def checkForWord(recognizer, audio): try: wordCheck = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) print(wordCheck) if wordCheck == "hey my": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "ok my" or wordCheck=="okay my" or wordCheck=="o. k. my": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "hey mike" or wordCheck=="hey Mike": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "o. k. why" or wordCheck=="okay why": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "o. k. mind" or wordCheck=="okay mind": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "okay Mike" or wordCheck=="ok Mike" or wordCheck=="o. k. Mike" or wordCheck=="okay mike": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "pay my": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "hate my": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "paymaya": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "wake up my": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "wake up Mike": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "yo My" or wordCheck=="yo my" or wordCheck=="Yo My" or wordCheck=="Yo my": My = True MyMain() elif wordCheck == "stop": global stopwatch if stopwatch == True: global stopwatchTime stopwatch == False tts.say("Time: " + str(stopwatchTime) + "seconds") stopwatchTime = 0 except sr.UnknownValueError: print("I cannot understand you! Try again! If I don't understand you anymore, try to power me off!") except sr.RequestError as e: print("Recognition failed; {0}".format(e))
def Timer(seconds): global timer global timerTime timerTime = seconds while timer==True: time.sleep(1) timerTime = timerTime - 1 print(timerTime) print(timer) if timerTime == 0: tts.say("Stop!") timer = False
def yesOrNo(toAsk): with sr.Microphone() as source: playsound('media/beep_my.wav') print("I'm listening!") audio = r.listen(source) recognition = r.recognize_google(audio) tts.say(toAsk) if recognition=="yes": My = False return "yes" else: My = False return "no"
def PickANumberGame(number, trial): # Currently defective - still in production with sr.Microphone() as source: playsound('media/beep_my.wav') print("I'm listening!") audio = r.listen(source) recognition = r.recognize_google(audio) query = recognition stopwords = ['is','the','number','it'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) numberguess = strtoint.StrToInt(result) print(numberguess) print(number) if query == "tell me it": tts.say(number) if trial < 4: if numberguess == number: tts.say("You guessed!") else: redirectPickANumber(number, trial) else: tts.say("Oooof! That was hard. Number was " + str(number))
def redirectPickANumber(number, trial): tts.say("Try again") PickANumberGame(number, trial+1)
def MyMain(): print("I'm listening!") with sr.Microphone() as source: playsound('media/beep_my.wav') print("I'm listening!") audio = r.listen(source) if (InternetMode==0): mymainr = r.recognize_sphinx(audio) elif (InternetMode==1): mymainr = r.recognize_google(audio) mymainr = mymainr.lower() print(mymainr) if mymainr=="how are you": print("I'm very good! How are you?") tts.say("I'm very good! How are you?") My = False elif mymainr=="do you like me": print("Sure! Why not?") tts.say("Sure! Why not?") My = False elif(mymainr=="do you like alexa" or mymainr=="do you like Alexa" or mymainr=="do you know alexa" or mymainr=="do you know Alexa" or mymainr=="do you like Siri" or mymainr=="do you like siri" or mymainr=="do you know siri" or mymainr=="do you know Siri" or mymainr=="do you like google assistant" or mymainr=="do you like Google assistant" or mymainr=="do you know google assistant" or mymainr=="do you know Google assistant"): tts.say("I pay respect to all of voice assistants. Being an voice assistant is not an easy job.") elif mymainr=="do you think I'm pretty": print("Sure you are!") tts.say("Sure you are!") My = False elif mymainr=="who let the dogs out" or mymainr=="who Let The Dogs Out": print("who, who, who, who, who") tts.say("who, who, who, who, who") My = False elif mymainr=="tell me a joke": joke = choice(jokelist) print(joke) tts.say(joke) My = False elif mymainr=="sing me a lullaby" or mymainr=="play me a lullaby": playsound("media/lullaby.wav") My = False elif mymainr=="sing my favorite song" or mymainr=="play my favorite song": playsound("media/favorite.mp3") My = False elif mymainr=="am