Beispiel #1
def oidcCallback():
    Once the authorization provider has cleared the user, the browser
    is returned here with a code. This function takes that code and
    checks it with the authorization provider to prove that it is valid,
    and get a bit more information about the user (which we don't use).

    A token is generated and given to the user, and the authorization info
    retrieved above is stored against this token. Later, when a client
    connects with this token, it is assumed to be a valid user.

    :return: A display of the authentication token to use in the client. If
    OIDC is not configured, raises a NotImplementedException.
    if app.oidcClient is None:
        raise exceptions.NotImplementedException()
    response = dict(flask.request.args.iteritems(multi=True))
    aresp = app.oidcClient.parse_response(
    sessState = flask.session.get('state')
    respState = aresp['state']
    if (not isinstance(aresp, message.AuthorizationResponse) or
            respState != sessState):
        raise exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException()

    args = {
        "code": aresp['code'],
        "redirect_uri": app.oidcClient.redirect_uris[0],
        "client_id": app.oidcClient.client_id,
        "client_secret": app.oidcClient.client_secret
    atr = app.oidcClient.do_access_token_request(

    if not isinstance(atr, message.AccessTokenResponse):
        raise exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException()

    atrDict = atr.to_dict()
    if flask.session.get('nonce') != atrDict['id_token']['nonce']:
        raise exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException()
    key = oic.oauth2.rndstr(SECRET_KEY_LENGTH)
    flask.session['key'] = key
    app.tokenMap[key] = aresp["code"], respState, atrDict
    # flask.url_for is broken. It relies on SERVER_NAME for both name
    # and port, and defaults to 'localhost' if not found. Therefore
    # we need to fix the returned url
    indexUrl = flask.url_for('index', _external=True)
    indexParts = list(urlparse.urlparse(indexUrl))
    if ':' not in indexParts[1]:
        indexParts[1] = '{}:{}'.format(socket.gethostname(), app.myPort)
        indexUrl = urlparse.urlunparse(indexParts)
    response = flask.redirect(indexUrl)
    return response
Beispiel #2
def checkAuthentication():
    The request will have a parameter 'key' if it came from the command line
    client, or have a session key of 'key' if it's the browser.
    If the token is not found, start the login process.

    If there is no oidcClient, we are running naked and we don't check.
    If we're being redirected to the oidcCallback we don't check.

    :returns None if all is ok (and the request handler continues as usual).
    Otherwise if the key was in the session (therefore we're in a browser)
    then startLogin() will redirect to the OIDC provider. If the key was in
    the request arguments, we're using the command line and just raise an
    if app.oidcClient is None:
    if flask.request.endpoint == 'oidcCallback':
    key = flask.session.get('key') or flask.request.args.get('key')
    if app.tokenMap.get(key) is None:
        if 'key' in flask.request.args:
            raise exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException()
            return startLogin()
Beispiel #3
def notAuthenticatedHandler(errorString):
    return handleException(exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException())