def tominimize(p):
    """ Log of posterior probability function """
    lnp = lnpriorfn(p)
    if not np.isfinite(lnp):
        return (-np.inf)
    # compute the model brightness profile
    f = ModelJ1615(p)
    ModelVal = sampleProfile(f, Rmin, dR, nxy, dxy, u, v)
    chi2 = chi2compute(ModelVal, Re, Im, w)
    return (chi2)
Beispiel #2
def lnpostfnbis(p):
    """ Log of posterior probability function using less galario (faster)"""
    lnp = lnpriorfn(p)
    if not np.isfinite(lnp):
        return (-np.inf)
    # compute the model brightness profile
    f = ModelJ1615(p)
    ModelVal = sampleProfile(f, Rmin, dR, nxy, dxy, u, v)
    chi2 = chi2compute(ModelVal, Re, Im, w)
    return (-0.5 * chi2)
Beispiel #3
def tominimize(p):
    """ Only for the classical optimization process """
    lnp = lnpriorfn(p)
    if not np.isfinite(lnp):
        return (-np.inf)
    # compute the model brightness profile
    f = ModelJ1615(p)
    ModelVal = sampleProfile(f, Rmin, dR, nxy, dxy, u, v)
    chi2 = chi2compute(ModelVal, Re, Im, w)
    return (chi2 / 1000000)
def lnpostfn(p, p_ranges, rmin, dr, nr, nxy, dxy, u, v, re, im, w):

    """ Log of posterior probability function """

    ### apply prior
    lnprior = lnpriorfn(p, p_ranges)
    if not np.isfinite(lnprior):
        return -np.inf

    ### unpack the parameters
    f0_a, sigma_a, inc_a, pa_a, dra_a, ddec_a, f0_b, sigma_b, inc_b, pa_b, dra_b, ddec_b = p

    ### convert to correct units
    f0_a = 10.**f0_a
    f0_b = 10.**f0_b
    sigma_a *= arcsec
    sigma_b *= arcsec
    inc_a *= deg
    inc_b *= deg
    pa_a *= deg
    pa_b *= deg
    dra_a *= arcsec
    dra_b *= arcsec
    ddec_a *= arcsec
    ddec_b *= arcsec

    ### get gaussian profile
    f_a = GaussianProfile(f0_a, sigma_a, rmin, dr, nr)
    f_b = GaussianProfile(f0_b, sigma_b, rmin, dr, nr)

    ### calculate the visibilities of the two gaussians
    Vmod_a = g_double.sampleProfile(f_a, rmin, dr, nxy, dxy, u, v, inc=inc_a, PA=pa_a, dRA=dra_a, dDec=ddec_a)   
    Vmod_b = g_double.sampleProfile(f_b, rmin, dr, nxy, dxy, u, v, inc=inc_b, PA=pa_b, dRA=dra_b, dDec=ddec_b)

    ### calculate the chi2 using the sum of the visibilities
    chi2 = g_double.reduce_chi2(re, im, w, Vmod_a + Vmod_b)

    ### return likelihood
    return -0.5 * chi2 + lnprior