I funny": tts.say("Sure you are!") My = False elif mymainr=="who created you" or mymainr=="who designeed you": tts.say("I was designed by MyTja Team.") My = False elif mymainr=="when were you published" or mymainr=="when were you created": tts.say("My first software release came out on second of May 2020") My = False elif mymainr=="how to check for updates": tts.say("Reboot me or say check for updates!") My = False elif mymainr=="what's your favorite drink": tts.say("Electricity.") My = False elif mymainr=="version": tts.say(version) My = False elif mymainr=="what's your favorite food" or mymainr=="what is your favorite food": tts.say("I like pizza.") My = False elif mymainr=="go to offline mode": tts.say("Going to offline mode.") recognitionMode(0) My = False elif mymainr=="go to online mode": tts.say("Going to online mode.") recognitionMode(1) My = False elif mymainr=="power off" or mymainr=="shutdown" or mymainr=="shut down": os.system("sudo poweroff") elif mymainr=="reboot": os.system("sudo reboot") elif mymainr=="check for updates" or mymainr=="check for system updates" or mymainr=="update" or mymainr=="update your software": uccheck = uc.checkForVersion("stable", version) for item in uccheck: updateAvaiable = item["update"] desc = item["description"] if (updateAvaiable=="y"): assembly = "There is a new release avaiable" + str(description) + "Would you like to install it" yn = yesOrNo(assembly) if (yn == "yes"): tts.say("Okay! Let's do it!") os.system("cd /home/pi/Desktop/ && ./updater") kill-this-process() #this kills the process of My, because this function doesn't exist else: tts.say("Okay, aborting mission") My = False elif mymainr=="higher volume" or mymainr=="louder" or mymainr=="volume up": os.system("cd /home/pi/Desktop/ && vol +") tts.say("Okay") My = False elif mymainr=="lower volume" or mymainr=="quieter" or mymainr=="volume down": os.system("cd /home/pi/Desktop/ && vol -") tts.say("Okay") My = False elif mymainr=="medium volume": os.system("cd /home/pi/Desktop/ && vol 50") tts.say("Okay") My = False elif mymainr=="minimum volume" or mymainr=="minimum": os.system("cd /home/pi/Desktop/ && vol 0") tts.say("Okay") My = False elif mymainr=="maximum volume" or mymainr=="maximum": os.system("cd /home/pi/Desktop/ && vol 100") tts.say("Okay") My = False elif mymainr=="what's the time" or mymainr=="what is the time": lt = time.localtime() lth = lt.tm_hour ltm = lt.tm_min tts.say("It's " + str(lth) + "and" + str(ltm) + "minutes.") elif mymainr=="what's the date": lt = time.localtime() lty = lt.tm_year ltmon = lt.tm_mon ltday = lt.tm_mday ltdayofweek = lt.tm_wday print(ltdayofweek) th = "" if (ltday=="21"): th = "twentyfirst" elif (ltday=="1"): th = "first" elif (ltday=="31"): th = "thirtyfirst" elif (ltday=="22"): th = "twentysecond" elif (ltday=="2"): th = "second" elif (ltday=="23"): th = "thirtythird" elif (ltday=="3"): th = "third" elif (ltday=="5"): th = "fifth" elif (ltday=="15"): th = "fifteenth" elif (ltday=="25"): th = "twentyfifth" elif (ltday=="30"): th = "thirtieth" elif (ltday=="20"): th = "twentieth" else: th = str(ltday) + "th" tts.say("It's " + daysOfTheWeek[ltdayofweek] + th + "Of" + monthsOfTheYear[ltmon-1] + str(lty)) elif mymainr=="set the stopwatch" or mymainr=="set a stopwatch" or mymainr=="stopwatch": StopwatchStartup() elif mymainr=="stop": global playerOnline global stopwatch if (stopwatch==True): stopwatch = False tts.say("Time (in seconds): " + str(stopwatchTime)) if (playerOnline==True): player.stop() playerOnline = False elif mymainr=="pause": #global playerOnline if (playerOnline==True): player.pause() playerOnline = False elif mymainr=="continue": #global playerOnline if (playerOnline==False): playerOnline = True elif mymainr == "pick a number": PickANumberGame(randint(0, 10), 1) elif mymainr=="countdown": Countdown() else: query = mymainr stopwords = ['what','who','is','a','at','is','he', "who's", "what's", "the", "weather", "in", "like", "plus", "minus", "divided by", "times", "+", "-", "are", "play", "set the alarm at", "set alarm at", "set an alarm at", "set stopwatch", "set the timer for", "set", "timer", "for"] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) if (result=="what is the weather like in" or result=="what's the weather like in"): resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) observation = owm.weather_at_place(result) w = observation.get_weather() temperature = w.get_temperature('celsius') humidity = w.get_humidity() query = str(w) weatherstopwords = ["status=clouds,", "status=clear,"] weatherquerywords = query.split() weatherresultwords = [word for word in weatherquerywords if word.lower() in weatherstopwords] weather = ' '.join(weatherresultwords) finalweather = str(weather[7])+str(weather[8])+str(weather[9])+str(weather[10])+str(weather[11])+str(weather[12]) print(weather) print(result) print(temperature) print(humidity) print(w) temp = temperature["temp"] print(temp) tts.say("Temperature in " + str(result) + "is" + str(temperature["temp"]) + "degrees celcius. There is a humidity of " + str(humidity) + "percent. It is" + str(finalweather)) elif (result=="play" or result=="Play"): query = mymainr swords = ["play"] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in swords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) ytlinks = [] textToSearch = result search = searchYoutube(textToSearch, offset = 1, mode = "dict", max_results = 1) result = search.result()["search_result"] for video in result: vid = video["link"] video = best = video.getbest() playurl = best.url Instance = vlc.Instance() player = Instance.media_player_new() Media = Instance.media_new(playurl) Media.get_mrl() player.set_media(Media) playerOnline = True #tts.say("Please be more specific. Maybe tell me an author or something more.") elif (result=="set the alarm at" or result=="set alarm at" or result=="set an alarm at"): stopwords = ["o'clock", "oclock", "sharp", "set the alarm at", "set alarm at", "set an alarm at"] resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) hoursstr = result[0:2] hoursalmostfinal = hoursstr.replace(":", "") minstr = result[2:4] finalresultm = strtoint.StrToInt(minstr) finalresulth = strtoint.StrToInt(hoursalmostfinal) if (len(alarm1) == 0): alarm1.append(finalresulth) alarm1.append(finalresultm) else: if (len(alarm2) == 0): alarm2.append(finalresulth) alarm2.append(finalresultm) else: if (len(alarm3) == 0): alarm3.append(finalresulth) alarm3.append(finalresultm) else: tts.say("All my alarm capabilities are full.") elif result=="set the timer for" or result=="set a timer for": # Timer stopwords = ["set the timer for", "set a timer for"] resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) timestr = result[0:2] timesetstr = result[2:] if timesetstr=="hour" or timesetstr=="hours": if timestr[1] == " ": timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr[1]) timefinal = timeint * 60 * 60 TimerSetup(timefinal) else: timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr) timefinal = timeint * 60 * 60 TimerSetup(timefinal) elif timesetstr=="minute" or timesetstr=="minutes": if timestr[1] == " ": timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr[1]) timefinal = timeint * 60 TimerSetup(timefinal) else: timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr) timefinal = timeint * 60 TimerSetup(timefinal) elif timesetstr=="second" or timesetstr=="seconds": if timestr[1] == " ": timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr[1]) timefinal = timeint TimerSetup(timefinal) else: timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr) timefinal = timeint TimerSetup(timefinal) elif timesetstr=="day" or timesetstr=="days": if timestr[1] == " ": timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr[1]) timefinal = timeint * 24 * 60 * 60 TimerSetup(timefinal) else: timeint = strtoint.StrToInt(timestr) timefinal = timeint * 24 * 60 * 60 TimerSetup(timefinal) else: resultwords = [word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) try: summary = wikipedia.summary(result, sentences=1) filteredtext = wpfilter1.removeunwanted(summary) print(filteredtext) final = filteredtext.encode("utf8") print(summary) tts.say(str(final)) except: tts.say("Sorry, but I cannot tell you that, because a bug in my code.")
def StopwatchStartup(): global stopwatch tts.say("5") time.sleep(1) tts.say("4") time.sleep(1) tts.say("3") time.sleep(1) tts.say("2") time.sleep(1) tts.say("1") time.sleep(1) tts.say("Start") stopwatch = True thread.start_new_thread(Stopwatch, ())
def Countdown(): tts.say("5") time.sleep(1) tts.say("4") time.sleep(1) tts.say("3") time.sleep(1) tts.say("2") time.sleep(1) tts.say("1") time.sleep(1) tts.say("Start")