Beispiel #1
    def fusion(self, pose, dt, msg):
        u, v = lidar2img(pose.x, pose.y, pose.z)
        coneTmp = cone_on_img(u, v)
        jj = len(image_raw)
        dist = []

        if jj != 0:
            for ii in range(0, jj):
                dist.append(Euc_dist(coneTmp, image_raw[jj]))

            ii = findMinI(dist)
            cone = cone_pos()
            cone.x = pose.x
            cone.y = pose.y
            cone.color = image_raw[ii].color
    def fusion(self, pose, dt):
        num = len(self.image_raw) - 1
        #dist = []
        if num > -1:
            u, v = lidar2img.lidar2img(pose.x, pose.y, pose.z)
            jj = len(self.image_raw[num].image_points)
            if jj != 0:

                #for ii in range(0, jj):
                #dist.append(self.Euc_dist(coneTmp, self.image_raw[num].image_points[jj - 1]))
                #ii = self.findMinI(dist)
                cone = cone_pos()
                cone.x = pose.x
                cone.y = pose.y
                #cone.color = self.image_raw[num].image_points[ii].color
                cone.color = self.match(u, v)
Beispiel #3
 def local2map(self,odom_x,odom_y,odom_yaw,time_begin,time_end,latest_control):
     #Effects: transform the cone pose from local to map frame
     #         only those cones within the given time range [time_begin,time_end) will be transformed.
     #print "time_begin == " + str(time_begin) + "time_end == " + str(time_end)
     denominator = np.tan(math.radians(latest_control.steer_angle))
     R = 1000000000000.0
     if denominator != 0:
         R = L / denominator 
     #R = L / denominator
     i = 0
     for i in range(0,len(self.local_cones)):
         if self.local_cones[i].stamp < time_begin:
         if self.local_cones[i].stamp >= time_end:
             i = i - 1
         #print "timestamp == " + str(self.local_cones[i].stamp)
         theta = latest_control.linear_velocity * (self.local_cones[i].stamp - time_begin) / R
         x1 = odom_x + R*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(odom_yaw)-R*(1-np.cos(theta))*np.sin(odom_yaw)
         y1 = odom_y + R*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(odom_yaw)+R*(1-np.cos(theta))*np.cos(odom_yaw)
         yaw1 = odom_yaw + math.atan2(1-np.cos(theta),np.sin(theta))
         for j in range(0, len(self.local_cones[i].cones)):
             global_cone = cone_pos()
             global_cone.x = x1 + (self.local_cones[i].cones[j].x+tf_lidar_base)*np.cos(yaw1) - self.local_cones[i].cones[j].y*np.sin(yaw1)
             global_cone.y = y1 + (self.local_cones[i].cones[j].x+tf_lidar_base)*np.sin(yaw1) - self.local_cones[i].cones[j].y*np.cos(yaw1)    
             global_cone.color = self.local_cones[i].cones[j].color
             if global_cone.x < 0:
                 print "----------"
                 print "strange x == " + str(global_cone.x) + " y == " + str(global_cone.x)
                 print "R == " + str(R) + "theta == " + str(theta)
                 print "odom_x == " + str(odom_x) + "odom_y == " + str(odom_y) + "odom_yaw == " + str(odom_yaw)
                 print "timestamp == " + str(self.local_cones[i].stamp) + " time_begin == " + str(time_begin)
             self.cone_fusion.push(global_cone,self.local_cones[i].stamp)#the Cone_fusion container will generate the map and publish the data
     del self.local_cones[0:i+1]
    def lidar_callback(self, msg):
        msgl = len(msg.lidar_points)
        if msgl != 0:
            for i in msg.lidar_points:
                i.x += transf_x
                i.y += transf_y
                i.z += transf_z
            time_stamp = msg.stamp
            jj = len(self.image_raw) - 1
            delta_t = 1.0
            while jj >= 0:
                if time_stamp > self.image_raw[jj].stamp:
                    delta_t = time_stamp - self.image_raw[jj].stamp
                jj = jj - 1
            del self.image_raw[
                jj]  #the jjth item is not deleted, such that next time we can find at least one ealier time stamp

            length_msg = len(msg.lidar_points)
            for ii in range(0, length_msg):
                self.fusion(msg.lidar_points[ii], delta_t)

            kk = len(self.lidar_raw)  #originally: kk = len(self.lidar_raw) - 1
            length_prev = len(self.previous_points)
            for jj in range(0, kk):
                if self.lidar_raw[jj].color == "unknown":
                    for ll in range(0, length_prev):
                        if Euc_dist(
                                          ])) < Dist_move:
                            print "change current"
                            print self.lidar_raw[jj]
                            print "to"
                            print self.previous_points[ll]
                            self.lidar_raw[jj].color = self.previous_points[
            self.previous_points = []
            for ii in range(0, kk):
                if self.lidar_raw[ii].color == 'y':
                    self.stop = 1
            cones_whole = cone_pos_whole(self.lidar_raw, time_stamp)

            target_point = cone_pos()
            target = get_target.get_target(self.lidar_raw)
            print "target"
            print target
            if target[0] != -1:
                self.use_previous = 0
                self.previous_target = target
                self.use_previous = self.use_previous + 1
                target = self.previous_target
            target_point.x = target[0]
            target_point.y = target[1]
            target_point.color = "unknown"

            del self.lidar_raw[0:kk]
Beispiel #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import rospy
import lidar2img
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as la
from fusion.msg import lidar3_single
from fusion.msg import lidar3_whole
from fusion.msg import imagel_single
from fusion.msg import imagel_whole
from fusion.msg import cone_pos
from fusion.msg import cone_pos_whole
from fusion.msg import Srt_Control
import get_target
import math

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cone1 = cone_pos()
    cone2 = cone_pos()
    cone1.x = 2.9945142746
    cone1.y = -0.670192182064
    cone1.color = 'r'
    cone2.x = 3.68553667068
    cone2.y = -2.91794991493
    cone2.color = 'r'
    cones = [cone1, cone2]
    target = get_target.get_target(cones)
    print target