def __init__(self):
     print "Init Image"
     self.imgen = IMGenerate(None, None, None, self.user, None, None, None, None, self.passwd, True, False)
     self.imgdeploy = IMDeploy(None, self.user, self.passwd, True, False)
def main():
    user = ""

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="RainClient", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                     description="FutureGrid Rain Help ")    
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='user', required=True, metavar='user', help='FutureGrid User name')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action="store_true", help='Print logs in the screen for debug')
    parser.add_argument('-k', '--kernel', dest="kernel", metavar='Kernel version', help="Specify the desired kernel" 
                        "(must be exact version and approved for use within FG). Not yet supported")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('-i', '--deployedimageid', dest='deployedimageid', metavar='ImgId', help='Id of the image in the target infrastructure. This assumes that the image'
                       ' is deployed in the selected infrastructure.')
    group.add_argument('-r', '--imgid', dest='imgid', metavar='ImgId', help='Id of the image stored in the repository')
    group1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group1.add_argument('-x', '--xcat', dest='xcat', metavar='MachineName', help='Deploy image to xCAT. The argument is the machine name (minicluster, india ...)')
    group1.add_argument('-e', '--euca', dest='euca', nargs='?', metavar='Address:port', help='Deploy the image to Eucalyptus, which is in the specified addr')
    #group1.add_argument('-o', '--opennebula', dest='opennebula', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to OpenNebula, which is in the specified addr')
    #group1.add_argument('-n', '--nimbus', dest='nimbus', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to Nimbus, which is in the specified addr')
    group1.add_argument('-s', '--openstack', dest='openstack', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to OpenStack, which is in the specified addr')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--varfile', dest='varfile', help='Path of the environment variable files. Currently this is used by Eucalyptus and OpenStack')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--numberofmachines', dest='machines', metavar='#instances', default=1, help='Number of machines needed.')
    group2 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
    group2.add_argument('-j', '--jobscript', dest='jobscript', help='Script to execute on the provisioned images. In the case of Cloud environments, '
                        ' the user home directory is mounted in /tmp/N/u/username. The /N/u/username is only used for ssh between VM and store the ips of the parallel '
                        ' job in a file called /N/u/username/machines')
    group2.add_argument('-I', '--interactive', nargs='?', default=1, dest='interactive', help='Interactive mode. This just boot VMs or provision bare-metal machines')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #print args

    print 'Starting Rain...'
    verbose = True #to activate the print
    print "Please insert the password for the user " + args.user + ""
    m = hashlib.md5()
    passwd = m.hexdigest()

