e-5)
Beispiel #6
    def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs):
        assert self.output == reals()
        sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs)
        if not sampled_vars:
            return self

        # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + batch_inputs + event_inputs.
        sample_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items()
                                    if k not in self.inputs)
        sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values())
        batch_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if k not in sampled_vars)
        event_inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if k in sampled_vars)
        be_inputs = batch_inputs.copy()
        sb_inputs = sample_inputs.copy()

        # Sample all variables in a single Categorical call.
        logits = align_tensor(be_inputs, self)
        batch_shape = logits.shape[:len(batch_inputs)]
        flat_logits = logits.reshape(batch_shape + (-1,))
        sample_shape = tuple(d.dtype for d in sample_inputs.values())
        flat_sample = torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=flat_logits).sample(sample_shape)
        assert flat_sample.shape == sample_shape + batch_shape
        results = []
        mod_sample = flat_sample
        for name, domain in reversed(list(event_inputs.items())):
            size = domain.dtype
            point = Tensor(mod_sample % size, sb_inputs, size)
            mod_sample = mod_sample / size
            results.append(Delta(name, point))

        # Account for the log normalizer factor.
        # Derivation: Let f be a nonnormalized distribution (a funsor), and
        #   consider operations in linear space (source code is in log space).
        #   Let x0 ~ f/|f| be a monte carlo sample from a normalized f/|f|.
        #                              f(x0) / |f|      # dice numerator
        #   Let g = delta(x=x0) |f| -----------------
        #                           detach(f(x0)/|f|)   # dice denominator
        #                       |detach(f)| f(x0)
        #         = delta(x=x0) -----------------  be a dice approximation of f.
        #                         detach(f(x0))
        #   Then g is an unbiased estimator of f in value and all derivatives.
        #   In the special case f = detach(f), we can simplify to
        #       g = delta(x=x0) |f|.
        if flat_logits.requires_grad:
            # Apply a dice factor to preserve differentiability.
            index = [torch.arange(n).reshape((n,) + (1,) * (flat_logits.dim() - i - 2))
                     for i, n in enumerate(flat_logits.shape[:-1])]
            log_prob = flat_logits[index]
            assert log_prob.shape == flat_sample.shape
            results.append(Tensor(flat_logits.detach().logsumexp(-1) +
                                  (log_prob - log_prob.detach()), sb_inputs))
            # This is the special case f = detach(f).
            results.append(Tensor(flat_logits.logsumexp(-1), batch_inputs))

        return reduce(ops.add, results)
Beispiel #7
def test_add_delta_funsor():
    x = Variable('x', reals(3))
    y = Variable('y', reals(3))
    d = Delta('x', y)

    expr = -(1 + x**2).log()
    assert d + expr is d + expr(x=y)
    assert expr + d is expr(x=y) + d
Beispiel #8
def test_reduce_moment_matching_shape(interp):
    delta = Delta('x', random_tensor(OrderedDict([('h', bint(7))])))
    discrete = random_tensor(OrderedDict(
        [('h', bint(7)), ('i', bint(6)), ('j', bint(5)), ('k', bint(4))]))
    gaussian = random_gaussian(OrderedDict(
        [('k', bint(4)), ('l', bint(3)), ('m', bint(2)), ('y', reals()), ('z', reals(2))]))
    reduced_vars = frozenset(['i', 'k', 'l'])
    joint = delta + discrete + gaussian
    with interpretation(interp):
        actual = joint.reduce(ops.logaddexp, reduced_vars)
    assert set(actual.inputs) == set(joint.inputs) - reduced_vars
Beispiel #9
    def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs, rng_key=None):
        sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs)
        if not sampled_vars:
            return self
        if any(self.inputs[k].dtype != 'real' for k in sampled_vars):
            raise ValueError(
                'Sampling from non-normalized Gaussian mixtures is intentionally '
                'not implemented. You probably want to normalize. To work around, '
                'add a zero Tensor/Array with given inputs.')

        # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + int_inputs + real_inputs.
        sample_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items() if k not in self.inputs)
        sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values())
        int_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        real_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        inputs = sample_inputs.copy()

        if sampled_vars == frozenset(real_inputs):
            shape = sample_shape + self.info_vec.shape
            backend = get_backend()
            if backend != "numpy":
                from importlib import import_module
                dist = import_module(funsor.distribution.
                sample_args = (shape, ) if rng_key is None else (rng_key,
                white_noise = dist.Normal.dist_class(0, 1).sample(*sample_args)
                white_noise = np.random.randn(*shape)
            white_noise = ops.unsqueeze(white_noise, -1)

