Beispiel #1
def test_funspace_2():
    '''Test of FunctionSpace.int_phi_phi made up of linear elements, basic

    ox, dx, nx = 0., 1., 1
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})

    # basic properties
    assert V.num_dof == (nx + 1)
    assert V.size == nx
    X = np.linspace(ox, dx, nx+1)
    assert allclose(V.X, X)

    # Integrate[N(x) N(x) {x, 0, 1}]
    fun = lambda x: x
    f = lambda i, j: integrate(fun(x) * N[i] * N[j], (x, ox, dx))
    ans = V.int_phi_phi(fun=fun, derivative=(False, False))
    exact = Matrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: f(i,j))
    assert areclose(exact, ans)

    # Trivial check with coefficient
    fun = lambda x: 1.
    a1 = V.int_phi_phi()
    a2 = V.int_phi_phi(fun=fun)
    assert areclose(a1, a2)
Beispiel #2
def test_funspace_8():
    '''Testing of FunctionSpace.int_phi_phi, MMS'''
    ox, dx, nx = 0., 10., 10
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})

    rhs = np.random.rand(V.num_dof)
    A = V.int_phi_phi()
    f = lambda x: np.interp(x, V.X, rhs)
    b = V.int_phi(f)
    assert areclose(, rhs), b)
Beispiel #3
def test_funspace_4():
    '''Test of FunctionSpace.int_phi_phi made up of linear elements, Laplace
    matrix multiply

    ox, dx, nx = 0., 1., 10
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})
    C = V.int_phi_phi(derivative=(True, True))

    sol = np.ones(V.num_dof)
    b =, sol)
    assert norm(b) < 1.e-12
Beispiel #4
def test_funspace_3():
    '''Test of FunctionSpace.int_phi_phi made up of linear elements, Laplace
    matrix integration

    ox, dx, nx = 0., 1., 1
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})

    # Integrate[N'(x) N'(x) {x, 0, 1}]
    f = lambda i, j: integrate(dN[i] * dN[j], (x, ox, dx))
    ans = V.int_phi_phi(derivative=(True, True))
    exact = Matrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: f(i,j))
    assert areclose(exact, ans)
Beispiel #5
def test_funspace_6():
    '''Test of FunctionSpace.int_phi_phi made up of linear elements, Laplace
    norm check.  Solution = x^2

    ox, dx, nx = 0., 1., 10
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})
    C = V.int_phi_phi(derivative=(True, True))

    sol = V.X ** 2
    b =, sol)
    rhs = V.int_phi(lambda x: 2.)
    # natural b.c. not satisfied on right, don't check it
    rhs[-1] = -b[-1]
    assert norm(rhs + b) < 1.e-12
Beispiel #6
def test_funspace_9():
    '''Testing of FunctionSpace.int_phi_phi, mixed integration MMS'''
    ox, dx, nx = 0., 10., 10
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})

    D = V.int_phi_phi(derivative=(False,True))
    sol = np.ones(V.num_dof)
    b =, sol)
    # Norm check (rhs d/dx + Neumann, const soln)
    assert norm(b) < 1.e-12

    D[0, 0] = 1.0
    D[0, 1:] = 0.0
    D[-1, -1] = 1.0
    D[-1, 0:-1] = 0.0
    sol = V.X
    b =, sol)
    rhs = V.int_phi(lambda x: 1)
    rhs[0] = sol[0]
    rhs[-1] = sol[-1]
    # norm check (d/dx+Dirichlet sol=x)
    assert norm(rhs - b) < 1.e-12
Beispiel #7
def test_funspace_1():
    '''Test of FunctionSpace.int_phi made up of linear elements'''
    ox, dx, nx = 0., 10., 5
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {'B1': Element(type='link2')})

    # basic properties
    assert V.num_dof == (nx + 1)
    assert V.size == nx
    X = np.linspace(ox, dx, nx+1)
    assert allclose(V.X, X)

    # Integrate[1, {x, ox, lx}]
    f = lambda x: 1
    ans = np.sum(V.int_phi(f))
    exact = V.X[-1]
    assert areclose(ans, exact)

    # Integrate[x, {x, ox, lx}]
    f = lambda x: x
    ans = np.sum(V.int_phi(f))
    exact = V.X[-1] ** 2 / 2.
    assert areclose(ans, exact)

    # Integrate[x**2, {x, ox, lx}]
    f = lambda x: x * x
    ans = np.sum(V.int_phi(f))
    exact = V.X[-1] ** 3 / 3.
    assert areclose(ans, exact)

    # Integrate[x**3, {x, ox, lx}]
    f = lambda x: x * x * x
    ans = np.sum(V.int_phi(f))
    exact = V.X[-1] ** 4 / 4.
    assert areclose(ans, exact)

    # Integrate[x**4, {x, ox, lx}]
    f = lambda x: x * x * x * x
    ans = np.sum(V.int_phi(f))
    exact = V.X[-1] ** 5 / 5.
    assert areclose(ans, exact, tol=1.5)
Beispiel #8
Datei: Projekt: nrua/books
                field.add_data(labels, data)

            iframe += 1

        return step

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from mesh import Mesh
    from funspace import FunctionSpace, Function
    from element import Element
    mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', ox=0., lx=1., nx=10)
    mesh.ElementBlock(name='Block-1', elements='all')
    mesh.extend(1., 10, block='Block-2')
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, {
        'Block-1': Element(type='link2'),
        'Block-2': Element(type='link2')
    u = Function(V)
    u += np.linspace(1., 10., len(u.vector))
    f = File('myfile', mode='w')
    f << u

    f = File('myfile')
    nodes, vertices = f.get_nodes()

    time = f.steps['Step 1'].frames[-1].value
    print time
    fo = f.get_field_output(1, -1)
    u = fo['U']
    print u.get_data(sort=True)
    e = fo['E']