    #TODO: if Kernel is provided we need to verify that it is supported. 
    used_args = sys.argv[1:]
    image_source = "repo"
    image = args.imgid    
    if args.deployedimageid != None:
        image_source = "deployed"
        image = args.deployedimageid
    elif args.imgid == None:  #when non imgId is provided
        image_source = "default"
        image = "default"
    if ('-j' in used_args or '--jobscript' in used_args):
        jobscript = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(args.jobscript))
        if not os.path.isfile(jobscript):
            if not os.path.isfile("/" + jobscript.lstrip("/tmp")): #just in case the user indicates the path inside the VM
                print 'Not script file found. Please specify an script file using the paramiter -j/--jobscript'            
    else:#interactive mode
    varfile = ""
    if args.varfile != None:
        varfile = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(args.varfile))
    output = None
    if image_source == "repo":
        imgdeploy = IMDeploy(args.kernel, args.user, passwd, verbose, args.debug)    
        if args.xcat != None:
            if args.imgid == None:
                print "ERROR: You need to specify the id of the image that you want to deploy (-r/--imgid option)."
                print "The parameter -i/--image cannot be used with this type of deployment"
                output = imgdeploy.xcat_method(args.xcat, args.imgid)
            ldap = True #we configure ldap to run commands and be able to login from on vm to other            
            if ('-e' in used_args or '--euca' in used_args):                
                if varfile == "":
                    print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                elif not os.path.isfile(varfile):
                    print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                    output = imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.euca, image, image_source, "euca", varfile, False, ldap, False)        
                    if output != None:
                        if"^ERROR", output):
                            print output
            elif ('-o' in used_args or '--opennebula' in used_args):
                output = imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.opennebula, image, image_source, "opennebula", varfile, False, ldap, False)
            elif ('-n' in used_args or '--nimbus' in used_args):
                print "Nimbus deployment is not implemented yet"
            elif ('-s' in used_args or '--openstack' in used_args):                
                if varfile == "":
                    print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                elif not os.path.isfile(varfile):
                    print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                    output = imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.openstack, image, image_source, "openstack", varfile, False, ldap, False)
                    if output != None:
                        if"^ERROR", output):
                            print output         
                print "ERROR: You need to specify a deployment target"
    elif image_source == "deployed":
        output = args.deployedimageid
        output = image
    if output != None:
        if not"^ERROR", output):
            rain = RainClient(args.user, verbose, args.debug)
            target = ""
            if args.xcat != None:            
                output = rain.baremetal(output, jobscript, args.machines)
                if output != None:
                    print output
                if ('-e' in used_args or '--euca' in used_args):
                    if varfile == "":
                        print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                    elif not os.path.isfile(varfile):
                        print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                        output = rain.euca(args.euca, output, jobscript, args.machines, varfile)
                        if output != None:
                            print output
                elif ('-o' in used_args or '--opennebula' in used_args):
                    output = rain.opennebula(args.opennebula, output, jobscript, args.machines)
                elif ('-n' in used_args or '--nimbus' in used_args):
                    output = rain.nimbus(args.nimbus, output, jobscript, args.machines)
                elif ('-s' in used_args or '--openstack' in used_args):
                    if varfile == "":
                        print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                    elif not os.path.isfile(varfile):
                        print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                        output = rain.openstack(args.openstack, output, jobscript, args.machines, varfile)
                        if output != None:
                            print output
                    print "ERROR: You need to specify a Rain target (xcat, eucalyptus or openstack)"
        print "ERROR: invalid image id."
class fgShellImage(Cmd):

    def __init__(self):
        print "Init Image"
        self.imgen = IMGenerate(None, None, None, self.user, None, None, None, None, self.passwd, True, False)
        self.imgdeploy = IMDeploy(None, self.user, self.passwd, True, False)

    def do_imagegenerate(self, args):