            white_vec = ops.triangular_solve(self.info_vec[..., None],
            sample = ops.triangular_solve(white_noise + white_vec,
                                          transpose=True)[..., 0]
            offsets, _ = _compute_offsets(real_inputs)
            results = []
            for key, domain in real_inputs.items():
                data = sample[...,
                              offsets[key]:offsets[key] + domain.num_elements]
                data = data.reshape(shape[:-1] + domain.shape)
                point = Tensor(data, inputs)
                assert point.output == domain
                results.append(Delta(key, point))
            return reduce(ops.add, results)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            'TODO implement partial sampling of real variables')
Beispiel #10
def test_reduce_moment_matching_finite():
    delta = Delta('x', random_tensor(OrderedDict([('h', bint(7))])))
    discrete = random_tensor(
        OrderedDict([('i', bint(6)), ('j', bint(5)), ('k', bint(3))]))
    gaussian = random_gaussian(
        OrderedDict([('k', bint(3)), ('l', bint(2)), ('y', reals()),
                     ('z', reals(2))]))[1:, :] = -float('inf')[:, 1:] = -float('inf')

    reduced_vars = frozenset(['j', 'k'])
    joint = delta + discrete + gaussian
    with interpretation(moment_matching):
        joint.reduce(ops.logaddexp, reduced_vars)
Beispiel #11
def test_reduce_moment_matching_shape(interp):
    delta = Delta('x', random_tensor(OrderedDict([('h', Bint[7])])))
    discrete = random_tensor(
        OrderedDict([('h', Bint[7]), ('i', Bint[6]), ('j', Bint[5]),
                     ('k', Bint[4])]))
    gaussian = random_gaussian(
        OrderedDict([('k', Bint[4]), ('l', Bint[3]), ('m', Bint[2]),
                     ('y', Real), ('z', Reals[2])]))
    reduced_vars = frozenset(['i', 'k', 'l'])
    real_vars = frozenset(k for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items()
                          if d.dtype == "real")
    joint = delta + discrete + gaussian
    with interpretation(interp):
        actual = joint.reduce(ops.logaddexp, reduced_vars)
    assert set(actual.inputs) == set(joint.inputs) - reduced_vars
    assert_close(actual.reduce(ops.logaddexp, real_vars),
                 joint.reduce(ops.logaddexp, real_vars | reduced_vars))
Beispiel #12
    def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs):
        sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs)
        if not sampled_vars:
            return self
        if any(self.inputs[k].dtype != 'real' for k in sampled_vars):
            raise ValueError(
                'Sampling from non-normalized Gaussian mixtures is intentionally '
                'not implemented. You probably want to normalize. To work around, '
                'add a zero Tensor/Array with given inputs.')

        # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + int_inputs + real_inputs.
        sample_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items() if k not in self.inputs)
        sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values())
        int_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        real_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        inputs = sample_inputs.copy()

        if sampled_vars == frozenset(real_inputs):
            shape = sample_shape + self.info_vec.shape
            # TODO: revise the logic here; `key` is required for JAX normal sampler
            white_noise = funsor.testing.randn(shape + (1, ))
            white_vec = ops.triangular_solve(self.info_vec[..., None],
            sample = ops.triangular_solve(white_noise + white_vec,
                                          transpose=True)[..., 0]
            offsets, _ = _compute_offsets(real_inputs)
            results = []
            for key, domain in real_inputs.items():
                data = sample[...,
                              offsets[key]:offsets[key] + domain.num_elements]
                data = data.reshape(shape[:-1] + domain.shape)
                point = Tensor(data, inputs)
                assert point.output == domain
                results.append(Delta(key, point))
            return reduce(ops.add, results)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            'TODO implement partial sampling of real variables')
Beispiel #13
    def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs):
        # Sample only the real variables.
        sampled_vars = frozenset(k for k, v in self.inputs.items()
                                 if k in sampled_vars if v.dtype == 'real')
        if not sampled_vars:
            return self

        # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + int_inputs + real_inputs.
        sample_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items() if k not in self.inputs)
        sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values())
        int_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        real_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        inputs = sample_inputs.copy()

