Beispiel #1
    def update_output_wire(self, false_label, true_label):
            Updates the output wire's labels and point-and-permute bits.

            :param false_label: the false label
            :param true_label: the true label
        self.output_wire.false_label.label = false_label
        self.output_wire.true_label.label = true_label
        self.output_wire.false_label.pp_bit = get_last_bit(false_label)
        self.output_wire.true_label.pp_bit = get_last_bit(true_label)
Beispiel #2
 def modify_pp_bits(self, A0_, B0_, C0_):
         Modifies the point-and-permute bits according to the
         last bit of the label.
     left, right, out = self.wires()
     l_pp_bit, r_pp_bit = get_last_bit(A0_), get_last_bit(B0_)
     out_pp_bit = get_last_bit(C0_)
     left.false_label.pp_bit = l_pp_bit
     left.true_label.pp_bit = not l_pp_bit
     right.false_label.pp_bit = r_pp_bit
     right.true_label.pp_bit = not r_pp_bit
     out.false_label.pp_bit = out_pp_bit
     out.true_label.pp_bit = not out_pp_bit
Beispiel #3
    def half_gates_ungarble(self, garblers_label, evaluators_label):
            Evaluates the gate by decrypting each half gate and XORing
            the result.

            :param garblers_label: the chosen label by the garbler
            :param evaluators_label: the chosen label by the evaluator
            :return: the correct output label
            :rtype: :class:`Label`
        if self.gate_type == 'AND':
            s_a, s_b = garblers_label.pp_bit, evaluators_label.pp_bit
            entry1, entry2 = self.table
            gen = hashlib.sha256(garblers_label.label).digest()
            eva = hashlib.sha256(evaluators_label.label).digest()

            C_g = xor(gen, entry1) if s_a else gen
            C_e = xor(eva, xor(entry2, garblers_label.label)) if s_b else eva

            output_label = Label(0)
            output_label.represents = None
            output_label.label = xor(C_g, C_e)
            output_label.pp_bit = get_last_bit(output_label.label)
            return output_label
            return self.free_xor_ungarble(garblers_label, evaluators_label)
Beispiel #4
    def grr3_ungarble(self, garblers_label, evaluators_label):
            If the point-and-permute bits are false, then imagine
            the ciphertext was the all zero ciphertext. Otherwise,
            proceed as in the point-and-permute optimization.

            :param garblers_label: the chosen label by the garbler
            :param evaluators_label: the chosen label by the evaluator
            :return: the correct output label
            :rtype: :class:`Label`
        left_pp_bit = garblers_label.pp_bit
        right_pp_bit = evaluators_label.pp_bit
        key1 = AESKey(garblers_label.to_base64())
        key2 = AESKey(evaluators_label.to_base64())
        if not left_pp_bit and not right_pp_bit:
            zero_ciphertext = bytes(settings.NUM_BYTES)
            output_label = Label(0)
            output_label.represents = None
            output_label.label = key2.decrypt(key1.decrypt(zero_ciphertext,
            output_label.pp_bit = get_last_bit(output_label.label)
            table_entry = self.table[2 * left_pp_bit + right_pp_bit - 1]
            output_label = pickle.loads(
                key2.decrypt(key1.decrypt(table_entry, from_base64=True)))
        return output_label
Beispiel #5
    def free_xor_garble(self):
            In this optimization *XOR* gates are garbled for free, that is,
            the table corresponding to this gate is empty. The way this
            optimization accomplishes this is by setting the true label
            of each wire as an offset *R* of the false label. This offset
            is global to the whole circuit, so by the properties of *XOR*,
            everything works out nicely. For more information see `the paper

            Note that FreeXOR is not compatible with GRR2.
        if self.gate_type == 'XOR':
            A0 = self.left_wire.false_label.label
            B0 = self.right_wire.false_label.label
            R = settings.R
            C0, C1 = xor(A0, B0), xor(xor(A0, B0), R)
            pp_bit = get_last_bit(C0)
            f_label = self.output_wire.false_label
            t_label = self.output_wire.true_label
            f_label.label = C0
            f_label.pp_bit = pp_bit
            t_label.label = C1
            t_label.pp_bit = not pp_bit
            if settings.GRR3:
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, file):
     if settings.FREE_XOR or settings.HALF_GATES:
         while True:
             settings.R = os.urandom(settings.NUM_BYTES)
             if get_last_bit(settings.R):
     self.tree = self.build_tree(file)
     self.input_wires = None
Beispiel #7
 def set_zero_ciphertext(self):
         Generates the zero ciphertext by taking the two labels
         with false point-and-permute bits and setting the output labels
         accordingly. This function is used for GRR3.
     l, r = self.left_wire, self.right_wire
     pp_left = l.false_label if not l.false_label.pp_bit else l.true_label
     pp_right = r.false_label if not r.false_label.pp_bit else r.true_label
     output_label = generate_zero_ciphertext(pp_left, pp_right)
     in1, in2 = pp_left.represents, pp_right.represents
     logic_value = self.evaluate_gate(in1, in2)
     true_label = self.output_wire.true_label
     false_label = self.output_wire.false_label
     if logic_value:
         true_label.label = output_label
         pp_bit = get_last_bit(output_label)
         true_label.pp_bit = pp_bit
         false_label.pp_bit = not pp_bit
         false_label.label = output_label
         pp_bit = get_last_bit(output_label)
         false_label.pp_bit = pp_bit
         true_label.pp_bit = not pp_bit
Beispiel #8
    def free_xor_ungarble(self, garblers_label, evaluators_label):
            Evaluates *XOR* gates for free by XORing the two
            labels he receives.

            :param garblers_label: the chosen label by the garbler
            :param evaluators_label: the chosen label by the evaluator
            :return: the correct output label
            :rtype: :class:`Label`
        if self.gate_type == 'XOR':
            output_label = Label(0)
            output_label.represents = None
            output_label.label = xor(garblers_label.label,
            output_label.pp_bit = get_last_bit(output_label.label)
            g, e = garblers_label, evaluators_label
            if settings.GRR3:
                output_label = self.grr3_ungarble(g, e)
                output_label = self.point_and_permute_ungarble(g, e)
        return output_label