        #Default params
        base_os = ""
        spacer = "-"
        default_ubuntu = "maverick"
        default_debian = "lenny"
        default_rhel = "5.5"
        default_centos = "5.6"
        default_fedora = "13"
        #kernel = ""
        args = " " + args
        argslist = args.split(" -")[1:]      
        prefix = ''
        for i in range(len(argslist)):
            if argslist[i] == "":
                prefix = '-'
                newlist = argslist[i].split(" ")
                sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+newlist[0]]
                newlist = newlist [1:]
                rest = ""
                for j in range(len(newlist)):
                    rest+=" "+newlist[j]
                if rest.strip() != "":
                    sys.argv += [rest]
                #sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+argslist[i]]
                prefix = ''
        #print sys.argv
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="imagegenerate", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                         description="FutureGrid Image Generation Help")
        parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action="store_true", help='Print logs in the screen for debug')
        parser.add_argument("-o", "--os", dest="OS", metavar='OSName', help="specify destination Operating System. Currently only Centos and Ubuntu are supported")
        parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", dest="version", metavar='OSversion', help="Operating System version. In the case of Centos it can be 5 or 6. In the case of Ubuntu karmic(9.10), lucid(10.04), maverick(10.10), natty (11.04)")
        parser.add_argument("-a", "--arch", dest="arch", metavar='arch', help="Destination hardware architecture. Currently x86_64 or i386.")
        parser.add_argument("-s", "--software", dest="software", metavar='software', help="Software list to be automatically installed")
        parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="givenname", metavar='givenname', help="Desired recognizable name of the image")
        parser.add_argument("-e", "--description", dest="desc", metavar='description', help="Short description of the image and its purpose")
        parser.add_argument("-g", "--getimg", dest="getimg", default=False, action="store_true", help="Retrieve the image instead of uploading to the image repository")
        args = parser.parse_args()
        used_args = sys.argv[1:]
        if len(used_args) == 0:
        print 'Image generator client...'
        verbose = True
        arch = "x86_64" #Default to 64-bit
        #Parse arch command line arg
        if args.arch != None:
            if args.arch == "i386" or args.arch == "i686":
                arch = "i386"
            elif args.arch == "amd64" or args.arch == "x86_64":
                arch = "x86_64"
                print "ERROR: Incorrect architecture type specified (i386|x86_64)"
        print 'Selected Architecture: ' + arch
        # Build the image
        version = ""
        #Parse OS and version command line args
        OS = ""
        if args.OS == "Ubuntu" or args.OS == "ubuntu":
            OS = "ubuntu"
            supported_versions = ["karmic","lucid","maverick","natty"]
            if args.version == None:
                version = default_ubuntu
            elif args.version == "9.10" or args.version == "karmic":
                version = "karmic"
            elif args.version == "10.04" or args.version == "lucid":
                version = "lucid"
            elif args.version == "10.10" or args.version == "maverick":
                version = "maverick"
            elif args.version == "11.04" or args.version == "natty":
                version = "natty"
                print "ERROR: Incorrect OS version specified. Supported OS version for " + OS + " are " + str(supported_versions)
        #elif args.OS == "Debian" or args.OS == "debian":
        #    OS = "debian"
        #    version = default_debian
        #elif args.OS == "Redhat" or args.OS == "redhat" or args.OS == "rhel":
        #    OS = "rhel"
        #    version = default_rhel
        elif args.OS == "CentOS" or args.OS == "CentOS" or args.OS == "centos":
            OS = "centos"
            supported_versions = ["5","6"]
            if args.version == None:
                version = default_centos            
            elif"^5", str(args.version)):
                version = "5"
            elif"^6", str(args.version)):
                version = "6"
                print "ERROR: Incorrect OS version specified. Supported OS version for " + OS + " are " + str(supported_versions)
        #elif args.OS == "Fedora" or args.OS == "fedora":
        #    OS = "fedora"
        #    version = default_fedora
            print "ERROR: Incorrect OS type specified. Currently only Centos and Ubuntu are supported"
        #self.imgen = IMGenerate(arch, OS, version, self.user,, args.givenname, args.desc, args.getimg, self.passwd, verbose, args.debug)
        status = self.imgen.generate()
        if status != None:
            if args.getimg:
                print "The image is located in " + str(status)
                print "Your image has be uploaded in the repository with ID=" + str(status)
            print '\n The image and the manifest generated are packaged in a tgz file.' + \
                  '\n Please be aware that this FutureGrid image does not have kernel and fstab. Thus, ' + \
                  'it is not built for any deployment type. To deploy the new image, use the Image Management deploy command.'

    def help_imagegenerate(self):
        msg = "IMAGE generate command: Generate an image "              
        self.print_man("generate ", msg)

    def do_imagedeploy(self, args):

        args = " " + args
        argslist = args.split(" -")[1:]        
        prefix = ''
        for i in range(len(argslist)):
            if argslist[i] == "":
                prefix = '-'
                newlist = argslist[i].split(" ")
                sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+newlist[0]]
                newlist = newlist [1:]
                rest = ""
                #print newlist
                for j in range(len(newlist)):
                    rest+=" "+newlist[j]
                if rest.strip() != "":
                    sys.argv += [rest]
                #sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+argslist[i]]
                prefix = ''

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="imagedeploy", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                     description="FutureGrid Image Deployment Help ")
        parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action="store_true", help='Print logs in the screen for debug')
        parser.add_argument('-k', '--kernel', dest="kernel", metavar='Kernel version', help="Specify the desired kernel" 
                            "(must be exact version and approved for use within FG). Not yet supported")
        group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)    
        group.add_argument('-i', '--image', dest='image', metavar='ImgFile', help='tgz file that contains manifest and img')
        group.add_argument('-r', '--imgid', dest='imgid', metavar='ImgId', help='Id of the image stored in the repository')
        group.add_argument('-l', '--list', dest='list', action="store_true", help='List of Id of the images deployed in xCAT/Moab or in the Cloud Frameworks')
        group1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        group1.add_argument('-x', '--xcat', dest='xcat', metavar='MachineName', help='Deploy image to xCAT. The argument is the machine name (minicluster, india ...)')
        group1.add_argument('-e', '--euca', dest='euca', nargs='?', metavar='Address:port', help='Deploy the image to Eucalyptus, which is in the specified addr')        
        group1.add_argument('-o', '--opennebula', dest='opennebula', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to OpenNebula, which is in the specified addr')
        group1.add_argument('-n', '--nimbus', dest='nimbus', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to Nimbus, which is in the specified addr')
        group1.add_argument('-s', '--openstack', dest='openstack', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to OpenStack, which is in the specified addr')
        parser.add_argument('-v', '--varfile', dest='varfile', help='Path of the environment variable files. Currently this is used by Eucalyptus and OpenStack')
        parser.add_argument('-g', '--getimg', dest='getimg', action="store_true", help='Customize the image for a particular cloud framework but does not register it. So the user gets the image file.')
        parser.add_argument('-p', '--ldap', dest='ldap', action="store_true", help='Configure ldap in the VM. This is needed if you plan to use you VM with the rain commands')
        parser.add_argument('-w', '--wait', dest='wait', action="store_true", help='Wait until the image is available. Currently this is used by Eucalyptus and OpenStack')
        args = parser.parse_args()
        print 'Starting image deployer...'
        verbose = True #to activate the print
        #TODO: if Kernel is provided we need to verify that it is supported. 
        #imgdeploy = IMDeploy(args.kernel, self.user, self.passwd, verbose, args.debug)
        self.imgdeploy.setDebug(args.debug) #this wont work, need to modify fgLog
        used_args = sys.argv[1:]
        #print args
        image_source = "repo"
        image = args.imgid    
        if args.image != None:
            image_source = "disk"
            image = args.image
            if not  os.path.isfile(args.image):            
                print 'ERROR: Image file not found'            
        if args.xcat != None:
            if args.imgid == None:
                print "ERROR: You need to specify the id of the image that you want to deploy (-r/--imgid option)."
                print "The parameter -i/--image cannot be used with this type of deployment"
            elif args.list:
                hpcimagelist = self.imgdeploy.xcat_method(args.xcat, "list")
                print "The list of available images on xCAT/Moab is:"
                for i in hpcimagelist:
                    print "  "+ i
                print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: * where tag=imagename  \n" +\
                    "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username."
                imagename = self.imgdeploy.xcat_method(args.xcat, args.imgid)
                if imagename != None:            
                    print 'Your image has been deployed in xCAT as ' + str(imagename) + '.\n Please allow a few minutes for xCAT to register the image before attempting to use it.'
                    print 'To run a job in a machine using your image you use the launch command of the rain context (use rain). For more info type: help launch'
                    print 'You can also do it by executing the next command: qsub -l os=<imagename> <scriptfile>' 
                    print 'In the second case you can check the status of the job with the checkjob and showq commands'
                    print 'qsub, checkjob and showq are Moab/torque commands. So you need to execute them from outside of this shell or type the ! character before the command'
            ldap = args.ldap #configure ldap in the VM
            if args.varfile != None:
            if ('-e' in used_args or '--euca' in used_args):
                if not args.getimg:            
                    if args.varfile == None:
                        print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                    elif not os.path.isfile(str(os.path.expanduser(varfile))):
                        print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                    elif args.list:
                        output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.euca),"euca", varfile)                    
                        if output != None:
                            if not isinstance(output, list):
                                print output
                                print "The list of available images on Eucalyptus is:"                        
                                for i in output:                       
                                    print i
                                print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                        "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                          "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml" 
                        output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.euca, image, image_source, "euca", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
                        if output != None:
                            if"^ERROR", output):
                                print output             
                elif args.list:
                    output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.euca),"euca", varfile)                    
                    if output != None:
                        if not isinstance(output, list):
                            print output
                            print "The list of available images on Eucalyptus is:"                        
                            for i in output:                       
                                print i
                            print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                    "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml"    
                    self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.euca, image, image_source, "euca", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
                    if output != None:
                        if"^ERROR", output):
                            print output        
            elif ('-o' in used_args or '--opennebula' in used_args):            
                output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.opennebula, image, image_source, "opennebula", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
            elif ('-n' in used_args or '--nimbus' in used_args):
                if not args.getimg:
                    if args.varfile == None:
                        print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the Nimbus environment variables"
                    elif not os.path.isfile(str(os.path.expanduser(varfile))):
                        print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the Nimbus environment variables"
                    elif args.list:
                        output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.nimbus),"nimbus", varfile)                    
                        if output != None:
                            if not isinstance(output, list):
                                print output
                                print "The list of available images on Nimbus is:"
                                for i in output:                       
                                    print i 
                                print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                    "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img"
                        output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.nimbus, image, image_source, "nimbus", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
                        if output != None:
                            if"^ERROR", output):
                                print output 
                elif args.list:
                    output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.nimbus),"nimbus", varfile)                    
                    if output != None:
                        if not isinstance(output, list):
                            print output
                            print "The list of available images on Nimbus is:"
                            for i in output:                       
                                print i 
                            print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                  "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img"
                    output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.nimbus, image, image_source, "nimbus", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
                    if output != None:
                        if"^ERROR", output):
                            print output
            elif ('-s' in used_args or '--openstack' in used_args):
                if not args.getimg:
                    if args.varfile == None:
                        print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                    elif not os.path.isfile(str(os.path.expanduser(varfile))):
                        print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                    elif args.list:
                        output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.openstack),"openstack", varfile)                
                        if output != None:
                            if not isinstance(output, list):
                                print output
                                print "The list of available images on OpenStack is:"
                                for i in output:                       
                                    print i  
                                print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                            "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                              "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml"
                        output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.openstack, image, image_source, "openstack", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
                        if output != None:
                            if"^ERROR", output):
                                print output 
                elif args.list:
                    output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.openstack),"openstack", varfile)                
                    if output != None:
                        if not isinstance(output, list):
                            print output
                            print "The list of available images on OpenStack is:"
                            for i in output:                       
                                print i  
                            print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                        "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                          "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml"
                    output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.openstack, image, image_source, "openstack", varfile, args.getimg, ldap, args.wait)
                    if output != None:
                        if"^ERROR", output):
                            print output
                print "ERROR: You need to specify a deployment target"