        if sampled_vars == frozenset(real_inputs):
            scale_tri = torch.inverse(torch.cholesky(
                self.precision)).transpose(-1, -2)
            if not torch._C._get_tracing_state():
                assert self.loc.shape == scale_tri.shape[:-1]
            shape = sample_shape + self.loc.shape
            white_noise = torch.randn(shape)
            sample = self.loc + _mv(scale_tri, white_noise)
            offsets, _ = _compute_offsets(real_inputs)
            results = []
            for key, domain in real_inputs.items():
                data = sample[...,
                              offsets[key]:offsets[key] + domain.num_elements]
                data = data.reshape(shape[:-1] + domain.shape)
                point = Tensor(data, inputs)
                assert point.output == domain
                results.append(Delta(key, point))
            return reduce(ops.add, results)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            'TODO implement partial sampling of real variables')
Beispiel #14
def test_reduce_density(log_density):
    point = Tensor(randn(3))
    d = Delta('foo', point, log_density)
    # Note that log_density affects ground substitution but does not affect reduction.
    assert d.reduce(ops.logaddexp, frozenset(['foo'])) is Number(0)
Beispiel #15
def test_transform_log(shape):
    point = Tensor(randn(shape))
    x = Variable('x', reals(*shape))
    actual = Delta('y', point)(y=ops.log(x))
    expected = Delta('x', point.exp(), -point.sum())
    assert_close(actual, expected)
Beispiel #16
def test_delta_delta():
    v = Variable('v', Reals[2])
    point = Tensor(randn(2))
    log_density = Tensor(numeric_array(0.5))
    d = dist.Delta(point, log_density, v)
    assert d is Delta('v', point, log_density)
Beispiel #17
def test_reduce():
    point = Tensor(randn(3))
    d = Delta('foo', point)
    assert d.reduce(ops.logaddexp, frozenset(['foo'])) is Number(0)
Beispiel #18
def test_eager_subs_ground(log_density):
    point1 = Tensor(randn(3))
    point2 = Tensor(randn(3))
    d = Delta('foo', point1, log_density)
    check_funsor(d(foo=point1), {}, reals(), numeric_array(float(log_density)))
    check_funsor(d(foo=point2), {}, reals(), numeric_array(float('-inf')))
Beispiel #19
def test_eager_subs_variable():
    v = Variable('v', reals(3))
    point = Tensor(randn(3))
    d = Delta('foo', v)
    assert d(v=point) is Delta('foo', point)
def test_delta_delta():
    v = Variable('v', reals(2))
    point = Tensor(torch.randn(2))
    log_density = Tensor(torch.tensor(0.5))
    d = dist.Delta(point, log_density, v)
    assert d is Delta('v', point, log_density)
Beispiel #21
    def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs, rng_key=None):
        assert self.output == Real
        sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs)
        if not sampled_vars:
            return self

        # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + batch_inputs + event_inputs.
        sample_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items() if k not in self.inputs)
        sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values())
        batch_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if k not in sampled_vars)
        event_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if k in sampled_vars)
        be_inputs = batch_inputs.copy()
        sb_inputs = sample_inputs.copy()

        # Sample all variables in a single Categorical call.
        logits = align_tensor(be_inputs, self)
        batch_shape = logits.shape[:len(batch_inputs)]
        flat_logits = logits.reshape(batch_shape + (-1, ))
        sample_shape = tuple(d.dtype for d in sample_inputs.values())

        backend = get_backend()
        if backend != "numpy":
            from importlib import import_module
            dist = import_module(
            sample_args = (sample_shape, ) if rng_key is None else (
                rng_key, sample_shape)
            flat_sample = dist.CategoricalLogits.dist_class(
        else:  # default numpy backend
            assert backend == "numpy"
            shape = sample_shape + flat_logits.shape[:-1]
            logit_max = np.amax(flat_logits, -1, keepdims=True)
            probs = np.exp(flat_logits - logit_max)
            probs = probs / np.sum(probs, -1, keepdims=True)
            s = np.cumsum(probs, -1)
            r = np.random.rand(*shape)
            flat_sample = np.sum(s < np.expand_dims(r, -1), axis=-1)

        assert flat_sample.shape == sample_shape + batch_shape
        results = []
        mod_sample = flat_sample
        for name, domain in reversed(list(event_inputs.items())):
            size = domain.dtype
            point = Tensor(mod_sample % size, sb_inputs, size)
            mod_sample = mod_sample // size
            results.append(Delta(name, point))

        # Account for the log normalizer factor.
        # Derivation: Let f be a nonnormalized distribution (a funsor), and
        #   consider operations in linear space (source code is in log space).
        #   Let x0 ~ f/|f| be a monte carlo sample from a normalized f/|f|.
        #                              f(x0) / |f|      # dice numerator
        #   Let g = delta(x=x0) |f| -----------------
        #                           detach(f(x0)/|f|)   # dice denominator
        #                       |detach(f)| f(x0)
        #         = delta(x=x0) -----------------  be a dice approximation of f.
        #                         detach(f(x0))
        #   Then g is an unbiased estimator of f in value and all derivatives.
        #   In the special case f = detach(f), we can simplify to
        #       g = delta(x=x0) |f|.
        if (backend == "torch"
                and flat_logits.requires_grad) or backend == "jax":
            # Apply a dice factor to preserve differentiability.
            index = [
                               n).reshape((n, ) + (1, ) *
                                          (len(flat_logits.shape) - i - 2))
                for i, n in enumerate(flat_logits.shape[:-1])
            log_prob = flat_logits[tuple(index)]
            assert log_prob.shape == flat_sample.shape
                    ops.logsumexp(ops.detach(flat_logits), -1) +
                    (log_prob - ops.detach(log_prob)), sb_inputs))
            # This is the special case f = detach(f).
            results.append(Tensor(ops.logsumexp(flat_logits, -1),

        return reduce(ops.add, results)
Beispiel #22
def test_transform_exp(shape):
    point = Tensor(torch.randn(shape).abs())
    x = Variable('x', reals(*shape))
    actual = Delta('y', point)(y=ops.exp(x))
    expected = Delta('x', point.log(), point.log().sum())
    assert_close(actual, expected)