    def help_imagedeploy(self):
        msg = "IMAGE deploy command: Deploy an image in a FG infrastructure. \n "
        self.print_man("deploy ", msg)

    def do_imagehpclist(self, args):
        '''Image Management hpclist command: Get list of images deployed in the specified HPC machine (India for example). 
        args = self.getArgs(args)

        if(len(args) == 1):
            hpcimagelist = self.imgdeploy.xcat_method(args[0], "list")
            if hpcimagelist != None:
                print "The list of available images on xCAT/Moab is:"
                for i in hpcimagelist:
                    print "  "+ i
                print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: * where tag=imagename. \n" +\
                      "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username."
    def help_imagehpclist(self):
        '''Help message for the imagehpclist command'''
        self.print_man("hpclist <machine>", self.do_imagehpclist.__doc__)
    def do_imagecloudlist(self, args):
        '''Image Management cloudlist command: Get list of images deployed in the specified HPC machine (India for example). 
        args = " " + args
        argslist = args.split(" -")[1:]        
        prefix = ''
        for i in range(len(argslist)):
            if argslist[i] == "":
                prefix = '-'
                newlist = argslist[i].split(" ")
                sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+newlist[0]]
                newlist = newlist [1:]
                rest = ""
                #print newlist
                for j in range(len(newlist)):
                    rest+=" "+newlist[j]
                if rest.strip() != "":
                    sys.argv += [rest]
                #sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+argslist[i]]
                prefix = ''

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="imagecloudlist", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                     description="FutureGrid Image Cloud List Help ")
        group1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()        
        group1.add_argument('-e', '--euca', dest='euca', nargs='?', metavar='Address:port', help='List Images from Eucalyptus, which is in the specified addr')        
        #group1.add_argument('-o', '--opennebula', dest='opennebula', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='Deploy the image to OpenNebula, which is in the specified addr')
        group1.add_argument('-n', '--nimbus', dest='nimbus', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='List Images from Nimbus, which is in the specified addr')
        group1.add_argument('-s', '--openstack', dest='openstack', nargs='?', metavar='Address', help='List Images from OpenStack, which is in the specified addr')
        parser.add_argument('-v', '--varfile', dest='varfile', help='Path of the environment variable files. Currently this is used by Eucalyptus and OpenStack')
        args = parser.parse_args()
        used_args = sys.argv[1:]
        if len(used_args) == 0:
        if args.varfile != None:
        if ('-e' in used_args or '--euca' in used_args):                        
            if args.varfile == None:
                print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
            elif not os.path.isfile(str(os.path.expanduser(varfile))):
                print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the Eucalyptus environment variables"
                output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.euca),"euca", varfile)
                if output != None:   
                    if not isinstance(output, list):
                        print output
                        print "The list of available images on OpenStack is:"                    
                        for i in output:                       
                            print i   
                        print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                    "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml"        
        elif ('-o' in used_args or '--opennebula' in used_args):            
            output = self.imgdeploy.iaas_generic(args.opennebula, image, image_source, "opennebula", varfile, args.getimg, ldap)
        elif ('-n' in used_args or '--nimbus' in used_args):
            if args.varfile == None:
                print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the Nimbus environment variables"
            elif not os.path.isfile(str(os.path.expanduser(varfile))):
                print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the Nimbus environment variables"
                output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.nimbus),"nimbus", varfile)
                if output != None:   
                    if not isinstance(output, list):
                        print output
                        print "The list of available images on Nimbus is:"                  
                        for i in output:                       
                            print i
                        print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                    "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml"
        elif ('-s' in used_args or '--openstack' in used_args):            
            if args.varfile == None:
                print "ERROR: You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
            elif not os.path.isfile(str(os.path.expanduser(varfile))):
                print "ERROR: Variable files not found. You need to specify the path of the file with the OpenStack environment variables"
                output = self.imgdeploy.cloudlist(str(args.openstack),"openstack", varfile)
                if output != None:   
                    if not isinstance(output, list):
                        print output
                        print "The list of available images on OpenStack is:"                  
                        for i in output:                       
                            print i
                        print "You can get more details by querying the image repository using the list command and the query string: \"* where tag=imagename\". \n" +\
                    "NOTE: To query the repository you need to remove the OS from the image name (centos,ubuntu,debian,rhel...). " + \
                      "The real name starts with the username and ends before .img.manifest.xml"
    def help_imagecloudlist(self):
        msg = "IMAGE cloudlist command: List Images deployed in the specified Cloud Framework \n "
        self.print_man("cloudlist ", msg)